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Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178

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Microwave assisted extraction of flavonoids from Terminalia bellerica:

Study of kinetics and thermodynamics
R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan ⇑
Centre for Nanotechnology & Advanced Biomaterials (CeNTAB), School of Chemical & Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur 613401, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microwave-assisted solid–liquid extraction (MAE) of flavonoids from Terminalia bellerica Roxb. has been
Received 21 September 2015 investigated to understand the influence of solvent-to-feed ratio (5–40 mL/g) and temperature
Received in revised form 7 November 2015 (40–100 °C) on kinetics and thermodynamics of extraction. The flavonoid concentration–time data were
Accepted 25 November 2015
analysed using a second order kinetic model to determine extraction constant. A diffusion model was
Available online 2 December 2015
utilized to determine diffusion coefficient taking into account of both washing and diffusion phases
together. Solvent-to-feed ratio and temperature were observed to show a significant effect on flavonoid
yield, extraction rate and effective diffusion coefficient with the highest solvent-to-feed ratio and tem-
Microwave assisted extraction
Terminalia bellerica
perature providing the maximum flavonoid yield of 25.21 mgQE/g using water as the solvent. An empir-
Flavonoids ical equation has been developed to predict extraction kinetics. Thermodynamic parameters revealed
Kinetics MAE process to be spontaneous and endothermic. The kinetic and diffusion models provided valuable
Effective diffusion coefficient insights into the microwave assisted extraction process. T. bellerica was observed to be a good source
Thermodynamics of flavonoids. Therefore, MAE is a suitable method for extraction of flavonoids from T. bellerica when
water alone is to be used as the solvent, as in the case of traditional Indian medicinal preparations.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Flavonoids are polyphenolic plant pigments that are ubiquitous

to plant cells. These are antioxidants and free radical scavengers
Solid–liquid extraction involves the recovery of solute from the protecting against the oxidative reactions taking place in the body.
solid media using a liquid solvent [1,2]. The use of microwave radi- The average daily intake of these secondary metabolites from nat-
ation for mass transfer intensification is well-known [2]. In micro- ural sources for humans is 1–2 g per day [14]. Research on flavo-
wave assisted solid–liquid extraction, the extraction is accelerated noids has gained significant importance as they act as functional
due to the changes in cell anatomy caused by the impact of micro- compounds with the potential to serve as derivatives of new drugs.
wave radiation. The accelerated extraction may be attributed to Also, beneficial effects of flavonoid-rich natural products have been
synergistic action of temperature and concentration gradients established [14]. Supplementing processed foods with flavonoids is
operating in the same direction [3,4]. It is pertinent to note that being practiced to warrant sufficient daily intake to enhance the
in microwave assisted solid–liquid extraction, the heat is dissi- immune system [15]. One such important plant widely used in
pated directly within the moisture-laden solid matrix causing the the treatment of various ailments and a rich source of flavonoids
sudden disruption of the same [5]. However, in the conventional and other bioactive compounds is Terminalia bellerica Roxb.
solid–liquid extraction methods, heat transfer takes place from T. bellerica Roxb. (T. bellerica) is a deciduous medicinal tree that
external cell surfaces to the internal core [3]. is seen mostly in the moist valleys, lower hills of India and in other
Microwave assisted solid–liquid extraction (MAE) is a widely parts of South East and Central Asia. It belongs to the Combretaceae
used technique for the extraction of valuable bioactive components family and is a rich source of bioactive constituents [16]. Various
from plant materials [6–10]. MAE is superior compared to other parts of the tree are used for different therapeutic purposes. How-
conventional methods of extraction like Heat Reflux Extraction ever, the dry fruits of T. bellerica possess maximum health benefits
(HRE) or Soxhlet extraction with respect to extraction time, solvent [17]. Traditionally it is one of the principal constituents of the
consumption, the final yield of purified product, etc. [5,11–13]. Ayurvedic formulation Triphala, where it is used as an expectorant
[18]. Ethanolic extract of T. bellerica was determined to be effective
⇑ Corresponding author. against several pathogenic organisms like P. vulgaris, E. coli,
E-mail address: (K.S. Rajan). B. subtilis and S. aureus [19]. Separation and purification of vital
1383-5866/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
170 R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178

bioactive constituents from the dried fruits of T. bellerica will open Chemical Company, USA. DPPH was procured from SRL Chemicals,
new inroads in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and processing India. Freshly prepared distilled water was used as the solvent. The
industries. chemicals were used as obtained with no further purification.
For the development of an efficient MAE, a study on the kinetics
and thermodynamics parameters are pivotal [20–22]. Several mod- 2.2. Microwave assisted extraction
els have been proposed to understand the influence of operating
parameters on the extraction kinetics [23]. These include models A modified microwave oven (R-219T (S)/(W), SHARP, Japan) of
based on first order and second order behaviour [24,25], modified 22 l capacity was used for microwave assisted extraction. The
Fick’s law [26] and other empirical models [27–29]. The study on microwave oven was equipped with a timer to control the duration
thermodynamic parameters of extraction helps in determining of on–off cycles of microwave irradiation. A ‘J’ type thermocouple
the spontaneity of extraction process [30]. (Microsensors, India) was used as the temperature sensor. A tem-
The water extract of T. bellerica is utilized in the preparation of perature indicator cum controller with a resolution of ±0.1 °C
several Ayurvedic medicines such as Lauha bhasma [18]. Hence the (Microsensors, India) was utilized to monitor the temperature dur-
intensification of extraction of flavonoids from T. bellerica using ing extraction, feedback from which was used to control the dura-
MAE with water alone as the solvent has immediate industrial tion of on–off cycles. A hole was drilled in the outer casing to
applications. Therefore, the present work has been carried out to mount a reflux condenser onto the oven. Temperature was mea-
study the kinetics, effective diffusion coefficient and thermody- sured and controlled using a digital temperature indicator cum
namics of extraction of flavonoids from T. bellerica using MAE with controller. A magnetic stirrer was attached to the bottom of the
water as the solvent. The experiments were designed to accommo- microwave oven for ideal mixing. For the purpose of MAE of flavo-
date a wide variety of operating conditions. A specific extraction noids from T. bellerica dried fruits, a double-necked glass vessel
model for the kinetics of MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica is was filled with a measured quantity of powdered fruit samples
not reported in the literature to the best of our knowledge. The and the solvent (water). This mixture was placed in the centre of
effective diffusion coefficient for MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica the microwave oven and was subjected to different durations of
has also been determined. The study assumes crucial significance exposure. Samples were withdrawn at specified time intervals. A
as thermodynamic properties and spontaneity of MAE of flavo- schematic diagram of experimental setup for MAE is shown in
noids from T. bellerica has not been reported previously in the Fig. 1.

2.3. Conventional solid–liquid extraction (CE)

2. Materials and methods
The extraction of flavonoids from T. bellerica fruit powder was
2.1. Materials and reagents performed by conventional heat-reflux extraction. The tempera-
ture in the reaction vessel was monitored using a digital tempera-
Dried fruits of T. bellerica were obtained from the market and ture indicator. The measured quantity of dried fruit sample was
authenticated by CARISM, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India. mixed along with the required volume of solvent according to
These fruits were ground in a domestic mixer grinder. The powder the experimental design.
was screened in a rotary sieve shaker to select particle sizes An exhaustive extraction of T. bellerica was performed by CE
between BSS 200/+300 mesh size (average particle size – using different solvents for the determination of Total Flavonoid
0.064 mm). Aluminium nitrate and potassium acetate used for Content in the material, which is independent of the type of
the Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) assay were purchased from Hi extraction. CE was performed with nonpolar (chloroform) and
Media Ltd., Mumbai, India. Quercetin was purchased from Aldrich polar solvents (methanol, water) in series, to ensure that the entire

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental setup for microwave assisted extraction.

R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178 171

flavonoid content present in the fruit was extracted for the estima- as the carrier gas and supplied at the flow rate of 1 mL/min, with a
tion of its quantity [31]. Accordingly, 12 h extraction was per- split ratio of 1:10. The oven temperature was increased from 60 °C
formed initially with chloroform as the solvent. This was to 150 °C at the ramp rate of 6 °C/min and held at 150 °C for 2 min.
followed by successive extractions with methanol and water This was followed by temperature increase to 280 °C at the rate of
respectively, for 12 h each. 4 °C/min and held at the same temperature (280 °C) for 5 min. The
injector was maintained at 280 °C. The mass spectra were recorded
2.4. Experimental design at 70 eV over a mass-to-charge ratio range of 40–450 amu. The
chemical compositions were identified by direct comparison of
A full factorial design was used to study the effects of solvent- their mass spectral pattern in NIST 2005 mass spectral library.
to-feed ratio (S) and temperature (T) for the extraction of flavo-
noids from T. bellerica fruits. Four levels were used for each of 2.7. Scanning electron microscopy
the two factors: solvent-to-feed ratio (5, 10, 20, 40 mL/g) and tem-
perature (40, 60, 80, 100 °C). The experiments were carried out in The surface morphology of the feed material separated after
triplicates. Accordingly 48 experiments (24  3) were carried out as MAE and CE were investigated using a field emission scanning
per the full factorial design. The table of experimental runs is not electron microscope (JSM 6701F, JEOL, Japan). The samples were
provided here to maintain brevity. Temperature above 100 °C sprinkled on the carbon pasted stub, following which a thin layer
(boiling point of solvent) was not considered for the study. The of gold was sputter coated to render the surface conductive.
range of solvent-to-feed ratio was fixed between 5 and 40 mL/g
as this range was optimum for the preparation of extracts used 2.8. Mathematical tools
in the preparation of Lauha bhasma [18].
2.8.1. Second-order kinetic model
2.5. Analytical method A general second-order model has been used to study the kinet-
ics of solid–liquid extraction. The second order model provides an
2.5.1. Total Flavonoid Content acceptable representation of solid–liquid extraction, as evident
The Total Flavonoid Content was estimated using aluminium from its prominent use in modelling extraction [25,35,36]. The
nitrate assay [32,33]. 500 lL of the diluted sample was mixed thor- parameters in the second order kinetic model can easily be eluci-
oughly with 0.1 mL of 10% aluminium nitrate, 0.1 mL of 1 M potas- dated from the extraction kinetics, using the analytical solution
sium acetate and 4.3 mL of distilled water and allowed to stand at obtained by integral analysis. The same model has been extended
room temperature for 40 min. A change in colour of the prepared to study the MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica also. The second-
samples from colourless to yellow indicated the presence of flavo- order kinetic model can be represented as:
noids. Absorbance was measured at 415 nm (Lambda 25, Perkin
dC t
Elmer, USA) against a reagent blank prepared similarly without ¼ kðC s  C t Þ2 ð1Þ
the extract. A standard curve was prepared using quercetin and dt
the results were expressed as mg quercetin equivalent per mL of where Ct is the concentration of flavonoids (mgQE/mL) at any time t,
solvent (mgQE/mL). All the assays were repeated three times and Cs is the saturation concentration of flavonoids (mgQE/mL) and k is
the average values were used for further analysis. the second order rate constant (mL/mgQE min).
Solving Eq. (1) with the boundary conditions as Ct|t=0 = 0 and
2.5.2. Test for antioxidant activity Ct|t=t = Ct gives
The antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of T. bellerica was
studied using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazil radical (DPPH) [34]. C 2s kt
Ct ¼ ð2Þ
The extracts were vacuum dried in a rotary evaporator (R-210, 1 þ C s kt
Buchi) and further air dried in a hot air oven at 100 °C for 1 h. Eq. (2) can be rewritten as Eq. (3) and subsequently reduced to
The dried extracts were weighed and reconstituted to known con-
Eq. (4) as follows, where ‘h’ is the product of ‘k’ and C 2s .
centrations. 0.1 mL of the extract and 3.9 mL methanolic solution
of DPPH (5 mg in 100 mL methanol) were treated together and t 1 t
incubated at room temperature for 30 min in dark and the absor-
¼ þ ð3Þ
C t kC 2s C s
bance was measured at 515 nm (Lamda 25, Perkin Elmer, USA)
t 1 t
against distilled water. Similarly, a control solution was prepared ¼ þ ð4Þ
Ct h Cs
with 0.1 mL distilled water and 3.9 mL methanolic solution of
DPPH. The radical scavenging activity of the extracts is expressed ‘h’ is the initial extraction rate (mgQE/mL min). A plot of t/Ct vs t can
as percentage inhibition of DPPH as follows: be drawn to determine Cs, k and h.
The effect of temperature on extraction rate constant provides
DPPH radical scavenging activity ð%Þ
  information on the activation energy that must be overcome for
Absorbance of sample at 515 nm extraction. The extraction rate constant is related to the activation
¼ 1  100
Absorbance of control at 515 nm energy (Ea) and temperature (T) as follows:
k ¼ k0  e RT ð5Þ
2.6. Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC–MS)
A plot of ln(k) vs 1/T, yields a straight line with (Ea/R) as the
The representative extract obtained using MAE and CE were slope, from which activation energy can be determined.
dried and reconstituted in ethanol for GC–MS analysis. GC–MS
analysis was carried out using a gas chromatograph (PerkinElmer 2.8.2. Determination of effective diffusion coefficient and Biot number
Clarus 500) with a 250 lm diameter and 30 m long Elite-5 capillary To study the effective diffusion coefficient of flavonoids from
column (5% phenyl/95% dimethylpolysiloxane) equipped with a T. bellerica, the diffusion model based on Fick’s second law was
mass selective detector in the electron ionization mode. About used. Notable assumptions made while applying the model for
2 lL of the sample was injected for the analysis. Helium was used studying extraction process are listed below:
172 R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178

(a) The T. bellerica dried fruit particles were considered to be 3. Results and discussion
spherical in geometry with an average diameter of 0.064 mm.
(b) The liquid was well mixed with the help of magnetic stirrer 3.1. Kinetics of MAE
attached to the microwave oven and hence resistance in the
liquid phase was negligible. The appropriate conditions for rapid extraction of flavonoids
(c) Degradation of flavonoids extracted by microwave from T. bellerica by MAE can be identified through the study of
irradiation was absent. extraction kinetics. Fig. 2 shows that the variation of flavonoid con-
centration in the liquid with progress in extraction time at a
Fick’s second law for extraction of flavonoids from spherical solvent-to-feed ratio of 40 mL/g. It is evident from Fig. 2 that flavo-
particles is as follows [37]: noid concentration increased rapidly with increasing time during
   the initial phase of MAE, followed by more-controlled increase
@M 1 @ @M
¼ De 2 r2 ð6Þ and near-saturation during later stages of extraction. This might
@t r @r @t
be attributed to rapid dissolution of solute on particle surface
where M is the flavonoid concentration in T. bellerica fruit particle through washing and followed by solute removal by diffusion [41].
(kg/m3), r is the distance from the centre of spherical T. bellerica The second order model (Eq. (2)) was found to describe the
fruit particle (m), De is the effective diffusion coefficient of kinetics of MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica satisfactorily for all
flavonoids and t is time (s). experimental conditions as shown in Fig. 3 with R2 of 0.999. The
The solution of Eq. (6) using the initial and boundary conditions average absolute relative deviation (AARD) and the relative stan-
is [38]: dard deviation between the experimental data and those predicted
  by second-order kinetics are 0.38% and 0.62% respectively.
Yt 6 D e p2 t
¼ 1  2 exp  ð7Þ
Ys p R 2
3.2. Effect of solvent-to-feed ratio and temperature
where Yt is the total flavonoid (mgQE/g) transferred from T. bellerica
fruit at time t, Ys is the total flavonoid transferred (mgQE/g) at sat- Fig. 4a shows the effect of solvent-to-feed ratio (S) on the equi-
uration. Accordingly the total flavonoid yields at time t, and at sat- librium yield when MAE was carried out at 40 and 100 °C. It is
uration are Yt and Ys respectively. The effective diffusion coefficient evident from Fig. 4a that the equilibrium yield increased with
can be calculated from time – yield data using Eq. (7). solvent-to-feed ratio (S) at both the temperatures. The equilibrium
The relative magnitudes of external and internal resistances to yield was found to increase rapidly at lower solvent-to-feed ratios
mass transfer can be ascertained by determining Biot number (S < 20), as compared to that at higher solvent-to-feed ratios
(Bi). The Biot number for solid–liquid extraction is given by [39]: (S > 20) and exhibited a power-law dependency on solvent-to-
Dp K T feed ratio with an exponent 6 1 (0.2431 at 100 °C). The moisture
Bi ¼ ð8Þ present in the cell matrix results in the sudden rise in temperature
locally due to the absorption of microwave energy [3] causing cell
where KT is the mass transfer coefficient (m/s) and Dp is the size of rupture. Microwave absorption also results in the increase of solu-
particle (m). bility [42]. Hence increased solubility and improved solute–solvent
The mass transfer coefficient (KT) can be determined from contact due to the rupture of the cell enhances the mass transfer
extraction kinetics using the following equation [40]: from solid to liquid phase. The extraction rate constant (k) too
Cs KtA increased with increase in solvent-to-feed ratio (Fig. 4b).
ln ¼ t ð9Þ The effect of solvent-to-feed ratio (S) on saturation concentra-
Cs  Ct VL
tion of flavonoids (Cs) and initial extraction rate (h) and from
However, it should be noted that Eq. (15) holds good only till T. bellerica is shown in Fig. 5. The saturation concentration
t 6 1/kCs [39]. (Fig. 5a) was found to be highest at the lowest solvent-to-feed ratio
and then decreased progressively with the increase in solvent-to-
2.8.3. Thermodynamics of MAE feed ratio, as generally observed in solid–liquid extraction [43].
Thermodynamic analysis of extraction of solute from solid Despite higher equilibrium yields at higher solvent-to-feed ratios,
using extraction has been carried out through determination of the saturation flavonoid concentration was lower. This could be
DG°, DH° and DS°.
Van’t Hoff equation [41] can be used to determine DH° and DS°
as follows:
ln K e ¼  þ ð10Þ
where ‘Ke’ is the equilibrium constant for leaching and is defined as
the ratio of amount of solute extracted to the amount of solute
remaining unextracted [41]. In the present case, it is the ratio of
the amount of flavonoids extracted to the amount of flavonoids
remaining unextracted as given below:
Ke ¼ ð11Þ
Y max  Y s
where Ys is the total flavonoid yield (mgQE/g) extracted using water
as the solvent at a temperature T (K) and Ymax is the total flavonoid
yield (mgQE/g) determined after an exhaustive extraction using
chloroform, methanol and water as the solvents.
DG° is calculated from DH° and DS° as follows [41]:
Fig. 2. Effect of extraction time on the concentration of flavonoids during MAE
DG ¼ DH  T DS ð12Þ carried out at solvent-to-feed ratio of 40 mL/g.
R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178 173

Fig. 3. Suitability of second order model for the kinetics of MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica.

higher at lower solvent-to-feed ratios (Fig. 5b) due to higher flavo-

noid saturation concentration. It can be noted from Eq. (4) that ini-
tial rate of extraction is directly proportional to the extraction rate
constant and square of saturation concentration, indicating that
saturation concentration has a higher influence on the initial rate
of extraction. Hence the reduction in saturation concentration at
higher solvent-to-feed ratios resulted in reduction in initial extrac-
tion rate also. The effect of reduction in saturation concentration
on initial extraction rate at higher solvent-to-feed ratios was partly
offset by increase in extraction rate constant with solvent-to-feed
The effect of temperature (T) on saturation concentration is
shown in Fig. 6. With increase in temperature, saturation concen-
tration was found to increase at all solvent-to-feed ratios investi-
gated. The increase in saturation concentration at higher
temperatures may be attributed to weaker solute–solute and
solute–solid interactions. The influence of temperature on satura-
tion concentration was more predominant at lower solvent-to-
feed ratio. The extraction rate constant (Fig. 7a) too increased with
increase in temperature, possibly due to higher thermal energy for
solute diffusion. The initial extraction rate (h) is the product of
extraction rate constant (k) and the square of saturation concentra-
tion (Cs), as evident from Eqs. (3) and (4). With the increase in tem-
perature, both the saturation concentration (Fig. 6) and extraction
rate constant (Fig. 7a) were increased. Hence, the initial extraction
rate also increased with temperature (Fig. 7b).
Regression analysis was carried out to develop empirical corre-
lations for prediction of ‘h’ and ‘Cs’ and hence the extraction kinet-
ics, as a function of temperature and solvent-to-feed ratio. The
physical phenomena occurring during microwave irradiation is
challenging to model and hence the development of empirical cor-
relations becomes essential. The regression analysis of T–S–h and
T–S–Cs data carried out using Minitab 14 yielded the following
Fig. 4. Effect of solvent-to-feed ratio on (a) equilibrium yield and (b) extraction rate
constant. 1:05
40 6 T 6 100  C&5 6 S 6 40 mL=g
h ¼ 1:0757ðTÞ ðSÞ ð13Þ
0:232 0:777 
C s ¼ 3:6327ðTÞ ðSÞ 40 6 T 6 100 C&5 6 S 6 40 mL=g ð14Þ
attributed to the higher volume of solvent used at higher solvent-
to-feed ratios. The initial extraction rate was also observed to be Substituting Eqs. (13) and (14) in Eq. (4), leads to
174 R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178

Fig. 5. Effect of solvent-to-feed ratio on (a) saturation concentration and (b) initial Fig. 7. Effect of temperature on (a) extraction rate constant and (b) initial
extraction rate. extraction rate.

0.996. Eq. (15) in conjunction with Eq. (14) and Eq. (1) can also
be utilized to determine the extraction time required to achieve
a desired concentration of flavonoids in extract using MAE.
The extraction rate constant can be used to determine the acti-
vation energy of extraction (Eq. (5)). Activation energy indicates
the energy barrier that has to be overcome to achieve solute trans-
fer. Solute–solute cohesive and solute–solid adhesive interactions
are the major contributors to activation energy for extraction
[44]. At higher temperatures, the solute–solute and solute–solid
interactions become quite weak, which results in increased extrac-
tion rate constant at higher temperatures for MAE [44]. Fig. 8
shows the plot of ln k versus the reciprocal of absolute tempera-
ture. The activation energy for MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica
was found to be 12.07 kJ/mol in the temperature range of
40–100 °C at the solvent-to-feed ratio of 40 mL/g.

3.3. Effective diffusion coefficient and mass transfer coefficient

Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on saturation concentration. The effective diffusion coefficient and mass transfer coefficient
for extraction of flavonoids from T. bellerica using MAE were esti-
Ct ¼ 40 6 T 6 100  C&5 mated using Eqs. (7) and (9). The diffusion model (Eq. (7)) repre-
1:0757ðTÞ1:12 ðSÞ1:05
þ t
3:6327ðTÞ0:232 ðSÞ0:777 sents the MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica as evident from the
6 S 6 40 mL=g ð15Þ closeness of prediction flavonoid concentration – time data with
those of experiments (Fig. 9).
Eq. (15) predicts Ct–t data for the temperature range of Table 1 summarizes the variation of effective diffusion coeffi-
40–100 °C, solvent-to-feed ratio range of 5–40 mL/g and time cient, mass transfer coefficient and Biot number with the temper-
range of 2–120 min with average absolute relative deviation ature at solvent-to-feed ratio of 40 mL/g. It can be observed from
(AARD) of 3.4%, relative standard deviation of 3.50% and R2 of Table 1 that effective diffusion coefficient and mass transfer
R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178 175

Table 1
Effective diffusion coefficient, mass transfer coefficient and mass transfer Biot number
of MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica.

S (mL/g) T (°C) De  1012 (m2/s) KT  105 (m/s) Bi

40 40 5.4387 ± 0.11 1.4610 ± 0.13 170.6334 ± 15.5
60 5.6048 ± 0.21 2.0139 ± 0.19 223.6867 ± 19.5
80 5.7122 ± 0.11 2.8334 ± 0.12 314.5975 ± 13.6
100 5.8368 ± 0.14 4.0216 ± 0.09 443.2038 ± 14.2

flavonoids from T. bellerica is endothermic. The positive value of

the change in entropy (DS°) indicates the increase in disorder of
the solid–liquid extraction system due to the solute transfer from
more ordered solid phase to the less ordered liquid phase [30].
The negative values of change in Gibbs free energy (DG°) indicate
the extraction process to be spontaneous. The thermodynamic
parameters for extraction of flavonoids from T. bellerica have not
been reported earlier and hence the direct comparison with litera-
Fig. 8. Determination of activation energy for extraction. ture data could not be carried out. However, the values of DH°, DS°
and DG° obtained in the present work are comparable with those
coefficient increased with increasing temperature. While the reported for MAE of anthocyanin from grape peel [46]. The equilib-
increase in diffusion coefficient may be attributed to increased rium constant in MAE is higher than that in CE (Table 3). This indi-
thermal energy at higher temperatures, the increase in mass trans- cates that the solute transport from the solid phase to liquid phase
fer coefficient could be attributed to both increase in diffusion is more favourable in MAE than that in CE. In addition, the change
coefficient and decrease in viscosity [37]. This could probably in entropy is higher in MAE (Table 2) in comparison with CE
explain the higher influence of temperature on mass transfer (Table 3). Hence MAE is more feasible than CE, as evident from
coefficient than that on diffusion coefficient. Hence, the mass trans- changes in Gibbs free energy for MAE and CE.
fer Biot number increased with temperature. The higher values of
Biot number (>50), indicates the external resistances for mass trans- 3.5. Chemical composition of T. bellerica fruits
fer is negligible confirming efficient mixing between solute and
solvent [45] and therefore, internal transfer is rate-limiting [39]. The composition of microwave assisted aqueous extract of
T. bellerica fruits prepared at 100 °C using the solvent-to-feed ratio
3.4. Thermodynamics of MAE of 40 mL/g and analysed using GC–MS is given in Table 4. The com-
ponent with highest percentage peak area was 1,2,3-benzenetriol.
The maximum flavonoid content determined using exhaustive The flavonoid fraction 4H-pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-
extraction with multiple solvents was found to be 30.76 mg/g, dihydroxy-6-methyl- was observed to present in a significant
which is in agreement with flavonoid content in T. bellerica amount. The composition of aqueous extracts of T. bellerica fruit
reported earlier [31]. The thermodynamic parameters of MAE of obtained by CE is compared with that of aqueous extract prepared
flavonoids from T. bellerica are summarized in Table 2. The positive by MAE under identical conditions (T = 100 °C, S = 40 mL/g) in
value of the change in enthalpy (DH°) indicates that the MAE of Table 4. It is observed that the major compounds separated using

Fig. 9. Suitability of diffusion model for MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica.

176 R. Yedhu Krishnan, K.S. Rajan / Separation and Purification Technology 157 (2016) 169–178

Table 2 superior to conventional extraction with respect to saturation yield

Thermodynamic parameters for MAE of flavonoids from T. bellerica. of flavonoids.
T (K) Ke DH° (kJ/mol) DS° (J/mol K) DG° (kJ/mol)
313 1.8420 15.5488 54.4151 1.4830 3.6. Morphology of plant material after extraction
333 2.3965 2.5714
353 3.3987 3.6597
373 4.7960 4.7480 Scanning electron micrograph of the raw material (Fig. 11a)
indicates that the particle surfaces were planar with few surface

Table 3
Thermodynamic parameters for CE of flavonoids from T. bellerica.

T (K) Ke DH° (kJ/mol) DS° (J/mol K) DG° (kJ/mol)

313 1.2473 10.3900 34.7991 0.5021
333 1.4609 1.1981
353 1.9422 1.8940
373 2.3212 2.5900

Table 4
Composition of aqueous extracts of T. bellerica fruits obtained by MAE and CE.

Compounds % Peak area in

extract prepared
Furfural 0.9009 0.8928
3H-pyrazol-3-one, 2,4-dihydro-2,4,5-trimethyl- 0.9565 1.7281
4H-pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl- 2.473 2.3276
2-Furancarboxaldehyde, 5-(hydroxymethyl)- 7.7726 7.6983
1,2,3-Benzenetriol 84.1598 79.7393
D-allose 0.7299 0.4183
Other minor compounds 3.0073 7.1956

MAE of T. bellerica fruits were similar to that of obtained by CE [47]

implying there wasn’t any destruction of bioactive compounds due
to microwave exposure. The antioxidant activities (% inhibition) of
aqueous extracts of T. bellerica prepared using CE and MAE at the
solvent-to-feed ratio of 40 mL/g at 100 °C are comparable
(Fig. 10), confirming that there microwave exposure did not cause
the destruction of bioactive compounds.
The saturation flavonoid yield obtained by MAE of T. bellerica
fruits at solvent-to-feed ratio of 40 mL/g and temperature 100 °C
was 25.21 mgQE/g using water as the solvent. Under the same
conditions of solvent-to-feed ratio and temperature, saturation
flavonoid yield of 19.16 mgQE/g was obtained by conventional
extraction using water as the solvent. This shows that under
identical operating conditions microwave assisted extraction is

Fig. 11. Scanning electron micrographs of T. bellerica fruits (a) untreated, (b) after
Fig. 10. Antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of T. bellerica fruits. CE and (c) after MAE.
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