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Level 1 Tajweed

The following notes are a translation of chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the Arabic book Al-Muneer fee Ahkamil Tajweed The
se notes may be used for noncommercial purposes only. These notes may not be reproduced in any way or form for
commercial purposes.


Page 1

Level 1 Tajweed

Introduction to Tajweed
Linguistically: It means betterment. Applied definition: It is articulating every letter from its articulation
point and giving the letter its rights and its dues of characteristics.

It is to know the rights of the letter (the characteristics of the letter that never leaves it) and the dues of the letter (the
letter‟s characteristics that are present in it sometimes and leaves it sometimes). The science of tajweed is the study i
n which one learns how to pronounce the letters with their characteristics from their correct articulation points, know
ing what rules apply to it, and how to start reading a word, how to read it continually and how to stop at it.

History of Tajweed
The Quraan was revealed to the Prophet Muhammed ( َ َّ ٚ ٍَْٗ‫ ( ﺻّﻰ اﱞٗ ػ ٍُ ٍَ ٍ ُ ٍَ ِ َع‬with tajweed. During the time of the Proph
et and his companions there was no such thing as tajweed because that was how the Quraan was taught and recited.
The Quraan scholars used to teach their students the Quraan with complete tajweed. They used to recite and their stu
dents would recite after them. The process was repeated as many times as necessary until the student could read the
Quraan perfectly. As the years went by, more and more people entered into Islam, the scholars saw a need to study h
ow the Quraan was read and then come up with basic rules that can be applied to ensuring its correct recitation. The
first publication of tajweed appeared as an independent science in its own right around the 4th century after hijra.


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Level 1 Tajweed

Ruling on Tajweed Two Sections to the science of tajweed

Studying the theoretical rules of tajweed, memorising them and understanding them. Ruling: Fardh kifaya (group obl
igation – as long as there is a group of Muslims studying the theoretical rules of tajweed, the obligation is lifted from
the Muslims)

Applying the theoretical rules of tajweed while reading the Quraan. Ruling: Fardh ayan (individual obligation – it is
an obligation on every single Muslims male and female to learn to read the Quraan with proper tajweed.

Two ways to obtain the science of tajweed

(Through narration) The sheikh reads and the Quraan and his student reads after him, as many times as necessary unt
il the student perfects his reading and becomes a skilled reciter on his own right. OR The student reads in front of the
sheikh and the sheikh corrects him. AND preferably both methods combined together. But it is feared for the studen
t that he may start to forget the rules as time passes by.

(Through studying) It is to study the rules theoretically then apply them practically on the Quraan. If the reader then
forgets some of the rules, he revises the theory that he studied and tries to correct himself. BUT the student must also
read in front of a sheikh so that he reaches perfection in his recitation. This way the student has combined between a
d-dirayiah and ar-riwayiah .

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Level 1 Tajweed

Merits of Reciting the Quraan

The definition of the Quraan is: It is the words of Allaah that has been

revealed to the Prophet Muhammed ( َ ّ‫ع‬ٚ ِ ٍَْ‫( ﺻّﻰ اﱞٗ ػ‬, that has ٍَُ َ ٗ ٍَ ُ ٍ ٍَ reached us through many reciters, its recitation is w
orship and it has challenged mankind to produce a surah like its smallest surah.

So reciting Quraan is a way of getting closer to Allah. We have been ordered to read Quraan in a number of ayah in t
he Quraan. Some of which are: Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer: f
or Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without
doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do. [Al-Ankaboot : 45]

… read ye, therefore, of the Quraan as much as may be easy for you [Al-Muzzammil : 20]

As for the reward, the ayah in the Quraan are many, here is one of them: Those who rehearse the Book of Allah, esta
blish regular Prayer, and spend (in Charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for a
commerce that will never fail: For He will pay them their wages, nay, He will give them (even) more out of His Bou
nty: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service). [Faatir : 29 – 30]

There are also many ahaadeeth (narrations of the Prophet ( ِ ٍَْ‫ع‬ٚ ( ( ّ َ َ ٍَُ ٍَ ٍ ُ ٍَ ٗ ‫ ﺻّﻰ اﱞٗ ػ‬that encourage reading and studying
the Quraan.


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Level 1 Tajweed

Applied definition: It is the mistake and deviation from the correct way
of reading.

Types of Al-Lahin
There are two types of mistakes that can be made when reading the Quraan:

Al-Lahin Al-Khafee

(Hidden mistakes)

They are mistakes that the reader makes in the rules of tajweed. Such mistakes do not change the meaning of the wor
ds, however, one will be hold accountable if they miss out a rule knowingly. Such mistakes will only be picked up b
y those who have learned tajweed. There are two grades to such mistakes: Grade 1 : obvious tajweed mistakes that w
ould be known to those knowledgeable in reading the Quraan with tajweed such as missing out the idgham rule or le
aving the ghunnah or medd . Grade 2 : Detailed mistakes that would only be known to those skilled in reading the Q
uraan. Such as not pronouncing the ghunnah or tafkheem long enough or unwanted repetition of the letter ( ‫( س‬. Als
o falls into this category not pronouncing the dhammah correctly (in that the lips are not circled). This is especially o
bvious in the following words: ( ً‫ ل‬، ُ‫ ٍﻰ‬، ُ‫ ( أٔز‬. Also not pronouncing the ُ ُ ُ kasrah correctly, and this especially obv
ious in the following words: ( ٗ‫ ث‬، ٍُٙ‫ ( ػ‬. ِ ِ َ

Islamic Ruling on Al-Lahin Al-Khafee

It is disliked and some say it is forbidden because the Quraan is not being read how it should be. However, it ruling c
an be divided into two grades: 1. Haraam (forbidden) if an obvious rule is not applied. 2. Makrooh (disliked) if a det
ailed rule is not applied.


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Tajweed Level 1

Al-Lahin Al-Jelli (Obvious Mistakes)

It is a mistake that one makes when pronouncing a word. This type of mistake effects the accuracy of the reading, ev
en if the mistake does not change the meaning of the word. It is therefore haraam (forbidden) to make such a mistake
, and the reader will be sinful. The following are examples of al-lahin al-jelli : Pronouncing a letter incorrectly – suc
h as pronouncing the ‫ غ‬as ‫ د‬. E.g.: ( ‫ﺎ‬ٛ‫ ( ا٘ﺟﻄ‬or the ‫ ء‬as ‫ ع‬such as ( ‫ا‬ِٛ‫ ( ءإ‬. Pronouncing a vowel incorrectly – such
as reading ( ‫ ﻟﺒﻲ ( ﻋٕٕﻆ ُ أﺻﺬﻟﺬ‬as ( ‫ ( ﻋٕٕﻈﺶ‬or ( َ َّ ْٔ‫ ( أ‬as ( ُ َ َ ْٔ‫ّﺬ‬ ‫ ( أ ش ْ ؼ ْذ‬. Extending the pronunciation of a vowe
l so that a medd letter pronounced instead of the vowel – such as reading ( ًُ ) as ( ُ ٛ‫ ( ل‬or ( ‫ (َ ثه‬as ( ‫ ( ﺳﺎﺛﮫ ل ي س‬.
Shortening the pronunciation of a medd letter so that it is read as a vowel– such as reading ( ْٛ‫ ) اٌزي ُ٘ فٍٗ ِﺧﺰٍف‬as ( ْٛ‫ﺰٍف‬
‫ ( اٌ ِ ُ٘ فٍٗ ِﺧ‬or ( ٍّْٛ ٍ‫ ( وال ﻋ‬as ( ٍّْٛ‫ز‬ ٍ‫ ) ً و َ ﻋ‬. Not reading the letter with a ( ّ shaddah) long enough – such as reading ( ‫ﺬ‬
‫ ( إ ّﺑﻦ ٔ ﺠ‬as ( ‫ ( إ َﺑﻦ‬or ( ‫ ع ّخ ٌ ِ ٌ ج ( اعُ ﺳﺜﮫ‬as ( ‫ ( ع ِخ اعُ ﺳﺜﮫ ج‬. Reading the letter with a ( ّ shaddah) when there is
no shaddah – such as reading ( ‫ى‬ ٛ‫ٓ إﱞﻓ‬ٙ ٌ‫ اٌﺟﺠﺒﻲ وﺑ‬ُْٛ ‫ر‬ٚ ( as ( ٛ‫ٓ إﱞﻓ‬ٙ ٌ‫ اٌﺟﺠﺒﻲ وﺑ‬ّْٛ ‫ر‬ٚ ( or ( ٍٗ‫ﺐ اﻟﻎ‬ٍٙ‫ ( ال رﻏّﻎ ﻓ‬as ( ‫ﺐ اﻟﻎ‬ٍٙ‫ ( رﻏّﻎ ﻓ‬. ّٗ
‫ ٍ ال ى‬Missing the pronouncing of a letter or a word or adding an extra letter or a word – such as reading ( ‫ﺐَ اﱞﻏﻰ‬
‫ال ٍٓ ( ٌذط ٍﻰ ط‬ٚ as ( ٍٓ‫ ( ال ٌذط ٍﻰ ط ﺐَ اﱞﻏﻰ‬or ( ْ‫ إ ( ﱞٍزمٍٓ ِﻓﺒﺼﺎ‬as ( ‫إْ ﱞٍزمٍٓ ِﻓﺒﺼﺎ‬ٚ ( . Not pronouncing the ‫ اي‬in the moon
letters – such as not pronouncing ‫ اي‬in ( ‫ ( اٌﺟٕﺦ‬or ( ًّ‫ ( اٌج‬.


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Tajweed Level 1

Manners of Reciting Quraan

1. It is preferred for the reciter to have wudu and recite in a clean place, wearing clean clothes with their awra covere
d. 2. It is sunnah to clean ones teeth with the miswak, as the words and letters of the Quraan come out of the mouth.
Also, using the miswak is pleasing to Allaah and glorifying the Quraan. It was narrated that Ali (radiya allahu anh) u
sed to encourage others to use the miswak and said: “When a man stands to pray the angel keeps getting close to the
reciter listening to him reciting the Quraan, until his mouth is on the mouth of the reciter, and every verse recited goe
s into the angel‟s mouth.” 3. It is preferred that the reciter chooses a place away from distractions, so that he can con
centrate and ponder on what he is reciting.

Manners to be Observed During Recitation

1. Seeking refuge in Allah from shaitaan: When thou dost read the Quraan, seek Allah‟s protection from Satan the re
jected one [An-Nahl: 96].

2. To be careful with and to pay attention to the tajweed and the grammatical rules as Allah says: Or a little more; an
d recite the Quraan in slow, measured rhythmic tones. [Al-Muzzammil: 4].
3. To contemplate and ponder on the meaning of the verses they recite and Allah has ordered this in a number of pla
ces in the Quraan: (Here is) a Book which We have sent down unto thee, full of blessings, that they may mediate on
its Signs, and that men of understanding may receive admonition [Saad:29].


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Tajweed Level 1

4. To implement what they recite in the Quraan, that is to say subhana Allah when an order for tasbeeh is made, or se
eking for forgiveness when the reciter comes across an order to beg for forgiveness, or ask for jennah when it is men
tioned or seek refuge from hell fire when it is mentioned. 5. To do the prostration of tilawah when the reciter comes
across an order for prostration. 6. He should perfect his voice when reading. The more a person recites Quraan out lo
ud the more the voice automatically improves. 7. Should pay attention to the levels of recitation (at-tahqeeq, alhadr a
nd at-tadweer), taking care of implementing the grammatical and tajweed rules correctly within that level. 8. To read
suratul fatiha and the first five ayaat from Suratul Baqarah when they complete reciting the Quraan, as well as maki
ng a dua as this dua is acceptable.

General Manners regarding Recitation

The reciter of the Quraan should: 1. Implement what rules he comes cross, and have the character of the Quraan. 2.
Maintain the characteristics of the people of the Quraan, by making lots of dhikr (remembrance of Allah), contempla
ting, less idle chatting, and to persist in worship and obedience to Allah. 3. Ensure that they teach the Quraan and co
nvey its ayaat to other people as the Prophet ( َ َّ ٚ ٍَْٗ‫ ( ﺻّﻰ اﱞٗ ػ‬said: “convey about me ٍُ‫ ٍَ ٍ ُ ٍَ ِ َ ع‬even if it just one ayah”. 4.
Strive to perfect their reading. It has been narrated that Imam Shafie may Allah have mercy on him said: “Whenever
a person learns a science he should excel in learning it”. 5. Set aside a certain amount of the Quraan to be read on a d
aily basis. This amount should be at least one juzz so that the


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recitation of the Quraan is completed at least once a once, however more often would be better. 6. Get up for tahajud
(night prayer) to recite a set portion of the Quraan and to maintain this sunnah. If he misses reciting his portion of th
e Quraan in the night then he should make it up between sunrise and noon. 7. Maintain revising what has been memo
rized and be careful not to forget it. 8. Keep his stomach free from haraam food, his tongue from idle chat, his hands
from dealing with haraam and his legs from striving towards haraam.

Pillars of Recitation
There are three pillars that must be fulfilled for the recitation to be correct and accepted. If the reciter falls short of o
ne of these pillars then his recitation will be odd and rejected. Pillar One: The Quraan read must be in Arabic, since t
he Quraan has been revealed in Arabic. Every word in the Quraan is an Arabic word, there are no non Arabic words
in it. Pillar Two: The Quraan script must agree with what was in the Othmaan script, which is the script that has been
written during the time of Othman Bin Affan. Pillar Three: The Quraan that one reads must have reached us though
the well known correct line of narration. That is it must have reached us through many reciters, and a well known ch
ain of narrators. Many scholars have considered some recitations as odd because it reached them through incorrect c
hain of narrators (even though it was in classical Arabic and in agreement with the Othman script).

The Hafs An Assim Chain of narration

This is the chain through which this Quraanic recitation has reached us. Assim Ibn Abi An-Njood was the leading re
citer in the mosque of Abi Abdur Rahman As-Sulamee in the Al-Kufah city in Iraq. Then he became the Imam of tha
t mosque and the leader in recitation. The people learnt
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Tajweed Level 1

the recitation from him. He used to recite the Quraan just like his predecessors did, not differing from them. He was
very eloquent in Arabic, accurate in his recitation and tajweed rules. His voice was amongst the best in recitation. As
for Hafs, he is Ibn Sulaiman Ibn Al-Mugheerah Al-Asadee AlGhadhree. He learnt the Qurn from the Assim. He reci
ted the Quraan in front of Assim and listened to his recitation.

Levels of Reading Quraan

There are three speeds (levels) of reading the Quraan: At-tahqeeq – It is reading the Quraan slowly, perfectly with si
ncerity, while contemplating over the meanings, fulfilling the full rights of the letters without falling short or exceedi
ng their limits. It is giving each letter its rights as to characteristics, articulation points, lengthening the letters of med
d when lengthening is due and shortening when shortening is due. It is also to recite the heavy letters heavy and the l
ight letters light. This is the best level of reading. At-tahqeeq comes from the meaning “I have achieved this thing” –
ie I have known it and perfected it. This is the learners level.

At-Tarteel – This is the same speed of reading Quraan as at-tahqeeq

level except that it for those who have perfected their recitation. This is the teachers level. Some scholars have consi
dered at-tarteel as a separate level while others put it under at-tahqeeq level.

Al-Hadr – It is a swift method of reading the Quraan, taking care of the

tajweed rules. The reader must be careful not to shorten the ghunnah or the medd letters, and not to fall short in the c
orrect way of pronouncing the vowels. Al-hadr comes from the meaning of falling from the top to the bottom.

At-Tadweer – It is reading at an intermediate level between at-tahqeeq and al-hadr whilst maintaining the rules of taj


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Tajweed Level 1

‫ اإﻟﻈْﺰﻋﺐ َح َِ ذ ) اإﻟﻈْﺰﻋﺐ َح‬Al-Isti‟atha) Linguistically : It means seeking refuge and ‫َِ ذ‬


Applied Definition: It means seeking refuge and protection with Allah from shaitaan when intending to read the Qur

How to Say Al-Isti‟atha


The way to say Al-Isti‟atha as chosen by the ten Quran recitors is:

ِ ‫ )ّ ش طْ س‬and it is

َ89‫ً ] ٌإذ‬: ِ‫ذ ِبب‬ُٛ ‫ْ أ‬١ [

‫َِ ع ثّٗ ِٓ ٌٍ ٌاَ ج‬١َ ٌ‫ ِ ِ َ ا‬taken from the Quran:

ِ ‫“ ّ ش طْ س‬When thou

ِ ْ‫ْ ﻓﺈ َا َ َأد اٌْ ُﺳْﺂ َ َﺑﻆْ َﻋﺮ‬١‫َِ ذ لسْ َ مْ ف زِ ثّ ِٓبٌ َ بِ ٌاَ ج‬١َ ٌ‫ٍِٗ ِ َ ا‬dost read the Qur‟an, seek Allah‟s protection from Satan the rejected
one” [Suratul Nahl: 96]. This was how the prophet used to say al-isti‟atha , hence it is the best chosen way of saying
it. There are however other ways of saying al-isti‟atha as was reported by other Quran recitors. Some well known m

) ٍَُِ ٌ‫ثٗ ؼ‬
ّ ‫ط ش ِ أػ ر‬ ْ ْ‫ب ٌاَ ٍُظ ٌاٍَّغُ ٌاٍَُِ َِٓ ٌاٍَ َ بِ ٌاَ ج غ ؼِ ّ ش‬
ِ ٌٍ ِ ُ ُٛ َ( ُِ(ٍ ‫ط ش‬
ْ ْ‫ُ ُ ِ ٌٍبِ ٌاَ ٍُظِ َ ٌاٍَ َ بِ ٌاَ ج أػ ر ثّٗ ؼِ ِٓ ّ ش‬ٛ َ( ٍُِ( ‫ثّٗ غ غ ٍؼِٓ ّ شْ طْ ش‬
‫ُ ُ ِ ٌٍبِ ٌ ّاٍَ ُ ٌاٍَُِ ِ َ ٌاٍَ َ بِ ٌاَ ج أػ ر‬ٛ َ( ٍُِ( ‫ط ش‬
ْ ْ‫ ٌاٍَّغُ ا غ ؼ ٘ ْ أػ ر ثّٗ ِٓ ّ ش‬ٛ‫ل‬ ُ ‫ُ ُ ِ ٌٍبِ ِ َ ٌاٍَ َ بِ ٌاَ ٍُِج إَ اهل‬ٛ َ(

The Ruling Regarding Al-Isti‟atha

There is consensus amongst the scholars that ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬is not part of the ‫ عِ َ ر‬Quran but it is required when wanti
ng to recite Quran as mentioned in Suratul Nahl. However, the scholars differed in regards to it being obligatory or r
ecommended. First Opinion: recommended
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Most of the scholars and recitors are of the opinion that the ayah in

suratul Nahl recommends saying ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬and this is the preferred ‫عِ َ ر‬
opinion. Also the prophet sometimes did not say

‫ﺐ َح َِر‬ ‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ‬.

Second Opinion: obligatory This is the opinion of Ataa and Ath-Thawree and others. Their evidence is that seeking r
efuge was mentioned in the form of an order which makes it an obligation to say ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬. Also because the prop
het was consistent in ‫ عِ َ ر‬saying it, and because it protects the reader from shaitan which is an obligation.

When to say ‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح َِر‬

‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح َِر‬
should be said before starting to read Quran, i.e. when intending to read. This is because reading Quran is one of the
greatest forms of worship and shaitan would try its best efforts to stop the reader. Also, Allah has ordered the recitor
to repel shaitan while He is listening to His servant calling onto Him through His words. There are however, other ti
mes when ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬should be said to be ‫ عِ َ ر‬protected from shaitan, other than when intending to read Quran. It
is the opinion of most of the scholars that ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬should be said ‫ عِ َ ر‬before reciting Quran. This was the sunna
h of the prophet. Also, the meaning of ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬indicates that it should be said before beginning to ‫ عِ َ ر‬read bec
ause: it purifies the tongue from idle chat and foul talk; It gets the tongue ready to read Allah‟s words; It
is a protection with Allaah from any mistakes that could be made during recitation; It is a way of the servant admitti
ng his weakness in front of this internal enemy and that he cannot protect himself from it, and only Allaah can protec
t him from it.

When To Say ‫ اإﻟﻈْﺰﻋﺐ َح‬Out Loud ‫َِ ذ‬

It is recommended to say

‫ﺐ َح َِر‬ ‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ‬

out loud in the following situations:


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Tajweed Level 1

1) If the recitor is about to read out loud and others are present who will hear his recitation. This is because saying ‫َ ر‬
ِ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح ع‬out loud is a sign that recitation of the Quran is about to begin which is a call to listen. If the recitor s
ays ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬silently ‫ عِ َ ر‬those present would have missed some of what was recited by the time they paid attent
ion. However during the prayer ‫ اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح‬should be said silently because ‫ َِ ر‬the followers are in a state of listening
from the beginning of the prayer. 2) If the reading is done by turn (as in a classroom situation), the first reader says

Benefits of Saying ‫ اإﻟﻈْﺰﻋﺐ َح‬Out Loud ‫َِ ذ‬

An indication that recitation is due to commence; The readers heart is readed for contemplation; To bring t
he attention of those present; To push away shaitan and his whispering and bad thoughts.

‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح َِر‬

out loud and the others do it

When To Say ‫ اإﻟﻈْﺰﻋﺐ َح‬Silently ‫َِ ذ‬

It is recommended to say

‫ﺐ َح َِر‬ ‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ‬

silently when:

1) The reader is reading silently; 2) The reader is alone whether he is reading silently or out loud; 3) If the reading is
done by turn (as in a classroom situation), and the reader is not the first one to read. 4) The reader is praying whether
in the silent or out loud prayer and whether he is the imam or the one being lead.


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Repeating ‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح َِر‬

If the reader for some reason has to stop reading then wanted to resume reading should he repeat saying ‫? اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬
If the reader had to stop ‫ عِ َ ر‬reading then they should do one of three things: 1) If the reader had to stop reading d
ue to other matters concerning the Quran such as looking up the meaning of a word or verse or having to do the 2) If
the reader had to stop reading due to a necessity such as coughing or sneezing or forgetfulness……. (Providing that t
he pause is not left too long before resuming reading otherwise one should repeat

There will be no need to repeat saying

prostration of tilawah or to be
corrected or to clarify a ruling ……..

‫ﺐ َح َِر‬ e‫(اإﻟﻌْﺰ‬.

‫اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح َِر‬. 3) If the readr had to stop reading due to other matters outside the Quran such as saying salam or spea
king with others then ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح عِ َ ر‬should be repeated.

Ways of Seeking Refuge When Starting Recitation With The Beginning Of A Surah Or At Any Later Place
The reader can say later place.

‫اإﻟﻊْ ِ َب َح زؼ ر‬

at the beginning of the Surah or at any


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Ways of Saying ‫ﺐ َح‬ ‫ اإﻟﻌْﺰ‬At The Beginning of the Surah َّ‫لطع ٌا‬

‫َِ ر‬١‫ ع‬Cutting ِ‫َ ج‬

all three off from each other.

Meaning seeking refuge, stopping, saying the basmalah, stopping, then starting the surah.

‫صًْ اٌ ﱠ‬ٚ ١‫ِ ج‬ng alli ‫َ ع‬

Join three with each other. Seeking refuge, saying the basmalah, and starting the surah all in one breath without stop
ping. All the recitors have a consensuses that there are four ways of saying ‫ اإل ْز ﺐ َح‬if ‫ عِ َ ر‬one started the recitat
ion at the beginning of the Surah , except Surah Tauba (also known as Bara‟a):

ٚ ‫ ﺛﺒٌﺜﺐ ِش‬ٟٔ‫ َص اٌﺛﺐ‬ٚ ُ َ ‫ي ُ ْ َطﻊ األ‬ٚ ُ ‫ٌ ل‬
Joining the Basmalah with the beginning of the Surah This means seeking refuge, then stopping, then saying the bas
malah and the beginning of the surah in one breath.

‫ ي‬ٚ ً ٚ ‫ َ طُ ٌاثبِ ش ٌ ل ع‬ٚ‫ب‬ٟٔ‫َ ْصُ األَ ُ ثٌبث‬

Joining seeking refuge with the Basmalah This means the seeking refuge and the basmalah are joined with one breat
h, then the reader stops then starts the surah.


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Ways of Saying ‫ اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح‬At A Later Place After the ‫ َِ ر‬Beginning

If the recitor started reading at any place other than the beginning, even if it is one word after the beginning, the read
er has a choice either to say the basmalah or to leave it out, though saying is better. If the reader chose to say the bas
malah then he has to follow the four ways of saying ‫ اإﻟﻌْﺰ ﺐ َح‬as detailed above. ‫ َِ ر‬If the reader chose not to say t
he basmalah then he has two choices: 1) Joining seeking refuge with the first verse to be read in one breath; OR 2) S
eeking refuge, stopping, then reading the first verse to be read. As for surah At-Taubah , if the reader started at any p
lace other than at the beginning, then they have the choice to either say the basmalah or not.

If the first verse that is to start reading from begins with the name or one of the attributes of Allaah or with a preposit
ion referring to Him, such as the following verses: ] 752 : ِ ٌ‫ ِ ُ ا‬ٚ ُ ٌٍٕ ‫ُ ا‬ٛ َ‫َ آ‬

“ Allah is tِ‫ْ ا‬

‫ ] اٌﺟﻤﺸﺢ‬٠‫ٌَ َ ر‬ٟ ّٗ ٓ he Protector of those who have faith:” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 257] ] 5 : ٗ‫ س ْ َٓ ٍَ ع غ ز‬ٛ ‫ اٌْ َسْ ِ اظ‬َٝ‫ َ ْ اٌ َحّ ُ ع‬ٜ

“ (Allah) Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne (of authority). “ [Surah Taha: 5] ] 72 : ْٗ ِ

‫ِ ُ س] ﻓﺼٍﺬ‬

© GardensofAُ ِ‫َّ د‬١‫ ُ ٍْعُ ٌاَ بع‬٠‫ عَ خ ِ ٌَإ‬

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“ To Him is referred the Knowledge of the Hour (of Judgment: He knows all): “ [Surah Fussilat: 47] Then the reader
has two choices: 1) Seeking refuge, stopping, then reading the verse because seeking refuge and starting to read wit
h such a verse gives an ugly joining and corrupts the meaning; 2) Seeking refuge and then saying the basmalah .

If the first verse that is to be read from begins with the name of shaitan or with a preposition referring to him, such a
s the following verses: ] 268 : ْ ‫ّش ط‬

‫َ بُ ﺟﻤﺸﺢ‬

“ The Evil o َُ‫ِْ دو‬١‫ ] اٌ عُ ُ ٌْاَ م‬٠ َ‫ ف س َ ْ ٌا‬ne threatens you with poverty ” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 268] ] 119 : ‫ “ ] إٌﻋﺐء‬Allah
did curse him “ [Surah An-Nisa : 118] Then its is preferred for the reader not to say the basmalah or saying the basm
alah, stopping, then reading the verse.

َٗ ٌ ُ ٌٍ‫َ َٕعُ ا‬


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Al-basmalah means saying (

ِ ‫ﺛﻊْ ِ اٌٍ ُِ ّٗ س ٓـ س‬


Is Al-Basm‫ِ ا‬١‫ٌ َحﱠْ ِ اٌ َح‬alah A Verse Of The Quraan? The scholars have the consensus that al-basmalah is part of a
verse in the following: ] 03 : ًٌّٕ ِ ‫َ بَ َِٔ ُ ثْعِ َٗ ِ س ْ َ ِ س‬

"It is from Soٍ‫إ َٗ ِ ُ َ ٌا ٌاَ ّٓح ٌا‬ٚ ْ ّْ ُ ِ َٗ ُ

‫ِ ] ا‬١ٍَ‫ إِٔ ُ ِٓ ظ‬١‫ح‬lomon, and is (as follows): „In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful: ” [Suratun Naml: 30].

However, the scholars have differed to whether it is the first

count :
verse of suratul Fatiha or not. The scholars of Kufa and Mecca

al-basmalah as a verse of suratul Fatiha and so they count

as part of the seventh verse.

َ١‫ ِ َ اَ ٌاِر‬٠‫ ذ‬ٙ ‫َ َٔأَّ َ ع‬

As for the schَ ٓ َ‫ع ٍ صس ط‬olars from Basra, Madina and Bilad Ash-sham (Syria, Jordan, Palestine), they do not coun
t al-basmalah as a verse of Suratul Fatiha and so they count:

َ١‫ ِ َ اَ ٌاِر‬٠‫َ َٔأَّ َذ ع ع‬

As the sixth vٙٓ َ‫ ٍَ صس ط‬erse.

As for us, those who follow the narration of Hafs An Asim , we follow the scholars of Kufa and Mecca and therefore
consider albasmalah the first verse of suratul Fatiha .

As for the four schools of thought:

Hanafee And Hanbelee Schools of thought: They do not count al-basmalah as a verse of suratul Fatiha nor of every s
Rather they consider it as one verse that been sent down to separate the surahs of the Quraan and was mentioned in t
he beginning of suratul Fatiha. Their evidence is the hadeeth which says:


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Muslim reports from Abu Hurayrah (radiya allahu anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah ( َ ّ‫ع‬ٚ ِ ٍَْ‫ ( ﺻّﻰ اﱞٗ ػ‬said, ٍَُ
َ ٗ ٍَ ُ ٍ ٍَ

Allaah, the Glorious and Exalted said, “I have divided the prayer between Myself and my servant equally and My se
rvant shall be granted what he asked for.” Therefore when the servant says, „all

praises and thanks are due to Allaah, the Lord of the universe‟, Allaah says, „My servant has praised Me.‟ When he
says, „the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful,‟ Allaah says, „My servant has extolled Me.‟ When he says, „Master
of the Day of Judgment,‟ Allaah says, „My servant has glorified Me.‟ When he says, „You Alone we worship and Y
our aid Alone do we seek for help,‟

Allaah says, „this is between Me and My servant and My servant shall have what he requested.‟ When he says, „gui
de us to the

Straight Path, the Path of those whom You have favoured, not of those who have incurred [Your] wrath, neither of th
ose who have gone astray,‟ Allaah says, „this is for My servant and My servant shall have what he asked for.‟ [Sahe
eh Muslim [Eng. Trans. 1/215 no. 775]] They say that if al-basmalah the first verse of suratul Fatiha the hadeeth wou
ld have started suratul Fatiha with it. Also the salef (predecessors) have agreed that suratul Kauther is made up of thr
ee verses. That is three verses without al-basmalah. Hence albasmalah is not a verse of every surah.
Shafee School of thought: al-basmalah is a complete verse of suratul Fatiha and of every surah . Another narration fo
r Shafee and Ahmad schools of thought is that al-basmalah is a verse of suratul Fatiha only.
However, all schools of thought agree that whoever does not consider albasmalah as the first verse of every surah is
not a disbeliever, due to the differences mentioned above.

The Ruling Regarding al-basmalah When Reading From the Beginning Of A Surah
All the scholars of recitation agree that those professional reciters should start a surah with al-basmalah because they
have learnt the Quraan from their teachers through narration. So they should read as


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they have been taught (i.e. with al-basmalah). But al-basmalah should be left out when reading surat At-Taubah from
the beginning.

The Ruling Regarding al-basmalah When Reading From Any Place Other Than The Beginning Of A Surah

“From any place other than the beginning of surah” means not from the first word of the first verse, but from the sec
ond word of the first word onwards. Here the reciter has choice s to whether to start with albasmalah or not, though s
tarting with it is preferred because of its merits and the reward one would get. The same applies to surat AtTaubah , t
hough some scholars are of the opinion that al-basmalah should not be said even when starting to read surat At-Taub
ah any place other than the beginning.

The Ruling Regarding Al-Basmalah Between Two Surahs

“Between two surahs” means finishing the recitation of one surah and continuing to read the next surah.

‫ ﻟﻄﻊ اٌ ﱠ‬١‫ ع‬Cuttilang ِ‫َ ج‬

l Here the reader has a choice of 3 ways with al-basmalah :

three off from each other. Meaning stopping at the last surah, then saying al-basmalah then stopping, then starting th
e surah.

‫ لُ َ ي ثٌبثبِ ش‬ٚ ُ ‫ َ ًْص ٌاثب‬ٚ ُ‫ل‬ٚ‫ َ طع اأ‬Joining the ٌ
begning of the

Basmalah with the Surah

Ending the last surah, stopping, then saying the al-

basmalah and the

beginning of the surah in one breath.

‫صًْ اٌ ﱠ‬ٚ ١‫ ع‬Joinillng ِ‫َ ج‬

a three with each other.

Ending the last surah, Saying al-basmalah and starting the next surah all in one breath without stopping.

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The reader cannot finishing reading the last surah and then read

al-basmalahin one breath, then stop and then start the next surah. This is because al-basmalahis said at the beginning
the surah and not at the end.

The above mentioned 3 ways are permissible for ending the recitation of one surah and beginning another, whether t
he two surahs are consequent such as surat Al-Imran followed by Surat An-Nisa, or not consequent such as Surat Al-
Fatiha and then reading surat Yasin. If the two surahs being read are not in order such as reading Surat Al-Mulk and
then Surah Yasin , then only two ways are allowed: Cutting all three off each other and joining al-

basmalahwith the beginning of the next surah.

As for Surat At-Taubh, the following applies:

If the the surah that has been read is before surat AtTaubah then the reader wants to read Surat At-Taubh, one of the
following ways should be adopted: First Way: To stop t the end of the last surah before Surat At-Taubh, then take a
breath with the intention of continuing the recitation. Then strating with Surat AtTaubh. It is also possible to stop wit
h one of the following methods where applicable: as-sukoon al-mahidh, ar-rawm or ishmaam (all will be studied late
r on so don‟t worry about what they are now). Second Way: As-Sakit : Stop at the end of the last surah for a few sec
onds without taking a breath, then start Surat At-Taubh. It is also possible to stop with one of the following methods
where applicable: as-sukoon al-mahidh, arrawm or ishmaam (all will be studied later on so don‟t worry about what t
hey are now). Third Way: Joining the previous surah with Surat AtTaubh, without a pause and applying the iglb rule


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the end of the last surah and the beginning of Surat At-


If the the surah that has been read is after surat AtTaubah (according to the order of the surahs in the Quraan) then th
e reader wants to read Surat At-Taubh, one way applies here. To finish the last surah, then stopping, then start readin
g Surat At-Taubh, without saying
basmalah. It is not permissible to join the two surahs no


is it to apply the second way mentioned above (as-sakit). If the reader wanted to read Surat At-Taubh, a number of ti
mes then he should not join it with its beginning nor should he apply as-sakit.


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Exercise 1
1) Put ( √ ) or ( X ) in front of the following sentences, correcting those sentences that are wrong: a) Al-Lahin is the
mistake and deviation from the correct way of reading( ) b) The ruling on al-lahin al-khafee is haraam (forbidden) w
hile it is makrooh (disliked) for al-lahin al-jellie ( )

c) An example of grade 1 of al-lahin al-khafee is missing out the ghunnah or not applying the idgham rule when it is
due ( ) d) There are only three levels of reading the Quran at-tahqeeq, al-hadr and at-tarteel ( ) e) The ruling on learni
ng tajweed is (fardh kifayah) obligatory upon Muslims as a whole like learning the other sciences the Muslims need
( f) One example of al-lahin al-khafee is that the length of the ghunnah or tafkheem are said shorter than their exact l
ength. ( ) g) Some of the scholars of tajweed consider at-tarteel as an independent level of recitation and they put it b
efore the at-tahqeeq level.( ) h) One example of al-lahin al-jellie in tajweed is not pronouncing the letter ‫ ي‬in the m
oon letters. ( i) There is one way of obtaining the science of tajweed through narration. ) ( ) )

j) There are more than three pillars of recitation, if the recitor falls short of one of these pillars then their recitation w
ill be considered odd by the scholars. ( )

2) What are the differences between: a) al-lahin al-jellie and al-lahin al-khafee b) Levels and pillars of reading the Q
uran 3) Answer the following questions:


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Tajweed Level 1

a) Who is hafs? Who is his teacher? b) What does hafs an assim chain of narration mean? c) Mention 5 manners whi
ch should be observed when reciting the Quran.

4) Give three examples of a) al-lahin al-jellie b) al-lahin al-khafee

5) Define the following terms: a) Science of tajweed b) Al-lahin


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Exercise 2
1) Mulltiple Choice - Circle the wrong answer: a) A reader was reading the Quran then stopped to sneeze: 1) They s
hould repeat saying al-istiatha 2) They should resume reading without saying al-istiatha 3) Neither (a) or (b) are corr
ect b) Aisha finished reading surah Yasin then she wanted to read Surah Mar yam she should: 1) Finish reading sura
h Yasin, pause, then say al-basmalah, pause the start reading the first verse of surah Maryam. 2) Finish reading surah
Yasin, pause, then in one breath say albasmalah and start reading the first verse of surah Maryam. 3) In one breath fi
nish reading surah Yasin, then say albasmalah, then start reading the first verse of surah Maryam. c) If a person want
ed to read surat At-taubah they should: 1) Finish reading surat At-taubah, stop, then say al-basmalah, stop, then start
reading it again. 2) Finish reading surat At-taubah, stop, then start reading it again. 3) In one breath finish reading su
rat At-taubah, and then start reading it again. d) Maryam was reading surah Al-Muzammil then she wanted to red sur
at At-taubah she should: 1) Finish reading surah Al-Muzammil, stop, then say al-basmalah, stop, then start reading t
he first verse of surat At-taubah. 2) In one breath finish reading surah Al-Muzammil, then start reading the first verse
of surat At-taubah. 3) Neither (a) nor (b) are correct.


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e) If a person was reading surat At-taubah and another surah in consequent orders in the Quran they should NOT: 1)
Joining the previous surah with surat At-taubah without stopping 2) Apply As-sakit rule between the two surahs 3) S
top at the last surah, take a breath, say al-basmalah and then start reading surat At-taubah. f) There are three ways of
applying al-basmalah between 2 surahs: 1) Finish reading the last surah, then stop, then say al-basmalah then stop th
en start reading the next surah. 2) In one breath, finish reading the last surah, say al-basmalah and start reading the n
ext surah. 3) Finish reading the last surah and say al-basmalah in one breath, then stop then start reading the next sur

2) Explin why: a) A person should say Al-Istitha out loud if others are present who will hear his recitation. b) Should
you not say al-basmalah if the if the first verse to be read from begins with the name of shaitaan or with a prepositio
n referring to him. c) A person should NOT join saying al-istiatha with the first verse of recitation that mentions Alla
ah or one of His Attibutes or a preposition referring to Him. d) The reader cannot finish reading the last verse in a su
rah nd then saying al-basmalah in one breath.


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3) Match the left column with the right column: A If the first verse to start reading from starts with the nme of Allaa
h or one of his attributes then the user has: The reader started to read the surah 3 ayaat in and chose not to say al-bas
malah then he has: B 2 choices: (1) saying al-istiatha and start reading in one breath (2) saying al-istiatha, stopping, t
hen start reading. (1) Saying al-istiatha, stopping, saying al-basmalah, stopping, start reading; (2) Saying al-istiatha,
al-basmalah and start reading in one breath; (3) Saying al-istiatha, stopping, saying al-basmalah and start reading in
one breath; (4) Saying al-istiatha and albasmalah in one breath, stopping then start reading (1)Saying al-istiatha, stop
ping, saying al-basmalah, stopping, start reading; (2) Saying al-istiatha, al-basmalah and start reading in one breath; (
3) Saying al-istiatha, stopping, saying al-basmalah and start reading in one breath. 2 choices: (1) saying al-istiatha, st
opping then start reading (2) saying al-istiatha then saying al-basmalah.

The reader has a number of choices when saying al-istiatha at the beginning of surah:

The reader has a number of choices when saying albasmalah between two surahs:

4) When should we do the following things: a) Repet saying al-istiatha b) Say al-istiatha out loudly c) Say al-istiatha
silently 5) What are the benefits of: a) saying al-istiatha when intend to read the Quran b) saying al-istiatha out loud
6) Discuss the following: a) If al-basmalah is verse of the Quran or not b) If al-istiatha is obligatory or not

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ٕٛ٠‫ اٌﻋﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ اٌﻋﺒﻮٕخ ز إ‬ٌْٛ‫ أﺣﯨﺐَ إ‬is a noon that does nٌ‫ا‬ٚot have any vowel ( ‫ ( دﺷﻮخ‬on it. That
means it does not have ‫ ﻓﺰذخ‬nor ‫ ظّﺦ‬nor ‫ وﻏﺸﺢ‬. ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬occurs in nouns and verbs, in the middle and at the end of th
e word. It also occurs in prepositions and particles ( In the Quran

‫( اٌذﺷﻒ‬, but only at then end of the word. ْ َٙ َ َٛ ٌٕ ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

remains unchanged in its

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

is written with a sukoon on it such as:

‫ِٓ َ ا َ ِ َ ء‬
Written form ) ‫ ) زظّﺐ‬:
written form

When continuing the reading ) ‫ﺻﺎل‬ٚ ) : It is pronounced When stopping at the word ) ‫ﻟﻔﺐ‬ٚ ) : It is pronounced


is a term for axtran e ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬that is not used for emphasises and found at the end of nouns only:

Written form ) ‫ ) زظّﺐ‬: This type of

in written form;

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

is absent is

When continuing the reading )


‫ﻟﻔﺐ‬ٚ ) :

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٛ

‫ﺻﺎل‬ٚ It is either abandoned (ie not pronounced) such as ) ٌ ٍ‫ )ٍَّ ٌ ػ‬OR it is changed to ُ ‫ ع غ‬an ‫ اٌف‬such as ) ً ‫إْ ﱞٍزمٍ َ ِﻓﺒﺼﺎ‬
). َٓ
When stopping at the word )

can be ) . Such as:

( ‫ٓ اٌﻓﺰخ‬ٌٕٛ‫ر‬

or )

( ‫ٓ اٌﯨﻐﺶ‬ٌٕٛ‫ر‬

or )

‫رﺟﺒﺴﺢ دﺑﻈﺸﺢ‬

ٌ ‫ ً٘ َ ﻋﺎل‬..

ِ ‫ٗ ِٓ أي ًَء ﺧٍﻢ ٍ ش‬

‫ٓ اٌع‬ٌٕٛ‫ً ر‬

The Difference Between ‫ اٌﻋﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬and ٕٓٛ٠

‫ اٌﻋﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

‫ اٌز‬1) It curs in the middle of a ocword and at the end of it

It occurs at the end ohe wf tord only.


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Tajweed Level 1

2) It occurs in the noun ( ُ‫( ااﻟﻊ‬, the prepositions and particles ( ‫ ( اٌذﺷﻒ‬and the verb ( ً ‫ ( اٌﻓ‬3) It is pronounced whu
en contining to read after it ) ‫ﺻﺎل‬ٚ ) and when stopping on it ) ‫ﻟﻔﺐ‬ٚ ) .

It occurs in nouns (


) only.

It is only pronounced when continuing to read the word after it )

‫ﺻﺎل‬ٚ ). 4) It is pronounced tand is writen in It is pronounced but is absent from the Quran. the noun in its written for
m. 5) It can be a letter part of the formation of the word and it can be an extra letter. It is an extra letter.

There are four tajweed rules that equally apply to

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬



Its letters are:


‫اٌﺧﺐء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫اٌغ‬ٚ ، ‫اٌذبء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫اٌؼ‬ٚ ، ‫بء‬ٌٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ﺿﺢ‬ٙ‫اﱞ‬

Its letters are:

Its letters are:

‫ اٌﺟﺐء‬ٕٛ٠‫اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬

‫ " ٌش‬ٍِْٛ ْ

‫اٌز‬ٚ ‫ اٌﻋﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫أﺣﯨﺐَ إ‬
Its letters are:

، ‫ اٌﯨﺒﻒ‬، ‫ اٌﻣﺒﻒ‬ٚ" ‫ ي س َ ي‬، ‫ اٌﻓﺐء‬، ‫ اٌظﺐء‬، ‫ اٌﻋﺒﺪ اٌطﺐء‬، ‫ اٌﺻﺒﺪ‬، ٍٓ‫ اﱞش‬، ٍٓ‫ اٌغ‬، ‫ اٌﺿﺎي‬، ‫ اٌزاي‬، ‫ اٌذاي‬، ٍُ‫ اٌج‬، ‫ اٌﺛﺐء‬، ‫اٌزبء‬
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Tajweed Level 1

‫ﺒﺰ‬ٙ‫ﺒﺰ اإﻟﻈ‬ٙ‫اإﻟﻈ‬
linguistically: It means clear or obvious. Applied Definition: It is pronouncing the letter from its correct
articulation point without an apparent

‫ﺒﺰ‬ٙ‫ﻒ اإﻟﻈ‬ٚ‫ﺒﺰ) ﺣﺴ‬ٙ‫اإﻟﻈ‬

‫ﻏٕﺦ‬. Letters)
There are six letters which when they immediately follow

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬


cause ٌْٕٛ‫ ا‬to be pronounced clearly. The letters are:

‫اٌﺧﺐء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫اٌغ‬ٚ ، ‫اٌذبء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫اٌؼ‬ٚ ، ‫بء‬ٌٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ﺿﺢ‬ٙ‫اﱞ‬

These letters are known as ‫ﻒ اٌذٍﻣٍﺦ‬ٚ‫ ) اٌذﺷ‬the throat letters) because they are articulated from the throat.

How To Apply ‫ﺒﺰ‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬Rule On Its Six Letters

When ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬appears immediately after one of the above letters, whether in one word or in between two word
s, then pronounce ٌْٕٛ‫ ا‬clearly.



In One Word

Between 2 words



‫رﺟﺒﺲ ً دﺑﻈﺸﺢ ح‬
‫ا ِغ ػ‬ٚ ٌ ‫ُ َ ٌ ع‬

‫ٓ اٌؼ‬

ٌ ‫ ً٘ َ ﻋﺎل‬..

‫ٍﻚ ٍ َ ْ ِ َ َ ْ َه َ فّٓ دﺑﺞ‬ ِٓ ‫ِ ْ َد ٍ ِٓ ٘ب‬

َْ ‫أذش‬ٚ َْ َ ‫ّﺬ‬ ٔ‫ﺑﺲ أ‬ٙٔ‫أ‬ٚ ً ‫ْ ا‬


َ ً ‫ﺠْﺬا إرا‬

‫ُ ٔ إْ أ ْ ْ ز‬

‫ئ‬ٌٕٚ ٛ َ َ َْ ْ



Page 30

Tajweٍٍ ed Level 1


‫ل ﻏٍﺶ َ َْ ً َ َ ٌ َ ش ٌ ٍ ٌطٍﻒ ﺧﺞ‬ٛ‫ﻻ‬

‫ً ِٓ غ ٍِ ِْ ِ ْ َش ٍ ٍْ ِٓ خ‬

ّ ْ َِ َ ُ ‫ﻐﻊ اٌ ُٕﺧٕﻤﺦ‬ ‫ ﻓﻐ‬ٛ َ َ َُ ْ ِ ُ ْ


Reason for Applying ‫ﺒﺰ‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬rule on These Letters

The reason is the far distance between the articulation point of these

‫اٌﺧﺐء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫اٌغ‬ٚ ، ‫اٌذبء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫اٌؼ‬ٚ ، ‫بء‬ٌٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ﺿﺢ‬ٙ‫ ( اﱞ‬and the articulation point of the noon sakinah . So applying َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬ruling would not be
suitable because there is no reason for it, nor would ‫ ااﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬ruling be suitable as it close to the َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬ruling, nor wo
uld ‫ اٌﻣٍﺖ‬ruling as its a means to apply the ‫ ااﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬ruling.
letters (

Levels of ‫ﺒﺰ‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬Rule

rule has three levels depending on the distance between ‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬letter and the noon sakinah: Level 1 – ‫ٍٍﺐ‬ for ‫بء‬ٌٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ﺢ‬
‫ﺿ‬ٙ‫ اﱞ‬because they are the furtherst distance from the noon sakinah. Level 2 – ‫ﻋﻄﻰ‬ٚ for ‫اٌذبء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫ اٌؼ‬because they have th
e intermediate distance from the noon sakinah. Level 3 – ‫ دٍٔب‬for ‫اٌﺧﺐء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫ اٌغ‬because they have the closest distance to t
he noon sakinah.

This type of ‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫ إظ‬is known as ً‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫اإﻟﻈ‬

‫ اٌذٍم‬because the articulation point of these letters is from the throat ‫ﺒﺲ اٌذٍم‬ٙ‫اٌذٍك ً اإﻟﻈ‬. appears in the Quran as a noon wi
th sukoon on it such as: ‫ِْٓ َ ب‬. ٍ ‫ َ ْ ذ َ ّ ْٔأع ِ ٘ ّ د‬As for ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬it appears as ً ( ‫ٓ اٌﻓﺰخ‬ٌٕٛ‫ ) ر‬or ) ٍ ( ‫ٓ اٌﯨﻐﺶ‬ٌٕٛ‫ ر‬or ) ٌ ( ُ‫ٓ اٌع‬ٌٕٛ‫ ر‬.


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Tajweed Level 1

‫اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬

‫ اٌﻣٍﺖ‬linguistically: It means change.


‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ ٍُِ إ‬with a ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬when followed by the letter ‫ اٌﺟﺐء‬.

Applied Definition: It means changing


to a hidden

‫ﻒ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬ٚ‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ) ﺣﺴ‬Letters)

‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬rule has only one letter: ) ‫ اٌﺟﺐء ) ة‬. When the letter ) ‫ ) ة‬immediately follows ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬in one word or in
between two words (i.e. one word ends with ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬and the immediate word after it begins with the letter ) ‫) ة‬
( ‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬is then applied.

How To Apply ‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬Rule On Its Letter

When the letter ) ‫ ) ة‬immediately follows ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬in one word or in between two words the following should t
ake place: 1) Do not pronounce

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬at all, rather read it s a

2) Hide this ٍُِ by not pressing on its articulation point (the lips); 3) Pronounce this

with a ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬of two counts long. This ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬is a characteristic of the ٍُِ .

‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬ruling and ‫ﻲ‬ٛ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء اﱞﺷﻔ‬ruling when practiced verbally, as quoted by ‫ اإﻟِﺐَ اثٓ اٌﺟﻀﺴﻲ‬.
There is no difference between

Reason For Applying ‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬Ruling:

The reason ‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬is applied on this letter and not one of the other rules is because:

‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬is difficult to pronounce and requires extra effort in pronouncing the ‫ْٔ عبٕوخ‬ٛ clearly and then pronouncing ‫ء‬
There is no reason to apply َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬ruling due to the far distance between the articulation points of the letters involve


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Tajweed Level 1

Thus, hiding ‫ إﺧﻔﺐء‬becomes ideal, and to achieve it had to be changed into a articulation point and
‫اٌز‬ٚ ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

because all three letters share the same ٌٍُّ‫ ا‬shares ‫ اٌﻏٕﺦ‬with ٌْٕٛ‫اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬

( ‫ا‬.

appears in the Quran as a noon with a small full size

( ٍُِ


it such as: As for


‫َ َ َُ ّ ٌٍٕ جز‬

‫ثس‬ٛ ‫ ُ ن َ َْأ‬the ‫ اإﻟﻼﻟﺔ‬appears as a small full size ) one of the ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬vowels: ٍ‫َُ ع‬١‫ ﺛﺮاد ِ ُ َ ﺛﺺ‬١‫َ ﺳﺎ‬

( ٍُِ

instead of

ّ‫ ظ‬١‫ُ ِ ثبَ عًَزَْ ع‬

‫َ د َ ع‬



Tajweed Level 1

‫ َ اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐ‬ePag ‫اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐ‬
linguistically: It means merging. Applied Definition: It means merging a non-voweled letter with another

voweled letter so that the two letters become one emphasized letter of the second type.

‫ﻒ اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐ‬ٚ‫ اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐَ) ﺣﺴ‬Letters)
‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬rule has six letters: word " ٍِْٛ " . ٠‫ ز َ ي‬ٞ ٚ ْ ‫س‬
and they form the

When one of the َ‫إﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬tters immediatee‫ ا‬lly follow

in between two words (i.e. one word ends with the immediate word after it begins with one of the above letters) then
َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬rule is applied. َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬can only be applied between two words and not within one word.

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬ ‫ اٌز‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬and

Divisions Of َ‫ اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐ‬Rule
‫ إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻎ‬١‫ ﺳﻐٕﺦ ) َ إّدﻏﺐ‬without ‫ﻏٕﺦ‬
Its letters are: ) is ditwo groups with vided intoregards to saying it with ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬or without

‫إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ ) َ إّدﻏﺐ‬

‫ اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐ‬with ‫ﻏٕﺦ‬
Its letters are:

ّٕٛ " ٞ ْ َ ٚ


‫ ز‬٠‫إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ‬

This type of َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬i of the word ّٕٛss applied with a letter٠‫ﻏٕﺦ‬

of 2 counts long. The four

٠‫ س‬letters that makeup this sub-group make up the


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Tajweed Level 1
How To Apply ‫ إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ‬On Its Letters If one of the ‫ إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ‬letters ( ٚ َ ْ ٞ " ّٕٛ٠ " ) immediately follow ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬in betwe
en two words then do not pronounce ٌْٕٛ‫ ا ; اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬instead pronounce the letter after it with a ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬of two counts
long. If one of the ‫َ إّدﻏﺐ‬


letters (

َ ْ ٞ " ّٕٛ٠ " )


follow ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬in between two words then do not pronounce instead pronounce one of instead of

‫ اٌز‬ٛ


vowels ( i.e. pronounce ُ instead of



instead of

) then pronounce the letter

after it with a ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬of two counts long. Examples:

] 8 : [ ‫ﺒﺪ‬ ‫ ] إٌﺑﺼ‬53 [ ‫ ] إٌﺟﺄ‬: 02 [ ‫ ] اﱞﺷﻌﺎﻟﺪ‬: 1 ‫ة‬ُٛ َ ٌ ‫ َ ِﻓﺦ‬letoith out a the

‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬. The tww ٚ‫ِ ٌ َ ت‬ٟ‫َ ا أ‬١‫ﺳﻐٕﺦ‬

This type of َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬is applied ‫ِر‬١ ‫َ ٍ َ َ ت َ رجْذ‬ٙ‫ِ ٌَُْ ٔ ُْخمُ ِٓ َ بء َ َ َ دَ ث‬٠‫ّإدغَب ثغ‬
ٌ ‫ َبب‬ٚ ‫عّ ع ف َا ًب ٌ ْ َ وغ ًا‬َٙ١ ٍ ‫ ٍ ِ ِ أ َ َ ٍ ى‬َٙ ٓ ‫ ٌَ ِر ث‬ْٛ َ َ

‫ اج‬ٚ‫َِ ر‬٠ِ ُْٛ‫ ] اﱞﻏﺬ ب‬: ِٛ٠

ٍ ‫ لٍ ٌ َ ْ َئ‬ters of ٍِْٛ ٠‫ س‬letters that make up this sub-group are ‫ ي ز‬.

How To Apply ‫ إﻏﺐدَّ ﺛﻎ‬١‫ ﺳﻐٕﺦ‬On Its Letters If one of the ‫ إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻎ‬١‫ ﺳﻐٕﺦ‬letters ediam(‫ ( ي ز‬imtely follow ٌْٕٛ‫ ا اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬in
or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬between two words then do not pronounce ٌْٕٛ‫ ا اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ ; اٌز‬instead pronounce the letter after it without a ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬.

] 8 : [ ‫ﺿﺢ‬ٙ‫ ] اﱞ‬38 ٚ ٍ ‫َ ٌ ِ ًُ ُ َ َ ُّ َ ح‬

‫ ]ٌ ظ‬: ًْ٠ ٍ ‫َ ٌ ِ َ ةَ ح‬l 1

‫ اٌﻏٕﺦ‬is a sound

Page 35

Tajweed Le
© ٍ‫ٌِ ىِ ّ٘ ص‬١‫ْلً بِٓ زٍ ز‬ٛ ٌ‫َ َ ب‬
ٌ‫ َ ص ُ ٍظَ ح‬that comes from the nasal. It is a basic characteristic of ٌْٕٛ‫ ) ا‬including ٌٕٓٛ‫ ( اٌز‬and the letter ) ُ‫ﱞ‬١‫َ ) ا‬. Its length i

Complete and Incomplete َ‫َ إدﻏﺐ‬

is als‫إّد‬o divided with regards to it being complete and incomplete:

‫ ) اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐَ اٌﯨﺐ‬Complete َ‫ ( إّدﻏﺐ‬: Is when the letter that is being merged ( i.e. ٌْٕٛ‫ ا‬and ٌٍُّ‫ ( ا‬itself disappears completely a
nd so do its characteristics ( including ‫( اٌﻏٕﺦ‬.
Its letters are: Thus the and

) َ‫ ْ ) ا‬ٌْٕٛ (

‫( ﱞٍُ َ ) ا‬

‫( س ) اٌﺷﺎء‬

‫ي ) اال‬

and disappeared along with their characteristics.

‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬that is present when ٌٍُّ‫ ا‬and ٌْٕٛ‫ ا‬are merged with ٌٍُّ‫ ا‬ٌْٕٛ ‫ ا‬is from the second ٌٍُّ‫ ا‬and ٌْٕٛ‫ ; ا‬because the first ٌٍُّ‫ ا‬ٌْٕٛ ‫ ا‬were mer
ged completely and so the letters themselves
without any vowel on it, and

‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐَ اٌﯨﺐ‬appears in the Quran as a ْٛٔ
the letter after it has a (

) on it, such as:

ِ َ ‫ِٓ ِ بي‬0 [

ِ َ ‫ْ ِٓ ٌد‬

‫ﻒ‬ٙ‫ ] اٌﯨ‬: 38 [
‫ ِٓ َ ة ِ ِ ز‬...

the otherngs as two small lines one followiar

As for the ٌٕٓٛ‫ ر‬it appe:‫ ٌ]ظ‬: 55‫س‬ٌٛ‫ ]إ‬, and the letter after it has a (

) on it, such as:

: ُ...

‫ ]ٌ ظ‬١ [

‫ ز ّ زح َ ٍ َ ة‬246[

‫ْ ِ ِ ًب ٔﻣَﺐ ٍَى ُ ر‬

‫ﺢ‬ng merged ( i.e. ٌْٕٛeiomplete َ‫ ( إّدﻏﺐ‬: Is when the letter that is bInc8‫) اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐَ إٌﺑﻠﺺ‬

5‫ … ] اٌﺟﻤﺸ‬: ‫ ا‬and ٌٍُّ‫ ( ا‬itself disappears but its characteristics ( including ‫ ( اٌﻏٕﺦ‬remain.
Its letters are :

) ‫ا‬ٌٛ‫ ) ا‬ٚ (


‫) اٌٍبء‬

Page 36


Tajweed Level 1

Thus when

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬and ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬are merged with ٚ‫ا‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬and ‫ اٌٍبء‬the ٓ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬and ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬disappear but their characteristics ( i.e. ‫( اٌﻏٕﺦ‬
without any vowel on it, or a

remains, hence the merge is incomplete.

‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐَ إٌﺑﻠﺺ‬appears in the Quran as a ْٛٔ ٌٕٓٛ‫ر‬

and the letter after it does NOT have a (

) on it, such as:

] 6 : ٌَ ْ

‫ ] اٌﺿٌﻀٌﺦ‬َِٛ٠ ‫ِ ر‬٠ َ ّْ ٙ ‫ﺎ أع َب‬َْٚ‫ٌص ُ ُ اٌ َب ُ أﺷْﺰَﺑﺮًب ِ ُﺳ‬١f types of َ‫ﺐ‬o divisions wos Of َ‫إّدﻏﺐ‬
If the te

Overall There Are Three Typ [

‫ً اَ س‬7‫ ] اٌﺿٌﻀٌﺦ‬: ١ ُ ‫ َّ َ ْ ِ ي ذَ ح س‬٠َ‫َْ ِﺛْﻤَﺐ َ َز ٍ خ‬ ‫َ ْ َٓ فْع‬٠ َٖ ‫َ إدﻏ ئٍ َ ْ دزٕ ض‬

‫ إدﻏﺐ‬:

are merged together, there would be three

‫ا‬ٌٛ‫اٌٍبء ا‬ٚ . ٚ ‫ا إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ ٔﺑﻠﺺ‬ٚ . ٌْٕٛ ‫إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ وب‬


‫ إدﻏﺐ‬with ‫ – ( ﻏٕﺦ‬its letters are ٌٍُّ‫ ا َ إدﻏﺐ‬with ‫ – ( ﻏٕﺦ‬its letters are َ‫ إدﻏﺐ‬without ‫ – (ﻏٕﺦ‬its letters
: With


‫ إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻎ‬١‫ س ﻏٕﺦ وب‬are َ‫اٌال‬ٚ ‫ اٌﺷﺎء‬.


Examples for the three typetter Wiles of The th


‫اٌز‪ ٕٛ٠‬إّدﻏﺐ‬

‫‪Type of‬‬

‫ّدﻏﺐع ِس ُ ُ َﯨﻊ ُ ف ْٗ ِ ٕٔ ْٖ ﱠ ٔ َِ ْ ٍِ‬

‫‪ُ َْٓ ٚ ٟ‬‬


‫ﺟﺼﺎٌ ْ ‪ِٟ‬فِ ‪ ٠‬إ‬
‫‪Page 37‬‬

‫د َب َج ِ ً ج ِ٘ ح‪ َ ٍَ١‬ك َ ‪ٌْ ُٛ‬اٍْخء‪Tajw‬‬


‫ِ إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ وب ّٓ ‪...‬‬


‫ِ ًَِِ‬

‫…ًِ ّإدغَب ثٕغخ وب‬

‫…ًِْ ِ ِ ً بٔ َمب ٍَ ىُ ر‬

‫‪َ eed Level 1‬أَفبَ ْعم‬

‫َﻋﺪ ٍَ ِ َ‪ ٌْٛ... ِٓ ٌٚ ٍ ِ ٟ‬إْ ‪١‬ﱞ‬

‫‪ Ruling‬اإ‪ َ َ ٌ ٌَ ُْ ِs becith a ْٛٔ it wi‬ﻏّﺶ ‪ٛ ِ ٚ ٙ‬ح ‪ ٠ ُِ...‬ا‬

‫ِ ُ ﻟ ٔ‪As for merging a ْٛ‬‬

‫ٕ٘ ِ ّْزم َ ‪ ١‬ذٌ َ اٌْىِ َب ُ َ ز إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻎ‪َ٠‬س ﻏ َ ُ ٌٍ ‪ِ١ ِ ًٜ‬س ﻏٕﺦ ًِ وب ٓ ف ٗد‪ّ١‬ﺪﻏﺐَ ‪Reason For Applying‬‬

‫َ ِه ز ة ال ْت َ ‪١‬بء اٌﺳﺎء َ اٌال‬

‫ﺦ ًِ وب‬ ‫اٌ‪١‬ف ‪ َ٠ُ ... َ َِ ٍ َ ٙ‬ﺛﻎ‪ ١‬دﻏﺐإّإّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ ٔﺑﻠﺺ‬

‫إّدﻏﺐَ ﺛﻐٕﺦ ٔﺑﻠﺺ‬

‫ا‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬ٚ

‫ز ّ زح َ ٍ َ ة‬ٛ ‫ ِٓ َة ِ ِ ز ْ ِٓ ٌد‬... ‫م‬١ ِْٛ٠ ‫ َ ﺋﺮ‬ause of the resemblance between them. They both have the same articulation point a
nd the same characteristics because they are the same letter. As for merging ٌْٕٛ‫ ا‬with the rest of َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬letters it is bec
ause of the closeness of the articulation point of the letters involved (i.e




The reason ‫ اٌﻏٕﺦ‬remains with the letters strong characteristic.

" ّٕٛ٠ " is because it is a ‫ز ي‬

is to make it easy

The reason why ‫ اٌﻏٕﺦ‬is removed with the letters to pronounce. Pronouncing some hardship.


with these letters causes the reader


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Tajweed Level 1

Exceptions When َ‫ اإﻟّﺪﻏﺐ‬Ruling Does NOT Apply

There are occasions when َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬does not apply even when one of the

" ٍِْٛ‫“ٌ ش‬

letters immediately follow

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬:

Exception 1 –

‫َ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬

‫ﺒﺰ اﱞطٍﻚ‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬rule does not apply if one of َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬letters immediately follow ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬in one word. This only occurs in fo
ur words in the Quran:
ْ ٌ‫ ا‬١ٓ ‫ُْٕب د‬١ْٕٛ‫ﺎ ِ ْ ﻻ‬ْٕٛ‫ث ْ ﺻ‬ ِ

Whenever it occurs: Whenever it occurs:e cases ٌْٕٛ‫ ا‬is pronthes9 :

In 9 [4: [ ounced clearly without a ‫ ﻏٕﺦ‬and it is not permissible to apply َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ‬rule as it would confuse the intended
meaning. This rule is called ‫ﺒﺴِﻈٍﻚ‬ٙ‫( إظ‬absolute clearness). It is called so because it is not from ً‫َ اأﻟٔ ﺐ‬


‫ﺬ‬ ‫اٌﺷ‬

‫ﺒﺲ اٌذٍم‬ٙ‫اإﻟﻈ‬

nor of any of the other

‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫ إظ‬rules.

Also falls under this exception:

‫ َ ب‬ٚ ِ َ‫ ٌْام‬ٚ ْ ْ ُ ُٚ َ ‫َ ٍَُ َِ َ طس‬٠ ِ ‫ِع ُ َ م ِ ﺣﻰ‬١ ٌْ َ ٠]

‫اٌْ ُﺳْﺂْ ا‬ٚ next letter (note thate continuum with thin ٠‫ط‬

ied when reading ْl‫ط‬1‫اإلدغب‬




is not app ْ and ٠‫ ط‬both

end with ]

‫ ﻋﺒﻮٕخ‬1 ‫ظ‬-0ٌ[ :

). That was how it was read by ُ‫ﺒﺺ‬ ٓ‫ﻓﺺد ػ‬. This rule i‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ed s also callٌْٛ‫إ‬

‫ﺒﺴِﻈٍﻚ‬ٙ‫ إظ‬. is merged with ٌٍُّ‫ ا‬in ُ : ‫ﺸﺎء‬ ‫ [ اﱞﺷ‬1‫ ] طﻊ‬and [ 1 : ‫ [ اٌﻣﺼﺺ‬in accordance with how it was read by ُ‫ﺒﺺ‬ ٓ‫ػ‬
‫ﺺ‬Excep ‫ دﻓ‬.
However,tion 2 –

‫ اٌﻋﯨﺬ‬07 :

Here we read ِٓ ً١‫ل‬ٚ then ‫ ض‬pause without taking a breath then read: e ‫ زاق‬. This known as ‫( ] ع ْذ َى‬stopping with
out taking a breath). The ‫ ع ْذ‬is what prevents َ‫ اإﻟﺪﻏﺐ َى‬from taking place. That is how it was read by is also called

ِ َٚ ٍ ‫ًَ ق‬١‫ دفص ٓػ ػبص‬.



‫ َْٓ ض زا ِ ل‬This rule

‫ﺒﺴِﻈٍﻚ‬ٙ‫ إظ‬.

Tajweed Level 1

‫ﻔﺐء اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬rdeage 39

© Ga‫اإﻟﺨ‬
linguistically: It means hiding, concealment. Applied Definition: It means the pronunciation of a noon sakinah (strip
ped of any shaddah) or tanween in a state somewhere between idhaar and idgham, with a ghunnh .

‫ﻒ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬ٚ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء) ﺣﺴ‬Letters)

‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬rule has 15 letters: ‫ص ذ س ن ج غ ق ض ّد ط ش ف د ض ظ‬
They are the remaining letters of the Arabic alphabet after removing:

the six letters of ‫ﺑﺲ‬ْٙ ‫ ) إ‬idhaar) َ‫( ) ّ٘ﺿﺢ ٘بء ع ح ؽ ر‬

‫ ظ‬the six letters of َ‫ ) إ ْﻏﺐ‬idgham) ) ٍِْٛ‫ )ٌ ش َ د‬the one letter of ‫ ) إ ْاﻟﺔ‬iqlaab) ) ‫) ة ل‬

The letter alif is not included as it does not appear after (noon sakinah).

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

How To Apply ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬Rule On Its Letters

When one of the ‫ إﺧﻔﺐء‬letters:

) ‫)ص ذ س ن ج غ ق ض ّد ط ش ف د ض ظ‬
immediately follows words,

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫إ‬

or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬in one word or in between two

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬is not pronounced, rather it is hidden but its characteristic the ‫ ) ﻏٕﺦ‬ghunnah) of two counts long remains. Th
e noon

sakinah is hidden by leaving a small gap between the tip of the tongue and
the gums of the top teeth, so that the tongue is a little bit further away from the noon articulation point and close to t
he articulation point of the following letter to be pronounced. One should be careful as not to make the following mi
stakes when trying to apply the ikhfaa rule:
© Page 40
Tajweed Level 1

Not to stick the tongue againt the gums of the top teeth so that a clear noon is said; Not to stretch the vowel that is on
the letter before the

noon so that a full vowel is said. For example: reading ُ‫ُٕ ز و‬




‫ِ ِٕ ى‬


‫ٍِٕ ى‬.

When applying ikhfaa one should say the ghunnah with tafkheem (fatness) if the letter following the noon sakinah is
one of the tafkheem letters ( ‫ ( ق ظ‬.

‫ ط‬The level of tafkheem of the ghunnah should be the same as the level of the tafkheem letter with the ‫ ط‬being the
strongest then ‫ ض‬then ‫ ص‬then ‫ ظ‬then ‫ ق‬. For example:

‫] ظﱠﺐ َا ٍ طِﺠَﺐ ًب‬

‫ ص ض‬Nooh: 15] ‫ د ل‬ٚ َ Anaam: 93] ِ‫ ث ٍ ص ﺻﺲ ٍ َ ْ ِس‬٠‫ َٓ َب‬ٚ َ ‫َِ ل ي‬

‫ح َس‬
[Al-Haqah: 6].


As for the rest of thehunnah should be said withg ikhfaa letters the tarqeeq (thinness). This kind of ‫ ) إﺧﻔﺐء‬ikhfaa ) i
s called ) because:

‫ اإﻟﺦ َبء اٌ َم‬١‫م ْف ُ ح‬

( al-ikhfaa al-haqeeqi

to differentiate it from another type‫إ‬

(ikhf‫ ﺧ‬of called

‫ﻔﺐء‬aa ) more than in

‫ﻲ‬ٛ‫ ) اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء اﱞﺷﻔ‬al-ikfaa ash-shafawee); the hiding is achieved in ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز ) اﱞٍُ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬al-meem as-saakinah).

Reason For Applying ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬Ruling

The reason ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬is applied on its 15 letters is because, the articulation point of these letters are not very far from ‫ٕخ‬
‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬or ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬like the idhaar letters, neither are they very close like the idgham letters. Therefore, since there is no cau
se for applying idhaar or idgham, an middle rule has been applied which is ikhfaa.

How ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬Ruling Appears In The Quran

The noon sakinah does not have any vowel on it and the letter after it does not have a shaddah on it. As for the tanwe
en then the double fatha,


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Tajweed Level 1

kesrah and dhammah are not aligned over each other and are not directly over the letter, and the letter after the tanwe
en does not have shaddah on it. This is also how incomplete idgham appears in the Quran.

Levels of ‫ اإﻟﺨﻔﺐء‬Rule

The ikhfaa rule has three levels of strength dependoing on the how close or far the ikhfaa letter is from the noon saki
nah and tanween. The closer the ikhfaa letters are from the noon sakinah and tanween the stronger it is hidden (i.e. th
e stronger the ikhfaa is):

Level 1 – Strongest When the letters ‫ د ّد ط‬follow the noon sakinah

Level 2 – Middle When the letters ‫ ض ج غ ص ذ س ض ظ ف‬follow the noon sakinah
Level 3 – Weakest When the letters the noon sakinah





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Tajweed Level 1

Exercise 3
Put ( √ ) or ( X ) in front of the following sentences, correcting those sentences that are wrong: 1) The ruling on learn
ing tajweed is (fardh kifayah) obligatory upon Muslims as a whole like learning the other sciences the Muslims need
( ) 2) One example of ًٍ‫ اٌٍذٓ اٌج‬in tajweed is that the length of said shorter than their exact length.



‫ اٌزﻓﺦ‬are

3) ‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫ﻒ اإﻟﻈ‬ٚ‫ دﺷ‬are six and are called ‫ﻒ اٌذٍﻣٍﺦ‬ٚ‫ اٌذﺷ‬because they are pronounced from the back of the mouth. ( ) 4) Some
of the scholars of tajweed consider ًٍ‫ اٌزﺷﺮ‬as an independent level of recitation and they put it before the ‫ اٌزذﻣٍﻚ‬level.
5) One example of moon letters. 6) There is one way of obtaining the science of tajweed through narration. ( 7) The
letters of ً‫ﺒﺲ اٌذٍم‬ٙ‫ اإﻟﻈ‬are ‫بء‬ٌٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ﺿﺢ‬ٙ‫ اﱞ‬then ‫اٌﺧﺐء‬ٚ ٍٓ‫ اٌؼ‬then ) ( )

‫ اٌٍذٓ اٌج‬in tajweed

is not pronouncing the letter

‫ اٌال‬in the


‫ اٌغ‬depending on the distance they are from
‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬.) 8) There are more than three pillars of recitation, if the recitor falls short oaf one of these pillrs then their re
citation will be considered odd by the scholars. 9)

‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬appears at the end of nouns only and it is

not have any vowel on it.

noon that does ( ) ( )

10) ٌٕٓٛ‫ اٌز‬is dropped ‫ﻟﻔﺐ‬ٚ and it is changed to an

‫ﺻﺎل اٌف‬ٚ . 11‫ﺒﺲ‬ٙ‫ ( اإﻟﻈ‬rule is applied on ‫ﻒ اٌذٍﻣٍﺦ‬ٚ‫ اٌذﺷ‬because of the close distance betweeon point oftin the articula the l
etters and ‫ اٌﻏﺒﻮٕخ‬ٌْٛ‫ إ‬.) )


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Tajweed Level 1

Exercise 4
1) Put ( √ ) or ( X ) in front of the following sentences, correcting those sentences that are wrong: a) Idhaar is only ap
plied in between two words b) Idgham can be with ghunnah and without ghunnah c) Al-Qalb and ikhfaa are only ap
plied in between two words ( ( ( ) ) )

d) Idhaar is to pronounce each letter clearly from its articulation point with ghunnah ( ) e) Idgham with ghunnah is a
pplied in one word but idgham without ghunnah is only applied in between two words ( f) Al-Qalb is changing noon
saakinah or tanween into a meem with ghunnah when proceeded by baa saakinah ( ) )

g) Noon sakinah is a letter that does not have a vowel on it and it is read when continuing the reading and when stop
ping at the word ( ) h) Tanween is a noon sakinah that is read when continuing the reading and when stopping at the
word ( ) i) Idhaar, ikhfaa, idgham and iqlab are only applied in one word ( )

j) Noon sakinah occurs in nouns, verbs and prepositions whereas tanween only occurs in nouns ( ) 2) Which of rule i
s applied on the noon sakinah and tanween if one of the following letters appears after the noon sakinah and tanween

‫ ف ق ن ر ْ ٖ ص ض ة‬3) What is the difference between: c) Noon sakinah and tanween d) Complete idghama and incom
plete idghm e) Ikhfaa and idgham 4) Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate words:


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Tajweed Level 1

a) Noon sakinah and tanween must be pronounced clearly without ghunnah if one of the following letters appears aft
er them: ______ , ______, ______, _____, _____, _____ b) Idgham means ______________________________. Fo
r example __________ . c) Depending on the distance between idhaar and its _______ it has three __________, they
are __________ for ________ and ________, _______ for ________ and ________, _______ for ________ and __
______ . d) _________ and _______are the exceptions of idgham.

5) Define the following terms with examples: c) Al-qalb d) Al-Idhaar e) As-sakt

6) Explain why: a) idgham is complete with the letters (


) but incomplete with

the letters ( ‫ ي‬ٚ ( ? b) the Noon sakinah and tanween is pronounced clearly when followed by one of al-halqee letters
? c) the Noon sakinah and tanween read as meem when followed by the letter ( ‫ ( ة‬d) must the Noon sakinah and ta
nween be pronounced clearly in the following words (


‫ْٕصا‬ٛ ٌ ِ

‫ِ ٌ ٍُْٕٓ ٌأٍُْ ب ثٌ ذ‬


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Tajweed Level 1

Rules of Meem Sakinah

Meem sakinah is a meem that does not have any of the three
vowels ( ‫ ( دﺷﻮخ‬on it. That means it does not have

‫ ) ﻓﺰذخ‬fetha ) nor ‫ظّﺦ‬

(dhamah ) nor ‫ ) وﻏﺸﺢ‬Kesrah).A meem sakinah occurs in nouns and verbs, in the middle and at the end of the word.
It also occurs in prepositions and particles ( ‫( اٌذﺷﻒ‬. Exmples:

َّْ ٌْ ْ

‫َ ا ح د‬١‫ ع‬ٙ ٍَ

There are three tajweed rules that apply to meem sakinah :

Al-Ikhfaa Ashteret-Shafawee
Its l is:


Meem Sakinah

Al-Idgham Ash-Shafawee
Its letter is:




Its letters are the rest of the Arabic alphabet

Al-Idhahaar Ash-Shafawee


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Tajweed Level 1

Al-Ikhfaa Ash-Shafawee
Al-Ikhfaa Ash-Shafawee
is when the letter ) ‫ ) ة‬immediately follows meem sakinah in between two words. It does not matter whether this su
koon that is on the meem is part of the make up of the word (sukoon asliyah ) or not (aridha li sukoon ) AND this me
em does not have a shaddah on it. The ikhfaa shafawee rule is only applied between two words (i.e. one word ends w
ith meem sakinah and the immediate word after it begins with the letter

) ‫( ) ة‬.

Al-Ikhfaa Ash-Shafawee Letters

The ikhfaa shafawee rule has only one letter: )
‫) ة‬.

How To Apply The Ikhfaa Shafawee Rule On Its Letter When the letter ) ‫ ) ة‬immediately follows meem sakinah in
between two

words hide this meem by not pressing on its articulation point (the lips), with a ghunnah of two counts long. This gh
unnah is a characteristic of the meem. There is no difference between the iqlab rule and the ikhfaa shafawee rule wh
en practiced verbally, as quoted by Imam Al-Jazeree.

Reason For Applying The Ikhfaa Shafawee Rule

The ikhfaa shafawee rule is applied on its letter because the letter ( َ ) and the letter ( ‫ ( ة‬share the same articulation
point as well as having many characteristics in common. Thus idgham and idhar would be too difficult to apply. Als
o it is called ikhfaa shafawee because the articulation point of the letter ( َ ) is the lips (shefetaan). The ikhfaa shafaw
ee appears in the Quran as a meem without a sukoon and the letter after it does not have shaddah on it. For example:

ِ ‫ ِﺣﺞ ح ٍ َ َس‬ٙ ِْ ‫ ر‬١‫[ ُِ ثِ َ بز‬Surah A-feel : 4 ] ‫[ َ ِ ظ٘ س ٍ ِ َأ ثَ ب‬Surah Ar-Rad : 33 َٓ ٚ ‫َِ ِ ٍٗ ] ص ِ ﱞ‬٠‫[ زَعْ َ ُِ ﺛﺐ‬Surah Ael-E-Imr
an : 101 ]


Page 47

Tajweed 1

Al-Idgham Ash-ShafaweelLeve
Al-Idgham Ash-Shafawee
is when a meem sakinah is immedeiately followed by a meem mutaharika.

Al-Idgham Ash-Shafawee Letters

Its letter is: َ ُ َ a meem mutaharika i.e. a meem that has one ِ َ َ of the three vowels on it, fetha, dhamah or kesrah.

How To Apply Al-Idgham Ash-Shafawee Rule On Its Letter

When a meem sakinah is immedeiately followed by a meem mutaharika merge the two meems and pronounce them
as one meem, with a ghunnah of two counts long. For example:

ْ‫ َ ُ ِب َ َج ٌَى َ وع ز‬ٚ

[Surah Al-Baqarah : 141 ] [Surah Al-Baqarah : 249]

ِ ِ ً ِ‫َ ِ فئٍ ٍَ ٍ ٍ ٍَ َ ْ فَ ً وث ِ ٌّ ُوِٓ ِ َ خ ل‬١ ِ َ‫َ خ غَ جذِ ئخ‬١‫ﺳَﺢ ﺛﺈِذْ ا‬
called such beca It is

Idgh.ithlain sagheeranmuse:

Al-Idgham ash-shafawee is also known as idgham am – the meem sakinah has been inserted into the meem mutahari
ka. Mithlain – the two letters that have merged together are the same – they
have the same articulation point and the same characteristics. Sagheeran – a meem sakinah occurs before a meem m
As for being called idgham shafawee with ghunnah: Shafawee – because the articulation point of the letter meem is t
he lips and to differentiate it from the idgham that is applied on the noon sakinah. With ghunnah – because the ghun
nah is coming from the second letter, thus this is a complete idgham.

Al-Idgham ash-shafawee appears in the Quran as a meem without a sukoon and the second meem has a shaddah on i
For example:

ُ ُٕ ِ ِ ‫َ ُ َب‬

‫ٌ ِ وز‬ٙ
Page 48


Tajweed Level 1

Al-Idhaar Ash-Shafawee
Al-Idhaar Ash-Shafawee
is pronouncing a meem sakinah clearly from its correct articulation point without a ghunnah, or shaddah, or sakt, and
nor stopping at the word when immediately followed by one of the idhaar letters.

Al-Idharr Ash-Shafawee Letters

Its letters are the rest of the Arabic alphabet other than the letters (


) and ( َ ) . Therefore its letters are 26 letters.

How To Apply Al-Idharr Ash-Shafawee Rule On Its Letters

When a meem sakinah is immediately followed by one of the 26 idhaar ashshafawee letters, the meem should be cle
arly pronounced from its correct articulation point without ghunna.

Al-Idhaar ash-shafawee is applied in one word such as:

َّْ ٌْ‫ا ح د‬
Or in between two words such as:

[Surah Al-Fatiha : 1 ]

ِ ‫ َ س‬ٙ ٍَ َ ‫ ع‬١َ ‫ﱠْذ ع‬ ‫ أ‬١‫ُِْ غ‬

[Surah Al-Fatiha : 7 ]

Reason For Applying Al-Idhaar Ash-Shafa rule er ash-shafaweawee Rule

The idhis applied on its 26 letters is because of far distance between the letter ( َ ) articulation point and the articulati
on point of most of its 26 letters. Also because of the differences between their characteristics. Is is called al-idhaar a
sh-shafawee because:

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Tajweed Level 1

Al-idhaar – because the letter meem is pronounced clearly without a ghunna. Ash-Shafawee – because the articulatio
n point of the meem is the lips. The word shiffah means the lips, so shafawee means orally or it is coming from the s
hiffah (lips). Al-Idhaar ash-shafawee appears in the Quran as a meem with a sukoon
affirmed on it. For example:

ٌ ‫ َ ة‬ٙ َ ‫ ّ ش ط ضح‬ٚ ٘ ‫َ ُ َ بَ ب‬ٚ ِ َّْ‫ َ ٌا‬٠ِ‫َأْر‬١‫ُْ عَرا‬

[Surah Ash-shams : 1 ] [Surah Nooh the idhaag lyinpp: 1 ]


Extra care needs to be taken when ar ash-shafawee rule on the letter meem followed by either of the letters ( ‫ ( ف‬or
( ٚ ) . The meem sakinah needs to be pronounced clearly by ensuring the lips are completely closed before pronouncin
g the next letter and not applying the ikhfaa rule. This is because one is more inclined to apply the ikhfaa rule when e
ither of the letters ( ‫ ( ف‬or ( ٚ ) follows the meem due to the closeness of their articulation points. For example:

ٌٟٚ ِ ‫ٌِ ىّ دٕ ى‬٠ ِ ُْ َ٠‫ِرُْ ف‬ٞ‫ُ ٍَِ ْ ٌا‬ٛ َ ‫ُِٗ ُْ َ ِ َ ّ د ْ َ ٘ ِ ِ زف‬١‫ُ خ‬

[Surah Al-Kafirooxer



Page 50

Tajweed Level 1:An-Naba h n : 6 ] [Suracise 5

1) Put ( √ ) or ( X ) in front of the following sentences, correcting those sentences that are wrong: k) Al-ikhfaa ash-sh
afawee is only applied in between two words ( ) )

l) Al-Idgham ash-shafawee is merging a meem sakinah with a meem mutaharika and pronouncing them as one mee
m without ghunnah ( m) Al-Qalb and al-ikhfaa ash-shafawee are applied in the same way practically ( )

n) Al-Idhaar ash-shafawee is to pronounce each letter clearly from its articulation point without ghunnah when a noo
n sakinah is followed by the letter (


o) Idgham mithalin sagheeran is another term to mean al-ikhfaa ashshafawee ( ) p) Al-Ikhfaa ash-shafawee is changi
ng noon saakinah into a meem with ghunnah when proceeded by baa saakinah ( ) q) Meem sakinah is the letter mee
m with sukoon on it, whereas meem mutaharika is a meem that has on it a fetha, dhamma or kesrah( ) r) The meem s
hould be read with a ghunnah of two or four counts long when stopping at a word that ends with a meem ( ) 2) What
is the difference between: f) Al-Igham ash-shafawee and idgham mithalin sagheeran g) Ikhfaa and ikhfaa ash-shafaw
ee 3) Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate words: a) Al-ikhfa ash-shafawee is when a ______ ________ is proce
eded by ________ in ____________________________. The meem is then hidden by not _____ __ _____ _______
and read with a _________.


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Tajweed Level 1

b) A meem mutahariak is a meem that has a ______, _______ or ______ on it, whereas a meem sakinah does not ha
ve any of the three vowels on it. c) Al-idhaar ash-shafawee is applied on ____ letters excluding _____ and ____ whi
ch are the letters of ________ _________ and __________ _________ consecutively. 4) Give an example of f) Al-I
dhaar ash-shafawee g) Al-ikhfaa ash-shafawee h) Al-idghaam ash-shafawee 5) Explain why: e) Al-ikhfaa ash-shafa
wee is applied with the letter ( ‫ ( ة‬and not with any other letter. f) Extra care needs to be taken when applying al-idh
aar ash-shafawee ) and ( ٚ ). g) Al-Idgham ash-shafawee is called as such. with the letters ( 6) How do the following a
ppear in the Quraan: a) Al-Idhaar ash-shafawee b) Al-Ikhfaa ash-shafawee c) Al-Idghaam ash-shafawee



Page 52

Tajweed Level 1

Mock Exam
1) Put ( √ ) or ( X ) in front of the following sentences, correcting those sentences that are wrong: s) When reading al
-basmalah in between two surahs has two ways : stopping at the last surah then saying al-basmalah then stopping the
n starting the next surah , ending the last surah , stopping then saying al-basmalah in one breath ( ) t) Idgham can be
with ghunnah such as such as

ْ ٌ ِ ُ ِ ‫ ً ٌى‬ٚ َ٠

and without ghunnah ( ) )

‫َْ َِ ٍ َ ص‬ٛ ْ ُ ُ ‫ٌ ِ ئزٌ ذس‬

u) Noon sakinah and taatnween is a noon th does not have any vowel on it(

v) If the reader had to stop reading the Quran due to a necessity such as coughing or sneezing then they should not re
peat saying al-istiatha ( ) w) are exempt from idgham so that the intended meaning would not be confused ( )

‫ٌأٍُْ ب ذ‬

‫ِْٕ ا ص‬ٛ

x) Al-ikhfaa ash-shafawee is applied in between two letters ) ‫ ) ة‬and

) ْ(

y) Pronouncing a noon sakinah clearly from its articulation point without ghunnah is idhaar ash-shfawee ( ) 2) Fill in
the blank spaces with appropriate words: a)

‫ِّٓ ساق‬

is an exemption of idgham and it is called _____________ .

b) Al-Ikhfaa has three levels depending on the distance between the letters involved and its strongest at the letters __
_ , ___ , ___, the weakest being at the letters ____ , ____. c) ____ is present in nouns, verbs and prepositions while _
________ is present only in nouns. d) The ghunnah is a characteristic of the letters ___ and ___ and it is always ___
_ counts long.
© Page 53

Tajweed Level 1

e) _______ and _______ are exceptions of idgham such as __________ and _________ consecutively. 3) Give the r
eason as to why: a) Extra care needs to be taken when applying the idhaar ash-shafawee rule on the letter meem follo
wed by either of the letters ( ‫ ( ف‬or ( ٚ ). b) Complete idgham has a ghunnah in

ِٙ ٍ ‫ٌَِ ٔ ٍْ ىِ ِ ء‬١‫َ ٍ أَُْ َ ُخمُ ِٓ َ ب‬

c) Al-Istiatha should not be said when beginning to re with Allah‟s name, one onsad a verse that begif His attributes
or a preposition referring to Him. 4) Mention two differences between: a) Al-ikhfaa ash-shafawee and ikhfaa b) Com
plete idgham and incomplete idgham c) Al-Idhaar al-mutlaq and al-idhaar


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Tajweed Level 1

6) Extract two of the following rules from the following verses: a) Incomplete idgham with ghunnah b) Complete id
gham with ghunnah c) Complete idgham without ghunnah d) Ikhfaa sha-fawee e) Idgham shafawee

Mock Exam Answer

© Page 55

Tajweed Level 1


z) Wrong, there are three ways of saying al-basmalah in between two

aa) Wrong the examples should be the other way round (with ghunnah such

‫َْ َِ ٍ َ ص‬ٛ ْ ُ ُ ‫ٌ ِ ئزٌ ذس‬

and without ghunnah such as

ْ ٌ ِ ُ ِ ‫ ً ٌى‬ٚ َ٠

bb)Correct. cc) Correct. dd)Correct. ee) Wrong )

‫ ) ة‬and ) َ(

ff) Wrong, prononauncing a meem sakih clearly from its articulation point without ghunnah is idhaar ash-shfawee)


a) Idhaar al-mutlaq. f) g) h) i)

‫َ ْ د ّد ط‬



Noon sakinah, tanween.

and , two counts long.

As-sakt and al-idhaar al-mutlaq ,

‫ل ً ِ س ق ٍ َ ٍِ َ َْٓ ط َا‬ٚ


ْ ٌ‫ ا‬١‫ب د‬

(and there are other examples too) 3) d) See the NOTE: in al-idghaar ash-shafawee notes. se thue) Becae ghunnah is
coming from the second letter into which the merging is taking place. f) See NOTE ONE: of al-istiatha note


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