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Burlica Ionela: Second and third paragraphs

Botezatu Ana-Maria: Fourth and fifth paragraphs

Bodnar Andreea: First and last paragraphs

Crihan Elena: Sixth and seventh paragraphs

Religion in early American literature

‘…we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon
us.’ (Governor John Winthrop, A model of Christian Charity)

The subject of our analysis is the Puritan beliefs about divinity as a driving force that acts
as a puppeteer who handles the lives of people as if they are just some little puppets. In this
respect, we will show the fact that Puritans were considering themselves as being ‘the chosen
ones’, predestinated to live in ‘a city upon a hill’. This prophetic vision offers an utopian image
of the ‘future America’ guiding the people for the final purpose, that of salvation. We base our
analysis on Winthrop’s ‘A Model of Christian Charity’, on Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur’s
‘What is an American’ and on Jonathan Edwards’s ‘Sinners in the hands of an angry God’ texts.

First of all, a very important point of discussion would be the Puritan perception of
Divinity and the relationship between people and God. Starting from Jonathan Edward and
Winthrop’s texts, ‘Sinners in the hands of an angry God’ and ‘A Model of Christian Charity’,
respectively, it can be stated that Puritans believed heavily in their faith and involved God in just
about everything they did. In their conception, Divinity was the supreme authority which had the
power of controlling their lives and, more than this, of bringing their salvation. Following the
same ideas, God appears as the master who leads everything and people as little servants who
must obey him if they do not want to bear His anger and to die: ‘…let us choose life, […] by
obeying His voice and cleaving to Him, for He is our life and our prosperity’. (Winthrop, John, A
Model of Christian Charity).

The concept of a vengeful God is emphasized by both authors, inspiring their works from
Bible and, especially, from Old Testament. According to Puritan doctrine, people were
condemned to hell if they did not maintain a personal relationship with God this meaning, in the
same time, a close bond with the church too. People should try to purify themselves by self-
discipline and being extraordinary examples of piety. Only in this way they could feel the mercy
of the Almighty God, for He is superior to all mankind and no human being, nor anyone or
anything else, affects His decisions.

Secondly, another important aspect that will be brought into discussion is the fact that the
Puritans were considering themselves the most important people on Earth, the people chosen by
God, ‘God’s country’. In this respect, the texts ‘A Model of Christian Charity’ and ‘What is an
American’ are vital in showing the major differences that the Puritans were seeing between
America and the rest of the world and the fact that America was predestinated to be ‘a city upon
a hill’. The idea that there must be a balance between people, meaning that some must be poor
and some must be rich: ‘some high and eminent in power and in dignity; others mean and in

submission’ is clearly highlighted in Winthrop’s text. America is seen as the most powerful and
rich country, with the eyes of the rest of mankind upon it, an example of how everyone else
should be.

Puritans thought that their society would be ‘a city upon a hill’ to show other people how
to live their lives in order to fulfill God’s will, their society being like a model to be followed and
that everyone should follow this model. Because, what is big in Europe is small in America,
America being a modern society, a place where people find new identity, benefitting of liberty,
as it is shown in Crevecoeur’s text: ‘What is an American’; there can be observed the huge
differences between American and European societies and the fact that American society serves
as an example for the rest of the world, being the city that has all the eyes upon it.

Thirdly, the last argument but equally important as the other above, is the fact that all
three texts ‘A Model of Christian Charity’ , ‘What is an American’ and ‘Sinners in the hands of
an angry God’ are prophetic texts. Each of them says something which will happen in the future,
something which will radically change the course of the events of the history. The prophetic
literature is a didactic literature, maybe "she" doesn't show to us how to make the major of the
things of our life in a best manner or way, but it shows us the way in which the things will
happen from the perspective of a single concept as it was the concept of America before being a
real America.

Another important thing which can be mentioned in this argument is the way in which the
beliefs of the Puritans are present in these prophetic texts. From these texts we find that God's
will is fulfilled (in each of the text).

It’s hard to put a conclusion to this essay because religion is a generous topic of
discussion and we narrowed it in only three arguments and for this fact there are plenty things
that remain to talk about. But, what is visible in all ideas of our essay is that ‘America was born
to be on top’ and more than that, God is certainly a part of America. Creation of Early America
since the days when it was only an idea was seen in the books that have foretold that the people
of America will change the world and will control almost everything. Puritan beliefs helped them
to accept their condition of submission even if they were masters or slaves, and for this fact can
be an example for others because they were the ones who found the balance. God was there with
them all the time, in good moments and in the worse ones and Americans have always found the
strength to take it from the beginning. With their beliefs in God, with their courage and their
submission they gained the right to be ‘a city upon a hill.’

BIBLIOGRAPHY (accessed December 10, 2015) (accessed December 11, 2015) (accessed December 12,

2025) (accessed December 12, 2015)

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