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In a few sentences, can you tell us what your study is all about?

- Our study is about indoor plants and the mental health of senior high school STEM
students. The researchers decided to investigate this issue in order to determine
whether indoor plants have a positive and significant relationship with students' mental
health.This study will serve as a guide for students who are struggling with mental health
issues. Additionally, it will contribute to overcoming their status.

What is your motivation for this study?

- The researchers' motivation for this study is to address an issue that has not been
addressed in previous studies since mental health issues are common nowadays and to
investigate if there is a significant relationship between indoor plants and the mental
health of senior high school STEM students.

Did you bridge any gap from your study?

- From previous studies, it has focused only on the mental fatigue of a population of
individuals, families, and communities residing in urban public housing. Hence,
significant relationships between indoor plants and the mental health of SHS STEM
students have not yet been found in previous studies and remain unknown. In order to
bridge the gap, the researchers will investigate if there is a significant relationship
between indoor plants and the mental health of senior high school students.
Why did you choose this title?
- The researchers chose this title due to the fact that we researchers want to know if
plants really help the mental health of the senior high school STEM students. Along the
lines of how students feel for example do they feel relaxed having some plant to their
surroundings while they are stressed or bored as a matter of fact students nowadays are
stressed about their academic activities.

- We chose this study because it is relevant to the present scenario, mental health issues
have been common nowadays and if there is a relationship between indoor plants and
mental health that could have a positive influence on senior high school STEM students.

What is the significance of the study?

- This study will be beneficial to the senior high school STEM students , to the mental
health professionals, and to future researchers. This study may assist the beneficiaries
in terms of indoor plants and mental health issues. This could give them knowledge
about the positive association between indoor plants and mental health.

This research may assist the students in raising their awareness and might offer them advice
on how to go around the problem.

This research may assist the mental health professionals to assist individuals to manage
their mental health needs, including by giving guidance or advising their patients to spend time
in nature or plants.

This research may assist future researchers who might be interested in conducting research
similar to this one; they may use the concepts offered in the study as a guide and a source of
Why did you choose that theory for the study?
- The researchers chose the attention restoration theory of Kaplan. Attention Restoration
Theory indicates that being exposed to a natural setting promotes more effortless brain
function, which enables one to regain and recharge one's capacity for cognitive
processing. The study focuses on the "soft fascination" property of the theory, where
"soft fascination" focuses on the aspects of the environment that capture attention
effortlessly. This study investigates the positive association and significant relationship
between indoor plants and the mental health of senior high school STEM students.That
being said, the attention restoration theory can support this study.

What makes your study unique? Or how can you say that your study is unique?
- What makes our study unique is that this could address the issue that has not been
addressed in the previous studies, since this study focuses on the mental health issue,
which is prevalent nowadays, and it can contribute knowledge not only to the students
but also to individuals who are interested in this topic.

What is the scope of the study?

- The study will focus primarily on investigating how indoor plants affect the senior high
school students’ mental health. The data gathering will be conducted to ninety (90)
randomly selected senior high school Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) students from grades 11 and 12 at Notre Dame of Kidapawan
College. The investigation will take place within the school year 2022-2023

What is the limitation of the study?

- The respondents are required to be in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) program at Notre Dame of Kidapawan College. The study will not
cover anything unrelated to the study. The study's limitations include those that can't be
changed by the researchers, such as participant attendance and resistance.
Furthermore, the researchers will maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all
participant responses.
What is the research problem?

1. How do the senior high school students interact with indoor plants?

2. What is the status of the mental health of the senior high school students?

3. Do indoor plants and mental health have a positive and significant relationship?

What statistical tools are you using to test each hypothesis?

- Frequency and Percentage -This will be used to identify the interaction of the
respondents with the indoor plants.

- Weighted Mean - This tool will be utilized to determine the mental health status of
senior high school STEM students.

- Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient -This will be used to determine the

relationship between indoor plants and mental health.
What are your dependent variables?
- Our dependent variable is Mental Health.

What are your independent variables?

- Our independent variable is Indoor Plants

What is the definition of indoor plants/mental health in your study?

Indoor Plants

- It refers to ornamental plants that are grown indoors. It produces appealing and relaxing
settings and boosts general well-being.

Mental Health

- It refers to the cognitive status of a person. It refers to the state of positive health,
emotional stamina, and psychological well being.

What sampling technique are you going to use? Why? How are you going to choose the
sample from the population?
- The sampling technique that will be used in this study is a universal sampling technique.
We will use this technique in case the respondents do not have the characteristic that is
needed in the sample. The researchers will conduct a pre-survey before collecting data
to know who has indoor plants among the respondents.

What is the population of your sample? What list/directory are you using?
- The population of this study is the senior high school STEM students. The respondents
will be randomly selected

What is your method?

- This study will utilize a quantitative method with a correlational explanatory research
design. This study used an explanatory design since this study will investigate the
degree of association between two variables. Furthermore, this study will determine
whether indoor plants have a positive and significant relationship with the mental health
of senior high school STEM students.

What is your data gathering method?

- The researchers will use a modified survey questionnaire in conducting and gathering
the data.

What is your research hypothesis?

- The researchers hypothesize that mental health and indoor plants have positive and
significant relationships.

How are you gonna conduct the study?

- This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational explanatory research design
to investigate whether indoor plants have a positive and significant relationship with the
mental health of senior high school STEM students. The researchers will use validated
survey questionnaires to be distributed to the respondents. The researcher will collect
and gather the data from the responses of the respondents. A data tabulation is
performed in counting the responses. Then, the data will be interpreted based on the
findings of statisticians. The significance of the study's findings will then be explained to
the people through data interpretation. However, the researchers will maintain the
privacy and confidentiality of all the respondent’s responses.


- This study will take place throughout the second semester of the school year 2022-2023.
7.What limitations did you encounter?
8.How did you establish the limits around the scope of your data collection?
10.What are the main issues and debates in this subject area?
11.What were the crucial research decisions you made?
What phenomenon are you trying to explain/understand?

13.Who will be most interested in your work?

14.What is the theoretical and practical gap?

15.Is your literature current (up-to-date)?

16.Have you obtained the local literature on this topic?

17.Have you included in the literature the major theories, concepts, factors, and variables
connected with your research?

18.Have you collected and reviewed enough literature? Have you been exhaustive in your
literature search?

19.What method or strategy did you use for your analysis* technique * for coding,
analyzing and presenting data?

21.What are the expected relationships between the independent variables and the
dependent variables? Why do you expect these relationships?

22.Why use a five-point scale? Seven-point scale? Why not use objective data?

26.Are there moderating/ mediating variables? Why these moderators/ mediating?

27.Where did you get your research framework? Is it your own? Why this framework?

28.How do you justify this framework?

29.Why choose this method?

30.Why did you use thematic analysis / qualitative content analysis?

31.How well did the study design work in practice?
32.What was the most challenging aspect of your research?
33.What Methods or Sampling Technique did you employ?
34.How did you analyze your data?
35.Why did you use this research methodology? What did you gain from it?
36.What were the main ethical issues of conducting this research?
37.What is your measurement Instrument?
38.What theories or theoretical framework is your study based on?

39.What are your research variables?

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