Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Mechatronics

Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:

1. Define mechatronics and appreciate its importance.

2. Discuss and explain the characteristics and concept of mechatronics.
3. Identify a mechatronic system and its primary elements.
4. Apply the mechatronics in the switching circuits.

1.1 Definition of Mechatronics

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering

(“mecha” for mechanisms), electronic engineering (“tronics” for electronics), and
software engineering. The word “mechatronics” was first coined by Mr. Tetsuro Moria, a
senior engineer of a Japanese company, Yaskawa, in 1969. Mechatronics is a concept of
Japanese origin (1980’s) and can be defined as the application of electronics and
computer technology to control the motions of mechanical systems.

Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary approach to product and manufacturing

system design (Figure). It involves application of electrical, mechanical, control and
computer engineering to develop products, processes and systems with greater flexibility,
ease in redesign and ability of reprogramming. It concurrently includes all these

Mechatronics: A multi-disciplinary approach

Mechatronics can also be termed as replacement of mechanics with electronics or

enhance mechanics with electronics. For example, in modern automobiles, mechanical
fuel injection systems are now replaced with electronic fuel injection systems. This
replacement made the automobiles more efficient and less pollutant. With the help of
microelectronics and sensor technology, mechatronics systems are providing high levels
of precision and reliability. It is now possible to move (in x – y plane) the work table of a
modern production machine tool in a step of 0.0001 mm. By employment of
reprogrammable microcontrollers/microcomputers, it is now easy to add new functions
and capabilities to a product or a system. Today’s domestic washing machines are
“intelligent” and four-wheel passenger automobiles are equipped with safety
installations such as air-bags, parking (proximity) sensors, antitheft electronic keys etc.

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Concept of Mechatronics System

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1.1.2 Elements of Mechatronics System

Mechatronics System

Elements of Mechatronics

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Why Mechatronics ?

 Advantages & limitations of mechanical systems

 Advantages & limitations of electronic systems

 Role of computers

Advantages of Mechatronics system

1. It is cost effective and it can produce high quality products.

2. Production of parts and products of international standards gives better reputation and
3. It serves effectively for high dimensional accuracy requirements.
4. It provides high degree of flexibility to modify or redesign the systems.
5. It provides excellent performance characteristics.
6. It Results in automation in production, assembly and quality control.
7. Mechatronic systems provide the increased productivity in manufacturing organization.
8. Reconfiguration feature by pre supplied programs facilitate the low volume production.
9. It provides higher level of flexibility required for small product cycles.
10. It provides the possibility of remote controlling as well as centralized monitoring and control.
11. It has greater extend of machine utilization.
12. Higher life is expected by proper maintenance and timely diagnosis of the fault.

Disadvantages of Mechatronics System

• The initial cost is high.

• Maintenance and repair may workout costly.
• Multi-disciplinary engineering background is required to design and implementation.
• It needs highly trained workers to operate.
• Techno-economic estimation has to be done carefully in the selection of mechatronic
• It has complexity in identification and correction of problems in the systems.

1.1.3 Role and Operations of Mechatronics

How does mechatronics benefit manufacturing?

As mechatronics becomes a more obvious and necessary outlet for the engineering field,
it will continue to expand the manufacturing market as well. The manufacturing field is
experiencing a skills gap, as more and more jobs with higher required skills open up and there
aren’t enough qualified people to employ them. Mechatronics provides the bridge manufacturing
needs, by combining engineering in its various forms with technical and mechanical
skills. Engineers can use classes in mechatronics to cross over into manufacturing with ease.
In fact, many community colleges and even high schools are offering introductory or
advanced mechatronics programs with this thought in mind. Early exposure is great, as it
introduces students to potential fields in manufacturing, electronics and engineering that they
might not have considered before.
For example, in New Jersey there are mobile labs that act as training for both county colleges and
businesses to use around the state. These mobile labs act as training centers for metal fabrication,
electrical systems, precision gauging and mechatronics. The goal of this donation was to curb
potential job losses, and the benefits could be new hires for your manufacturing facilities.

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The role of mechatronics engineering in robotics

First coined in the late 1960s, “mechatronics” is now a part of everyday

life. Mechatronics is what allows you to ask Alexa about the weather, puts the “control” in “cruise
control”, and enables you to watch live video of your pets when you’re at work.
At its most basic definition, mechatronics is integrating mechanized systems with electronic,
control, and computer systems. Since its origin, mechatronics has been tied to robotics. Having
multiple systems operating in conjunction and seamlessly communicating has enabled robots to
go from a robotic arm used in diecasting to an artificial intelligence-based humanoid robot.
Unimate is considered to be the world’s first industrial robot. With its first prototype released in
1958, Unimate was the first mass-produced robot used for factory automation. Unimate was used
by General Motors in the diecasting process, which involved extracting hot metal automotive
parts from a die, a task dangerous for humans. Unimate was able to store digital commands that
provided the steps for the robot to complete its work.
The first full-scale humanoid robot, WABOT-1, was introduced in 1971. The robot could
communicate in Japanese, walk, and grasp objects. WABOT-2 was released in 1980 with the goal
of showing more “human-like intelligence and dexterity” by being able to play a keyboard.
Touted as the “world’s most humanoid robot”, ASIMO was first created by Honda in 2000. ASIMO
was able to walk on multiple surfaces, climb stairs, and respond to simple voice commands. With
a focus on increasing autonomy, ASIMO underwent revisions in 2011 to advance the robot’s
intelligence and incorporate autonomous behavior control technology. According to Honda,
“Coordination between visual and auditory sensors enables ASIMO to simultaneously recognize a
face and voice, enabling ASIMO to recognize the voices of multiple people who are speaking
One of the most advanced robots to use mechatronics is Sophia, “a human-crafted
science fiction character depicting the future of AI and robotics, and a platform for advanced
robotics and AI research,” according to creator, Hanson Robotics. Activated in 2016, Sophia can
display more than 60 facial expressions, recognize individuals, answer certain questions, and have
conversations. Hanson has developed 11 other AI-based robots since Sophia’s release, all with the
ability to learn and develop based on the experiences they have.

1.1.4 Applications of Mechatronics Circuit in the System

Mechatronics is used in manufacturing, health care, space exploration, and in tools that
make our lives easier on a day-to-day basis. Mechatronics is the broad term for integrating
mechanical, telecommunication, and computer engineering, frequently using microcontrollers.

Real life applications of Mechatronics

It’s likely that you or someone in your family has come face-to-face with
mechatronics even if you don’t think you have. Mechatronics is used in manufacturing,
health care, space exploration, and in tools that make our lives easier on a day-to-day
Mechatronics is the broad term for integrating mechanical, telecommunication,
and computer engineering, frequently using microcontrollers. Mechatronics engineers
may program robots, design telecommunications systems, or develop nanotechnology.
Where have you encountered mechatronics in real life?

In Health Care

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Robotic surgery has been around since 2000, when the da Vinci Surgical System
was approved by the FDA. The robot includes a camera on one arm and surgical
equipment on the other. Using a robot to perform surgery has many benefits, including
being less invasive, which leads to faster recovery and less risk of infection.
New surgical robots are being developed for eye surgery, targeting lung cancer,
knee surgery, and laparoscopic surgeries. One robot, called CorPath, is enabling surgeons
to perform procedures from a distance. In December 2018, CorPath was used by a
surgeon to conduct an elective procedure on a patient that was 20 miles away. Read more
about this revolutionary procedure.

Around the House

Refrigerators that can order milk when you are running low. Washers that text you
when the load is ready for the dryer. Vacuums that carry cats around the house while
they clean your hardwood floors. All of these devices are available due to mechatronics.
And, of course, who is ever without their smart phone? A cell phone’s camera, for
example, uses mechatronics to take cute pictures and videos of your cat riding that
robotic vacuum.

In the Car

Mechatronics engineering has saved thousands of lives through the advent of anti-
lock brakes and stabilization, air bag inflation, and fully autonomous vehicles. The U.S.
Postal System is even testing autonomous trucksto deliver the mail.

In Manufacturing

The manufacturing process has become largely automated, and that is frequently
due to integration of mechatronics. Industrial robots perform consistently and quickly,
enabling manufacturers to keep up with demand while reducing costs. Like many other
areas, manufacturing has adopted “smart” technology to ensure efficiency.

For Exploration

The Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity provided a view of the red planet that had
never been seen, sending to Earth a combined 342,432 pictures. Some proposed uses for
mechatronics in space exploration include robotic arms on the International Space
Station, development of life-sustaining systems on the moon or otherwise uninhabitable
planets, or flying robots to examine planets’ surfaces.
As you drive to work, walk to class, or lounge on the couch, take a look around
and think about the impact mechatronics has had on you.

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