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Date: December 5, 2022

Teacher: Matt Clarisel Ham


Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the relationship between faults
and earthquakes.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to: participate in decision making on where to
build structures based on knowledge of the location of active faults in the community.

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

 Describe how typhoon develops

 Explain how landmasses and bodies of water affect typhoons
 Display sense of awareness and preparedness in terms of calamity.


Topic/ lesson: How typhoon develops and how it is affected by landmasses and bodies of water

Biblical Integration:

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

References:, , ,


 Power point presentation

 3D visual aids
 Printed pictures
 Tv

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

1. Prayer

Let us all stand, and let’s begin this day by a short (All students are stand and bow their heads and
prayer. In the name of the father, of the son, of pray)
the holy spirit, Amen. Dear lord, we offer this day
all we do think and see. Give light to our mind to
learn lessons of all kind. Help us to be obedient,
truthful and loving to all Amen.

2. Greetings
Good afternoon Students? Good afternoon ma’am.

3. Song/Energizer
Okay, please remain standing and we will have
our energizer. Okay? Yes, ma’am.

Good. Are you ready? Yes, ma’am.

Okay, just follow the steps and enjoy. Ready go! (All students are dancing)

4. Checking of Attendance

Is anybody absent today?

No, ma’am.
Okay, it’s good to hear.

5. Setting of Class Standards

So, students what are we going to do when the

class is going on? Should follow the protocols

What are those protocols?

Always wear our facemask properly
What else?
Sanitize hand frequently.
Raise a hand to ask a question or recite, always
ask permission for personal necessities; and
Respect each other’s opinion.
Alright. Do you understand?
Yes ma’am!
Before we proceed to our lesson for today,
please read our objectives. At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe how typhoon develops, explain how
landmasses and bodies of water affect typhoons
and Display sense of awareness and
preparedness in terms of calamity.
Okay, let us first refresh our knowledge. Now,
let’s have a short game. I will present some
jumbled words and I want you to correct it. I
know you are familiar with this. Are you ready?
Yes ma’am!
Alright. (presenting the first slide) So, what is the
answer? Typhoon!

Very good. How about this? Hurricane

That’s right. This one? Cyclone

Correct. How about the fourth slide? Anticyclone

Very good. And the last one, What’s the answer? Floods!

Very good students. Let’s give yourself three (students are clapping)
claps. Go!

A typhoon is a type of a large storm with violent
winds that travels hundreds of miles across. It
also spins hundreds of miles per hour.

Now, what is the first thing that comes into your

mind when you heard Typhoon?

Yes fin? Floods.

Correct. What else? Landslide.

Correct. How about the others? There are waves.

Yes, correct. Some more ideas? Can cause damage to life and property.

Good. So, what is the main reasons of having a Because of the wind.

Yes. Winds blow into areas of the ocean where

the water is warm. These winds collect moisture
and rise, while colder air moves in below. This
creates pressure, which causes the winds to
move very quickly.

Now, let’s have an activity. I will group you into
three. You are group 1, 2, and you are group 3.
Now, here in front are three learning Areas. Each
of them, offers a different topic for you to
observe and examine, and I want you to write
your notes as you go on your further
understanding. Do you understand? Yes ma’am.

Alright. Now, I will assign group one to area 1,

group two to area 2, and group three to area 3.
You have 10 minutes to accomplish this activity.
You can start now. (Students begin their activity)

Are all groups finished? If you are done, clap (Students are clapping)
three times. Ready go!

Now, I want you to choose a leader and I will ask
several questions about the topics that you have
observed and examined. Let’s begin with group

Okay group one, describe what have you observe The cause of typhoon.
in that pictures.

Correct. Now, the typhoon is real or not? It’s real.

Yes, correct. It is indeed real. As you can see,

what are the damages caused by the typhoon in The house of every people is damaged.
the situations?

What will you do if you are in that situation?

Very good group one. So, let’s give them three (Students are clapping)
claps. Go!

Alright, let’s proceed to group two. Describe what It is also caused by the typhoon.
is the picture all about?

Now, what are the damages caused by the The schools did not look beautiful, the students
typhoon in the situations? cannot come to school because of the damaged
that it caused by the typhoon. Every rooms is
damaged, the books are all wet and some
furniture are not useful anymore.
What will you do if you are in that situation?

Okay, Very good group two. So, let’s give them (Students are clapping)
thee claps. Ready, Go!

Alright, let’s proceed to group three. Describe These are foods. A fish died and grains or rice are
what have you observe in the two pictures? damaged. It is caused also by the typhoon.

Okay. Now, typhoon heavily affects our foods. To survive to our daily lives…
Can you give me one reason why foods are

What will you do if you are in that situation?

Very good! Let us give group 3 a three Claps. Go! (Students are clapping)

Now, the name Typhoon originates from the

word "tai fung" means tai (strong) and fung
(wind), is the term used to describe a tropical
cyclone. Typhoons begin near the equator and
move westward, gathering intensity and size.
Typhoons may cause landslides, floods and
waves. Just like what happened in the
Philippines. Typhoon Yolanda is an example of
strong typhoon that hit the Philippines. Is that
correct? Yes ma’am.

Yes. The heavy rains and strong winds can cause

damage to life and property. As a typhoon begins
to cross land, it loses its strength and power
because it can longer absorb moisture from the

Now, in order to lessen our impact in the

environment we can do several things. We can
plant more trees to prevent floods and landslides.
Is that right?
Yes ma’am.

Now, let us have another group activity with your

same group. You will create a short role play in
applying awareness and ensure preparedness
during calamities. I’ll give you 10 minutes to
Is that clear? Yes ma’am.

Okay, good. You can begin now.

Is everybody finished? Yes, ma’am.

Okay, please go back to your proper seats and let

us have your presentation. But before we
continue, let me read to you the rubrics in order
for me to properly check your presentations.

Alright. First group, you can now present.

Okay, for the group 1, I will give 50 points. let’s

proceed to group two.

Okay, for group 2 I will give 50 points. Next,

group three.

For group 3, I’ll give 50 points as well.

Okay, good work students.


Now, we will be having a quiz. Write your name,

year and section on a ¼ sheet of paper. For the
directions, write your answer in a CAPITAL letter.

What causes damage in a hurricane/typhoon

a. Winds

b. Flooding

c. Storm Surge

d. All of the above

Where are hurricanes/typhoons most likely to do

the most damage?
a. Near the seaboards

b. In the forest

c. In a desert

d. On the North Pole

What is a hurricane/typhoon?

a. A fierce tropical storm that brings heavy


b. A type of earthquake

c. A series of wildfires

d. A ride at schliterbahn

How is the weather in the eye of a hurricane?

a. calm

b. intense

c. violent and windy

d. sunny

Where do hurricanes/typhoons form?

A. In a river or stream

B. Over the ocean

c. At plate boundaries
d. Under the Earth

Okay, pass your paper in front and give it to me. (The students passed their paper)

Now for your assignment, Compare the air
pressure and wind speed at different places
within a tropical cyclone.

Is that clear? Yes ma’am.

Okay, let us all stand and this is the end of our Goodbye teacher. Thank you for teaching us
lesson for today. See you on next meeting, today. God bless us!
Thank you, and Goodbye.

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