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Greek words: philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). The Philosophy is concerned with determining the truth
ancient Greeks used this term to refer to “love of since it lies at the heart of any inquiry. The discussion
wisdom’. on truth is part of philosophical studies on knowledge
and the ways of knowing.
It studies or investigates disciplines using human reason
in the investigation of the ultimate causes, reasons, and In Philosophy, there is no generally acceptable
principles of all things. definition of “truth.’

People who engage in philosophy are called KNOWLEDGE is the awareness and understanding of
philosophers or “lovers of wisdom.” ideas, things or objects or the world. This are ideas or
believes that we know as TRUE. USE TO IDENTIFY THE
Holistic Thinking refers to a perspective that considers
CLAIM is a statement, and a further examination is
large-scale patterns in systems. This is often described
required to establish whether it is true or false.
as looking at the “big picture” when describing and
analyzing a situation or problem. In philosophy, a SYSTEMATIC DOUBT is employed to
help determine the truth. This means that every
Example: “All men are good by nature.”
statement, claim, evidence, and experience is
“The family that prays together, stays together.” scrutinized and analyzed. Cartesian doubt is a
systematic process of being skeptical about (or
“Human beings are rational animals.” doubting) the truth of one's beliefs, which has become
Partial Thinking focuses on specific aspects of a a characteristic method in philosophy.
situation. The partial view is an important component BASIS TO KNOW THE TRUTH
of analytical thinking, as an individual focuses on certain
areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it. 1. SENSES
Example: “Some men are rational.” 2. FACTS
“He is a good child.”
“You are a human being.”
I am alive. Am I alive?
Plato traced man’s need to philosophize to his SENSE
OF WONDER/SENSE OF CURIOSITY. Man’s CURIOSITY I have a body. Do I have a body?
drives him to ask questions, some of which have no I can breathe. Can I breathe?
definite answers.
Rene Descartes traced man’s NEED TO DOUBT.
I am Filipino. Am I Filipino?
“Doubt everything that can be doubted.”
Filipino (noun)
OF EXPERIENCE. Jaspers called these experiences LIMIT  A natural-born of the Philippines.
SITUATIONS – as these are accompanied by feelings of  A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.
helplessness, anxiety, or dread.  The Tagalog-based official language of the
Republic of the Philippines
insatiable desire for truth. I can swim. Can I swim?
Socrates DOCTA IGNORATIA – IGNORANCE I can cook. Can I cook?
OPINIONS – statements of thoughts appealing to the prejudices and attitudes or as
endorsed by a celebrity
- a form of judgement, viewpoint, or statement
considered subjective. “Many believed that....So, I will believe in it....”

FACTS – are evidential proofs of events, time, “uy hindi kayo nag review? Hindi na rin ako
utterances and history. magrereview”

CONCLUSION – is a judgement based on facts. APPEAL TO TRADITION - idea is acceptable because it

has been practiced for a long time.
BELIEFS – are statements that express convictions that
are not easily explained by facts. FALLACY OF HASTY GENERALIZATION OR FALLACY OF
ACCIDENT - arises as the result of the conclusion “what
EXPLANATIONS – are statements based on different
is true of the whole is true of the parts”.
reasons forming conclusion(s).
“Sonny belongs to an intelligent family. For sure he is
REALITY - are the things in life that are commonly
also very intelligent.”
observed and verified to exist;
CAUSE-AND-EFFECT - assuming a “cause-and-effect”
ARGUMENTS – are a series of statements that provide
relationship between unrelated events.
reasons to convince the reader or listener that a claim
or opinion is truthful. “Ever since you moved to that house, you have become
so problematic!”
LOGIC – is the branch of Philosophy that focuses on the
correctness of reason. FALLACY OF COMPOSITION - arises as the result of the
conclusion “what is true of the parts is true of the
ARGUMENTS - are statements proposing something, an
idea, a fact or a reason. These are claims or facts
“Sonny is a very intelligent person. I believe he belongs
FALLACIES – are called errors in reasoning. to a family of intelligent people.”
1. Formal fallacies - intended to identify errors FALLACY OF WEAK ANALOGY - rests on analogies.
in formal reasoning. “There was a lady who believed she will get rich without
2. Informal fallacies – intended to identify doing anything.... So, she did become rich.... And so,
errors in basic communication or daily informal shall we.”
argumentation. FALLACY OF EQUIVOCATION - Equal (Equi) sound
BIASES - referred to as tendencies or influences which (Vocare) but different meaning.
affect the views of people. “A king is a ruler.”
Fallacy comes from the word ‘Fallo’ or ‘Fallere’ which “A ruler is a measuring device.”
means “Error in Reasoning” IGNORANTIAM An argument is true if it cannot be
TYPES OF FALLACIES proven false.

ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM - attacking the person’s “Aswang exists. If they don’t, prove it.”
character instead of the argument itself. BEGGING THE QUESTION OR PETITIO PRINCIPII - occurs
ARGUMENTUM AD BACULUM - use of threat or force when the conclusion of an argument merely restates
to advance an argument. the same query.

ARGUMENTUM AD MISERICORDIAM - using emotions What is “Love”?

as pity or sympathy “Pagmamahal Po!”


attempt to influence the judgment of people by
EMBODIED SPIRIT out and establish meaningful relationships with
Man - general term commonly used to refer to the
“No man is an island.”
entire human race. Other related terms include
4. DIGNITY refers to the innate right to be valued
humanity, mankind, and humankind.
and respected. Philosophers consider all
Human refers to man as a species – Homo sapiens are humans as having an inherent worth or value.
modern human beings. The term human being is also
used to distinguish man from other animals.
Environmental Philosophy or Environmental Ethics
Person refers to a human being granted recognition of
is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral
certain rights, protection, responsibilities, and dignity,
relationship of human beings with their
above all.
environment and its non-human contents.
Personhood refers to the state of being a person.
- It advocates that us as person, it is our
Human nature refers to the characteristics that responsibility to take care of the environment.
distinguish humans from all other creatures. Examples
- Philosophers believe that persons have a special
of these characteristics include thinking, feeling, and
relationship with nature because of their rationality.
- They are not only part of nature, but they can also
Human Person – “humans are animals”
shape, transform and cultivate it. However, this also
CHARACTERISTICS/TRAITS OF A HUMAN PERSON means that they are also capable of inflicting the
most harm on it.
1. SELF-AWARENESS refers to the person having a
clear perception of oneself, including his or her Three (3) Major Philosophical views on the
thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions. The relationship between humanity and the
human person is defined by a deeper environment:
awareness which is driven by rationality or
1. Anthropocentrism considers humans the most
human thought.
significant species on the planet, and that
This awareness of the self also enables us
nature provides humankind with the means to
persons to experience an ― inner world that is
survive and develop.
defined by our personal thoughts and ideas.
- believes that humans are free to transform
2. SELF-DETERMINATION refers to the capability
nature and use its resources.
of persons to make choices and decisions based
2. Biocentrism believes that humans are not the
on their own preferences, monitor and regulate
only significant species on the planet and that
their actions, and be goal- oriented and self-
all organisms have inherent value and should
directed. We are persons because we act and
be protected.
we are aware of our actions.
- drives the activities of human organizations that
Our free will enables us to do actions whenever
advocate the ethical treatment of animals.
we want to and makes self-determination
3. Eco-centric/Ecocentrism believes that human
kind is a part of a greater biological system or
Consequence is the result or effect of an action
community and that we have a significant role
or condition.
as stewards or guardians of nature.
Morality refers to the conditions actions
whether they be considered good or evil, right Egocentric philosophy – having or regarding the self
or wrong. or the individual as the center of all things; ignores
3. EXTERNALITY is the capability to reach out and social causes; self-centered
interact with others and the world. The
Environmentalism is the perspective which
realization that we are not alone and that there
advocates action to address the growing
are other persons around us enables us to reach
environmental problems.
Sustainable Development is a concept derived from
environmentalism as it focuses on the harmonious
activities of persons, and the economic activities of
the country in the protection and preservation of
the environment.

Sustainable Development is meeting the needs of

the present without compromising the needs of the
future generations.

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a

piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

- John Donne

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