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Literature Search Form

Clinical Group: Group one. Clinical Instructor: Mr. Abdullah Eltayeb.

Student Name: Ahmed ElSharqawy. Date:1/4/2021.

1. Write down your topic and draw up your clinical research question:

How can the distractive methods prevent STDs between adolescents?

2. What are the main concepts or ideas?

Prevention of STDs between adolescents.

Ask your clinical question(s) using the PICO Format:

Components Considerations

P = Patient, Adolescents.
population, or
problem of interest
I = Intervention of Using distractive methods like parent communication,
interest video games, and mobile phones.
C = Comparison of Doing physical exercise.
O = Outcome of Prevention of STDs between adolescents.

Finalize Clinical question:

What is the impact of using distractive methods like parental communication,

video games, and mobile phones to prevent STDs between adolescents
compared to physical exercise?

GTNI NU202 / Clinical Documents / Clinical Assignment / Literature Search Form


3. For each component, think of words (keywords) with similar


Adolescents, distractive methods, prevention, and STDs.

4. Document the year of your search(s)/publication dates:

1. 27 Sep 2017.
2. 4 Dec 2020.
3. 28 Mar 2019.

5. State the databases utilized for your search:

Google Schooler.

6. State the name of the nursing journal:

1. Knowledge and quality of adolescents reproductive health communication
between parents and their adolescents.
2. Interactive digital interventions for prevention of sexually transmitted HIV.
3. Mobile phone, social media usage, and perceptions of delivering a social media
safer sex intervention for adolescents: results from two countries.

GTNI NU202 / Clinical Documents / Clinical Assignment / Literature Search Form


7. State the type of research used in your article:

1. Quantitative research.
2. Qualitative research.
3. Quantitative research.

GTNI NU202 / Clinical Documents / Clinical Assignment / Literature Search Form

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