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UNIT 1 : Equality on trial

2) Wrongful convictions


1. Describe the document. Comment on the boys’ attitude as
well as the title and subtitle.

2. Study two documents in groups.

Grp 1 : Study the trailer of the series When they see us
a) What do you make out about the crime the boys are accused
of ?
b) Talk about people’s attitude, feelings and reactions.
c) What issue is tackled in this series ? Can you identify
elements that hampered the case ?
d) How do you feel about this trailer ? Do you feel like watching
the series ? Why / why not ?

Grp 2 : Listen to the NPR document about the case of the Central Park Five
Focus on the beginning only : 00’00 – 1’13
a) Pick out facts about this case.
b) Identify the speaker’s reaction to the series.
c) Explain why this series tackles a current / contemporary issue.

3. Go further : the director’s aim.

Study Ava DuVernay’s interview :
a) What did she really want to show in the series ? 00’00 – 1’00
b)  What does she say about the US justice system nowadays ? 1’00 to the end

4. Pair work  share your findings and get ready to recap in class.
Take notes about the facts, the atmosphere of the series, the reactions at the time and the impact today.

 What is the effect of series like this one to change people’s mentalities in the US ?

5. Go further : Langston Hughes poem

a) Read the following poem and explain how it resonates with the series.
b) Identify the metaphor the poet relies on and the striking imagery that he uses.
c) Look up who is Langston Hughes and the context in which he wrote this poem.

That Justice is a blind goddess

Is a thing to which we black are wise:
Her bandage hides two festering sores
That once perhaps were eyes.

Langston Hughes

Writing task : imagine the letter that one of the boys’ family wrote to the White House in 1989 to denounce the
situation. (cf. Boost your skills p139)

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