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Lesson plan

Teacher: Lehăceanu Damaris

School Școala Gimnazială ,,Acad. H. Mihăescu” Udești
Class: 6th
Level: L2 elementary - 2nd year of study

Lesson: Parts of the body

Type of lesson: vocabulary consolidation and language practice
Language structure: modal verb should, order of adjectives

Materials/resources: guidebook, worksheets, post-its, crayons

aplicații: wordwall, kahoot, learningapps

1.1 Receiving the global meaning of an oral message in a familiar context
2.1 Formulating a simple message with help
2.3 Describing a person/ character
4.2 Writing simple messages about him/herself or others

1. to practice vocabulary by means of games
2. to encourage Ss to participate creatively in communicative activities
3. to develop listening, speaking, listening and writing skills
4. to practice language structures

Time: 2 h

*this is the lesson plan for the first class; for the second class, in order to consolidate
vocabulary, we will use the online resources

Activity 1: Warmer

Aims: -to create a pleasant atmosphere for learning

-to stir students’ interest

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

T asks questions: Who is missing today? T-Ss Listening 3’

How are you today?
T checks homework and helps where necessary. Ss-T

Activity 2: Lead in – Is this my…?

Aims: -to identify the parts of the body

-to gain self-confidence in expressing themselves in a foreign language

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

T asks one st in the class Is this my …?, pointing to T-Ss 5’

the correct or the wrong part of the body. The st answers Speaking
with Yes, it is or No, it isn’t. If s/he answers correctly, s/he Ss-T
takes the place of the teacher and asks a similar question Listening
to another st. Ss-Ss

Activity 3: Free practice –The body

Aims: -to consolidate vocabulary

-to develop group work skills

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

Each group receives 15 colored sticking post-its with the T-Ss 10’
names of the body parts. They choose someone in the Speaking
group to be “the body” and they have 5’ to stick the post- Ss-T
its on it. They get a point for each correct post-it and the Listening
group which finishes first gets an extra 3 points. Ss-Ss

Activity 4: Language practice – picture dictation

Aims: -to draw a picture after hearing a short description

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

The Ss take out their crayons and the T dictates the T-Ss Speaking 10’
picture of a monster. T uses also words describing shapes
and colours. T reads the text making pauses to allow Ss to Ss-T
finish drawing. Each Ss holds his/her drawing high for Listening
everyone to see. IW

Activity 5: Consolidation - My monster

Aims: -to work in groups to achieve the task

-to write a short description using the taught vocabulary

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

Next, the groups have to draw their own monster and to T-Ss Writing 10’
write a description of it. T draws attention on the order of
adjectives Ss must use. At the end, the drawings are put Ss-T Speaking
on the class notice board and sts share opinions about
them. Ss-Ss Reading

Activity 6: Feedback
Aims: -to practice vocabulary and language structures

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

T asks Ss to work on the exercises from the worksheets T-Ss Listening 10’
they have received. Ss have to use the modal verb should Ss-T Reading
to give advice in different situations. IW Speaking
Activity 7: Giving homework
Aims: -to motivate Ss

Procedure Interaction Skills Timing

T praises the Ss and grades some of them. T-Ss Listening 3’

T gives Ss homework: What should homework be Ss-T Speaking

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