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This is a primary activity administered to determine your baseline

knowledge and preparedness for the lesson.

Activity: Introduction to Literature

I. Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What is literature?
Literature generally can be written works

2. How would you describe the literature in the Philippines?

Philippine literature reflects a diverse range of works, the majority of which are
based on traditional folktales, sociopolitical histories, and real-life experiences

3. What is the significance of literature to culture in tradition?

Literature allows us to travel back in time and learn about life on Earth from those
who have gone before us. We can gain a better understanding of cultures and
appreciate them more. We learn from the ways history is recorded, such as
manuscripts and oral history.

II. Direction: Explain the different types of literary genre.

1. Poetry
Poetry is a type of literary art that employs aesthetics
and rhythmic qualities of language in order to elicit meanings in
in addition to or instead of mundane ostensible meaning.

Chapter I: Introduction to Literature

2. Prose
Prose is a type of language that contains rather than rhythmic syntax and natural
speech structure in this regard, as well as its measurement in
It differs from poetry in that it uses sentences rather than lines.

3. Drama
Drama is a verse or prose composition intended to depict life or a character or to tell
a story usually involving conflicts and emotions via action.

4. Non-fiction
Non-fiction is a piece of writing based on facts, real events, and real people, such as
a biography or history

5. Media
Media literature is the most recent type of literature to be designated as a distinct

Chapter I: Introduction to Literature

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