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Organizational Psychology

January 2023

Date Assigned: 01.02.2023

Due Dates: Task 1: 30.04.2023
Task 2: 14.05.2023
Lecturer: Ms. Aminath Zooshan Hussain Zareer
Weighting: 30% for the written report
20% for presentation

* Submit the soft copy of the assignment to the student portal before 17:59 p.m. on
or before the due date

1. This assignment consists of TWO (2) questions.

2. The assignment will be evaluated based on accurate explanations which fulfilled the
requirements of the questions and supported by credible points.
3. The word limit of the written component is between 2500 to 3000 words.
(Excluding tables, charts and appendices) Parts of the assignment which exceeds
the word limit will not be counted for marking.
4. You are required to undertake research through scholarly papers and other materials such
as newspaper articles, books and interviews available to support your analysis and
5. References in APA style must be included and taken from reliable sources such as
books and journals. Refer to the below link to view the details and samples of APA
6. Plagiarism, copying and cheating will NOT be awarded any mark, and
disciplinary actions will be taken instead.
7. Completed assignment must be submitted on or before the deadline.
8. Assignment submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be
penalized by deducting 5% of the maximum mark applicable for this assignment,
for each day. Assessment items submitted more than 10 days after the due date are
awarded zero marks.
9. This assignment contributes 50 percent (30% for the written report 20% for
presentation) of the total marks for the course.
10. The assignment should be written in Times New Roman font, with font size 12 and
with 1.5 line spacing.

The main objective of the written assignment is to check how well you can apply theoretical
aspects of Organizational psychology in real life scenarios.
TASK 1 – Write a REPORT based on the following assignment.

You will be divided into groups and given one of the following topics to work on. You can
discuss with your team mates and work together for both the tasks.
• However, the written report should be done individually.
• Write an essay for the given topic and make sure to include all the points given.
• You can add any points which you see fit but do not omit anyone which is given.
• You can structure the points in any order that you prefer.
• Do a thorough literature review and give correct citations and references throughout the

1. Topic 1: Workplace Stress

• Introduction (Define stress and workplace stress)
• Types of stress
• The signs of stress
• Causes of stress
• Managing stress in the workplace
• Conclusion (A well written summary of the essay)

2. Topic 2: Leadership in the workplace

• Introduction (Define leadership/ concept of leadership in the workplace)
• Importance of leadership in the workplace
• Qualities and characteristics of a good leader
• Consequences of having a bad leader in the workplace.
• Various leadership theories
• Conclusion (A well written summary of the essay)

3. Topic 3: Team work and group dynamics

• Introduction (Define teamwork and group dynamics)
• Tuckman’s Model of Group Dynamics
• Importance of teamwork
• Consequences of lack of teamwork and proper group dynamic
• Group structure
• Conclusion (A well written summary of the essay)
4. Topic 4: Effective Communication
• Introduction (Define communication)
• Difference between communication and effective communication
• Different types of communication in a workplace
• Problems faced in the workplace due to lack of effective communication
• Importance of effective communication in a workplace
• Conclusion (A well written summary of the essay)

Word limit: 2000 to 2500

[100 marks – 30%]

TASK 2 – Presentation
You have been divided into groups and the topics have been given to you.
• The lecturer will allocate one of the sub-topics (points under the topic) for each student.
• Each student will be responsible for the sub-topic that was discussed. There shall be no
changes after this.
• You are expected to make a slide on Google slide and share it with all the group
members so that everyone can add to it and edit it online (as we have online classes and
physical meet ups will be difficult).
• No other group member will be responsible for anyone else’s sub-topics.
• If you fail to make your part in the group presentation and present it, you will not be
awarded with any marks for the Task 2.
• The topics and sub-topics are the same as task one.
• Each student will be given 4 – 10 minutes for their section. If you are unable to present
for at least 4 minutes or it goes beyond 10 minutes, marks will be deducted.
• The entire presentation should be in English.
• Make sure to include necessary pictures and designs on the PPT.
• Do not make it so lengthy that you are reading off from the slides.
• You will be asked questions at the end of the presentation and expected to answer with
relevant references.

1. Topic 1: Workplace Stress

• Introduction (Define stress and workplace stress)
• Types of stress
• The signs of stress
• Causes of stress
• Managing stress in the workplace
• Conclusion (A well explained summary of the presentation)

2. Topic 2: Leadership in the workplace

• Introduction (Define leadership/ concept of leadership in the workplace)
• Importance of leadership in the workplace
• Qualities and characteristics of a good leader
• Consequences of having a bad leader in the workplace.
• Various leadership theories
• Conclusion (A well explained summary of the presentation)

3. Topic 3: Team work and group dynamics
• Introduction (Define teamwork and group dynamics)
• Tuckman’s Model of Group Dynamics
• Importance of teamwork
• Consequences of lack of teamwork and proper group dynamic
• Group structure
• Conclusion (A well explained summary of the presentation)

4. Topic 4: Effective Communication

• Introduction (Define communication)
• Difference between communication and effective communication
• Types of communication in a workplace
• Problems faced in the workplace due to lack of effective communication
• Importance of effective communication in a workplace
• Conclusion (A well explained summary of the presentation)

[100 marks - 20%]

Low Fair Average Excellent
1 2 3 4
The Introduction The introduction
The introduction
contained the consisted of all the
was vague and didn't
Introduction No introduction was written. definitions but not necessary definitions, 9
contain much
much explanation or explanations and
examples. examples.

Point 1 11

[Under each topic the different points

are given. Apart from Introduction and
Point 2 Conclusion there are 4 sub-topics. Here 11
The student has written
students will be marked on whether
The student has written some information on enough and relevant
they have written the needed
that sub-topic but was unable to explain it information for each sub-
information for that topic or not.]
well or give any examples of it either. topic and explained it
Point 3 well with examples. 11
If the student has not written for any of
these points they will not be given any
marks for these sections.

Point 4 11

A good summary of A good summary of the

A brief summary of the essay was given entire essay was given
Conclusion No conclusion was given. 10
the essay was given. but your opinion was with your opinion on the
not included. topic.
Overall Explanation of
Explanation was not given. Everything the entire essay and the
Explanation - - 8
was just written in point form. information provided in it
were excellent.
A few examples Examples were Relevant examples were
were present adequate; however, given and explained for
Examples No examples were given. 8
throughout the essay no explanations were all the points where it
but not explained. given. was necessary.
Majority of the
Moderate level of
The grammar was so poor that the essay had
grammatical errors Good grammar and
Language marker was not able to understand what grammatical errors 6
and mistakes were vocabulary used.
the student was trying to convey. and spelling
Some of the
paragraphs were There were some The whole essay was
Structure of
It was not in an essay structure. either too long or it issues in organizing structured and organized 5
the essay
was given in point the information well. well.
Reference and
Reference and citations
Reference and citations were given
Reference were in APA format.
No reference or citations were given. citations were given in APA format but 10
and citations There were at least 10
in the wrong format. the reference was less
valid references given.
than 7.
Total *30% of the total marks will be taken. 100
Criteria: Low Fair Average Excellent
Presentation 1 2 3 4
The student
They did not introduced themselves
Introduction of self - - 3
introduce themselves. before starting their
portion of the PPT.
Some relevant
information was The information was
Information on the Just one or two of the
Some information was present, however, relevant and it covered
sub-topic given to points were covered 10
given. there were some key all the points that were
the student by the student.
information missing as necessary.
No explanation was Most of the points
given rather Some information was were explained
The points were
Explanation everything was read explained but most properly with minimal 10
explained in detail.
from the Slide or was just read out. assistance from slides
notes. or notes.

No examples were One relevant example 2 to 3 relevant Good examples were

Examples 8
given. was given. examples were given. taken and explained.

A good grasp in
The student spoke in The students spoke in English language.
The student did not
Language both English and English but made a lot Hardly any mistakes 8
speak in English.
Dhivehi with of mistakes. were made during the
The student was
The student was not
Professional wearing appropriate
wearing proper attire - - 5
Appearance attire for the
for the presentation.
Showed enthusiasm
Stayed stagnant Minimal movement
Good hand gestures and interest while
Body language without any and lack of good body 5
and body posture. giving the
movements. posture.
Facial expressions
Did not show any
Shows some interest were in sync with
positive emotions Showed some emotion
and positive emotions what was being
Facial Expression while giving the during the 5
during the resented and during
presentation. Looked presentation.
presentation. question answer
bored and unbothered.
The student was able
Majority of the to change his/her level
The entire Part of the
Voice modulation/ presentation was given and tone of voice
presentation was presentation was given 5
tone with good voice according to the
given in mono-tone. in mono-tone.
modulation information being

The PPT had a good The PPT had a good

The PPT was filled The PPT had a lot of
balance of text and balance of information
with only text which text and it also
Design of the PPT pictures/diagrams, and pictures/diagrams. 8
was read out by the included some
however, it did not It was made in a
student. pictures/diagrams.
look professional. professional manner.

The student was able The student was

The student looked
Any form of to calm his/her engaging and
Overall nervous but presented
presentation skills was nervousness and presented the 10
presentation skills to the best of his/her
lacking. present in an engaging information in an
manner. interesting manner.
Reference and Reference and
Reference and citations were given in citations were in APA
Reference and No reference or
citations were given in APA format but the format. There were at 5
citations citations were given.
the wrong format. reference was less least 5 valid references
than 5. given.
The student was The students went a The student was able
The student finished
Time management unable to finish within few minutes over the to finish within the 8
before the given time.
the given time. time limit. time limit.

The student gave the The student was able

The student was The student gave the
Ability to answer correct answer but was to answer the
unable to answer the answer but did not 10
questions unable to explain it questions well with
questions. explain it.
very well. good explanations.
Total *20% of the total marks will be taken 100

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