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Water and papermaking 1. Fresh water components

Article  in  Paper Technology · February 2007


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1 author:

Martin Hubbe
North Carolina State University


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18-24 WATER-Hubbe 19/1/07 16:30 Page 18

Martin A. Hubbe
Associate Professor, Water and Papermaking
North Carolina State University
1. Fresh Water Components

Did you ever stop and think about how papermaking can be attributed to materials
The quality of fresh water
much water comes out of the headbox of a that come from other sources, such as the
entering a PM system can
paper machine? The ratio of water to solid wood, waste-paper, or even the chemical
affect both process efficiency
materials is often about 200 to 1. Most of that additives to a paper machine.(14-20)
and paper quality, contribut-
water originally enters the paper machine sys- Later articles in this series will consider
ing to, or being responsible
tem as fresh water, coming from a river, lake, the build-up of soluble materials in paper
for, problems such as
or well. This review article considers ways in machine systems due to water recirculation,
which the composition of that incoming water as well as strategies to deal with white-water
• low brightness, reduced
can affect paper quality and the operations of that contains various soluble or finely dis-
strength and sizing diffi-
the paper machine. persed materials.
Water appears to play several essential It can be quite a different matter when one
• fabric abrasion, scale
roles during manufacture of paper. It acts as a is running a paper machine and trying to pin
and deposit formation,
swelling agent for the fibres, promoting the down the sources of problems such as low
clogging of spray nozzles,
process of refining and the development of brightness, sizing difficulties, or deposits. It
and corrosion.
contact area between fibres. It serves as the can be foolish to rule out fresh water as a
solvent for a variety of chemical additives to potential source of problems. Though the
Many of these effects can
the process. It serves at the suspending published literature provides relatively little
be understood in terms of
medium for the solids, making it possible to quantitative data regarding effects of fresh
concepts such as solubility
disperse them and then form them into a fairly water characteristics on papermaking prob-
products, precipitation, and
uniform sheet as the paper is dewatered on a lems,(7,21-24) it is still possible to draw
forming fabric or between a pair of fabrics. qualitative conclusions. Before considering
The feature presents com-
And finally, it facilitates the formation of paper quality impacts and papermaking
mon situations from paper
hydrogen bonds within the paper structure, process issues, the following section reviews
mills - problems and
which are a characteristic feature of paper. some definitions.
counter-strategies - and
The effect of fresh water composition on
offers insights into the
paper quality and on paper machine opera- Fresh Water Components
effects of fresh water compo-
tions is often overlooked. The thinking goes Some Useful Terms
nents such as:
this way: Most problems related to fresh When technologists describe the quality of
water can be solved by more extensive or fresh water, they often use some of the terms
• Mineral-based suspended
more sophisticated fresh water treatment. listed in Table 1.(1-2) More precise definitions
solids, ie abrasive materi-
Though such treatments generally lie beyond depend on various standardized test methods.
als and the coloured
the scope of this article, a number of good In a practical sense, papermakers would pre-
materials and clays
sources of information are available.(1-13) In fer that each of the listed quantities be
which may affect optical
addition, many of the most dramatic water- sufficiently low in value such that its effects
related problems that arise during are insignificant.
• Dissolved inorganic
solids such as hardness Suspended solids The mass percentage of materials, on a solids basis,
ions, including Ca2+ and that can be removed from water by coagulation and
Mg2+; “salts,” and quan- filtering or settling
tities related to pH; Dissolved solids The mass percentage of materials present in ionized
coloured ions - especially and other solubilized forms
the chelated forms of Biological oxygen A measure of the amount of organic matter in the
iron, manganese, and demand (BOD) water sample, as measured by its ability to take up
copper ions. oxygen during its decomposition
Chemical oxygen demand Very similar to BOD, except that the test protocol
The practical examples (COD) tends to be quicker and more convenient
include: Colour The ability of a water sample to absorb visible light in
Copier paper made from a specified way
bleached kraft pulp, PCC Table 1 Terms that paper technologists use to describe water quality

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Practical tests can be used to quantify the a major impact on these quantities within the
filler, various starch prod-
composition of water. For instance, turbidity paper machine system.
ucts, tinting dyes, and
tests can be used as a measure of suspended In typical cases papermakers add sufficient
fluorescent whitening agent.
solids, as long as there is some appreciation of amounts of acids, bases, or buffers to the sys-
It is thought that low bright-
the need for calibration. Refractive index tem so that pH is dominated by the additives
ness may be influenced by
measurements can be used to estimate salinity that are used. For instance, acidic conditions
transition metal ions from
levels. One can estimate the level of organic of papermaking can be established by the use
fresh water.
material in water by evaporating the sample, of aluminum sulfate (“papermaker’s alum”),
Paperboard made from
weighing the residue, incinerating the residue, which functions as a weak acid. When paper-
bleached kraft and sized
then weighing it again. makers employ calcium carbonate as a filler,
with a rosin emulsion prod-
From a papermaker’s perspective, some of the pH typically is constrained to remain
uct and alum. A sizing
the most important mineral-based suspended above about 7.5.
problem - poor resistance to
solids can involve (a) abrasive materials, such The levels of different ions in a water sam-
water penetration - seems to
as silica sand (settlable) or silt (too small to ple are governed by a simplifying rule.
get worse during dry sea-
settle easily), (b) coloured materials such as However, the rule has some important excep-
sons, when the mill uses
the solid or colloidally dispersed hydroxides tions. Each pair of ions has an ion product. If
more well water and less
of manganese and iron, and (c) materials such the concentration of one of the ions is known,
surface water. Hardness ions
as clays, which also may affect paper’s opti- then one can calculate the maximum concen-
are prime suspects since
cal properties. Though chemically similar to tration of the other ion as a stable solution at
they can interfere with the
the materials that many papermakers used as a specified temperature. Real or apparent vio-
“setting” of rosin size by
fillers, the natural clays from a local fresh lations of the solubility product rule occur
aluminum compounds.
water source are likely to be dark in colour. when (a) one of the ions is present as a
Multi-ply boxboard made
chelated form, (b) some of the material that
from 100% recycled mixture,
Dissolved Inorganics appears to be in solution is actually in a very
with the top ply comprised
In terms of the dissolved inorganic solids finely divided state, i.e. colloidal, or (c) in the
of deinked office waste. A
in fresh water, papermakers are likely to suf- absence of suitable nucleation sites for chem-
low strength problem could
fer the most from the effects of (a) hardness ical precipitation, the ions may remain in a
stem from concentrations of
ions, including Ca2+ and Mg2+, (b) coloured supersaturated condition.
ions which impede fibre
ions, especially the chelated forms of iron, In any case, levels of inorganic materials
swelling and the develop-
manganese, and copper ions, (c) the net con- above their solubility limits can make a paper
ment of bonding ability.
tent of ionic materials, i.e. “salts,” and (d) machine system susceptible to scale and
While many of the most
quantities related to pH. The word “chelated” deposit formation, clogging of spray nozzles,
dramatic water-related
usually means that the ion has undergone a and enhanced corrosion, if the situation is not
problems can be attributed
complexation reaction with an organic mole- properly dealt with during fresh water treat-
to other materials - pulp-
cule containing several carboxylate groups. ment.
wood, recovered paper, or
Although pH, acidity, and alkalinity of paper- To answer the question, “what is the range
even the chemical additives -
making process water can have a big effect on of composition of fresh water,” it can be help-
it can be foolish to rule out
different aspects of the papermaking process, ful to look at Figure 1.(25) The figure gives a
fresh water as a potential
it is relatively unlikely that the fresh water has summary of the levels of inorganic materials
source of problems.
Papermakers are alert to
the problems arising from
recycled water. But, fresh
water is often equated to
“clean water” and its effect
on paper quality and PM
operations is often over-

Water and Papermaking

Parts 2 &3
Later articles in this
series will consider the
build-up of soluble materials
PM systems due to water
recirculation, as well as
strategies to deal with white-
water that contains various
soluble or finely dispersed

Figure 1 Cumulative composition diagram for soluble ions present in fresh water of the world’s
lakes and rivers. From Davies and DeWiest, 1966.(25)
Used with permission from the author. Graph redrawn.

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found in fresh water, based on samples of i.e. HCO3-, Ca2+, Na+, SO42-, Mg2+, K+, and
potable water collected mainly in the US. The NO3-.
black and white dotted line at the right of the It is interesting to notice that, in compari-
figure shows the total mineral concentration son to these most predominant ions, some of
of water. the ions that are most troublesome to paper-
To interpret the figure, one can see that makers typically are present at much lower
about 50% for the fresh water samples had levels, e.g. Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+. Also it is worth
about 300 ppm of inorganic materials, but noting the prominent position of silica, a non-
about 10% of the water had either less than ionic species, in this diagram.
about 150 ppm or more than about 700 ppm The fresh water that is available to a given
of inorganics. One also can pick out the most paper mill is most likely to fall somewhere in
important ions in typical fresh water sources, the middle of the vertical axis of Figure 1.
Each water source can be expected to have a
unique distribution of ion concentrations. For
instance, a certain fresh water sample might
have a high iron content and a low calcium
content, due to the iron-containing sediments
and lack of limestone sediments upstream
from the mill.
This kind of information can be helpful in
cases where one is trying to isolate main
causes of problems related to the papermak-
ing process and product. Under ideal
circumstances those in charge of freshwater
treatment should have records of both the raw
water composition and its composition after
treatment by such processes as clarification
and filtration.
To understand the composition of iron
species in a water sample, it is necessary to
take into account both the pH and the redox
potential. As shown in Figure 2, such a dia-
gram can be divided into three main zones.(26)
Figure 2 Redox diagram showing the types of iron compounds that can be The uppermost area describes oxidative con-
expected as a function of pH and electrochemical potential. ditions under which water is actively being
From Langmuir and Whittemore.(26) converted to oxygen. Likewise, the lower area
Used with permission of the American Chemical Society. Figure redrawn. indicates reductive conditions under which
hydrogen is being produced. The chemistry
related to iron species occurs between these
1 = S-oxidizing colourless bacteria;
To summarize, the uppermost part of the
2 = photosynthetic purple bacteria; middle zone of the diagram species is domi-
3 = anaerobic S-reducing bacteria; nated by ferric species (valence=3), whereas
4 = photosyn. S-ox. green bacteria the lowermost part is dominated by ferrous
species (valence=2). In practical terms, ferric
species can be expected in well-aerated sys-
tems, whereas ferrous species can be
expected under anaerobic conditions. In the
same way, the nature of iron-containing
deposits in the paper mill can give an indica-
tion of local anaerobic or aerobic conditions.
As shown in Figure 3, a similar diagram
can be drawn for sulphur.(3) Unlike the case of
iron (Figure 2), it makes sense also to show
an overlay of bacterial species that are likely
to be present under different conditions. The
bacterial species essentially catalyze the
chemical transitions between the different
sulphur species. The upper part of the sulphur
diagram is dominated by sulphate species,
Figure 3 Redox diagram showing the types of sulfur compounds and biological whereas the very bottom portion is dominated
slime that can be expected as a function of pH and electrochemical
potential. From James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Water
by sulphide species. The latter are considered
Treatment Principles and Design.(3) undesirable in terms of smells, toxicity, and
Used by permission from John Wiley and Sons. Figure redrawn. corrosion.

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Organic Materials ing fresh water bears some similarity to the

Organic materials in fresh water can raise retention of fine particles during papermak-
some serious concerns, including colour, ing. Thus, the first step often involves
odours, and the potential for bacterial, fungal, chemical treatment with aluminum sulphate
or algal growth in the system. Fresh water or other soluble chemicals, causing the fine
from acidic sources, e.g. bog water, tends to particles to come together. The next step
be highly coloured.(1,24) Figure 4 illustrates a involves mechanical separation, usually by
proposed building block of humic acids, a key means of settling or flotation.
type of chromophore in such water.(27) Although such steps get rid of the majority
It is believed that humic acids, as well as of inorganic and organic species, it is common
the chemically related fulvic acid (higher acid to then pass the water through a sand filter, and
content) and humin (alkali-soluble) materials then to disinfect it with such chemicals as chlo-
in water, are persistent breakdown products of rine dioxide, ozone, or a combination of
the decomposition of lignocellulosic materi- oxidizing agent and ultraviolet light.
als.(1) The molecular weight of humic acids Before considering some realistic situa-
can range from about 300 to 300,000 Daltons, tions that occur in paper mills, it is important
and they can contribute an intense yellow to realize that many of the most serious water
colour when complexed with iron.(1) A method quality issues are likely to result from the
of colouring paper by means of humic acid addition of wood pulp and other ingredients
has been patented.(28) to the paper machine system. A companion
The odours related to fresh water usually article will describe how emulsified wood
are associated with living materials, such as resins can become enriched in the white water
bacteria, bacterial spores, fungi, and algae. of a paper machine, especially in cases where
Sulphur, sulphate reducing bacteria, and they are poorly retained on the fibres.
anaerobic conditions can convert non-smelly Other materials that are likely to build up in
fresh water to odorous white water under cer- the process water include size-press starch,
tain conditions of papermaking. stickies, latex from coated broke, fillers, surface
While the details of fresh water treatment active agents, anti-foam chemicals, and disper-
lie beyond the scope of this article, it is worth sants. In addition, the paper machine system
listing some of the main approaches that are can act as an incubator, converting relatively
used. From a papermaker’s perspective, treat- benign materials into slime and deposits.

Impacts of water composition on paper prop-

A search of the published literature
revealed little quantitative information
regarding fresh water’s impacts on the prop-
erties of paper.(7,21-24) However, it is still
possible to predict some trends and causal
To illustrate the principles discussed up to
this point, the next section considers common
situations encountered in paper mills. Each of
these situations raises questions about fresh
water as a possible source of problems. The
first three situations to be discussed involve
the quality of the paper product. The fourth,
Figure 4 Proposed building block of humic acids. Based on structure proposed by fifth, and sixth situation involve process effi-
G. Davies.(27)
ciency in the paper mill.
Ions (Fe ions, Mn2+, etc.) Intrinsic color of transition metal ions
Lignin interactions with metal ions Situation A: Low Brightness
Alkaline darkening (lignin and high pH) The first situation to be considered
Biological activity Starch decay involves low brightness of copy paper. In this
Slime (inoculation from fresh water) example, the furnish contains bleached kraft
Humic acids from fresh water pulp, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC)
Redox potential (residual Decomposes fluorescent whitener filler, various starch products, tinting dyes,
oxidizing bleach or biocide) Affects oxidations states of metal ions and fluorescent whitening agent. There were
Rust in the system no known changes or other problems relating
High-charge cationic additives Quenching of fluorescent whiteners to the bleaching system, the filler, or anything
May help retain chromophoric else in the paper mill to explain a recent drop
materials, including humic acids in brightness, which is making it difficult to
Table 2. A Few Likely Explanations for Low Brightness of Paper, Focusing on meet customer requirements. Some likely
Water Quality (Items most related to fresh water are shown in bold- suspects to explain the low brightness are
face.) listed in Table 2.

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As indicated in Table 2, although some of Some possible causes of the sizing diffi-
the suspected causes on the list can be related culty (still focusing on issues related to water
to fresh water, many of the suspects cannot. use) are listed in Table 3.
One has to keep an open mind, do some The reason that hardness ions are prime
chemical analyses, and employ good prob- suspects is that they can interfere with the
lem-solving skills in the mill to narrow down “setting” of rosin size by aluminum com-
the main cause(s) and come up with econom- pounds. If ions such as Ca2+ are the first to
ical solutions. reach the rosin, calcium rosinates can form,
For instance, if it turns out that transition instead of the desired aluminum rosinates. To
metal ions from the fresh water are contribut- minimize such problems, it is common to add
ing to the observed problems, then it is likely alum to the furnish before addition of the
that the more attention needs to be paid to the rosin emulsion.
chemical coagulation, clarification, and filtra- Temperature can have a surprisingly harm-
tion of incoming water. The needed ful effect on rosin sizing.(29) It appears that
techniques will be familiar to engineers and contact with papermaking furnish, especially
service companies that deal with fresh water if it is prolonged, can change the rosin into
treatment. less desirable forms. To minimize such prob-
One of the best ways to rule out fresh lems, it is recommended to minimize the
water as a significant contribution to bright- contact time between rosin and the furnish,
ness problems is to run trials with water from and also to maintain relatively high first-pass
an alternative source. Even if the “special” retention.
water is more expensive, such a trial can It has been reported that sizing can be
answer some important questions. In some adversely affected by organic materials such
cases an increased expenditure for fresh water as humic acids present in fresh water.(23) To be
treatment may result in a net savings to the fair, however, most substances likely to inter-
mill. Likewise, a good biological treatment fere with sizing either come originally from
programme throughout the paper machine the wood or they are added during deinking or
system, in addition to avoidance of anaerobic in the paper machine system.
conditions, can minimize brightness issues Measurements of the surface tension of
related to biological activity. process water can be used for troubleshooting.
Unusually low values of the surface tension of
Situation B: Sizing Difficulties water can indicate that surfactant concentra-
In the next case, poor resistance to water tions are abnormally high. The situation often
penetration (low sizing) is observed in the can be improved by attention to such issues as
production of bleached paperboard. The main pulp washing, the levels of additives used in
component is bleached kraft fibre, and sizing de-inking, and the selection and dosages of
is achieved with a rosin emulsion product and additives such as biocides and defoamers.
alum. The problem seems to get worse during
dry seasons, when the mill uses more well
Situation C: Low Strength
water and less surface water.
The mill is producing multi-ply boxboard
from a 100% recycled mixture, with the top
Hardness ions (Ca2+, Mg2+) Fresh water (well water ?) ply comprised of deinked office waste fibre.
Possible CaCO3 in the furnish The strength recently has been abnormally
Process water temperature Seasonal variations low. None of the departments in the mill
Surface-active materials Deinking surfactants report any recent changes.
Other sources, e.g. biocide Some suspected reasons for low strength
Humic acids, etc. from fresh water are listed in Table 4. As before, it is assumed
Table 3. A Few Likely Explanations for Poor Sizing of Paper, Focusing on that other obvious causes of low strength (e.g.
Water Quality (Items most related to fresh water are shown in fibre quality) already have been considered.
boldface.) Note that only a couple of items in Table 4
are shown in bold. Thus, even when focusing
Biological activity Decay (hydrolysis) of wet end or sur- mainly on water-related issues, only a couple
face starch of the listed “suspects” are possibly attribut-
Filler Amount (ash level) able to fresh water. In principle, fibres are not
Shift in properties (type, particle size) expected to swell and develop bonding ability
Ions Fibres not as swollen, fibrillated as as fast in the presence of high concentrations
normal of ions. Though some ions (including hard-
Non-bonding aluminum products ness ions) may come with the fresh water, it is
Surface tension of water Natural surfactants from wood likely that most of the contributions to ionic
De-inking surfactants strength of the white water come from other
Humic acids, etc. from fresh water sources. If there is any doubt, a refining trial
Table 4. A Few Likely Explanations for Low Strength of Paper, Focusing
could be carried out, using an optional, high-
on Water Quality (Items most related to fresh water are shown quality water source, to compare with the
in boldface.) usual procedures.

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Impacts of water composition on paper

machine operations
Situation D: Fabric Abrasion
In Situation D, a reduced wire-life is
observed on a paper machine. Nobody has
reported any changes concerning the manu-
facturing operation. In particular, the same
brand of forming fabric is being used as pre-
viously. Table 5 suggests some possible
While it is true that abrasion of forming
fabrics is usually attributable to relatively
large, hard, angular grains of silica or other
hard mineral, it is not always obvious where
those grains are coming from. In cases
where fresh water is the source, conven-
tional water clarification (by gravity
sedimentation) and filtration usually can
solve the problem.
But often the bigger part of the story is
related to the condition of elements that sup-
port the forming fabric. The most severe
abrasion is likely to occur on vacuum flat-
boxes, especially if there are microscopic
cracks into which abrasive particles can
become lodged.

Situation E: Scale Deposits

In the next example, scale is observed in
the headbox of a machine producing recycled
linerboard. A quick test of the scale shows
that it contains calcium. The analysis is not
Suspects, in this case, include water
hardness. Increased water hardness could be
expected to increase the likelihood of
deposits involving carbonate, oxalate, sili-
cate, sulfate, and a variety of other
negatively charged ions. The hardness could
be coming partly from the fresh water and

Filler Quartz or feldspar contamination

Fresh water Silt (does not settle readily)
Sand (should be removed by clarifier,
Hydrofoil, vacuum box Micro-cracks, where abrasive material
surfaces becomes lodged
Bleach Chemical attack on the forming fabric
Table 5. A Few Likely Explanations for Increased Rate of Abrasion of
a Forming Fabric (Items most related to fresh water are
shown in boldface.)

Filler Quartz or feldspar contamination

Fresh water Silt (does not settle readily)
Sand (should be removed by clarifier,
Hydrofoil, vacuum box Micro-cracks, where abrasive material
surfaces becomes lodged
Bleach Chemical attack on the forming fabric
Table 6. A Few Likely Explanations for Increased Rate of Corrosion
(Items most related to fresh water are shown in boldface.)

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