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Names: Section: 12E STEM B St.

Lupante, Shaianna Mae M.
Zipagan, Khimberly
Abeya, Darylle
Calinsuay, Kate
Awakan, Lim
Bayudang, Carel Joyce

A paper plane, sometimes known as an "airplane," is a toy aircraft that is typically

fashioned of a single folded sheet of paper or paperboard. A paper dart is a straightforward, nose-heavy
paper airplane that is hurled like a dart.
I. Airplane Design Analysis

Figure 1: Bullnose Glider

The paper plane used by the students is a bullnose glider as shown in figure 1. The Bullnose
glider is a tough paper airplane which can take a little more battering due to the strength of its front end
design. The bullnose glider is a paper airplane that has no point at the front unlike other airplane who
has a pointed nose. This plane design has a lock to help secure the folds and parts from flopping at the
flight process. The wings of an airplane share a shape with those of insects, bats, and birds, called an
airfoil. The design of an aircraft's wing or airfoil, particularly the lift force, helps it fly. In the section on
wing loading, it is discussed how the size of the wing impacts the airplane's speed. This particular style
of aircraft has slightly larger airfoils than the standard design to aid in speed because the larger the
wings, the slower the plane will fly or glide. Sharp creases and perfect folding will reduce drag and
enhance time aloft which is as seen on the figure 2 the other side was slightly wrinkled to help with the
flight so that air will reflect of it which pulls the tail down and make the plane fly higher.

Figure 2: Underneath the Bullnose Glider

II. Flight Analysis
A paper plane can fly for a variety of reasons. The air is one of the factors that causes a paper airplane
to fly the aircraft. The range and ease of flight of a paper airplane are both governed by its aerodynamics. The
plane's aerodynamics must have minimum drag and be extremely light to defy gravity. The forces of lift and
thrust are also utilized by paper aircraft. In every airplane flight process there’s the four forces that affects the
plane which are the lift, thrust, gravity and drag. When a plane flies level, drag is what pulls it back and
thrust is the energy that pushes the plane forward. Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss physicist who lived in
the seventeenth century, observed that air pressure decreases as it speeds up. The pressure of air rises
as it slows down. As a result, weight, also referred to as gravity, and is exerted downward by the
slower air passing over the wing. Pushing upward is the quicker air under the wing. The struggle
between these opposing forces is what generates lift. During level flight, lift and weight pull equally.
Lift also contributes to drag by pulling up and a little back. A typical paper airplane’s drag is one
fifth of its weight.

Figure 3: Paper Airplane Forces Diagram

Regarding the bullnose glider airplane design, the experiment showed that, when the students provided
thrust force to the craft to propel it forward, it glided for a long time, especially when they were at a greater
altitude. The students will be focusing on the specific flight pattern of bullnose glider shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Bullnose Glider Flight Pattern

For the particular flight of the aircraft in figure 4, it travelled in a downward motion because it was flown
in a higher altitude by one of the student by exerting force to push the plane. A throw gives a plane its initial
speed, and gravity pulls it along. When a plane flies level, drag is what pulls it back. Most of drag comes from air
resistance. As a plane flies, air sticks to it, creating turbulence, or resistance to motion. Air passing over and
beneath the wings gives the aircraft an upward lift force as it flies forward which is the reason why it flew for a
long time. As explained in the third paragraph lift and weight or gravity pull equally but in this illustration the
plane initially appears to be traveling downward before rising briefly, continuing to descend while turning left,
and then gliding to a stop. The downward direction shows that the weight or gravity pulled more than lift but for a
brief time it rose directly because lift took the upper hand then gave it back to weight or gravity until the landing.
For the turning of the airplane before landing it was cause by the wind at that time of flight or it may be the
weight of the paper airplane.

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