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Curriculum Vitae Gianni di Manno


Via Prenestina 272, Roma (RM), 00177, Italy
0771-504433 +39 388-1979273
Skype Id: gianni.dimanno
Sex: M
Date of birth: 01/07/1989
Nationality: Italian


May 19 - ongoing Software Engineer Team Leader

At: Open Reply, via del Giorgione 59, Roma
Working on a web development project, particularly with WordPress and Magento
CMS, I have the following tasks:
▪ Analysis of the Software Requirements specification.
▪ Development a strategy the team will use to reach its goal.
▪ Manage the workflow of day-to-day operation.
▪ Provided support to customers.

December 16 – April 19 Software Engineer Analyst

At: Accenture Technology Solutions, Piazzale dell’Industria, 40, 00144 Roma
Working on a Telco project, particularly on the Services and Network Inventory, I
have the following tasks:
▪ Analysis and drafting of the Software Requirements specification
▪ Provide inputs for estimating software requirements.
▪ Provided support to Client Team and customers.
▪ Work with the team to redesign the product or process to achieve optimal quality.

June 15 – November 16 Software Developer

At: Accenture Technology Solutions, Piazzale dell’Industria, 40, 00144 Roma
Worked on a Telco project, particularly on the Services and Network Inventory, I
had the following tasks:
▪ Design and Management Database with SQL Oracle Language, System
Integration and Custom Development, working with J2EE Technologies.
▪ Daily installation of the deployment on Weblogic server.
Software Used: IDE Eclipse, Granite, Sql Developer, Putty and Oracle Weblogic

In compliance with the Italian legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal
details contained in this document.
Curriculum Vitae Gianni di Manno

March 14 - March 15 Working Holiday Visa

At: Melbourne, Australia.
I had experiences in different fields:
▪ Mobile iOS developer (1 month)
▪ Worker at the Pizza factory (6 month)
▪ Worker on the Farm (3 month)

July 13 - March 14 Mobile iOS and Android Developer

At: Vision Multimedia srl, Fondi (LT), Italy.
▪ Development and testing iOS/Android Mobile apps. Working with Java, XCode
and MySql Database.
Software Used: Android SDK + Eclipse ADT (Android Developer Tools), Xcode
and Sql Developer.

June 05 - September 13 Waiter during the weekend

At: Ristorante Da Remo, Fondi, (LT)


November 17 - November 19 Master degree in Security Engineering

At: Pegaso University, Italy
Thesis’ title: Safety in the workplace: The risk associated with video terminals.

November 08 - May 13 Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering

At: University “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy
Thesis’ title: Creating a system for controlling and programming of Arduino-based
systems .
Brief description: I created a system Arduino-based connected to a web server,
where was possible programming, monitoring it and managing the sensors from

September 03 - July 08 High school diploma as Computer technician

At: Itis A. Pacinotti, Fondi (LT), Italy


July 18 EIPASS Supervisor and Examiner

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Curriculum Vitae Gianni di Manno

August 17 Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer

At: Kion Nice, Rome, Italy

May 17 English Level Intermediate

At: Berlitz, Rome, Italy

September 14 iOS 8 Developer Workshop

At: Secret Lab, City Mill, TAS 7000, Australia

May 08 Certificate of attendance at the course of business simulation and

simulation of office work.
At: Itis A. Pacinotti, Fondi (LT), Italy


Mother tongue(s) Italian


Spoken Spoken
Listening Reading
interaction production
English B2 B2 B2 B2 B2

Other main Software Languages: Java, C, HTML, Php, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, PL/SQL.
development related Framework: Bootstrap
Software: Dreamweaver, Aptana Studio 3, Xampp, EasyPhp
Database: MySql
CMS: Magento 2.1 CE, Drupal 8, WordPress

Other Skills Ability to work on a priority basis.

Ability to work as part of a team and individually, creative and hard working.
Motivated to gain new competences.
Confident in my own skills and able to promote them.
Well trained to problem solving, result-oriented, creative and agile mind.
Flexible and adaptable to working scenario.

Driving licence European license B (for cars).

Full Australian license.


Blood donor at “San Giovanni di Dio” in Fondi (LT).

Available to transfer abroad

In compliance with the Italian legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal
details contained in this document.

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