9 - 6 Humans of Huron

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Humans of Huron

What is Humans of Huron?
-Q&A type of article where you interview
Huron students and teachers
-Freshman Friday, Sophomore Saturday, Junior
Jumpstart Monday, Senior Sunday, Teacher
-Posting every week on The Emery website
-Great way to connect our community
1) Find a person

-The person can’t be someone on

-Check the website to make sure we
didn’t cover the person for Humans of
Huron before
2) Reach out
-Find a time to meet with the person ex.
Lunch, afterschool…
-In-person is the best but zoom or
email works
-Make a copy of question doc:
Freshman Friday
Sophomore Saturday
Junior Jumpstart Monday
Senior Sunday
Teacher Tuesday
3) Interview
-Record with otter.ai (make sure to get a
recording permission before)
-Otter.ai tutorial
-Ask interview questions
-Transcribe the responses into your copy
of the doc
-Make sure that you give editing access
to anyone with the link
4) Fill out the spreadsheet
-Make sure to upload the *horizontal*
photo into the image folder
-rename the file with person’s name

Due September, 20

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