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1. What is social responsibility? What do you mean by social responsibilities?

- Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and the
environment while lessening negative impacts on them. Companies can act responsibly in many ways,
such as by promoting volunteering, making changes that benefit the environment, and engaging in
charitable giving and social responsibilities means the students generously gave them instruction in
social responsibility.

2. How, as a student, you take up your responsibility on society?

- By keeping the school or college building and surrounding neighborhood clean, picking up the litter and
putting it in the trash can, can be your one step as a socially responsible citizen. You can also keep a
check on reducing energy and water consumption. Even it just a small thing but still its my
responsibilities as student

3. Why social responsibility is important?

- for as a student like me and also a new generation the importance of social responsibility to me is
Study social responsibility mainly focuses on taking responsibility for one's own actions. It is a promise
everyone should make for the society while working for the social, cultural and, ecological causes

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