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As per my instruction during first class, I won’t be meeting you today due to

our accreditation. You will instead work on your Task 2 individual work to be
submitted within class time.


As you browse through the curriculum (course syllabus) you will notice that
the first topic/discussion is about the Vision, Mission, Philosophy and
Objectives (VMPO) … with particular attention to Core Values among others.

Task 2: January 25, 2023 due within Class time.

1. Go through the VMPO and identify which lines or statements appeal to

you the most and link or relate this to the Seven (7) ATTRIBUTES that
describe who is an EMILIAN.

2. From these Seven (7) attributes, choose at least 2-3 and demonstrate:

a. What makes you an EMILIAN? Or what would make you a true an

Start by saying: I AM AN EMILIAN …. Using 2-3 attributes you have
chosen by giving concrete actions, values, attitudes or behavior in
school and at home.
- Use bullet points


I am an Emilian because I am a Lifelong learner or I value lifelong

Learning:(below, explain how)

ASC/ 01 25 23

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