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According to RA 1067 section 2, bullying can take many different forms.

According to this definition, bullying is "any severe or repeated use by one or more
students of a written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or
any combination thereof, directed at another student that actually causes or reasonably
threatens to cause the latter physical or emotional harm or damage to his property;
produces a hostile learning environment for the other student; violates the rights of the
other student at school; or mate
Bullying can also include using derogatory language or profanity toward the
target, tormenting them, and making disparaging remarks about their appearance,
attire, or physical appearance. For the quick-tempered, bullying can also refer to any
slanderous statement of accusation that causes the victim undue emotional distress.
Cyberbullying, or any form of bullying committed via technology or other
electronic devices, is also prohibited by law.

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