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Page 1 of 5 Course Code: 19BA06

Degree / Branch: PG / MBA Semester: II / Year: I

Part A - (2 Marks)
1. How would you show your understanding on unbalanced transportation problem? CO2 K3
2. Categorize the Phases of transportation model. CO3 K4
3. Interpret the need for Optimum solution in transportation. CO5 K6
4. What do you mean by Least cost method (LCM)? CO1 K1
5. Compare Vogel approximation method (VAM) & Least Cost Method. CO1 K2
6. How do you identify Degeneracy in transportation problem? CO2 K3
7. Analyse rules of travelling salesman Problem. CO3 K4
8. Discuss the meaning of Assignment. CO4 K5
9. Compare Balanced assignment problem & Unbalanced Assignment Problem. CO5 K6
10. What example can you give for Unbalanced assignment problem? CO1 K1
11. How will you resolve degeneracy in Transportation Problem? CO1 K2
12. Classify transportation problem. CO2 K3
13. Examine the Steps in Hungarian algorithm. CO3 K4
14. Compare Assignment and transportation Problem. CO2 K2
15. What do you mean by Travelling Salesman Problem. CO1 K1
16. Classify the different types of strategy. CO3 K4
17. Compile the Characteristics of game. CO4 K5
18. Define Game. CO1 K1
19. Conclude your understanding about Payoff Matrix. CO3 K4
20. Interpret the concept of two person zero sum game. CO5 K6
21. What is Saddle point? CO1 K1
22. Compare Dominance Principle of Rows and Columns. CO1 K2
23. Identify the basic assumptions of the Game. CO2 K3
24. Conclude the advantages of Game theory. CO3 K4
25. Define Dominance principle. CO1 K1

Part B - ( 12 MARKS)
1. (a)In a game of matching coins, player A wins Rs.2 (if there are two heads, wins nothing if
there are two tails and lose Re.1 when there are one head and one tail. Determine the payoff
matrix, best strategies for each player and the value of the game to A. CO1 K2

(b)Reduce the following game by dominance and find the value of the game CO1 K2
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Player B Player B
Player A I II III IV
I 3 2 4 0
II 3 4 2 4
Player A
III 4 2 4 0
IV 0 4 0 8

2. (a)Reduce the following game by dominance property and solve it. CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A I II III IV V
I 1 3 2 7 4
II 3 4 1 5 6
Player A
III 6 5 7 6 5
IV 2 0 6 3 1

(b) Reduce the following game by dominance property and solve it. CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A I II III IV V
I 1 3 2 7 4
II 3 4 1 5 6
Player A
III 6 5 7 6 5
IV 2 0 6 3 1

3. (a)Reduce the following game by dominance property and solve it. CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A B1 B2
A1 30 2
Player A A2 4 14
A3 6 9

(b)A and B play a game in which three coins a 1 Re., a 2 Rs. and 5 Rs. Each player selects a
coin without the knowledge of the other’s choice. If the sum of the coins is an odd amount, A
wins B’s coin; if the sum is even, B wins A’s coins. Find the best strategy for each player and
the value of the game. CO1 K2

4. (a)Solve the following game by graphical method CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A B1 B2 B3 B4
Player A A1 19 6 7 5
A2 7 3 14 6
A3 12 8 18 4
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A4 8 7 13 -1

(b)Solve the following 2x5 game by graphical method CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
A1 -5 5 0 -1 8
Player A
A2 8 -4 -1 6 -5

5. (a)Solve the following 4x2 game by graphical method CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A B1 B2
A1 2 3
A2 6 7
Player A
A3 -6 10
A4 3 -2

(b)Solve the following 5x2 game by graphical method CO2 K3

Player B Player B
Player A B1 B2
A1 -4 3
A2 -7 1
Player A A3 -2 -4
A4 -5 -2
A5 -1 -6
6. (a)Solve the following Transportation Problem
1 2 3 4
1 21 16 25 13 11
2 17 18 14 23 13
3 32 27 18 41 19
6 10 12 15
Find the Initial basic feasible solution using North West corner rule and hence find the
optimal solution using Vogel’s Approximation Method. CO2 K2

(b)Find the Initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation by VAM method and
compare this with North west corner rule : CO3 K2

1 2 3 4
1 3 1 7 4 300
2 2 6 5 9 400
3 8 3 3 2 500
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250 350 400 200

7. (a)Solve the Transportation Problem by using North west corner rule CO2 K3
D1 D2 D3 D4
S1 21 16 25 13 11
S2 17 18 14 23 13
S3 32 27 18 41 19

6 10 12 15
(b)The company has factories at F1, F2 and F3 which supply warehouse W1, W2 and W3.
Weekly factory capacity are 200, 160, 90 units respectively. Weekly warehouse requirements
are 180, 120 and 150 units respectively. Unit shipping (in Rupees) cost are as follows
W1 W2 W3
F1 16 20 12 200
F2 14 8 18 160
F3 26 24 16 90

180 120 150

Find the optimal solution using Stepping Stone Method. CO3 K4

8. (a)Obtain an Optimum basic feasible solution to the following Transportation problem.

CO3 K3

Warehouse Factory
W1 W2 W3 W4 capacity (b)Explain
Hungarian F1 19 30 50 10 7 Method to solve
Assignment F2 70 30 40 60 9 Problems.
F3 40 8 70 20 18 CO2 K2
9. (a) Solve the Requirements 5 8 7 14 following to
minimize the total cost by Hungarian Method: CO4 K3
1 2 3 4
A 48 48 50 44
Building B 56 60 60 68
C 96 94 90 85
D 42 44 54 46
(b)The batch of four jobs can be assign to five different machines. The set up time in hours for
each job on various machines are given below : CO5 K2
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
J1 10 11 4 2 8
J2 7 11 10 14 12
J3 5 6 9 12 14
J4 13 15 11 10 7
How should the jobs are assigned to the various machines so that the total cost is minimized?
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10. (a)There are four machines in a machine shop. On a particular day the shop got orders for exe-
cuting five jobs (A, B, C, D, and E). The expected profit for each job on each machine is as fol-
1 2 3 4
A 32 41 57 18
B 48 54 62 34
C 20 31 81 57
D 71 43 41 47
E 52 29 51 50
Find the optimal assignment of Jobs to Machines to maximize the profit. Which job should be
rejected? CO5 K2

(b)An oil corporation has got three refiners P, Q and R and it has two send petrol to four
different depots A,B,C and D. The cost of shipping one gallon of petrol from each refiners to each
depot is given below: Find the minimum cost of shipping after obtaining an initial solution by
VAM . CO4 K2

Refinery Available
P 10 12 15 8 130
Q 14 11 9 10 150
R 20 5 7 18 170
Requirements 90 100 140 120

Course Faculty Director

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