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After the star reaches the end of its main sequence phase, the star will enter the

super red giant phase

as it starts using helium instead of hydrogen due to the lack of the latter in the stars core.

Then as the super red giant starts to form, one of two things may happen. If the star isn’t dense enough
the super red giant will collapse upon itself and become a neutron star.

If the star is dense enough the super red giant will collapse upon itself and become a black hole due to
the Swartzchild radius being the same size as the stars radius.

2b) Halogen lightbulbs may seem cheaper than Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), but this is far from the truth
on 2 levels.

The first issue with the halogen lightbulb is that its energy efficiency is less than that of an LED, meaning
it uses up more energy to produce the same level of light that an LED does, effectively making it waste
electricity and increase the size of the electricity bill.

Another issue is that the lightbulb has a shorter life than LEDs, specifically, the LED lasts about 18x more
than the halogen lightbulb, meaning you would have to buy 18 halogen bulbs to match the time that an
LED would, which would total to about 35.10 pounds sterling, that is 3x more than the LEDs price.

In conclusion, LEDs are the better option in the long run.

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