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Module 2- Analysis

Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, he was born in an affluent family in
Calamba. He came from a big family with ten siblings. He grew up as a pious
Catholic and at the age of 3 he can already read the bible. As a young boy he
also experienced his first sorrow when her sister Concha died when he was
only 4 years old. As a young boy he already exhibited great talents such as
sketching, molding clay and even making his own poem.
As preparation for proper schooling Rizal’s first teacher was his
mother. He moved to Biñan to have his proper schooling and there he learned
Latin and Spanish grammar. However, Rizal was also bullied by his older
classmates because Rizal emerged the best in his class. He did not enjoy his
education at Biñan because he said it was “barbarous” because of the
corporal punishment of his teacher.
At the age of 11 he enrolled at Ateneo Municipal. He was refused by
the institution at first, but Rizal showed that he can be a great student at this
school. He had a lot of extracurricular activity and at the same time finished
Bachelor in Arts and gained the highest academic honors. For 5 years Rizal
was able to imbibe the Jesuit values of fairness, justice and reason.
At the age of 16 Rizal enrolled at University of Santo Tomas. For his
first year he took up Philosophy and Letters. But for his second year he
shifted to medicine because he wants to cure his mother’s failing eyesight.
However, Rizal did not show same academic excellence he had in Ateneo
compared to UST. It is because of how the Dominican friars treated the
Filipinos in the institution. As well as the unjust treatment of the Spanish
students to Filipino students. He was also dissatisfied with the Dominican
system of Education.

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