ODGP Attendance Report - European Parliament Session MAR 2021

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Internal notes on the

European Parliament Session ( 08-11/03/2021)

prepared by ODGP Programming Department

Date / Time: 09/03/2021 – 18.05-19.17

Committee / Topic / Meeting title: Statement by the VPC/HR – The current political situation in

Josep Borrell Fontelles, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Georgia remains a key associated partner of the European Union. However, the recent political
developments in the country has been posing a serious risk to Georgia's democracy.
During the visit to Georgia, Charles Michel (President of the EU Council) was engaged in discussions
with the President of Georgia [Salome Zourabichvili], the Prime Minister of Georgia [Irakli
Garibashvili] and the leaders of the main opposition parties. After coming back, in cooperation with
High Representative, he has mandated Mr Christian Danielsson to be the personal envoy in EU-
meditated political dialogue in Georgia. The Head of the European Union Delegation in Georgia [Mr
Carl Hartzell] will also be engaged in the mediation efforts.
In terms of elements to further enhance the partnership with the EU in line with the Association
Agreement, the priorities are:
 consolidation of democracy, including electoral reforms, political stability and an inclusive
parliamentary process;
 a fair, independent, yet accountable judiciary.
On March 16, at the EU-Georgia Association Council meeting with the Georgian Prime Minister
[Irakli Garibashvili] the progress on political dialogue and reform, political association, justice and
freedom and security will be assessed.
We will encourage all political actors in Georgia to commit fully to the dialogue in a constructive
spirit and to pursue mutually agreeable outcomes in the interest of a stable, democratic and reform-
oriented Georgia.


The majority of MEPs endorsed the efforts of relaunching and strengthening dialogue between the
Government and the opposition parties and the appointment of the EU special envoy to Tbilisi. It has
been pointed out that the only way forward is through an ambitious electoral reform, a rule of law,
and court reform, also addressing politicized justice, power-sharing in parliament, including the set-
up of the investigative committee. Furthermore, it has been suggested that potentially new elections
should be held.
Some other speakers expressed their deep concern over the current political developments in the
country, particularly, the recent storming of the opposition party headquarters and arbitrary
detention of the leader, the use of excessive force and the suppression of civil society. There were
also calls for the EU to stop any further interference from the sides of Mr Saakashvili and Mr
The left blamed the EU for the double-standards and keeping silence in the aftermath of the
Georgian opposition leader’s arrest. Moreover, it has been claimed the EU should advocate dialogue
and not interventionism everywhere, not just in Georgia.

Link to this Session’s adopted agenda:


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