Listening & Reading

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You will hear a radio presenter giving some information about a new exhibition. Listen and fill in
the missing information in the blanks below. You will hear the recording TWICE. (TRACK 1)

Pirate Radio Exhibition

History of Radio Caroline:
- based on a radio ship
- started in __________________________1
Exhibition includes:
- original records and ______________________2 from music fans
- interviews with ___________________3 from Radio Caroline
Visitor information:
- opening times: ______________________4 - exhibition will close in
Ticket information: _____________________6 entrance

Listen to a conversation about three nationalities and choose the correct answer. You will hear the
recording TWICE. (TRACK 2)

1. Why doesn’t Tom want to join the football club?

a. It starts too late.
b. He is busy that evening.
c. He doesn’t like football.

2. Why does Rachel want to do judo?

a. to get fit
b. to meet people
c. to lose weight

3. Tom usually does chores on Saturday mornings. What does he say he will do if he goes to the
judo club?
a. He won’t do the chores.
b. He will do the chores on a different day.
c. He will do the chores at a different time.

4. What does Rachel suggest?

a. She will drive Tom to the judo club.
b. Her father will drive Tom to the judo club.
c. She will meet Tom at the judo club.

5. How will Tom get the right clothes for judo?

a. He will probably buy them at the sports centre.
b. He’ll probably borrow them from Rachel’s brother.
c. He will probably ask Rachel to buy them for him.

Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.
(1) People around the world think the panda is very cute, and toy pandas are always popular with
children. However, the panda population is very low because of the loss of the animal’s natural habitat.
Humans now use much of the land that the pandas once lived on. The panda’s diet consists of bamboo
shoots, but the bamboo forests are also disappearing. Therefore, only about 1,000 pandas still exist in
the wild.
(2) China’s giant panda is one of the world’s most endangered species. The giant panda is also the best
loved of all animals. The giant panda has always been part of the culture of Chinese people. People in
the west, however, first saw the giant panda in 1869. European biologists were puzzled by its
appearance. They debated whether to categorise the animal as a raccoon or bear.

(3) The authorities have always tried to find ways to save the panda; however, serious research on
pandas did not begin until the 1980s. The Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Centre is in the Sichuan
province of China. Scientists in this centre are trying to send pandas back to the wild. They also take
care of sick, injured, and lost pandas. The centre tries to make sure that all is well when the animals
are released back into the wild. Also, Chinese people continue to support the centre all the time.
(4) Recently, the first captive-born giant panda was released into the wild and people around the
world hope that scientists can release more pandas back into the wild.

1. What is the best title for the text?

a. Endangered Animals
b. Pandas as a Symbol
c. A Popular Kind of Panda

2. Why are pandas in danger of extinction?

a. Because of the loss of natural habitat.
b. Because they’re dying as a result of disease.
c. Because people put them in zoos.

3. What happened when the giant panda appeared in the west in 1869?
a. The giant panda has become a part of European culture.
b. Their appearance caused confusion among the biologists.
c. The authorities tried to save the pandas.

4. Which of the following is NOT an aim of the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Centre?
a. To send the panda back to their natural habitat
b. To stop the extinction of the panda
c. To provide the necessary care for the panda in zoos

5. The underlined pronoun ‘They’ in paragraph 3 refers to ____________.

a. authorities b. scientists c. Chinese people


Eating a lot of unhealthy food can cause damage on your body. You feel inactive, irritable, and you
don't have a lot of energy. Even worse, a high-sugar, high-fat diet can cause some serious diseases.
Making some simple changes to your diet can turn your tiredness into energy.

Start with Breakfast

Even if you’re not a morning person, the first thing in the morning that your body needs is fuel to get
you going. If you skip breakfast, your body can’t give you 100 % of its ability. Establish a breakfast
routine and try to put the three macronutrients: carbs, protein, and fats. One such breakfast, for
example, consists of a cooked egg, a piece of whole-grain toast, and a couple of turkey sausage. Be
creative with your breakfast ideas. Old-fashioned oats are a healthy carbohydrate, and they keep you
feeling full for a long time. Having a healthy breakfast routine keeps you feeling better throughout
your day.

Complex Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates, like those found in sugary pastries and desserts, offer very little nutritional
value. Eating these foods regularly can make you gain weight and feel tired. You may feel immediate
energy after eating these tasty foods, but the energy quickly goes away and you’re hungry again.
Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, help your digestive system work well. When your
digestive system works well, you feel better. You feel full longer. Choose foods that are labelled
"whole-grain" or "whole-wheat." Vegetables and fruits are also a wonderful source of complex
carbohydrates. Eat a variety of brightly-coloured fruits and vegetables and your body will thank you
by feeling great.


If you’re not consuming enough water, you could be putting your health in danger. Feeling sleepy,
tired, or lightheaded can be signs that you’re not getting enough fluid. Your body loves water much
more than sugary beverages. Drink ice cold water instead of colas for a week and notice the
difference in how you feel. When you drink water, you don’t only quench your thirst, but you also fill
up on a zero-calorie beverage.


An unhealthy diet can also affect your sleep. When you’re physically exhausted you don’t have energy
to do much of anything. Lack of sleep can also lead to poor health. Having a food journal can help
you keep track of foods that keep you awake or help you sleep. Write down everything you eat during
the day. Give yourself a sleep score, such as 1 for no sleep and 5 for great sleep. Compare your sleep
score to your diet and note any correlations. People usually don’t take sleep seriously, but nothing
makes you feel better than a peaceful night's rest.

Answer the questions according to the text.

1) What are the results of eating unhealthy food all the time according to the first paragraph?
2) What should we include in our breakfast to be healthy?
3) What are the examples of simple carbohydrates? Why shouldn’t we put them in our daily diet?
4) What are the examples of complex carbohydrates? How do we benefit from them?

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