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Hershey Jean P.

BSAeE 3-7

Interviewee: Ms. Bianca Bien Paredes from BSAeE 3-1

As a Philscan, How are you being socially responsible?

To begin with, being socially responsible is essential in all aspects of life. We can put this
into practice in a variety of ways, especially now that I am a student. One of them is that I
respect my fellow students as an individual as well as their life perspective. I also greet the
professors and administration of this school with respect whenever I see them. I also know
how to protect the environment in which I live by raising awareness about it and becoming
one of those who help to solve problems. Also, by assisting my friends and fellow students in
becoming more aware of the issues we face in our environment and society. I believe that in
order to be a socially responsible citizen, we must first understand the issues that need to be
addressed so that people can learn how to become effective leaders on their own merits.


Many things were learned and understood during my interview with Ms. Bianca. One of them
is that when we talk about being "socially responsible," it brings people together and
promotes respect for others. Social responsibility is demonstrated by how we treat others,
behave outside of work or school, and contribute to the world around us. Furthermore, there
are many ways to be responsible for environmental protection, and I believe recycling is one
of them. Recycling materials is critical for conserving resources, reducing pollution, and
protecting the natural environment. As a result, we should be socially responsible because it
is the right thing to do in terms of improving society and the environment. Another reason is
to assist those in need because when more people are employed, the economy thrives and
people have more opportunities. Similarly, as students, we must be good to one another by
exchanging knowledge and awareness so that we can be good role models in the society in
which we live. Especially since school serves as a training ground for students to become
socially responsible and disciplined citizens.

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