1.03.2022 - ST Wojewódzki Jezyk Ang Kuratorium Oswiaty, Woj. Pomorskie

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla

uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV

Stopień wojewódzki 1 marca 2022 roku

Godz. 12.00 Czas trwania testu: 90 minut

Instrukcja dla ucznia:

1. Test konkursowy na etapie wojewódzkim zawiera 9 zadań (I - IX).

2. Przed udzieleniem odpowiedzi uważnie przeczytaj polecenie i treść zadania.

3. Wszystkie odpowiedzi wpisuj czytelnie i wyraźnie w wyznaczonych miejscach.

4. Przy rozwiązywaniu zadań zamkniętych wyboru wielokrotnego wybierz tylko jedną, prawidłową
odpowiedź i zaznacz ją krzyżykiem, np.:

a. b. c.

5. W przypadku pomyłki, weź błędną odpowiedź w kółko i oznacz krzyżykiem poprawną odpowiedź.

6. Test wypełniaj długopisem nieścieralnym, nie używaj korektora, ołówka ani gumki.

7. Nie komunikuj się z innymi uczestnikami konkursu w trakcie etapu wojewódzkiego.

8. Nie korzystaj z żadnych urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych, słowników ani innych pomocy naukowych.

9. Sprawdź wszystkie odpowiedzi przed zakończeniem testu.

10. Punkty przyznawane są tylko za w pełni poprawne ortograficznie i gramatycznie

rozwiązania, zgodne z zasadami i normami języka pisanego używanego w kontekstach
formalnych, o ile z polecenia zadania nie wynika kontekst nieformalny.

11. Maksymalna liczba punktów, jaką możesz uzyskać, to 100 pkt.


Uzyskane punkty: Członek WKK Przewodniczący WKK

….….. /100 p.,

czyli ……… %

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
I. SŁUCHANIE. Zadanie na słuchanie składa się z dwóch części: A i B.

A. Wysłuchaj pierwszej części nagrania dwa razy i uzupełnij brakujące informacje w zdaniach.
Liczba brakujących słów jest podana w nawiasie. …/5

0. The title of the TV series is Surviving Disaster (2 words).

1. The first episode presents how to survive a/an …………………….. (1 word).

2. It’s a bad idea to stand in a/an ………………………. (1 word) as you might get injured.
3. You can get …………………..……… (1 word) if you take a lift.
4. Watch out for …………………………… (2 words) because they can give you an electric shock.
5. It is not safe to stop your car under a/an …………………. (1 word).

B. Wysłuchaj drugiej części nagrania dwa razy, przeczytaj uważnie pytania i zaznacz prawidłową
odpowiedź. …/5

0. The listening is going to be about:

A. horror stories B. survival stories C. current affairs

6. Wendy says that Evans Monsignac probably would have died if he hadn’t
A. weighed so much.
B. drunk unclean water.
C. had bottled water to drink.

7. What does Wendy say about the TV series?

A. It concentrates on major disasters with many victims.
B. It explains why natural disasters happen.
C. It describes how societies prepare for and deal with disasters.

8. Which of these things do children in Japan NOT DO to prepare for earthquakes?

A. Practise regularly what to do at school.
B. Experience earthquake simulations with the fire service.
C. Carry emergency survival packs with them at all times.

9. When a major earthquake hits Japan,

A. high buildings swing from side to side.
B. many people get injured.
C. televisions and radios stop working.

10. How does Wendy feel about her new TV series?

A. She’s amazed how good it is.
B. She’s confident viewers will enjoy it.
C. She’s disappointed it’s on so late. (adapted from High Note 3, Pearson Longman)

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
II. CZYTANIE. Przeczytaj uważnie fragment powieści „The boy in the stripped pyjamas”, a następnie
rozwiąż zadania A-C.

Shmuel Thinks of an Answer to Bruno's Question

'All I know is this,' began Shmuel. 'Before we came here I lived with my mother and father and my brother
Josef in a small flat above the store where Papa makes his watches. Every morning we ate our breakfast
together at seven o'clock and while we went to school, Papa mended the watches that people brought to him
and made new ones too. I had a beautiful watch that he gave me but I don't have it any more. It had a golden
face and I wound it up every night before I went to sleep and it always told the right time.'
'What happened to it?' asked Bruno.
'They took it from me,' said Shmuel.
0. X 'Who?'
'The soldiers, of course,' said Shmuel as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.
'And then one day things started to change,' he continued. 'I came home from school and my mother was
making armbands for us from a special cloth and drawing a star on each one. 11.______ ' Using his finger
he drew a design in the dusty ground beneath him.
'And every time we left the house, she told us we had to wear one of these armbands.'
'My father wears one too,' said Bruno. 'On his uniform. It's very nice. It's bright red with a black-and-white
design on it.' Using his finger he drew another design in the dusty ground on his side of the fence.
'Yes, but they're different, aren't they?' said Shmuel.
'No one's ever given me an armband,' said Bruno.
12. _____
'All the same,' said Bruno, 'I think I'd quite like one. I don't know which one I'd prefer though, your one or
Shmuel shook his head and continued with his story. He didn't often think about these things any more
because remembering his old life above the watch shop made him very sad.
'We wore the armbands for a few months,' he said.
13.____ I came home one day and Mama said we couldn't live in our house any more.'
'That happened to me too!' shouted Bruno, delighted that he wasn't the only boy who'd been forced to
move. 'The Fury came for dinner, you see, and the next thing I knew we moved here. And I hate it here,' he
added in a loud voice. 'Did he come to your house and do the same thing?'
'No, but when we were told we couldn't live in our house we had to move to a different part of Cracow,
where the soldiers built a big wall and my mother and father and my brother and I all had to live in one room.'
'All of you?' asked Bruno. 'In one room?'
'And not just us,' said Shmuel. ‘There was another family there and the mother and father were always
fighting with each other and one of the sons was bigger than me and he hit me even when I did nothing
'You can't have all lived in the one room,' said Bruno, shaking his head. ‘That doesn't make any sense.'
'All of us,' said Shmuel, nodding his head. 'Eleven in total.'
14._____ — he didn't really believe that eleven people could live in the same room together — but
changed his mind.
'We lived there for some more months,' continued Shmuel, 'all of us in that one room. There was one
small window in it but I didn't like to look out of it because then I would see the wall and I hated the wall
because our real home was on the other side of it. And this part of town was the bad part because it was
always noisy and it was impossible to sleep. And I hated Luka, who was the boy who kept hitting me even
when I did nothing wrong.'
'Gretel hits me sometimes,' said Bruno. 'She's my sister,' he added. 'And a Hopeless Case. But soon I'll
be bigger and stronger than she is and she won't know what's hit her then.'
‘Then one day the soldiers all came with huge trucks,' continued Shmuel, who didn't seem all that
interested in Gretel. 'And everyone was told to leave the houses. Lots of people didn't want to and they hid
wherever they could find a place but in the end I think they caught everyone. And the trucks took us to a train
and the train…' 15. _____ Bruno thought he was going to start crying and couldn't understand why.
'The train was horrible,' said Shmuel. 16. _____ And there was no air to breathe. And it smelled awful.'

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
'That's because you all crowded onto one train,' said Bruno, remembering the two trains he had seen at
the station when he left Berlin. 'When we came here, there was another one on the other side of the platform
but no one seemed to see it. That was the one we got. 17. _____'
'I don't think we would have been allowed,' said Shmuel, shaking his head. 'We weren't able to get out of
our carriage.'
'The doors are at the end,' explained Bruno.
'There weren't any doors,' said Shmuel.
'Of course there were doors,' said Bruno with a sigh. 'They're at the end,' he repeated. 18. _____
'There weren't any doors,' insisted Shmuel. 'If there had been, we would all have got off.'
Bruno mumbled something under his breath along the lines of 'Of course there were', but he didn't say it
very loud so Shmuel didn't hear.
'When the train finally stopped,' continued Shmuel, 'we were in a very cold place and we all had to walk
'We had a car,' said Bruno, out loud now.
'And Mama was taken away from us, and Papa and Josef and I were put into the huts over there and
that's where we've been ever since.'
Shmuel looked very sad when he told this story and Bruno didn't know why; it didn't seem like such
a terrible thing to him, and after all much the same thing had happened to him.
'Are there many other boys over there?' asked Bruno.
'Hundreds,' said Shmuel.
Bruno's eyes opened wide. 'Hundreds?' he said, amazed. 'That's not fair at all. There's no one to play
with on this side of the fence. Not a single person.'
'We don't play,' said Shmuel.
'Don't play? Why ever not?'
'What would we play?' he asked, his face looking confused at the idea of it.
'Well, I don't know,' said Bruno. 'All sorts of things. Football, for example. Or exploration. What's the
exploration like over there anyway? Any good?'
Shmuel shook his head and didn't answer. He looked back towards the huts and turned back to Bruno
then. 19. ______
'You don't have any food on you, do you?' he asked.
'Afraid not,' said Bruno. 'I meant to bring some chocolate but I forgot.'
'Chocolate,' said Shmuel very slowly, his tongue moving out from behind his teeth. 'I've only ever had
chocolate once.'
'Only once? I love chocolate. I can't get enough of it although Mother says it'll rot my teeth.'
'You don't have any bread, do you?'
Bruno shook his head. 'Nothing at all,' he said.
'Dinner isn't served until half past six. What time do you have yours?'
Shmuel shrugged his shoulders and pulled himself to his feet, ‘I think I’d better get back,’ he said.
‘Perhaps you can come to dinner with us one evening,’ said Bruno, although he wasn’t sure it was a very
good idea.
20. ______
(From John Boyne “The boy in the stripped pyjamas”)

A. Dopasuj brakujące zdania do tekstu. ____/10

Przykład: X. Who?

A. 'Just past the buffet section.'

B. Bruno opened his mouth to contradict him again
C. Like this.
D. ‘Perhaps,’ said Shmuel, although he didn’t sound convinced.
E. You should have got on it too.
F. He hesitated for a moment and bit his lip.
G. He didn't want to ask the next question but the pains in his stomach made him.
H. 'There were too many of us in the carriages for one thing.
I. 'But I never asked to wear one,' said Shmuel.
J. ‘And then things changed again.

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
B. Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i zdecyduj, które z nich są prawdziwe (P), a które fałszywe (F).
Zapisz swoje odpowiedzi obok zdań. ____/5

Przykład: Shmuel’s father made watches. P

21. Shmuel didn’t share Bruno’s enthusiasm for armbands. _____

22. Shmuel would often go back to his memories about the past. ____
23. Even though Bruno’s questions and remarks made Shmuel feel more and more uncomfortable he
didn’t admit it openly. ____
24. Bruno couldn’t relate to Shmuel’s stories due to his different life experience.____
25. Shmuel would rather have bread than chocolate.____

C. Znajdź w tekście oraz w zdaniach A-J wyrazy odpowiadające poniższym definicjom. ____/5

Przykład: (noun) __a watch______ a device used to measure and show the time

26. (verb) ______________ to say that what someone else has just said is wrong

27. (adjective) ______________ completely certain about something

28. (verb/ past form) ______________ to pause before doing something, especially because you are
nervous or not certain

29. (noun) ______________ a deep audible breath as in weariness or relief

30. (verb/ past form) ______________ to make something work by turning a small handle or button
several times

III. SŁOWNICTWO. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi fragmentami idiomów. W lukę możesz wpisać
jeden wyraz. ____/10

0. We can’t go out. Look! It’s raining cats and dogs!

31. Let’s start the ball ……………….. and ask our first speaker to give the lecture.
32. Please, welcome Allan Williams, who is our first speaker. Allan, the …………… is yours!
33. The result of our survey was beyond my …………………….. dreams! Totally unexpected!
34. – How often do you go to the theatre? – Once in a ………………. moon, unfortunately.
35. Since my dad changed jobs, he’s been living out of a …………………….. He travels four times a
36. Can you ……………… an ear? I need someone to listen to me and look at my problems from a different
37. I really recommend ‘The Strangers’, it kept me on the ………………… of my seat throughout the whole
38. My little sister is always shedding …………………………………… tears when she doesn’t get what she
wants. It’s a real show of despair! But we know she pretends in most cases.

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
39. When I saw my neighbour’s dog loose, I got …………….. feet. The dog is scary and seems to be
40. I can see something’s worrying you. Just get it off your ………………. and tell me!

IV. STRUKTURY LEKSYKALNO-GRAMATYCZNE. Przekształć podane zdania, używając czasowników

frazowych. W lukę możesz wpisać od 1 do 4 słów, wliczając słowo podane tłustym drukiem.

0. I look like my mum. TAKE

I take after my mum.

41. I need to revise my German before I go studying to Berlin. UP

I need to ……………………………… my German before I go studying to Berlin.
42. I really sympathise with you and understand how difficult the situation is. FEEL
I really …………..……………………… you and understand how difficult the situation is.
43. Tom tried to start working on the project but it was too overwhelming for him. GET
Tom was trying to ……………………………….….. the project but it was too overwhelming for him.
44. We have to choose ten candidates now, let’s make the list shorter. NARROW
We have to choose ten candidates now, let’s ……………………………………….…………………..
45. I can’t make pancakes today. I used up the flour when I was making a cake. RAN
I can’t make pancakes today. I ………………………………………….….. when I was making a cake.
46. Joan was totally surprised when we visited her on her birthday. TAKEN
Joan was totally ………………………………………………..…… when we visited her on her birthday.
47. Today it’s your turn to do the dishes, Simon. WASH
Today it’s your turn to ………………………………….., Simon.
48. Please, tell me whose idea it was? UP
Please, tell me who ………………………………… the idea?
49. My mum was raised by her aunt. UP
My mum was …………………………………. by her aunt.
50. When I was visiting Leeds, I decided to visit my roommate unexpectedly. DROP
When I was visiting Leeds, I decided to ………………………………. my ex-roommate.

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
V. SŁOWOTWÓRSTWO. Przekształć wyrazy podane w nawiasach w taki sposób, aby logicznie
uzupełniały zdania. ____/10

0. A smartwatch is one of the most popular wearables (wear).

51. The public reacted to the crime in shock and …………………………. (believe).
52. This offer is …………………………. (beat). You won’t find a two-week holiday in Greece at this price
53. There were a lot of sweets left after my birthday party as I …………………………….. (calculate) the
number of guests.
54. When I heard what had happened, I was ………………………. (speak). It was unbelievable!
55. We moved to a quiet …………………………. (reside) neighborhood last year. It was a nice change from
the hustle and bustle of the city centre.
56. My friend won a ……………………………. (scholar) from a very prestigious university and we are so
proud of her.
57. I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in ………………………. (journal) and work in one of the national
58. The police became ………………………….. (suspect) when the arrested man couldn’t provide any alibi
for that day.
59. Workout might be ………………………. (benefit) for everyone if you do it regularly.
60. Changes in the job market are ……………………….. (avoid) as some jobs must disappear.

VI. ZADANIA LEKSYKALNO–GRAMATYCZNE. Wpisz brakujące słowo tak, aby prawidłowo

uzupełniało obydwa zdania. ____/10

0. ___AT____ She doesn’t like being laughed ____.
Look ____ the sky. The storm is coming.
61. ______
Heavy logging and degradation of forests have been causing habitat and extinction of many species.
For the first time in her life, she was at a for words, unable to say anything when the attorney read
her neighbour’s last will.

62. ______
This high ponytail does not you, you’d better wear your hair down as usual.
The dishes served in my favourite restaurant are so varied that they every taste!

63. ______
All TV stations a police car chase of a man with a gun who escaped from prison earlier that day and
kidnapped a shop assistant.
There are many reasons why crimes are not by victims: one of them is "I can handle it myself"

The prison were empty as the prisoners were taken for a medical check-up.
The viruses spread really fast and infect healthy .
Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
If you want to feed your garden plants with rainwater, you need to have special containers to it for later
Many e-shops their clients’ purchase history so that they can offer special discounts on their favourite
products in the future.

I think I’ve some common cold – I’ve got a runny nose and I keep sneezing all the time.
After the investigation that took 3 years, the police have finally the burglar responsible.

The gated community on the outskirts of the city relies entirely on energy sources such as the sun
and wind.
Not signing the contract today would mean that it is no longer under any circumstances.

They ____ for Spain but made a stopover in France.
I turned back and home – that was the only place where I wanted to be then.

We will teach you how to make fire, fish, find your way in the forest and up a tent.
Don’t forget to your seat in an upright position when the plane takes off and lands.

Human is like a pillar that supports the whole body and its systems.
Is religion still the of morality in the society?
(Adapted from Pearson’s Focus series)

VII. ZADANIA LEKSYKALNO-GRAMATYCZNE. Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i wybierz prawidłową

odpowiedź: A, B, C lub D. ____/15

Przykład: My parents haven’t got a car, so I depend ______ public transport to get me to school.
A on B of C to D for

71. Kim’s mum bought her a new raincoat. It has a ________so her hair won’t get wet.
A. hood B. pocket C. necklace D. sleeve

72. Tina is ________at tennis! She can’t even hit the ball.
A. capable B. enthusiastic C. addicted D. hopeless

73. Most entrepreneurs say you have to ______ some risks when starting a business.
A. make B. do C. give D. take

74. We really appreciate _______ hotel information you gave us. It was very useful.
A. a B. any C. the D. some

75. Apparently, there has been a ______ of interest in the new Picasso exhibition.
A. great deal B. large number C. significant D. plenty

76. You shouldn’t _____ on Bob to arrive on time. He’s completely unreliable.
A. count B. think C. take D. get

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
77. Justin was going to stay at home, but he changed his mind at the last ______.
A. time B. hour C. minute D. day

78. She’s got an amazing opportunity. She can’t pass _____ like that.
A. a chance up B. up a chance C. off a chance D. a chance off

79. The Williams sisters are ______ considered to be among the greatest tennis players.
A. greatly B. generally C. closely D. highly

80. While I enjoyed the latest film in the series, it didn’t really _____ up to my expectations.
A. live B. catch C. fulfil D. accomplish

81. I’ll always support Daniel, ______ people may say about him.
A. however B. whichever C. whoever D. whatever

82. The problem with the article is that it gives you a ______ impression about teenagers’ attitudes to
A. wrong B. fake C. false D. incorrect

83. You’ve made some good points and we’ll try to _____ them on board when we make our decision.
A. put B. take C. have D. carry

84. It’s essential that we consider the ______ of continuing to burn fossil fuels.
A. meanings B. implications C. connotations D. conclusions

85. The roads get so _______ during the rush hour that it makes more sense to take the underground.
A. deserted B. run down C. accessible D. congested

(Adapted from Pearson’s Gold series)

VIII. WYMOWA. Podkreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. ____/5


iː (tree) seat earn speed greedy

86. /juː/ punish music argue university

87. əʊ (phone) close cosy country stone

88. æ (cat) flat cottage balcony maths

89. ʌ (up) touch study student subject

90. ɒ (clock) block copy modern homework

(Adapted from New English File Intermediate, Oxford)

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV
01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
IX. WIEDZA O KULTURZE KRAJÓW ANGLOJĘZYCZNYCH. Z podanych haseł A-O wybierz takie, które
prawidłowo uzupełniają opisy 91-100. Pięć haseł nie pasuje do żadnego opisu.


A. Wuthering Heights B. The Big Apple C. Ronald Regan

D. Watergate E. Mona F. Sinn Féin

G. J. Pollock H. Rosa Parks I. George Gershwin

J. Boudica K. the Met L. Heath Ledger

M. Bill Clinton N. Russell Crowe O. IRA

X. J. K. Rowling
przykład: 0. _X__ an English writer, famous for the books about a teenage boy named Harry Potter

91. ____ an American pianist and composer, famous for Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris and the
opera Porgy and Bess, which included the hit "Summertime".

92. _____ a queen of the British Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman
Empire, considered a British folk hero.

93. _____ an Irish republican and democratic socialist political party active throughout both the Republic of
Ireland and Northern Ireland.

94. _____ the largest art museum in the Western Hemisphere with a permanent collection containing over
two million works, its building being by area one of the world's largest art museums.

95. _____ an Australian actor and music video director, famous for his appearance in such movies as:
Brokeback Mountain, Candy, and The Dark Knight.

96._____ an American activist in the civil rights movement best known for her rejecting bus driver’s order to
vacate a row of four seats in the "coloured" section in favour of a white passenger, once the "white" section
was filled.

97. ____ a nickname for New York City, its popularity being due in part to a promotional campaign by the
New York tourist authorities.

98. ____ a novel by Emily Brontë, now considered a classic of English literature, telling a story of two families:
the Earnshaws and the Lintons, and their turbulent relationships with Earnshaw's adopted son, Heathcliff.

99. ____ an American politician who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
A member of the Republican Party, a former Hollywood actor and union leader.

100. _____ a major political scandal in the United States that led to president Nixon's resignation. The scandal
stemmed from the Nixon administration's continual attempts to cover up its involvement in break-in of the
Democratic National Committee headquarters.

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01.03.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. W. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku

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