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BEGIN -- In the patristic writings is written the story of a

good disciple whose elder counseled him every day after
Compline. He would advise him regarding obedience and what he
must do in order to be saved.

One day the elder dozed off as he was talking. Then the
devil began to disturb the disciple with thoughts, saying:
"Leave, since your elder has fallen asleep. Why are you just
sitting around? You should also go rest now; you are tired,"
and so on.

"But how can I go?" he thought. "I have to get Geronda's

blessing first." (NOTE: "Geronda" is the Greek term of address
for "Elder")

"But he's sleeping now," his thoughts told him.

"It doesn't matter; I'll be patient."

These thoughts of leaving fought against him seven times,

but he wouldn't leave. Hours later, when it was almost time for
Matins, the elder woke up and said to him, "Didn't you go rest

"I couldn't, Geronda, without your blessing."

"Then why didn't you wake me up?"

"It doesn't matter, Geronda, I wanted to be obedient and

patient." "Fine," said the Elder. "Let's do Matins now, and
then go rest well." And this is what happened.

When the elder went back to sleep again after Matins, he

saw that he was in a chamber full of light, and in it was a
resplendent throne, and on the seat of the throne were seven
crowns with much grace. The elder wondered and said, "Who knows
what great saint and holy man this throne belongs to, and what
struggles he must have done to win these crowns!" And as he was
standing there, lo and behold, a venerable person approached and
said to him, "What are you marveling at, Geronda?"

"I'm marveling at the throne's splendor and thinking that

it must be the throne of some great saint."

"No," he said, "it doesn't belong to some great saint, but

to your disciple."

"But that's impossible," the elder said. "He is still very

young, and he came just recently -- and he has a throne and
crowns already?"

"He certainly does! He was given the throne from the

moment he did his metanoia of obedience, and he received the
seven crowns last night by opposing thoughts." (NOTE: a
"metanoia" is a reverence made by a disciple when he or she has
chosen his or her spiritual father or mother and is accepted.)

Then he came to himself and called his disciple and asked

him, "My child, what thoughts did you have yesterday?"

"I did not have any in particular, Geronda. I don't

remember having any bad thoughts."

"Try thinking a little harder; review the day step by

step," said the Elder.

And then, as he was examining himself, he said, "Yes, yes,

Geronda, last night after Compline after you fell asleep, the
thought to leave you and go rest fought against me seven times,
but I resisted it, and, as you saw, I waited for you."

"Fine, my child; go." And the elder understood that his

disciple had won the seven crowns the previous night by opposing
thoughts. END

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