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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla

uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy IV

Etap szkolny 18 października 2022 roku

Godz. 14.00 Czas trwania testu: 60 minut

Imię i nazwisko ucznia: …………………………….…………….. Klasa: …………..

Nazwa szkoły: ……………………………………………. Miejscowość: ………………

Instrukcja dla ucznia:

1. Test konkursowy na etapie szkolnym zawiera 6 zadań (I - VI).

2. Przed udzieleniem odpowiedzi uważnie przeczytaj polecenie i treść zadania.

3. Wszystkie odpowiedzi wpisuj czytelnie i wyraźnie w wyznaczonych miejscach.

4. Przy rozwiązywaniu zadań zamkniętych wyboru wielokrotnego wybierz tylko jedną, prawidłową
odpowiedź i zaznacz ją krzyżykiem, np.:

a. b. c.

5. W przypadku pomyłki, weź błędną odpowiedź w kółko i oznacz krzyżykiem poprawną odpowiedź.

6. Test wypełniaj długopisem nieścieralnym, nie używaj korektora, ołówka ani gumki.

7. Nie komunikuj się z innymi uczestnikami konkursu w trakcie etapu szkolnego.

8. Nie korzystaj z żadnych urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych, słowników ani innych pomocy naukowych.

9. Sprawdź wszystkie odpowiedzi przed zakończeniem testu.

10. Punkty przyznawane są tylko za w pełni poprawne ortograficznie i gramatycznie rozwiązania,

zgodne z zasadami i normami języka pisanego używanego w kontekstach formalnych, o ile
z polecenia zadania nie wynika kontekst nieformalny.

11. Maksymalna liczba punktów, jaką możesz uzyskać, to 60 pkt.

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Uzyskane punkty: Imię i nazwisko przewodniczącego Podpis przewodniczącego

….….. /60 p., czyli
……… %

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 4
18.10.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. Wł. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
I. CZYTANIE. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Następnie wykonaj zadanie A - uzupełnij luki brakującymi
zdaniami (1-5) oraz zadanie B – wybierz właściwą definicję słowa z tekstu (6-10). …/10

Review: The Martian

0.The Martian tells the story of Mark Watney, an astronaut on the Ares 3 mission to Mars. After a terrible
storm almost destroys the ship and the base, the crew of his ship believe he is dead. 1) _____. Alone on
the red planet, he has to survive until the next mission to Mars arrives.

While this novel is fiction, in some ways it feels like non-fiction. It is very scientific and packed with details
about survival on Mars. Watney is a botanist and engineer, and he begins to grow food and produce
water in his artificial camp. How does he do this? 2) _____.

The author is Andy Weir, and this is his first published book. In it he has created a realistic character.
There is a lot of humour in the story, and the reader can identify with the emotions (although no one can
really imagine what it's like to be on Mars). Watney admits at the beginning that he is in deep trouble, but
he never gives up. 3) _____. Instead, what The Martian gives us is a realistic look at an intelligent person
alone on a planet and trying to survive.

The majority of the plot takes place on Mars and is written in the form of Watney's journal entries.
4) _____. Unfortunately, the other characters in the book (his fellow crew members, the scientists at
NASA on Earth) do not get much development and so they often feel one-dimensional.

I should also mention that the book is thrilling to read. You will be on the edge of your seat until the very
end. 5) _____. It's good not only for space travel fans and scientists but for anyone who is looking for a
unique and exciting story. The Martian was so popular that it was made into a film starring Matt Damon in
2015, but I recommend reading the book first.

(Adapted from:

Zadanie A. Uzupełnij luki w tekście (1–5) zdaniami (A-E).

0.The Martian tells the story of Mark Watney, an astronaut on the Ares 3 mission to Mars.

A. I would recommend this book to all audiences.

B. But Mark does not die in the storm, and he has been left behind.
C. This diary style makes the character of Watney very real.
D. Without the character of Paul Watney, this book would be only a scientific look at survival on Mars.
E. The answers are explained with lots of very convincing calculations.

Zadanie B. Wybierz definicję pasującą do słowa zapisanego WIELKIMI LITERAMI.

0. After a terrible STORM almost destroys the ship and the base…
A. attack
B. bad weather
C. fire

6. … he begins to grow food and produce water in his ARTIFICIAL camp.

A. from the military
B. not natural
C. imaginary

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 4
18.10.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. Wł. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
7. Watney admits at the beginning that he is in deep trouble, but he never GIVES UP.
A. stops trying
B. escapes
C. begins

8. The majority of the plot takes place on Mars, and is written in the form of Watney's JOURNAL
A. things you write in a diary
B. newspaper articles
C. types of transport

9. Unfortunately, the other characters in the book (his fellow crew members, the scientists at NASA on
Earth) do not get much development and so they often feel ONE-DIMENSIONAL.
A. complicated
B. not deep, not realistic
C. interesting

10. I should also mention that the book is thrilling to read. You will be ON THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT
until the very end.
A. bored and sleepy
B. confused and lost
C. very excited, wondering what is going to happen

II. Uzupełnij luki jednym słowem tak, żeby powstał logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst.

0. A travel guide
11. ………………you're travelling to the islands or the mountains of Thailand, you're likely to spend at 12.
………….. one night in its capital city on the way. Bangkok might be noisy and polluted but it's also an
exciting city 13. ………… plenty of things to see and do. 14. ……………. not make it a longer stay?

Where to stay - The Khao San Road was a famous traveller spot even 15. …………… Leonardo di
Caprio's character in the film The Beach stayed there. But it's noisy, not very pretty and not very Thai.
For something 16. …………… authentic, Phra Kanong offers an alternative place to stay, with its
fantastic street markets 17. …………… everyday Bangkok people eat, work and live. It's not as
convenient for the main tourist sites, 18. …………. it has a Skytrain station so you can be at the Grand
Palace in 20 minutes.

How to get around - Bangkok's traffic can be a nightmare. Sure, you can easily 19. ………. a taxi – if
you want to spend hours stuck in traffic jams – but there are two much better ways to get around the city.
To explore the temples and historical sites, catch an express boat river taxi or a longtail boat along the
Chao Phraya river and the canals. For the modern part of the city, the Skytrain is a fast, cheap way to
travel 20. ………… the river to the shopping malls and nightlife of Sukhumvit, and the famous Chatuchak
street market.

(Adapted from:

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 4
18.10.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. Wł. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
III. Uzupełnij zdania jednym słowem, które jest częścią kolokacji. Brakujące słowo należy wpisać w
odpowiedniej formie gramatycznej. …/10

0. My friends have finally come to an agreement as far as our holiday destination is concerned.

21. You’ve ……………….. a big mistake not reporting the theft you’ve seen to the police.
22. Today Michael is …………………. the dishes, it’s his turn not mine!
23. I’ve felt a bit under the weather lately so I’m going to ……….. a break from riding a horse for some time.
24. Let’s …………… started quickly! I hate wasting time.
25. Thank you for …………….. a picture of me! That was very kind of you.
26. My father’s job is very demanding and he always ………………… long hours.
27. I’ve been ………………. some advice recently about some great ways of learning.
28. We are preparing our biology project and we need to ……………. some research.
29. The carpet must have …………………. fire from the fireplace. There’s no other explanation.
30. When I was a child my mum always let me …………… the change and save it in my piggy bank.

IV. Napisz słowa oznaczające poniższe wyjaśnienia wg podanych wskazówek. Słowa, które należy
wpisać w danej parze mają podobne brzmienie, ale inną pisownię i oznaczają co innego. Za każdą
poprawną parę wyrazów otrzymasz 1 punkt. W zadaniu wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna i gramatyczna. Słowa należy wpisywać DRUKOWANYMI literami. …/10

0. get together ……MEET……

vegetarians don’t eat it ……MEAT ……

31. a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle ……………..

to be damaged and separated into two or more parts, as a result of force ……………..

32. the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc. ……………..

acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation ……………..

33. (in the Middle Ages) a man of high social rank who had a duty to fight for his king ……………..
the time between one day and the next when it is dark, when people usually sleep ……………..

34. two things of the same type, especially when they are used or worn together ……………..
a yellow or green fruit that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom ……………..

35. to take something from a person, shop, etc. without paying for it ……………..
a strong, hard metal that is made of a mixture of iron and carbon ……………..

36. the area around the middle of the body between the ribs and the hips ……………..
the act of using something in a careless or unnecessary way ……………..

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 4
18.10.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. Wł. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
37. having very little money; not having enough money for basic needs ……………..
to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container in a continuous stream ....………….

38. not decorated or complicated; simple ……………..

a flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines ……………..

39. a fine white or brown powder made from grain, especially wheat, and used in cooking for
making bread, cakes, etc. ……………..
the coloured part of a plant from which the seed or fruit develops. …………….

40. to stay where you are or delay doing something ……………..

how heavy somebody/something is, (measured in kilograms or pounds) ……………..

(Definitions from:

V. Dokonaj transformacji zdań używając słów podanych w nawiasach. Nie wolno zmieniać formy
podanych słów. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt. …/10

0. He keeps playing loud music at night. It really annoys me.

(ALWAYS) He is always playing loud music at night!

41. Yesterday the dentist pulled out my tooth.

(HAD)……………………………………………… .
42. We haven’t seen him since last year.
(FOR)………………………………………………… .
43. Whenever I watch “Little Women” I begin to cry.
(MAKES)……………………………………………………… .
44. She hasn’t finished writing her project yet.
(STILL)…………………………………………….. .
45. I am too short to be a model as they accept only really tall girls.
(NOT)……………………………………………………… .
46. My younger brother speaks Spanish. So does my older brother.
(OF)……………………………………………………. .
47. This is the most boring movie I have ever seen in my life.
(MORE) ………………………………………………… .
48. I can’t play tennis so well as my younger sister.
(PLAYER)…………………………………………… .
49. It takes 5 minutes to walk from my house to the nearest tram stop.
(MINUTE) ……………………………………………… .
50. First I took my dog for a walk, then I decided to prepare something to eat.
(TAKING) ……………………………………………………. .

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 4
18.10.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. Wł. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku
VI. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź otrzymasz jeden punkt.
Przykład: J.K.Rowling is ……
a) a writer b) an actress c) a scientist d) a politician

51. Harry Styles is a British pop singer who has recently

a) played in a movie b) published a novel c) won a sports competition d) joined a football team

52. Niagara Falls are on the border between

a) The USA and Mexico b) the USA and Canada c) Canada and Mexico d) The USA and Puerto Rico

53. The previous Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson, was a leader of

a) Conservative Party b) Labour Party c) Liberal Democrats d) The Green Party

54. Wales has two flower symbols, one of them is a daffodil and another one is

a) horseradish b) leek c) cabbage d) onion

55. The musical instrument that represents Ireland in the Royal Coat of Arms is

a) a flute b) a violin c) a harp d) drums

56. A queen of the Iceni tribe of Celtic Britons led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman
Empire in AD 60 or 61. Her name was

a) Merinda b) Shannon c) Lady Jane d) Boudica

57.The highest mountain in the UK is

a) Garth Hill b) Arderin c) Ben Nevis d) Pillar Rock

58. “Auld Lang Syne”, a song written by a Scottish poet Robert Burns, is traditionally sung on

a) New Year’s Eve b) Halloween c) Christmas d) the last day of summer

59. New York Yankees is a name of a professional sports team who plays

a) football b) baseball c) basketball d) soccer

60. Rihanna is a world-famous star born in a former British colony. In 2021 her mother country became a
republic within the Commonwealth. The name of the country is

a) Costa Rica b) Barbados c) Puerto Rico d) Venezuela

Wojewódzki Konkurs Kuratoryjny Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 4
18.10.2022 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. dr. Wł. Pniewskiego w Gdańsku

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