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Personnel requirements:

In order for the whole business to operate smoothly, the need of skilled personnel’s such as managers
and workers is of great importance. Their qualifications must be in accordance to what our business is
looking for because this will determine the quality production of our products or services were going to
offer. It is recommended that potential personnel’s to be evaluated in our business must exhibit certain
characteristics, such as professionalism, assertiveness, critical thinking, and solid marketing experience.
The following qualifications will provide a better understanding of the requirements to hiring the most
qualified personnel for our photography business.

 The personnel to be hired in our business must at least have three or more years of experience
in a business management or similar role.
 The personnel to be hired must have the ability to analyze processes and information, identify
problems and trends, and develop effective solutions and strategies.
 The personnel is required to have at least a post-secondary education of some sort .
 The personnel to be hired should possess the following professional and personality
1. Organized
2. Good communicator
3. Confident
4. Creative
5. Critical thinking skills
6. Reliable
7. Interactive
8. Consistent and disciplined

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