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So the role of my sleeping habits has been consistent most of my life.

I make sure I get at least

eight hours of sleep everyday as it is recommended by the cdc government. This has positively
affected my life physiologically, emotionally and physically. Firstly what has positively affected
my emotional and physical well being due to adequate sleep is my mood and stress levels.
Getting enough sleep enhances your mood as your body is well rested and your energy is
restored. This has positively impacted my anxiety and how I don’t get stressed by not being able
to sleep. I have noticed that I am more emotionally responsive if I get adequate sleep everyday
and keep it a consistent rest habit. During the days I don't really take naps and when I do it is
due to the lack of sleep I have the other nights. Sometimes there are nights where I don’t get
eight hours of sleep and I do feel the difference in my behavior during the day as I am more
moody, grumpy, less emotionally responsive and have bad eating habits. I have also notice in
my behavior when I get inadequate sleep, there seems to be situations in my life that cause me
to overthink and have anxiety and I won’t be able to sleep peacefully. I have also researched it
and asked my therapist what are the reasons and causes for being inadequate when I am
anxious and stressed and she said it is because sometimes I am depressed in my life and don’t
have closure. So personally after experiencing moments of inadequate sleep I want to get into
a new habit of meditating on some soundfull nature noise, or listening to a podcast or reading a
book to improve my sleeping habits. I normally go on my phone before I sleep or watch a movie
to sleep and being on the screen before bed isn’t a good habit due to the radiation and screen
brightness. Addressing sleep problems makes a difference as I am able to acknowledge what
affects my sleeping habits and patterns. I also have discovered that another sleeping pattern
that helps me sleep better is eating at least three hours before I go to bed and not too late
because if I eat late I wake up with really bad stomach cramps and issues. The list carries on
with everyday patterns that affect an individual's sleep pattern and analyzing my personal sleep
patterns I am able to make a difference and change some habits to make my sleep patterns
more adequate.

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