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GEPE 103 TTH 06:00-07:00 PM





Module 5: Dance and Folkdance


Activity 1 “Let’s
Create” Instruction:

• You will ask your family members to assist you with the performance.
• You will be given 10 minutes to think and conceptualize.
• Each group will create 4 locomotor and non-locomotor movement that will be
used to explain the elements of dance.
• You will perform the movement repeatedly for 1 minute.
• Be sure that your performance will hit all the elements of dance.
a. How do you find the activity?
I find the activity very fun at the same time it makes me breathless amidst the
b. What was your realization after the activity?
I realized that those locomotor and non-locomotor movements I did are essential
and might be used to create choreography in dance. Because what matters the
most in dancing is the dancer itself is enjoying the rhythm and sounds no matter
what movements/choreos are being applied.
c. Where you able to use all the elements of dance?
I can tell that yes, I did.
Activity 2

“Fundamental of Arms and Feet Positions” Instruction:

• With the same group as in activity 1 interpret the fundamental of arms and feet
positions being described below.
• You will be given 30 minutes to interpret and practice.
• You will perform the arms positions first, then the feet positions, and combination
of arms and feet.
• You will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Correct interpretation – 20 points
Synchronization – 15 points

Activity 4

“Time to Imitate”


• Each student will think of 1 animal to imitate.

• You will be given 15 minutes to practice the movements of the animal you want to
• Each student must perform at least 4 different movements of the animal you plan
to imitate. All 4 different movements must be performed repeatedly for 1 minute.
• Record your performance.
• Each student will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Characterization – 10 points
Entertainment Value – 10 points

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

• How do you find the activity?

If I will be honest, I would say that I find the activity so hilarious. I haven’t

experienced imitating such an animal in my whole life---but well, just this one and

it’s pretty hard to be exact.

• What are the things you need to consider before imitating an animal?

First, you need to search what that animal does on its daily basis and as for what

I did, I certainly chose the animal who I am comfortable to imitate though I’m not

certain if what I did was right.

 In life, how is imitating of help to you?

For me, imitation is not that a big help especially if we’re talking about a person’s

character/personality and even the whole thing here in the world. If you imitate

someone or something you will lose your own identity—the real you and I find it

annoying when someone imitates me as well. Another example is a bag— luxury

brands like Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors , Gucci and the few, it has a lot of imitations

(fakes) which I’m sad about, I’m really opposed by those who are into imitating the

designs of those brands because I myself is a fan of those luxury brands (though

I don’t have any of them) it’s like you’re mocking the thing you imitate. No matter
what someone do to imitate the other it’s not worth it and as a matter of fact it’s

really disturbing.

Activity 3
“What Am I?”

Name: Vivien Anne C. Tabar________

Among the different forms of dance, which one you think will best describe yourself?
Defend your answer.

Among those different forms of dance, I think cultural dance is what describes me
most. For reference, cultural dance is a technique of informing others about the
aspects of one’s culture that everyone should be aware of and it is also the means
through which other people can respect, learn about, and value other traditions and
customs—it also allow other cultures to tell their stories about their dances—and these
are what I can see and describe my personality is. I am a type of person who is not
very expressive in terms of speaking—I am not a talkative one but you can assess my
personality through my actions, the way I treat you as a person. I’m not claiming that
I am a good person but I am molded by my parents’ words—their norms and our
traditions in the family which is instilled in me that until now I still carry and those are
shared and expressed to others, especially to my friends. Another information about
me is that I am not a roman catholic but mostly my friends are but they respect me—
my beliefs and I respect them as well. Just like any types of dances, whatever forms
(characteristics/personalities) is that, still, it creates harmony when being combine it’s
because we express our true selves to one another and respects those differences
(genres) because at the end of the day we have the same purpose and that is to
express ourselves.

Source of the image:

(Paste a picture of you or somebody else dancing)


Philippine Folk Dance Interpretation

• You will interpret a folk dance literature below.
• Or you can choose your own folk dance literature to interpret for your
• You will be given time to interpret the literature.
• Record your performance.
• You will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Authenticity 25 points
Mastery 15 points
Timing & Coordination 10 points
50 points
1. How would you promote dancing to the community as a form of physical activity
that improves fitness and health?
Given the situation we are currently facing right now, outdoor activities may be
impossible to happen but if ever things will get back to normal and restrictions will
be lifted it is good to suggest that by having a community zumba will be a good
start by improving our own fitness and health. Actually this activity is not new
because I saw a lot of moms and lolas who is into with this activity (before
pandemic strike) in our barangay/association and I think if one or two persons
initiate to do the zumba, people will eventually gather and join as well because as
I observed, one must have the guts in order the other to follow the same action.

2. In what way dancing affects your total well-being?

Dancing for me is happiness. I feel elated and happy every time I dance, especially

those kpop choreos that are trends nowadays. I take a break answering my

modules every 1 hour so that I can dance because in that way I can relieve my

stress and be in a good condition to start answering again. Before I sleep I also

dance for maybe 20 minutes—all kpop dances because that makes me happy and

it also helps me to sweat more—removing toxins from the body since I felt

unproductive sitting and answering the module the entire day. I also read in an

article that dancing is healthy for one’s mental health and I really do agree with

that because I experience that myself.


3. What are the illnesses, injuries, and diseases that can prevented when you engage
yourself in dancing? Why?
Firstly, it can help boost our mental health, particularly that human beings are

prone to stress and other mental issues that need to be addressed and dancing

might be able to help us to divert our attention and replenish our positive energy

once again. Furthermore, heart diseases and obesity can also be prevented by

engaging ourselves in dancing because the more we sweat and move, our body

will feel energetic and away from various heart diseases.

4. Why is dance considered a mark to one’s culture?

I think it’s because dancing is like a universal language. One is able to express

their feelings, culture and tradition through dance because apart from it being

widespread it is also entertaining to watch. Every tribe and nationality has its own

remarkable dance which is being played on various occasions that fall down as a

norm and become a culture.

5. How will you promote patriotism and nationalism to the “millennial” through the
performance of the Philippine folk dances?
I believe that every steps in a folk dance has a deep meaning and somehow not

all can interpret it perfectly since only few who are into this kind of genre and some

are not so knowledgeable enough because admittedly, you must search and

browse the origin of the dance to be able to understand what they would like the

audience to perceive. If I will to promote patriotism and nationalism to the millennial

through folk dance, I will make sure that there is also a pinch of a modernism in

the dance and the theme to gather attention since it is tricky to persuade the
millennial nowadays because I can’t deny that there are various trends of dances

nowadays that came from different countries especially Korea and Western

countries that mostly our countrymen adored and I think it’s not bad to embrace

different genres of dances but what we would do is to relive our own folk dances

as well to make it recognizable once again by simply uploading videos in different

media platforms because that was the easy and the big market to gain audiences.

6. Explain: “To dance is to live, and to live is to dance”.

Dancing is what makes a person alive and happy. Perhaps, it makes people heal

from different heart aches that are inflicted on them because dancing has this kind

of power to speak out your anger, happiness and vulnerability without judgment.

People has the ability to hurt someone with their words and actions that make one

person to feel the sadness within her/him that sometimes talking to another can be

more painful but thankfully, there’s dance, that can make us feel better by lashing

out our frustration to make us feel better once again, and continue to battle the

field of no one is certain—Life.

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