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Can Tho, Octorber 2022


THE 20/10
Name of group members Contribution(%)
1. Thai Nguyen Anh Duy 20%
2. Tran Gia Han 20%
3. Nguyen Ngoc Sang Sang 20%
4. Duong Bich Ngoc 20%
5. Truong Thi Thu Thao 20%

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................3
MARKETING ANALYSIS...............................................................7
MARKETING PLAN.......................................................................15
Through a project called "The 20/10 Loves Project", we want to sell "Garlic
Seaweed", a product that we make ourselves, we prepare each stage. We will then sell
these products and collect the money. And of course, the total money we receive will
be used to buy gifts to send to the sanitation workers in Can Tho City, hope these
women have a very happy October 20th. This can be seen as a close and easy-to-
implement plan, but equally meaningful and humane. Let's follow in our footsteps!


“Any job is considered an occupation. Be

an artist at whatever you do. Even if you
are a street sweeper, be the Michelangelo
of street sweepers.”

-Martin Luther King Jr.-

Regardless of day or night, the janitors in Can Tho are diligent and regularly sweep
trash all over the road.

As a sweeper, the work of the janitors is very hard and arduous. There are days until
12 o'clock at night, but they still have to roam the streets to complete their work.

"There are days when I'm tired and exhausted, but I still have to try to wake up to go
to work, go to work because of the rice bowl and clothes. Sometimes I feel sad and
heartbroken, because everyone smells good to go to a meeting for their children, and
I'm dirty, I'm afraid that my children will be sad because my job is not clean. There
are many nights when I lie down and cry, but I am afraid that my children will hear
me, so I just restrained myself." -Ms Diem –
Actually, being a janitor is really hard and takes a lot of effort. Hours and wages are
never stable and precise. They have to do a lot of work. Especially during epidemics,
holidays, and flood seasons, the workers in Can Tho must be exhausted from their
And that's also the reason why the group chose janitors to be the main characters in
this project: “The 20/10 Loves Project”
Reason why our group choose 20/10 is the main day for the project

This is a holiday that aims to honor Vietnamese

Through the holiday, the profound meaning is to affirm
the role, position and importance of Vietnamese
women, whether in wartime or peacetime, in all fields.
Over the past 90 years, the Women's Union has grown
stronger and stronger, and patriotic Vietnamese women
have become more knowledgeable, healthy, active,
creative, have a cultural lifestyle, and have compassion.
caring for the interests of society and the community.
Experiencing many ups and downs of society, women
have always shown an active and courageous role, with
a benevolent heart, having contributed a lot to the cause
of national liberation and independence for the country.
Every year, October 20 is chosen as Vietnamese
Women's Day, which is the recognition of the country
with those who were given 8 golden words by Uncle
Ho: "Hero, Indomitable, Loyal, and Dammit".

1. Product’s name

3. Logo

1. Project’s name

We plan to purchase ingredients including seaweed and garlic, seasonings, chili

powder, zip bags and logo printing to make a snack called "rong bien chay toi".
After preparation includes the following steps:
1. Buy ingredients from "Cai Khe Trade Center". We will bring the ingredients home
to a member named Gia Han and start making the dish.
2. First we will tear the seaweed packages apart and tear them evenly. Then we fry the
garlic for 1 hour. After tearing the seaweed we put some oil in the pan and stir the
seaweed until it's cooked and crispy. To avoid burning, we added garlic and chili
powder and sautéed them right away for a nice aroma.
3. After completing the processing, we begin to put the seaweed into the pre-prepared
zip bag and weigh it evenly between the bags for sale.

For this product, we will sell them both offline and online:
- For online sales, our team will set up a Facebook fanpage to call for buyers and
donors. The buyer can receive the product through the delivery service.
- For the form of selling offline, we will directly deliver products to buyers inside and
outside the agent.
FPTU in Can Tho
We're still looking for street sweepers so we'll let you know later.


They get:
They will receive some necessary items and food for life.

If the project is put on social platforms, they can get help from sponsors

We get:
The benefit we will get is to help those in need.

Spread human love on this special day for Vietnamese women.

Raise everyone's awareness and responsibilities.

Here is some our group’s picture about this project:
“Miracles happen to those who truly love: the more they give, the more they have”
"If you're not the sun, don't be a cloud. If you can't build a big city, build a pink
heart that loves and shares."
"Everything will eventually fade away with time, only human love will stay"
"Be happy with what you have, because it may be what others want"
15/9 - 23/9

We strart brainstorm ideas, Anh Duy

and Gia Han make logos for project,
after that, all the member have a small
meeting to complete proposal

25/9 – 10/10
We start to do the product “Rong Bien
Chay Toi”. We go to Gia Han’s house to
make it. After we finish, we go to the
neighbourhood to sell the product. We
will explain why we not sell at the

16/10 – 22/10
We calculate everything from revenue
to profits, after that period, we buy
necessary item to give the sweeper.
And we overall for this project

As far as you know, projects are carried out simultaneously by classes and groups. So there will
be a lot of groups that will trade together, which makes many of you uncomfortable because of
the constant offers, that's also why we sell our products very little, only sell to you. knew about
our project before. Therefore, our main customers are students in the boarding houses,
pedestrians and surrounding households. That also reduces competition between groups and
increases convenience for our group.


Phone number: 0935 39 5125

Our team will focus to develop a Facebook page with the purpose: of
more people to know about this project so my team can sell the product

Almost now, the fastest way for people to reach out to a project is
through social media. The group decided to name the fanpage: "The
20/10 Loves Project". The team will start posting referrals to friends on
Facebook to know about the project, and since then this is also the main
means for the group to notify or communicate with customers.
Total sales: 46 packs
Total amount sold: 22,000 x 46 = 1,012,000 VND
Total purchase of raw materials to make products: 412,000 VND
Profit = revenue - cost
= 1,012,000 - 412,000 = 600,000
Total number of gifts : 10 pieces
Value of each gift: 60,000 VND

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