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I. Expected Learning Outcomes

1. Explain and interpret the K+12 basic education program.

2. Determine the appropriate assessment tools for each level of assessment.
3. Compute the ratings of students and interpret the levels of proficiency.

II. Discussion Entries

A. Teacher’s Input

What is k to 12 program?

Enhanced K +12 Basic Education Program was institutionalized by President

Benigno Aquino III last May 15, 2013 at about 10:24 A. M. in Republic act No. 10533
when he signed it into law.

This is a law that adds 2 more years to basic education in the Philippines. This
law restructured the basic education in the country requiring the students/pupils to
undergo one year kindergarten, six years primary school, 4 years junior high school and
two years senior high school. This requires teachers to teach region’s mother tongue as
medium of instruction from grade 1 to 3.

By DepEd order no. 31, s 2012, the K to 12 Basic Education curriculum was
implemented starting with the roll-out of Grades 1 and 7 in all public and private
elementary and secondary schools effective school year 2012-2013.

The standard-based assessment in rating system of learning outcome was

implemented effective s/y 2012-2013 to support the progressive roll-out of k to 12
Basic Education curriculum starting with grades 1 and 7 in all public and private
elementary and secondary schools nationwide.

The policy guidelines for the assessment and rating of learning outcomes are
enclosed in the DepEd Order No. 73, series of 2012.(Sept. 5, 2012.) otherwise known as
The Guidelines on the Assessment and Rating of Learning Outcomes under the K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum.

The assessment process is holistic with emphasis on the formative or

developmental purpose of quality assurance in student learning. It is also standard-
based. It seek to ensure that teachers will teach to the standard in terms of content and

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The design of the curriculum follows the spiral approach across the subject by
building the same concept developed in increasing complexity and sophistication
starting from grade school.

The assessment of learning outcomes in the k+12 programs shall be done at

four levels arranged in hierarchical order from the simplest behavior to the most
complex behavior. This also identifies the three domains of educational activities; the
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective to ensure that the learning outcomes are
measurable demonstrable and verifiable.

This is a matrix showing the distribution of levels of assessment according to weight in

Level of Assessment Assessment tools Weights
Knowledge Objective tests 15%
Process/skills Group work/activity 25%
Understanding Case study/problem analysis, essay 30%
Product/performance Demonstration 30%
I. Knowledge
Area of consideration
 The content of the curriculum which includes facts and information that the
student must acquire.

Focus in assessment
 Student’s knowledge of specific facts and information

Desired Leaning Outcome

 Assessment should answer the questions:

1. What do we want students to know?

2. How do we want them to express or provide evidence of what they know?

Assessment Strategy
 If the intention is to find out student knowledge of specific facts and
information use traditional measures (paper-and-pencil tests using multiple
choice, true-false, or matching type tests).
 If the purpose is to determine if student knowledge of facts and information
is of sufficient breadth and depth to develop understanding, constructed
response type of assessment is useful to test the relevance and adequacy.
The use of scoring guides or rubrics is also appropriate.

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Assessment tools
 Objective examinations
 Rubrics

II. Process or skills

Learning area under consideration

 The cognitive operations that the student performs on facts and
information for the purpose of constructing meanings or understanding.

Focus in assessment
 How logically, analytically, or critically students make sense of or process
the information, or use it.
 How pupils construct meanings or make sense of the facts and information
 Operation involved in the process

Desired Learning outcome

 The assessment should answer the questions:
- What do we want students to do with what they know?
- How do we want them to provide evidence of what they can do
with what they know?

Assessment Strategies
 This may be assessed by asking learners to:
- Outline, organize, analyze, interpret, translate, convert or express
information in another form or format
- Draw analogies
- Construct graphs, models, flowcharts and mind maps or graphic
- Transform a textual presentation into a diagram
- Draw or paint pictures,
- Do role plays or express creatively their sense of facts and
In technology
- Listening to a dialogue to get details
- To demonstrate tools after being taught the use of it

Assessment tools
 Group work/activity rated with rubric or process performance-based
assessment tool

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III. Understanding

Learning area under consideration

 Ideas, principles and generalizations inherent to the discipline, which may
be assessed using the facets of understanding or other indicators of

Focus in assessment
 Meaning and understanding that the students make or develop

Desired learning outcome

The assessment should answer the questions:
 What do we want students to understand?
 How do we want students to understand?
 How do we want them to provide evidence of their understanding?

Assessment strategies
 The teacher should able to draw from the students the meaning(s) they
have made or their own understanding which may be expressed using
any of the FACETS OF UNDERSTANDING (explain, interpret, apply, give
perspective, show empathy, and self knowledge) or any other
appropriate manifestations of understanding as applied in specific
subject areas.

The six facets of understanding are

1. Explanation

 Sophisticated and apt explanations and theories that provide

knowledgeable and justified accounts of events, actions, and ideas:

2. Interpretation

 Narratives, translations, metaphors, images, and artistry that provide


3. Application

 Ability to use knowledge effectively in new situations and diverse


4. Perspective

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 Critical and insightful points of view:

5. Empathy

 The ability to get “inside” another person’s feelings and world view:

6. Self-Knowledge

 The wisdom to know one’s ignorance and how one’s patterns of thought
and action as well as prejudice understanding:

According to DepEd order no. 73 when the students understand they can:

 explain concepts, principles, and processes by putting it in their own words teaching
them to others, justifying their answers and showing their reasoning;
 interpret by making sense of data, text and experience through images, analogies,
stories and models;
 apply by effectively using and adopting what they know in new and complex contexts;
 demonstrate perspective by seeing the big picture and recognizing different points of
 Display empathy by perceiving sensitivity and putting one’s self in someone else’s
 Have self-knowledge by showing meta-cognitive awareness, using productive habits of
minds, and reflecting on the meaning of the learning experience.

Understanding may be assessed by the following criteria

 Breadth of understanding (connection to a wide range of contexts)

 Depth of understanding (use of insights, reflection)

Assessment tools:

 Case study
 Problem Analysis
 Essay Examination
 Formative test
 Summative test
 Games such as puzzles

IV. Products/performances

Learning area under consideration

 Product/performance or the evidence of students learning or understanding is

the highest level of assessment. It is the real-life application of understanding as
evidenced by the student’s performance of authentic tasks.

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Transfer of understanding to a real-life situation may be accessed through
 products – outputs which are reflective of learner’s creative application of
understanding; or
 performances – skilful exhibition or creative execution of a process, reflective
of masterful application of learning or understanding

Focus in assessment
 Products and/or performances that students are expected to produce through
authentic performances.

Desired learning outcome

This should answer the questions:
 What product(s) or performance(s) do we want student to produce as evidence
of their learning or understanding?
 How do we want them to provide evidence that they can use or transfer their
learning to real-life situations?

Assessment tools:
 Demonstration
 Scoring Rubrics
 Product performance based assessment

Marking System in the K+12 Program

The performance of the student is interpreted based on the following levels of


Level of Proficiency Equivalent Numerical Value

1. Beginning (B) 74 % and below
2. Developing (D) 75-79 %
3. Approaching Proficiency (AP) 80-84 %
4. Proficient (P) 85-89 %
5. Advanced (A) 90% and above

The final grade at the end of the four quarters shall be reported as the average of the
four quarterly ratings, expressed in terms of the level of proficiency.

Promotion and Retention

Promotion and retention of students shall be by subject. If the proficiency level is B at

the end of the quarter the student shall be required a remediation after class hours. If by the
end of the school year the student is still at the beginning level, then they shall be required to
take summer classes.

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Sample Computations:

Level of Assessment Computation Score
Knowledge 15 18/20 x 100 x 0.15 13.5
Process/skill 25 12/15 x 100 x 0.25 20.0
Understanding 30 11/15 x 100 x 0.30 22.0
Product/performance 30 70/80 x 100 x 0.30 26.25
Total 81.75
Level of Proficiency Approaching proficiency AP

B. Student’s Input

a. Activity

I. Provide an actual computation of students grade under the K+12 education program
by asking copies of class record of a teacher teaching grade 7 or grade 8 class in any
subjects. Analyze, evaluate and give your comments to this new marking of

II. To familiarize the k+12 Education Program, answer the following questions.

1. What is the DepEd order which serves as the policy guidelines on the
assessment and rating of learning outcomes under the k to 12 Basic Education
2. Give the number of Republic act which was signed into law by the President of
the Philippines instituting The Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education Program.
3. What is the suggested approach of DepEd in facilitating the K to 12 Education
4. Give the best assessment tool to use to evaluate the process or skill after a
5. Name the real-life application of understanding as evidenced by the student’s
performance of authentic tasks.
6. Name the best assessment tool needed to determine the learning outcomes of
students in product/performances assessment level.
7. What is the level of proficiency equivalent to a numerical value of 85?
8. What is the percent weight allotted in understanding level of assessment?
9. What is the level of proficiency which need remedial studies?
10. The operation involve in the development of teaching and learning situation?

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Work folio

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Work folio

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a) Reflection

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b) Summative Statement and Evaluation

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c) Documentary Proof of Learning

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d) My performance in the learning episode

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
of expected
2. Level of
effort used
in the
4.Value of
tive state-
ment and
6. Proof of
7. Level of
8. Accuracy
and quality
of output

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