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Learning about this started on 12/11/22

ICT notes
Day 1
Coding is just a language for computer used to solve certain problems
faced by the machine or to complete a task that is given. There are many
types of coding languages and many platforms to code on. (e.g., for coding
languages C, C++, COBOL, PASCAL, etc.)

Just like humans, computer languages also have generations. A computer

language is one of the mediums to interact with the computer. The
evolution of computer languages is often known as generation. The
concept of language generation is called level.

First-generation (1GL): Machine language

First-generation language used in the 1940’s. Lowest level of computer
language. This computer can be easily interpreted by a computer. (First
generation languages were mainly used for first-generation computers)
(Binary code and only used for first generation computers) (Binary code is
a long series of 1’s and 0’s) (Size takes up a part of a room).

Second-generation (2GL): assembly language

Assembly language was developed in the mid 1950’s. Considered a great
leap forward. Used mnemonic codes, or easy-to-remember abbreviations
rather than numbers. (e.g., of codes A for add, CMP for compare, MP for
multiply and STO for storing information into memory.) Assembly language
consist of a series of individual statements or instructions that instruct a
computer. The level of detail is required to write a program in an assembly
language is also greater (written in specific processors). Assembly
language needs a translator (assembler).(assembly language)

Third-generation language (3GL): High-level

Third-generation computer language. Became the make of the major
means of communication because compare with first and second
generation it is more advanced.(BASIC)

Fourth-generation language (4GL): very high-level

Mostly used in commercials and non-procedural (instructions). Different
from third generation language which are procedural language, meaning
the programmer has to specify what the program should do and how it
should do it, with step-by-step instructions. Increases productivity so
programmers don’t have to type a lot of lines of code to get something
(SQL language)
Fifth-generation language (5GL): artificial
Developed in the 1990’s of fifth-generation languages. While fourth-
generation programming languages are designed to build specific
programs. Fifth-generation languages are designed to make the computer
solve a given problem with less involvement of a programmer. The
programmer only needs to think about what problems need to be solved
and what conditions need to be met, without thinking about how to
implement a routine or algorithm to solve

Day 2
5 main types of programming languages
-Machine language
-Assembly language
-High-level language
-Very high-level language
-Artificial Language

Pg 59
Computer translator
A computer language translator is defined as a computer program that
converts instructions written in a given computer language to another
language. The text that is translated is called the source code. The
language that the source code is translated into is called the target
language. The product is sometimes called the target code or object

An assembler is a utility software program that converts a program written
in assembler in language into machine language and vice-versa.

A utility that is a software program that transform source code to written in
high-level language into machine language (object code) that a computer
can understand. Compiler converts an entire source code into object code
in one attempt and generates an error is with line numbers (any type).

Source File Source File Source File Source File

| | | |
Object file Object file Object file Object file
\ \ / /
------------------ linker -------------------
Executable program

An interpreter is a utility software program that translate the source code
into intermediate code and immediately executes it line-by-line. The object
is not stored in a separate file. The interpreter analyses and executes each
line of source code in succession, without looking at the entire program.

The disadvantage of an interpreter is that it has no memory to store the

translated lines. Every time a program is executed, the source code has to
be converted afresh. Some of the high-level languages that use an
interpreter are BASIC, COBOL and PERL.

Important terms and definitions

A technique in which logical parts of a problem are divided into series of
individual, interchangeable routines so that each may be programmed

Procedural programming
Refers to functions and executions of the functions step by step (linear

Non-procedural programming
(Opposite of procedural programming) a type of programming where the
programmer has to specify what the program should do, rather than step by

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

A program no longer a series of instructions but a collection of object.
(Object contains both data and instructions that are assigned to classes,
and can perform specific tasks

Event-driven programming
Code that executes in response to an event called event-driven

A technique in which the logical parts of a problem are divided into series
of individual.

Rapid application development (RAD)

The process of rapidly creating an application without extensive pre-

Day 3
What is network?
Network consists of two or more computers linked together for sharing

Types of networks (can be categorized by

geographical area)
 PAN (Personal Area Network)
 LAN (Local Area Network)
 CAN (Campus Area Network)
 MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
 WAN (Wide Area Network)

PAN (Personal Area Network)

Small range, only a few meters
Used among personal devices.

LAN (Local Area Network)

Network within a building.
Range covers a few kilometers
Single or organization

CAN (Campus Area Network)

Multiple LANs within the same campus
Different colleges connected in the same university campus or branches of
same office in a specific region

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

For computers interconnecting within the same geographical area
Range is bigger than LAN but smaller than CAN
Within a city

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Network that spread across cities, countries or maybe even continents to
transfer different type of data across the world.

Advantages of computer network

 Centralized software management
 Resource sharing
 Speed
 Cost efficient
 Security

Centralized software management

Software can be loaded on the main computer, the file server
Doesn’t need to spend a lot of time and save energy

Resource sharing
Being able to share resources
Save spaces

Files can be sent and received quickly

Cost efficient
Saves money

Protected by passwords
Read only files
Disadvantages of computer network
 When the server develops a fault, not be able to run application
 If the network stops operating, cannot access the data/files
 Becomes difficult to manage when a large number of computers are
 If the server is hacked or attacked by a virus, computers are at risk
 As traffic increases, performance degrades

Day 4
Network topology
Physical arrangement of cables.
-Bus topology
-star topology
-ring topology

Day 5 & 6
N/A (tr quiz class on lessons).

Day 7
The medium used for transmission of data between the nodes in a network
is called a transmission channel.

Type of transmission channels

- Wire
- Wireless

Wired transmission
- Coaxial cable
- Twisted pair cable
- Fibre-optic cable

Coaxial cable
- Short distance transmission
- Cheap
- Commonly used
- Used for low-powered signal

Twisted pair cable

- Consists two independent insulated wires
- Twisted around one another
- Twisting stop disruption of single due to adjacent pairs

Fibre-optic cable
- Use the concept of light for transmission
- Can travel over a long distance with less damage
- Steadily replacing copper wire as an appropriate means of
communication through signal transmission

Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance
without the use of wire.

They can transmit data over thousands or even millions of kilometers for
radio communication

They can also operate at different frequencies.

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a wireless LAN technology that enables laptops,

PCs and other devices to connect easily to the internet.

Examples of transmission channels

- Bluetooth
- Remote controls (for electronic devices)
- Mobile phones
- Wireless networking
- Radio waves
- Satellite

Radio waves
- Used for long distances
- can pass through any non-metallic objects
- Radio waves are used in radio communication (AM/FM)

- Oldest forms of wireless communication
- Electromagnetic radiation
- For short distance
- Cannot go through walls
- Travels in straight line

- Most commonly used wireless transmission
- Access points and wireless devices work on microwave
- Not cost effective
- Extensively used in cellular communication

- Short distance (3-300ft)
- Phones, laptop, digital cameras, MP3 players
- Enables small device form a small network
- Eight devices can be connected to one Bluetooth
- Bluetooth uses radio wave technology. (Low power consumption and
not very expensive)

Day 8
Mobile operating system
- Introduced in the late 90’s
- Making and receiving calls
- Sending text messages
- Just like a loaded compact computer
- Can be designed and uploaded easily
- Smart phones

Android by google
iOS by Apple
BlackBerry OS by RIM
webOS by Hewlett Packard

Day 9 (MCQ) -question sheet will be posted on

google classroom
1. There are four types of client-server architecture
2. Multiple
3. Peer-to-peer
4. Client machine
5. Ring
6. Star
7. Bus
8. Ring
9. Hub
10. Topology
11. Star
12. Ring
13. Server
14. Clients
15. Capabilities and responsibilities
16. Server
17. Few
18. Peer-to-peer
19. Transmission channel
20. Work station
21. Client-server architecture
22. Wires
23. Wireless
24. Resources
25. Personal Are Network (PAN)
26. WLAN
27. Campus Are Network(CAN)
28. MAN
29. WAN
30. Network

True and false

1. False
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

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