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Silver Lakes Garden Club

February 1, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 3:03 pm in the Silver Lakes Clubhouse by Co-Chr.
Margaret Weber. 22 members were present including our BOD liaison, Kathy Bisonic.
Minutes from the January 18, 2023 meeting having been distributed via email were
approved: motion, Gloria Padula, second, Karen Hagen.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Peggy Shereda reported a starting balance of $4919.00.

Income: $4388.52 which includes: $190, bake sale 1/17; Piano Man, $3740.52;
50\50,$384.00; Donations, $74.00. Expenses: $1534.18 which includes: Piano Man,
$1389.76; Tropiflora presentation, flower boxes, poster material, soil, $144.42. Our
balance as of February 1, 2023 is $7773.34.

Gloria Padula gave an overview of our very successful fundraising event. Our attendance
was 172 and our profit was $2246.96. Many thanks to Gloria, Donna and Diane for
nurturing this event for three years!!

Reports were deferred at this time with the exception of the Education Committee.
Education: Jane Barry asked members to put Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 on their
calendars for our Garden Club sale of bromeliads and air plants. These plants will be
harvested from member gardens and the sale will coincide with Hot Dog Day. Members
were reminded of Twyla Leigh’s presentation, Orchids for Beginners, at the Marco Island
Library, February 15th from 2 - 3pm. As this is the date for our next Garden Club
Meeting, Jane will check on the availability of a room to hold our meeting so the
membership can be present for both important events. An email will come to clarify

Evaluation of our major event: Accolades were expressed to our event chairs for
their work on this successful event! Suggestions were to move our event a little later in
the season. Members liked the ‘entertainment’ format but felt the people attending
wanted to be able to dance too.
Garden Club Plant Sale: We need to arrange this event early in January to attract
those residents getting ready to embellish their gardens.
Projects for this year: Members are asked to discern project thoughts, write a
detailed description of the proposed idea and bring it to our next meeting. A suggestion
was made to have Dominique create signage for our pools that would state that residents
at our pools are free to add water to any plant that appears to be over dry.
Plan for recruiting and orienting new members: Jolene Smith reported that
we have 12 potential new members. Margaret, Peggy and Kathy will gather these
women in the conference room at the Diamond Club House this Monday, February
6th, after coffee to give them an overview of the opportunities as well as
responsibilities of membership. Jolene has graciously offered her home (1069
Silver Lakes Blvd) on Monday, February 13th from 4 - 6 pm, for all of us to gather
and welcome the new members. Thank you, Jolene.
Committee review and assignments: All present committee chairs are asked
to create a bullet point description of your duties and the expectations of your
committee members. Please get this report to either Margaret or Peggy. The
Watering Committee will now be called the “Plant Maintenance Committee.” An
added expectation of this committee will be to have team captains evaluate our
plantings each Fall and prepare suggestions for additions, removals, etc.

Possible raffle of items offered by Tom Giles: Tom has graciously offered to
provide several items he has made including two charcuterie boards to be raffled
off as an additional fundraiser this year. Joan Anderson and Gloria Padula will set
up the raffle table at coffee.
Major Event, 2024: Event ideas:
^ Debi Guthery Sequel; entertainer that would include dancing. Serving burgers and
condiments for a meal.
^Jimmy Mazz; entertainer with dancing
^Make a concerted effort to bridge the gap of musical interests owing to the age
diversity of our attendees.
^We all need to brainstorm ideas for next year’s fundraiser!
Members need to consider chairing or being a part of the steering committee for this
important fundraiser for our Garden Club next year.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 15th…time and place to be determined.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm

Respectively submitted,

Mary-Jo Kolde

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