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Escola B+ S Bispo D.

Manuel Ferreira Cabral

Criteria Excellent Good Average Limited Poor

50 40 30 20 10
Uses a diversified range of Uses a limited range of Uses a very limited range of
Vocabulary appropriate vocabulary; appropriate vocabulary; words are vocabulary, most of which is
words are according to the mostly according to the topic inappropriate; words are
topic. mostly inaccurate or outside
the topic scope.
30 24 18 12 6
 Well developed and clear  Mostly clear arguments, which  Arguments are scarce or
arguments, which help fulfil help fulfil the purpose of the text; mostly inappropriate / out of
the purpose of the text; although sometimes context failing to fulfil the
Content opinions are clearly stated inappropriate or out of context; purpose of the text; opinions
and justified. opinions are clearly stated and are scarce or confusing, and
 Text conveys a sense of justified. without justification.
completeness.  Text doesn´t totally convey a  Text lacks completeness or
sense of completeness. efficacy as far as arguing is
50 40 30 20 10
 Writing is grammatically  Writing is not always  Writing reveals numerous
correct grammatically correct errors that often prevent
 Minor errors do not impede  Some errors, but these do not understanding.
Grammar communication interfere with understanding  Frequent interference from
 Minimal interference from communication mother tongue
mother tongue  Some interference from  Linguistic conventions are
 Linguistic conventions are mother tongue seldom respected
respected  Linguistic conventions are
sometimes not respected
40 32 24 16 8
 Arguments/ opinions are  Arguments/ opinions are mostly  Arguments/ opinions are
presented in an accurate and presented in an accurate and presented in a confusing and
precise way precise way; a few repetitions mostly inaccurate way or
Focus  Focus on purpose and genre may occur consist mostly of repetitions
is constantly present.  Focus on purpose and genre is  Lack of sense of focus on
sometimes diverted. purpose and genre.

30 24 18 12 6
 Text clearly shows  Text shows beginning, middle  Lacks defined beginning,
beginning, middle and and ending, although transitions middle and ending
ending. may be confusing  Writing is a mostly
 Writing is well organized with  Writing is a generally organized Disorganized, sometimes
use of appropriate cohesive and coherent, with the use of incoherent, with the
elements to connect ideas. simple cohesive elements. occasional use of
Organization  Paragraphs are well defined  Paragraphs may not be correctly elementary cohesive
and correctly applied applied or defined. elements.
 Sentences are correctly  Sentences are mostly clear and  Paragraphs are not correctly
structured correctly structured applied or defined.
 Punctuation is correct.  Punctuation may show lack of  Sentences are mostly
precision. confusing and incorrectly
and structured
 Punctuation on-existing or
showing lack of precision

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