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Worksheet: Affective Learning Competencies

1. Develop a self-made learning outcome, format as shown below, from any specific
topic of your field of specialization.
Note: Learning Outcome should be self-made and is designed for new normal in

Affective Domain:
Specific Topic:

Level Learning Outcomes

Determine what constitutes a disaster.
Receiving hazard, vulnerability, and risk
The students will provide examples of real-
Responding life scenarios.
to some tragedy encounter

Valuing Show the types and causes. disasters

Organizing Recognize the relationship between the

different stages of a disaster (mitigation,
readiness, reaction, and restoration
Characterizing Describe the practices that are used in
preparation and prevention before to,
during, and after
as well as following a tragedy

The video demonstrates how much of an influence a teacher has on a student's

emotional area this is one of the clarifications that most students would judge
conditionally based on the surroundings they may encounter. It happens a
deeper grasp of what, how, and why the teacher used to educate students, not
because of the instructional objectives, but because of the ethical principles that
the instructor may develop with each learner. After seeing the movie, my own
opinions on This is very important in dealing with the emotional. part between the
teacher and the student because delivers an effective and efficient result for one
another by understanding what traits of a teacher and how well she handled the
situation of students by evaluating their own conduct as well as whether or not
the student has a difficulty. Whereas the learner makes an effort to assign a
value to what his instructor specifically gives for him to be
She is a motivation for them to learn and succeed.

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