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What will Ukraine get from joining the EU?

Now Ukraine is candidate for joining EU.It is a big step for Ukraine to become more civilized and
advanced country. Let's figure out what the status of an EU candidate means:

1. A candidate for EU membership is a status for a state seeking to become a full-fledged member
of the European state association.
2. The EU operates a single market through a standardized system of laws in force in all member
3. Also, accession to the EU affects the economy of the state: member countries form joint trade
and a sales market. The currency also becomes common - the euro is additionally introduced.

Europe Union-is an association of that type,where every country is sovereign.They united their
sovereignties to increase their power and influence in the world, which none of them would increase by
unity.Ukraine need this like no other country.Ukraine want to be free from Russia and get rid of all
remnants of the Soviet Union in the country (what almost done).With joining EU economics and
education system will change.On my opinion education system in Ukraine is one of the worst.Teachers
are not in that age to teach pupils.With age people become more stressful and angry.Its time for young
teachers. Educational process should be interesting,many of teachers don’t have mutual language with
pupils and it is a big problem.In Ukraine many of schools are in bad condition. Many of them are have
not repaired from Soviet Union.

Average salary in Ukraine also one of the lowest.Prices getting higher and salary lower.Many of ukrainan
people left their home and move to another countries to be able to feed yourself and your family.When
Russia invaded to Ukraine-everything went down.Now we must unite against Russia and help Ukraine to
claime victory.Victory for Ukraine-victory for every country.Russia is world evil and if we will not stop
Russia it will invide another countries.

The accession of Ukraine to the EU will be a significant incentive for the growth of trade, the
continuation of state reform and the entry into a qualitatively different level of development of our
state, since the main advantage of the entry into the EU is the possibility of Ukraine entering the same
level as the leading countries of Europe and accepting it into the union of free , economically developed
countries. At the same time, as evidenced by the experience of foreign countries, a country's accession
to the EU brings a number of advantages for both citizens and businesses.

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