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What is Research?
Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain,
predict and control the observed phenomenon.
Research involves inductive and deductive methods
(Babbie, 1998). Inductive methods analyze the
observed phenomenon and identify the general

Research principles, structures, or processes underlying the

phenomenon observed; deductive methods verify the
hypothesized principles through observations. The
purposes are different: one is to develop
explanations, and the other is to test the validity of
the explanations.

Here are a few benefits of research that’ll

explain why it is a vital aspect of our
professional lives:



General objectives, often known as

supplementary objectives, provide a detailed
understanding of a study's goal. In other words,
at the end of your studies, you will have a rough
idea of what you want to do. For example, if you
wish to investigate an organization's
contribution to environmental sustainability,
your broad goal could be to investigate
sustainable practices and the organization's
usage of renewable energy.
Specific objectives define the primary aim
of the study. Typically, general objectives
provide the foundation for identifying
specific objectives. In other words, when
Let’s take the example of ‘a study of an
general objectives are broken down into organization’s contribution to
environmental sustainability’ again. The
smaller and logically connected
specific objectives will look like this:
objectives, they’re known as specific

To determine through history how the

objectives. They help define the who, organization has changed its practices
what, why, when and how aspects of your and adopted new solutions

project. Once you identify the main To assess how the new practices,
objective of research, it’s easier to technology and strategies will
contribute to the overall effectiveness
develop and pursue a plan of action.
Criteria of Good Research
Good research is empirical
Good research is systematic
It implies that research is related basically to
one or more aspects of a real situation and
research is structured with specified steps to be
deals with concrete data that provides a basis
taken in a specified sequence in accordance with
for external validity to research results.
the well defined set of rules. Systematic
characteristic of the research does not rule out
creative thinking but it certainly does reject the Good research is replicable
use of guessing and intuition in arriving at
conclusions. This characteristic allows research results to
be verified by replicating the study and
thereby building a sound basis for decisions.
Good research is logical

research is guided by the rules of logical

reasoning and the logical process of induction
and deduction are of great value in carrying out
Basic Research
Basic research is an investigation on basic principles and reasons
for occurrence of a particular event or process or phenomenon. It

Basic research is also called theoretical research. Study or investigation of some

Seeks generalization natural phenomenon or relating to pure science are termed as

Aims at basic processes basic research. Basic researches sometimes may not lead to
immediate use or application. It is not concerned with solving any
Attempts to explain why things
practical problems of immediate interest. But it is original or
basic in character. It provides a systematic and deep insight into
Tries to get all the facts
a problem and facilitates extraction of scientific and logical
Reports in technical language
explanation and conclusion on it. It helps build new frontiers of
of the topic
knowledge. The outcomes of basic research form the basis for
many applied research.
Applied research

Applied research Studies individual or specific

cases without the objective to
Aims at any variable which
In an applied research one solves certain
makes the desired difference
problems employing well known and accepted
Tries to say how things can be
theories and principles. Most of the experimental
research, case studies and inter-disciplinary
Tries to correct the facts which
research are essentially applied research.
are problematic
Applied research is helpful for basic research. A
Reports in common language
research, the outcome of which has immediate

application is also termed as applied research.

Such a research is of practical use to current
Quantitative research
Basic and applied It is numerical, non-descriptive,
research, further applies statistics or mathematics and
divided into three types uses numbers.
of research bearing It is an iterative process whereby
some characteristics evidence is evaluated.
feature as follows: The results are often presented in
tables and graphs.
It is conclusive.
It investigates the what, where and
when of decision making.
Basic and applied Qualitative research
research, further It is non-numerical, descriptive,
divided into three types applies reasoning and uses words.
of research bearing Its aim is to get the meaning, feeling
some characteristics and describe the situation.
feature as follows: Qualitative data cannot be graphed.
It is exploratory.
It investigates the why and how of
decision making.
Basic and applied
research, further
divided into three types Mixed research
of research bearing Mixed research- research that involves
some characteristics the mixing of quantitative and qualitative
feature as follows: methods or paradigm characteristics.
Nature of data is mixture of variables,
words and images.
Other types of

Exploratory Research
Descriptive research Action research

Explanatory research Policy-Oriented Research

Longitudinal Research Classification research

Cross-sectional Comparative research

Causal research
Theory-testing research
Theory-building research,normal%20research%20and%20revolutionary%20research.
Step 1: Identify and develop
your topic Basic Steps in the
Step 2 : Do a preliminary Research Process
search for information
Step 3: Locate materials
Step 4: Evaluate your sources
Step 5: Make notes
Step 6: Write your paper
Step 7: Cite your sources
Step 8: Proofread
The important phases of research
process are as follows:
2. Preparation of Research Design
A research design is a detailed plan or a strategy of
1. Formulation of Working Hypothesis: conducting research. It answers the questions—
A working hypothesis is a penetrating what, how, when/where, and why about the facts to
hunch, guess or the provisional be collected for the study.

explanation of the problem under study. It is a process of making decisions with respect to:
(a) types of data required;
This is found on the basis of preliminary
(b) Sources of data and field of study;
observations of the facts related to the
(c) Method of data collection and preparation of
problem. In brief, the problem is stated in tools (Questionnaire, Interview Schedule etc); and
the form of a proposition, i.e., ‘if and (d) Sample design. Designing the research ensures
‘then’. against its failure.

The important phases of research

process are as follows:
4. Analysis of Data:
After the data are collected, they must be
3. Collection of Data: assembled, organised and classified in
Actual gathering of data and information such a way that the hypothesis can be
begins in accordance with the research tested. It is said that mere collection of
design. By collecting the data, the facts is no science. Facts become
researcher tests the hypotheses which he meaningful when they are logically
may ultimately accept, change, or abandon connected with other facts and sorted

according to their nature.

The important phases of research

process are as follows:

5. Drawing Conclusions in the form of Theoretical Formulations

and Generalisations:
Scientists are not concerned with isolated phenomena or events.
They aim to discover under the surface layer of diversity of these
events, a thread of uniformity. On the basis of this uniformity they
try to formulate generalisations or a scientific theory. A
generalisation is a statement about a number of events rather
than about a unique event. Thus, the original hypothesis, if
formulated in the beginning of the research, is either confirmed or
Types of research methods
Observation Researchers have a written list of questions for
Experimenters record what they see their subjects during interviews, creating a
participants doing or saying during very structured research setting. The
observational studies. These types of studies researcher could also only have one question
arranged, allowing the subject to speak and
might include role-playing or watching the
expand on the topic from there.
participants and waiting for a certain
behavior to occur. Focus groups and case studies
In a focus group, researchers gather
participants together and ask questions of
Questionnaires and surveys the group. Researchers might observe a focus
Questionnaires and surveys ask the same group and take notes on the session, or they
questions to a large group of individuals. These can operate as the group's facilitator. As with
questions are typically used to measure interviews, researchers can record focus
quantitative data. Researchers translate the groups for further review and analysis.
survey answers into numerical data so they can In a case study, researchers study one
look for patterns. central case of a person or a small group.
Types of research methods
Secondary data analysis
Experiments Secondary data analysis, also known as
archival study, is studying and assessing
Experiments involve testing a theory in a lab research that already exists. If the archival
environment, in a controlled area or with works include letters, diaries or emails, this is a
willing study participants in different qualitative study. If the archival files are
environments. You might ask participants to numerical data, like accounting reports, that
complete tests verbally, on paper or on a would be a quantitative study.
computer. Some experiments could involve
multiple simulations. Mixed methods
Mixed methods can be a combination of
multiple types of research methods. The
researcher might combine observations with
focus groups or interviews. The selected
combination depends on what the researcher
is studying and which research methods are
best suited for their tasks.
"Research is formalized curiosity.
It is poking and prying with a
- Zora Neale Hurston


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