3 17 14 Nursing Care of Family With Pre School Age

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3 17 14


✓ Read
required learning resources;
✓ Read course and laboratory unit objectives
✓ Read study guide prior to class attendance
✓ Read required learning resources; refer to course unit terminologies for jargons
✓ Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
✓ Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Integrate the principles and concepts of physical, social, natural and health sciences and
humanities in Care of Family with pre-school
2. Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions holistically and comprehensively based on a
given scenario.

Computer device or smartphone with internet access (at least 54 kbps; average data subscription
will suffice)
To facilitate the practice of students’ web navigation skills, the following rules must be
1. The use of search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo) are allowed.
2. Use navigation techniques as mentioned in the required readings.
3. Students must submit this accomplished worksheet through Canvas upload.

Voltaire, 42 months old, and his mother went to their pediatrician for a regular checkup. He is
apparently has an endomorphic body build. However, he is an active boy who is constantly in
motion. He jumps, skip and run. He throws overhead, and can draw a six-part figure. He prefers to
do things by himself such as doing simple button, lace his shoes and undress himself. When asked
by the nurse what is his name, he did not response. Her mother asked him to tell his name to the
nurse but he answers “Don’t you know it?” The Nurse smiles at the mother showing understanding
to the child his age. He weighs 16 kilos, and a height of 3’11’. The mother reveals that her child’s
knees angle in and slightly touched each other when the legs are straightened. The doctor
explained that is genu valgus. The mother also reveal that Voltaire keep his entire family awake at
night because he is so afraid of the dark.
Voltaire’s mother asked the doctor the following questions to lessen her worries.
-Is the genu valgus condition last my son’s life?
-“I want to include vegetables in his diet but he does not want. What should I do?
-“What are the appropriate play for my child?

Guidelines for the Case Presentation

• Base on the given case scenario, Create a visual presentation (Power point) with the following
o Discuss and answer the concept being asked by Voltaire’s mother:
▪ Genu Valgus
▪ Vegetarian diet of pre-schooler
▪ Play for Pre-schooler
o Is the way Voltaire answering to the nurse’s question normal? Are all the activities of
Voltaire normal for his age?
o List the fine motor and gross motor skills from the activities of Voltaire
o Prepare a teaching plan for the parent and a pre-schooler regarding the
implementation of safety measures in the home.
o Nursing diagnosis for pre-schools center on health promotion and unintentional injury
prevention. List two potential nursing care plan on these areas.
• Create a Visual presentation (PowerPoint) on the given scenario
• One group will be chosen to present during synchronous class via zoom
meeting for a maximum of 45 minutes.
• Submit your PowerPoint presentation through canvas upload in the
assignment submission tab provided

Date Completed:
Date Submitted:

Maternal and child’s Health Nursing. 8th Edition Chapter 31, pp. 833-853

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