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 Malnutrition

The lead-in Maggi is dangerous as vitamins don’t absorb in the body due to that. The negative effects of
Maggi show slowly on the body as they slowly affect the liver, kidney and heart. However, The taste of
Maggi is difficult to resist and it is because of Monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate
enhances the taste of Maggi, makes it irresistible and satisfies the taste buds. With long term
consumption of Maggi, cells start dying and make us lose apetite.

"Women who ate instant noodles twice a week or more had a higher risk of metabolic syndrome than
those who ate less, or not at all, regardless of whether their diet style fell into the traditional or fast-
food category, " as published in The Washington Post.

The study concluded that excessive instant noodle consumption can not only trigger obesity but also
metabolic ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, heart problems and so on.

Number of metabolic syndrome components according to the frequency of instant noodle

consumption in all subjects.

College students who consumed instant noodles frequently were more likely to have multiple
cardiometabolic risk factors (Fig. 1) (P < 0.0001). The proportion of subjects with three or more risk
factors was 0.8% among those who consumed instant noodles ≤ 1 time/month and 2.5% among those
who consumed instant noodles ≥ 3 times/week.
 Obesity

According to nutritionists' reports, people are becoming more obese as a result of eating more quick
noodles. Additionally, type 2 diabetes and hypertension are directly correlated with fat. Second, one
packet of Maggi includes 14.4 grams of fat and 345 calories. The 1200 grams of sodium they
consume raises blood pressure. Over time, obesity makes people drowsy and slows the body's
functions. Maggi has a lot of gluten, which leads to bloating. Finally, fat gradually begins to
accumulate over the important organ

One of the worst fats, trans fat, is present in the Maggi recipe. Because of this, it is regarded as one
of the worst dietary options for people who care about their health. Moreover, what makes trans
fats bad? Compared to saturated fatty acids, this type of fat takes longer to break down in the body.
Trans fats also contribute to high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and dietary deficiencies.

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