Narrative Report

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A Narrative Report presented to the

College of Industrial Technology

Bulacan State University

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Computer


Torres, Elizabeth C.


Title Page 1

Certificate of Completion Form 2

Dedication 3

Chapter 1: Introduction 4

History 5

Vision and Mission 6

Chapter 2: Narration 7

Reflection on Fieldwork Experience 8

Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendation 9

Chapter 4: Appendices 10

I. Resume for Application to HTE 11

II. Scanned proof of medical insurance with 12

covid-19 coverage Phil health

III. Scanned VaxCert IV. Medical Certificate (BulSu Infirmary) 13

V. Scanned Approved Workplan (Signed) 14

VI. Scanned Parents Consent Notarized 15

VII. Scanned Letter of Intent to HTE (LOI) 16

VIII. Letter of Endorsement from BulSu (LOE) 17

IX. Scanned (Signed) Notice of Acceptance from HTE (NOA) 18

X. Scanned (Signed) Internship Program/Contract (Notarized) 19

XI. Bulsu Readiness Survey (Screenshot) 20

XII. Appraisal Form (F7) 21

XII. Picture with Caption Atleast 2 (during OJT) 22


This piece of work is lovingly dedicated to my parents that support me all thru out of my OJT
and to my sister who support me financially thank you for your unconditional kindness to me I
am honored to have a family that give me everything they can do.

And also, our God who give me strength in everyday life, going to my company and back to my
home safety. And thank you for giving me a knowledge, inspirational that I can do
everything as long as I believe in you, that there is no mountain higher as long as God is in
my side.

And lastly to all my mentors and people I met during my On-the-Job Training Thank you, for
believing in me, encouraging me, strengthening me. Faith, Hope, and patience with me. Without
all of you this one will be a failure to

An internship can provide unique opportunities for learning outside of academic settings. It can
expose to new tasks and help to learn goal-specific skills to complete those tasks.

A student pursuing Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Computer Technology degree is

giving opportunity to do On- the -job Training to gain experience, to develop new skills and to
develop the characteristics their attitude, behavior and their abilities in the company on how to
interact with other people.

As a result of internship the opportunity to develop the personal growth that helps to determine
whether the career path you're pursuing is the right fit for you.

The purpose of internship training is to identify the future employees or expand their talent
management strategies. Improving productivity and time management for full-time employees,
as interns often complete smaller tasks.

Wildcard computer system is a company that provides Computer Services, Cignal Installition,
CCTV Installion and Internet provider in different area in Bulacan and other Provinces.



Wildcards Computer Systems (WCS) is recognized in Calumpit and near by towns as one of
today’s premiere systems integrators dealing with the widest reliable brands of Information
Technology products and solutions.

WCS started out as a computer café in Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan on February 1992.
Current WCS has 4 retail stores to serve to individuals, homes, business offices, schools and
others. They are located at the following:
Mac Arthur Highway, Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan
Mac Arthur Highway, San Marcos, Calumpit, Bulacan
South Supermarket, McArthur Highway, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Mac Arthur Highway, San Vicente, Apalit, Pampanga


Strengthen company's relationships by endowing innovative technology, guaranteed life time

service, and content information that empowers customers and employees.

To be recognized as a computer trademark in endowing innovative technology.

Here's the service that provides of wildcard.

Computer Sales / Rentals / Repairs
Computer Home Service
CCTV Surveillance Camera Installer
Photo and Video Coverage/ Video Editing
GPS Vehicle Tracker Installer
Authorized Dealer and Installer Cignal Digital TV
Authorized Sales Agent (PLDT LTE/ SmartBro/ Globelines
Retailer Loading Station (Globe/ TM/ Smart/ Talk&Text/ Sun/ Dream)
Tarpaulin Layout & Printing
Playstation and Game Console Sales & Repairs
Prints Invitations for all occasions
PVC Card and tag Printing
Fax Services



My internship is the exciting part of the College. In my OJT my mentor taught me everything
that I need to learn of the company especially in the field of installing CCTV and as a Onliner in
the office.

In the first week of my internship in wildcard. first week first challenges that I need to faced.My
mentor in onliner which is Ms. Jyules, Mr. Raf and Mr.Wesley teach me what to do in the office
everything that I need to know in the office. first thing we need to check the complain of the
subscriber due to the fact that the wildcard is a internet provider and CCTV installer and cignal
installer. After checking the business account of wildcard. My mentor teach me how to interact
with other people. On how they do if one of the complainant is having a bad attitude that I need
to be calm and always be patient to the subscriber everytime.

And if the internet of the complainant did not go back the signal, my mentor in the office taught
me what we do. That I need to report it. First thing we do is to ask the client what is their account
name and then go to the database find the username of the client and try to solve the problem in
their internet by trying to troubleshooting and if the internet did not go back to the normal signal
that's the time to report it. Using Google Calendar and write the name of complainant and what is
the location, what is the problem, why their signal stop and thats the time that technician go to
the area and resolve the problem. And after that the technician message in groupchat and if they
said it's "done" I need to mark done the calendar. And lastly we need to call the client asking if
there connection back or problem in connection and if the technician get paid the services. And
that's the routine I do in first week.

In the next week of my OJT my mentor, which is Sir Jae one of the boss in the office taught me
about computer on how to reboot the computer. And then how to connect in the WiFi using
Tenda router and lastly they taught me on how to scanned the picture in Photoshop.

In the my third week of my internship I'm duties in other branches of Wildcard located in South
Malolos. This branches is one of the shop of Wildcard. The first thing we do in South with my
mentor name Ms. Mon taught me in the brosure this brosure contains what wildcard they sale
and what their provided. Everything in the brosure is I need to know. Ms Mon taught me on how
to interact with other people she teach me what I gonna do if we have a customer.
In the Fourth week of my internship I assign in the field. First thing we do in the field is Survey
on different area that located in Pampanga together with Sir Ryan. The survey we do is CCTV
installition, the following day we go in Brgy. San Juan Hagonoy to Check the DVR of CCTV.
the next client Brgy. Palapat Hagonoy the problem of their CCTV is Pixlized. The next client is
located in Guguinto Bulacan the problem of their CCTV is need to relocate the CCTV. The next
client located in Malolos the problem of their CCTV is we need to return camera. After the work
of technician ‘’done’’ the girls who assign in the field together with me is we need to send the
picture in our group chat that contains of the "work is done" and then the onliner mark it in
Calendar done.

On my first day of my internship in the office I'm extremely nervous. Due to the fact that this
course in not my type and also I don't have any idea in computer technology. In my first day my
brain is exhausted because my knowledge in computers is not extensive. But thanks to my
mentor who have a patient with me. They taught me everything that I need this I need to learn.

In my first three days of my internship is not easy that I'm ready to give up In my mind this
course in not suitable with me this OJT give me more idea that is not for me. But in the end with
the help of my fellow classmates at mentor I learn. week past in my OJT I learn how to handle it.
What I gonna do, how to report the problem, how to interact with different people, trying to call
the client, and how to connect wifi in the router. That this internship give me knowledge in
everything I need to learn that I my professor didn't teach us. In the internship i succeed day by
day by the help of my fellow mentor.

And now last 2 weeks in my internship working hard is worth it. Last 2 weeks that my
knowledge expand more by the help of my mentor and boss.

Wildcard computer system gives me the opportunity to learn and gain my knowledge about
computer hardware at give me opportunity on how to interact in different people in the working

Wildcard computer system is a place that your knowledge surely expands with the help of my
mentor and other staff of the wildcard.

The possible learning that stablishes in wildcard is on how to install CCTV, what is the part of
computer and the prices of it, how to connect in router, also how to troubleshoot and many other

Wildcard is a place for the student like me because of the people they have in the company, the
kindness they have and the patience they have very professional. If you have not enough
knowledge the process of their teaching is step by step in every day. If you are not fast learner
like me, they didn't rush you in every topic and they always ask you "are your ready for the next
topic or if you want to repeat it". I salute to my mentor in Wildcard their Patience in their trainee
is very professional they know well how to handle every OJT they have in the Company.

Next two weeks my internship in wildcard ends. And I'm sure I have knowledge enough to
continue what I learn in the wildcard.
1. Resume for Application to HTE
2. Scanned Proof of medical insurance with COVID-19 coverage (Philhealth)
3. Scanned VaxCert (
4. Medical Certificate (BulSU Infirmary)
5. Scanned Approved Workplan (Signed)
6. Scanned Parent’s Consent Notarized
7. Scanned Letter of Intent to HTE (LOI)

8. Letter of Endorsement from BulSU (LOE)

9. Scanned (Signed) Notice of Acceptance from HTE (NOA)

10. Scanned (Signed) Internship Program / Contract (Notarized)

11. BulSU Readiness Survey

12. Appraisal Form (F7)

13. Picture and Documentation during The Internship Period.


This picture is my first week in wildcard the task that assign to me is to check the signal of the one of the

complainants if their connection is going back that day or I need to report it to the technician if there is a

problem. The second picture is about to speed test all the server that connected in all computers purpose

of speed test is to continues the connection of internet and not to transmit delay the connection in all the

subscriber and if ever the signal going down we need to move the canopee or should say the antenna.


The first picture is captured in South Malolos one of the branches of Wildcard. As you can see

the task, I do is billing the customer and after billing is transfer it in excel to inventory.

In the second and third picture is captured in field, in the field the girls we need to take the

picture of every area we went, to send to the group chat and update our boss on what is going in

that area and Ofcourse to take note on what item that used of technician to update the onliner in

the office. That is the routine of what I do in field.

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