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Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

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Optimization of geometric parameters of arch bridges using visual

programming FEM components and genetic algorithm
Kamil Korus *, Marek Salamak , Marcin Jasiński
Department of Mechanics and Bridges, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland


Keywords: Arch bridges are essential components of transportation infrastructure. Their attractive geometry is based on a
Arch bridge multitude of geometric parameters, which makes them a challenging design task. Therefore, arch bridges’
Optimization optimization should be aided by modern computational techniques and algorithms. This study presents an
Visual programming
automated optimization process of steel through arch bridges. We merged visual programming, an accessible text
Parametric modeling
Finite element method
programming alternative, with a genetic algorithm to establish an automated framework. We used Dynamo, an
Genetic algorithm open-source civil engineering visual programming language (VPL), to develop a model generation script. Our
Generative design finite element method (FEM) package enriched the basic VPL functions; it allowed geometry modeling and static
Building Information Modeling strength analysis inside one parametric environment. Linked genetic algorithm replaced the designer in iterative,
time-consuming optimization tasks, automating the process. The algorithm adjusted construction’s geometric
parameters to provide solutions optimized for the typical objective: minimizing the material consumption while
still fulfilling strength requirements. We evaluated the procedure with optimization of selected reference con­
struction. The system dealt with cases of increasing complexity, adjusting cross-section dimensions, static scheme
parameters, and material properties. The paper describes practical aspects of implementing and utilizing the
visual programming-genetic algorithm solution, which can also be adapted for other structures, additional ob­
jectives, and constraints.

1. Introduction engineering tasks. Merged with an optimization algorithm, they

constitute an automated design process – generative design. In this
Arch bridges have been essential construction types throughout the approach, a user sets the constraints and ranges of selected parameters,
ages. They perform a transportation function and increase the attrac­ and the algorithm optimally adjusts the values.
tiveness of an area; many of them are historical landmarks [1]. Modern A generative design system based on visual programming can perform
arch bridges introduce civil engineering innovations: unconventional iterative, computationally-expensive tasks. However, its utility for bridges
geometrical forms, new materials, and erection techniques [2]. is still not sufficiently recognized, especially in the field of finite element
The multitude of geometric parameters makes arch bridges a chal­ analysis; not all the civil-engineering visual programming environments
lenging task for designers. Traditional iterative optimization is time- provide proper FEM analysis tools. To address this gap, we established a
consuming and usually consists of an insufficient number of analyzed generative design geometry optimization process for through arch bridges
examples, leading to non-optimal solutions. Optimization techniques for using Dynamo, an open-source visual programming language popular
arch bridges are the subject of extensive research. Many of the ap­ among civil-engineers. To enhance its utilities, we developed the Dynamo
proaches use text-based programming languages. Their popularity is FEM package. It empowers construction analysis entirely in the visual
continuously increasing among civil engineers. However, they are not as programming environment. The created Dynamo script generates arch
accessible as VPL (Visual Programming Languages), designed for easy use bridge models; then, they are computed with the FEM package methods. A
by non-programmers. Visual programming is closely linked with BIM linked genetic algorithm takes the analysis results as input. It steers the
(Building Information Modeling) environments, where parametricism and geometrical parameters adjustment and optimizes the geometry of the
quick modifications are essential. Visual programming scripts typically structure. We evaluated the proposed solution on a complex reference
automate parametric geometry modeling but can also serve other construction, selected through analysis of Polish arch bridges.

* Corresponding author at: Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland.

E-mail addresses: (K. Korus), (M. Salamak), (M. Jasiński).
Received 15 October 2020; Received in revised form 14 March 2021; Accepted 27 April 2021
Available online 12 May 2021
0141-0296/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 1. Scheme of a visual programming language script.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains an overview of analysis. Dynamo helped to optimize building energy performance [14]
the visual programming and optimization methods, focusing especially and to perform thermal analyses [15], while Grasshopper allowed
on a genetic algorithm. Section 3 presents an analysis of arch bridges daylight simulations [16], design of nearly zero-energy building [17],
built in Poland with the purpose of reference object selection. The VPL and forming a variable beam section [18].
script to generate and compute structures and the generative design
optimization process are described in Section 4. Section 5 presents the 2.2. Optimization techniques for bridges
process and results of the reference construction optimization. Section
6 concludes the study, discussing its implications, limitations, and Structural and architectural optimization has been the subject of
future steps. advanced studies for over four decades [19]. They incorporate various
mathematical and programming methods, particularly iterative pro­
2. Overview of methods and techniques cedures based on gradient or probabilistic approaches. The probabilistic
aspect is essential for global search algorithms, e.g., particle swarm
2.1. Visual programming for civil engineering optimization [20], simulated annealing [21], swarm intelligence, or
genetic algorithm [22].
Visual programming is an alternative to traditional text-based pro­ In bridge engineering, extensive studies have been carried out on
gramming. Its accessibility increases its popularity, especially among volume, weight, and cost minimization. Aydın and Ayvaz [23] devel­
non-programmers; even a little experience allows developing scripts for oped a genetic algorithm system in a Visual Basic environment to
complex tasks [3]. Visual programming techniques are commonly used minimize the total cost of bridges prestressed concrete beams by varying
in non-informatics industries, and many Visual Programming Languages their shape, prestressing, and arrangement. Skoglund et al. [24] used a
(VPL) serve specific fields [4]. genetic algorithm to optimize high-strength steel girders: their weights,
Typical VPL scripts consist of methods graphically represented by cost, and CO2 emission. Pedro et al. [25] presented a two-step material
blocks, also called nodes. The block input fields pass method parameters, cost optimization by the example of simply supported composite girders,
while the output fields convey its results. Both input and output fields analyzing five algorithms using Matlab.
often take the specific data type: numbers, strings, or objects of a defined Optimization techniques advantages – universality and robustness
class (e.g., Point, Line, Surface). Blocks usually involve several inputs for non-convex and multi-modal structures – are especially beneficial for
and one output, depending on the method. The scripts also contain the complex systems. Numerous studies concern optimization of truss,
data insertion nodes with no input fields. cable-stayed, suspension, and arch bridges.
Connected by wires, the blocks constitute a logic network of methods Optimization of cable-stayed bridges mainly involves cable forces
(Fig. 1). The graphical form of the script and instant returning of the distribution and cost minimization [26], often with automated gener­
methods’ results provides simplified control of dataflow and user- ation of numerical models for constraints’ impact evaluating. Lute et al.
friendly debugging [5]. [27] optimized cable-stayed bridges using 2D models and also
Visual programming is becoming popular also in architecture and compared the influence of nonlinear and linear analysis. Negrão and
civil engineering, especially in the BIM environment. Dynamo for Simões [28] provide a detailed description of 3D model implementation
Autodesk Revit, Grasshopper for Rhinoceros3D, Marionette for Vector­ for similar structures. Baldomir et al. [29] analyzed the optimal quan­
works, Allplan Visual Scripting for Nemetschek Allplan, and Bentley tity of cables for the La Coruña cable-stayed bridge, using Matlab to
Generative Components are effective additions to the modeling soft­ generate FEM models. Hassan et al. [30] presented an extensive sum­
ware. VPL tools are used mostly for parameterized geometry modeling mary of the optimal cable-stayed bridge design for various span lengths
but can also serve other engineering tasks. Hence, extensive research has with a nonlinear FEM analysis and genetic algorithms. The cables’
been conducted in this field. Chase [6] stressed visual programming cross-section areas have been reduced with the B-spline curve distri­
utility for AEC students, e.g., integrating a generative design environ­ bution function [31]. A similar approach coupled with a simulated
ment with CAD allows architects and civil engineers to experiment with annealing method was proposed in [32]. Also, a micro-genetic algo­
new forms and shapes [7]. Preidel and Borrmann [8] created VCCL rithm [33], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [34], and artificial neural
(Visual Code Checking Language) for ensuring code compliance of models, networks [35] increased the efficiency of the cable-stayed bridges’
including IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), while Haußler et al. [9] optimization. Machine learning techniques reduced the FEM model
checked code compliance of railway BIM design. Preidel et al. [10] calls to the number required to create the training set; further optimi­
developed the visual Query Language for 4D Building Models zation is based on iterative input–output generalization, bypassing
(vQL4BIM) to retrieve BIM models’ data. Elbeltagi et al. [11] used time-consuming FEM computations.
Grasshopper and EnergyPlus to predict and visualize energy consump­ In terms of arch bridges’ design, Cheng [36] analyzed a steel truss
tion in buildings. Similar software combination predicted aggregate arch bridge with a hybrid genetic algorithm: a combination of genetic
energy demand using GIS data and calibrated multi-zone energy models algorithm and finite element analysis. Toğan and Daloğlu [37], as well
[12]. Kensek [13] used visual programming for energy and shading as Cheng and Jin [38], studied the reliability-based optimization of arch

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 2. Deck location, function, and arch rib material of the arch bridges database examples.

bridges with probabilistic and deterministic constraints using 2D finite boundary between feasible and infeasible solution regions. The objec­
element models. Islam et al. [39] developed a network arch bridges’ tive function can be a cost function, which is to be minimized by algo­
optimization interface based on evaluating geometric parameters with a rithm, or a fitness function, which is to be maximized. They can be
global evolutionary operation (EVOP) algorithm. Latif and Saka [40] interconverted in most cases.
examined one of the swarm intelligence algorithms, the bee colony, in
arch bridges’ design. Pouraminian and Ghaemian [41] analyzed a con­ 3. Challenges in the design of contemporary arch bridges
crete, open-spandrel arch bridge using Simultaneous Perturbation Sto­
chastic Approximation algorithm (SPSA), Ansys, and Matlab software. Arch bridges, especially with arch ribs elevated above the deck level,
Peng and Fairfield [42] proposed the optimal design of stone arch are strong forms dominating the landscape. Because of the increased
bridges implementing limit state plastic analysis based on a hinged exposure, they are often subjects of harsh aesthetic evaluation. It in­
mechanism for the collapse mode. Furuta et al. [43] assessed arch troduces additional design demands; engineers look more often for
bridges’ aesthetics and compatibility with landscape merging a psy­ expressive and attractive forms to achieve a unique solution. In such a
chovector concept and genetic algorithm-based shape optimization. A creative design approach, the designer can no longer be limited to few
genetic algorithm was also used to reduce arch bridge concrete deck variants approved in previous projects but has to consider a broad set of
material [44], optimize arch bridges made of high-performance steel solutions. On the other hand, the employer or owner will expect
[45], evaluate the optimum hangers configuration in network arch reasonable construction costs and operating costs over the entire bridge
bridges [46], analyze soil-structure interactions [47], and perform life cycle.
structural identification [48]. In traditional design approaches, engineers or design teams
implement their new bridge ideas and concepts with drawings, calcu­
lations, and descriptions. The process is constrained by time re­
2.3. Genetic algorithm methodology
strictions and technical difficulties related mostly to information
collecting, processing, and sharing within the project team. These
A genetic algorithm is a nature-inspired global search heuristic
problems cannot be effectively solved using CAD (Computer-Aided
method used to generate optimal solutions. It imitates biological
Design) techniques, FEM (Finite Element Method) programs, or even
reproduction and evolution processes executing repetitively genetic
BIM (Building Information Management) methods. In traditional
operators: selection, crossover, and mutation. Genetic algorithms have
design approaches, each of these tools is used passively; the creation of
been modified in various ways to handle binary-coded, real, and discrete
subsequent variants and the iteration of the entire process is limited,
variables [49]. They have been applied to unconstrained and con­
and not many cases are analyzed. The adopted solution is affected by
strained optimization problems [50], including combinatorial, linear,
the given finite time [54]. These limitations can be reduced by using
and nonlinear functions, described by one or more competitive objec­
the generative design technique.
tives (single- and multi-objective optimization) [51].
The generative design can be beneficial in designing contemporary
At first, an initial population with a fixed size is randomized. Each
arch bridges, especially with girders placed above the deck with many
element stores a set of design variables’ values related to a given cost or
parameters affecting the stiffness of the structure, dynamic properties,
fitness function. The function is essential for selecting: the elements with
and aesthetics. Numerous arch bridges built in the last few decades differ
the best fitness/cost function value are most likely to be passed to the
from classic textbook solutions from the 20th century (e.g., Langer or
parent set. Since the genetic algorithm concept is based on a probabi­
Nielsen systems). It is caused by more freedom in geometry and cross-
listic approach, candidates with worse function values can still be passed
section shaping and more types of commonly used hangers layouts,
to the parent set, but it is less likely to occur. The selection can be based
not only the vertical one [55]. The conservative stiffness relationship
on different methods, e.g., so-called tournament or roulette wheel.
between the arch and deck is no longer essential. The same applies to the
A crossover operator matches the parent set individuals to produce
method of transferring horizontal forces and hanging the deck to arch
offsprings. For binary-coded variables, a simple one-point crossover is
ribs [56]. Various structural materials are also combined more freely,
typically used. For real-coded variables, the simulated binary crossover
ensuring better dynamic properties and durability [57].
(SBX) operation [52] flips two binary strings between two parents. A
We studied a set of arch bridges constructed in Poland in the past 20
mutation operator is applied to a limited number of recombined in­
years to analyze the diversity of structural forms and design trends. We
dividuals; it alters variable values to diversify new generations and
used the database of bridges that load tests have been performed by an
minimize the chances of convergence to local extrema [53]. The selec­
accredited laboratory of the Silesian University of Technology [55]. The
tion, crossover, and mutation are repeated to meet the termination
database includes 190 arch bridges with different functions (road, rail,
condition: the maximum number of generations or time limit is reached,
pedestrian) and structural systems built of various materials (steel,
or the evaluated function values are stagnant.
concrete, composite).
The optimization problem formulation requires a definition of design
The through arch bridges are the most common (Fig. 2a). The
variables, constraints, and objective function. The constraints form a

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 3. Arch span-rise relations of the arch bridges database examples.

Fig. 4. Through arch bridges parameters.

database contains only five bridges with a deck located above the The described analysis involved all objects of the aforementioned
arch; it results from mostly flat topography and the nature of the database. They differed in function, deck position, and structural ma­
obstacles in Poland, where rivers are small to medium-sized. The terial. To select a construction used as a reference for optimization
database is dominated by road bridges (Fig. 2b) with arch ribs usually analysis, we furtherly analyzed only a road through arch bridges made
made of steel (Fig. 2c). of steel with a span in the range of 75–150 m. For such typical medium-
Analysis of the spans shows that most bridges are small or medium- size objects, the optimization of costs is critical.
sized. Spans in the range of 50–75 m dominate (Fig. 3a). The relation­ The reduced base (39 bridges) was used to compare parameters
ship between span and arch rise is essential for shaping the geometry affecting efficiency, costs, and aesthetics: hangers layout, deck structural
and stiffness of the structure. The trendline in Fig. 3b shows that the material, hanger-deck fixing method, and arch ribs inclination (Fig. 4).
span-to-rise ratio is around 6.2. However, it slightly changes with the Fig. 5 presents design solutions frequency. The vertical hangers
span length (Fig. 3c). Most of the analyzed bridges have span-to-rise layout is the most common (Fig. 5a). The deck is usually a composite
ratios of 5–7 (Fig. 3d). More can be found in other studies concerning system with a concrete slab and a steel grillage (Fig. 5b). Slightly
concrete arches [58] and steel arches [59]. more than half of the bridges have hangers fixed in their girders and

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 5. Analysis of the reduced arch bridges database.

Fig. 6. Reference construction selected for the optimization process.

the rest in the crossbars (Fig. 5c). element method package for bar models static analyses performed
Based on the analysis, we selected a bridge used as a reference in the entirely in the Dynamo environment. It allows establishing an effective
visual programming-genetic algorithm optimization process: viaduct and consistent designing method.
over the S3 expressway in Central-Western Poland (Fig. 6). It is a steel The package consists of so-called zero-touch nodes. It functions as a
through tied arch bridge with a composite deck and inclined arch ribs. It C# programming language dynamic-link library (DLL). Its develop­
has vertical hangers fixed to crossbars. Its load test was performed in ment requires knowledge of text-based programming, but once created
2011, and the results are presented in [60]. and imported to Dynamo, its methods can be ordinarily used in the
visual scripts. Zero-touch development provides access to the software
4. Model generation and optimization method API (Application Programming Interface) and the ability to use external
text-programming language libraries. We used the open-source Brief­
4.1. Finite element method package deployment FiniteElement.NET library [60] in the FEM package development pro­
cess. BriefFiniteElement.NET enables the static and linear analysis of
Visual programming software allows third-party additions that solids and structures using the finite element method. The library
extend their functionalities. The supplementary packages of methods development is ongoing, so new features and capabilities are continu­
provide advanced geometry creation, BIM models-2D drawings linkage, ally added.
Excel spreadsheets manipulation, and specific simulations. The Dynamo FEM package introduces a set of classes whose methods
Dynamo is an open-source visual programming language for operate as nodes in the visual programming script. The AnNode and
parameterized geometry modeling. It offers solutions for exporting AnBar classes represent analytical elements of the computational model.
created geometries to third-party computational applications (e.g., Their constructing methods take basic Dynamo geometries, Points and
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional, StruSoft Fem-Design). Lines, as inputs. The geometries constitute analytical elements’ loca­
However, it lacks methods to perform finite element method analyses tions. They are also characterized by several features. Cross-section
without external software. To address this gap, we developed a finite (represented by AnSection class) and material (AnMaterial) are

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 7. Fragment of Dynamo script with Dynamo FEM package methods.

fundamental parameters of analytical bars. The AnSection instance is element duplication prevention. The script creates new AnNodes and
declared by the cross-section area and central moments of inertia, while AnBar instances only if geometrically-identical elements are not already
the AnMaterial by Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and material present in the model.
weight. The IsTruss parameter sets bars’ connection: fixed or released. The execution order of the methods is another visual programming
The supports are added as the optional parameter of AnNodes. issue. It is clear for simple, one-branched scripts, but they are rarely
The package allows applying concentrated forces and uniform loads. used. For multi-branched scripts, the order of execution may vary, but
Concentrated forces, represented by AnNodalLoad class, can be added as nodes whose outputs are the inputs of other nodes are always executed
AnNodes optional parameter, while uniform loads (AnBarLoad) as an first. Therefore, to ensure that the script obtains analysis results after the
optional parameter of AnBars. The loads form load cases with AnLoad­ model is computed, AnResults nodes use the output of AnModel.Sol­
Case class. Self-weight can be automatically applied to all model ele­ veModel as one of its inputs. Together with the elements duplication
ments. SolveModel method of the AnModel class runs the constructed prevention system, this approach provides faultless computational
model analysis. Its results can be obtained with AnResults class methods, model generation and operation.
of which ForceAtParameter is the most versatile. It returns the internal
forces at a point on the bar, determined with the 0 to 1 parameter value,
4.2. Model generation script
describing the relative location of the point on the bar length. Fig. 7
shows a fragment of the script constructed with the FEM package nodes.
To automate arch bridge design, we developed a Dynamo visual
The script processes both input and output values with no units, a
programming script. We use the basic Dynamo methods to create a
common visual programming approach. To ensure the analysis cor­
geometrical model and our FEM package to analyze it. In this way, ge­
rectness, the user must declare a consistent unit set and convert the
ometry modeling and FEM analysis are performed in one environment
values accordingly.
without additional software.
Visual programming environments have a specific set of operation
Fig. 8 shows the flowchart of the script operation. A script user in­
rules. Typically, methods nodes store script data as separated outputs.
serts values of the input geometrical parameters. Based on them, the
Dynamo FEM package additionally holds instances of analytical classes
script generates a geometrical model, further transformed into an
in its operating memory. This approach is unusual for visual program­
analytical model. Both models contribute to output parameters calcu­
ming but enables advanced data manipulation, such as implemented
lation: MaterialCost results from geometry model and use indices from

Fig. 8. Script operation flowchart.

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Table 1
Geometrical input parameters.
Parameter Unit Description

Length m Axial length of the construction.

Width m Axial width of the construction, measured
between arches’ bars axes on the girders’ bars
axes level.
Use width m Summed width of lanes and pedestrian
Center girders spacing m Spacing between two girder bars.
External girders offset m Spacing between the first main and external
Braces number – Number of braces between arches.
Arch rise m Axial rise of the arches.
Fig. 9. Bar model and its bars groups.
Arch inclination ◦
Lateral inclination of the arches. A positive
value indicates an inclination towards the
construction interior.
Hangers system type – Adopted hanger system type.
0 – Vertical,
1 – Radial,
2 – Oblique,
3 – Network.
Hangers number – Number of hangers fixed to one of the arches.
Depending on the selected hanger system type,
the number of hangers establishes the number
of crossbars fixed to the hangers.
Additional crossbars – Number of additional crossbars between each
number pair of main crossbars. The additional
crossbars are not fixed to the hangers; their
function is to increase the cross stiffness.
h_girder, b_girder, mm Dimensions of the I-beam cross-sections of
tf_girder, tw_girder; girders/crossbars/additional crossbars.
h_crossbar, b_crossbar,
tf_crossbar, tw_crossbar;
Fig. 10. Support system schema.
computational analysis. Based on the outputs, the user evaluates the tf_crossbarAdd,
construction solution. tw_crossbarAdd
The script generates a bar model of a through arch bridge composed
of steel elements (Fig. 9). According to their function, the bars form
groups: arches, girders, crossbars, hangers, and braces. Crossbars are
further divided into main (connected to hangers), additional (between
h_arch, b_arch, mm Dimensions of the rectangular box cross-
the main ones, optional), and external. The number of the groups’ ele­ tf_arch, tw_arch; sections of arches/external crossbars.
ments varies depending on the construction geometry. Each group has a h_ crossbarExt, b_
fixed type of cross-section: I-beam, rectangular box, tube, or solid circle. crossbarExt,
Their dimensions are adjustable with parameters. Also, the material tf_ crossbarExt, tw_
properties can be set separately for each group.
The script provides four hangers’ layout systems: vertical, radial,
oblique, and network (Fig. 4a). The model support system consists of
fixed, free sliding, and guided bearings (Fig. 10).
The model geometry is based on input parameters (Table 1). They
control the construction form and cross-sections’ dimensions. All the
geometrical parameters are number types, including the one related to d_brace, t_brace mm Dimensions of the tubular cross-section of
the hanger system selection: the system is defined by an integer asso­ braces.
ciated with a type. The parameter values are inserted with special slider
blocks; they set the values ranges and steps. The script operates on an
established unit set: global parameters in meters, cross-sections’ di­
mensions in millimeters.
After a user adjusts the parameters, the script generates the bridge
bar geometry. It consists of Dynamo geometrical classes such as Lines,
Curves, and Arcs (Fig. 12a). The model is the basis for further operations.
Based on the bar geometries, the Dynamo FEM package creates AnNodes d_hanger mm Diameter of the hanger cross-section.
and AnBars, which form a computational model. It includes self-weight
and three live load cases. The live loads are the uniform bar loads
applied to girders (Fig. 11). Their magnitude q results from the Use width
parameter, number of girders (4, constant in the script), and magnitude
of the planar live load qa. The planar live load amount is adjusted
depending on the type of the analyzed bridge. qa – planar live load [kn/m2]
Girders number = 4
q = Use width⋅qa /Girders number (1) The computation analysis results are the structure’s internal forces:
the bending moments (My, Mz), torque moment (Mx), shear forces (Fy,

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

For arches, longitudinal stress is calculated as follows:

Fx,i My,i ⋅xi Mz,i ⋅yi
σi = + + (4)
χ ⋅Ai Iy,i Iz,i

For other bars, longitudinal stress is calculated as follows:

Fx,i My,i ⋅xi Mz,i ⋅yi
σi = + + (5)
Ai Iy,i Iz,i

In equations (4) and (5):

σ i – normal stress at the point of the bar
Fx,i – axial force at the point of the bar
My,i, Mz,i – bending moments at the point of the bar
Ai – area of the bar cross-section
xi, yi – perpendicular distances to the neutral axes of the bar cross-
Iy,i, Iz,i – second moment areas of the neutral axes of the bar cross-
χ – global buckling factor for arch bars
The cross-section properties are reduced with the effective cross-
section method according to [62]. In the case of arches, ψ = 1.00
compressive stress distribution ratio along the internal parts of the cross-
section was assumed to result in buckling factor kσ = 4 (see: [62],
Table 4.1.).
heff ,arch = ρ⋅harch (6)

beff ,arch = ρ⋅barch (7)

Fig. 11. The schema of live load cases applied to model.
Fz), and axial force (Fx). The values are obtained for each model bar in 10 heff,arch – effective height of the arch cross-section
points: two external (bar’s start and end) and eight uniformly distributed beff,arch – effective width of the arch cross-section
internal points, separately for each load case. They are combined to get ρ – reduction factor;
eight cases of extreme dominant force with its corresponding forces for ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
each bar. The extreme dominant is the maximum value of a particular λp − 0.055⋅(3 + ψ ) ⎦ λp − 0.055⋅(3 + 1.00) ⎦

ρ = min 1.0; ⎣
= min 1.0;
internal force in the bar; the corresponding forces are the other internal λp

forces occurring in the point of extreme dominant. The cases are sole ⎛ ⎞
self-weight with dominant minimum Fx, maximum Fx, minimum My, λp − 0.220⎠

maximum My, and self-weight with extreme live load (one of the three = min 1.0; 2
load cases) with dominant minimum Fx, maximum Fx, minimum My,
maximum My. The values are multiplied by combination factors [61]: γ G, (8)
sup = 1.35 (self-weight increasing the extreme value), γ G,inf = 1.00 (self- λp – relative plate slenderness; λp = b/t
weight decreasing the extreme value), γQ,sup = 1.50 (live load increasing 28.4⋅ε⋅ kσ

the extreme value), γQ,inf = 0 (live load decreasing the extreme value). ε – partial factor, depending on the applied material
{ We assume in-plane and out-of-plane buckling effects for arches.
Fmin = γ G ⋅G + γ Q ⋅min(Q1 , Q2 , Q3 ); γG =
γ G,inf , G ≥ 0
;γ Critical buckling forces Ncr are resultants of rough estimations based on
γ G,sup , G < 0 Q [64] Appendix D.3.
γQ,inf , Q ≥ 0
= (2) ( π )2
γQ,sup , Q < 0 Ncr,y = ⋅EIy,i (9)
γd,inf , G ≤ 0 ( )2
Fmax = γG ⋅G + γQ ⋅max(Q1 , Q2 , Q3 ); γ G = ;γ π
γ G,sup , G > 0 Q Ncr,z = ⋅EIz,i (10)
{ β⋅0.5⋅L
γ Q,inf , Q ≤ 0
= (3)
γ Q,sup , Q > 0 where:
β – buckling length factor depending on the arch rise to span length
where: ratio in accordance with [64] Table D.6
γ G,sup, γ G,inf – combination factors for constant loads, supremum and s – half-length of the arch for in-plane buckling
infinium L – projection length of the arch, reduced by two in Eq. (8) due to
γ Q,sup, γ Q,inf – combination factors for live loads, supremum and transversal bracing
infinium EIy,i – in-plane flexural stiffness of the arch
G – effect of self-weight EIz,i – out-of-plane flexural stiffness of the arch
Q1, Q2, Q3 – effects of subsequent live-load cases The global buckling factor χ used in equation (4) is calculated ac­
For each set of combined extreme dominant-corresponding forces of cording to [63]
each bar, the normal stress values are determined. The longitudinal
stress and capacity estimations include the plate buckling effects. In the 1
χ= √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅2̅ (11)
case of arch bars, global buckling effects are also included. The imple­ Φ+ Φ2 − λ
mented procedures are based on conservative assumptions based on
standards [62–64]. where:

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 12. Visualizations of a) basic programming environment geometries and b) generated BIM Model.

Φ = 0.5⋅ 1 + α⋅(λ − 0.2) + λ
(12) parametrical model is the basis for automating several engineering
tasks. Besides expanding its functionalities with dedicated packages,
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ Dynamo collaborates with external software. It is especially associated
Ai ⋅fy A ⋅f
λ= = ( i y ) (13) with Autodesk Revit. We transformed the Dynamo basic geometries
Ncr min Ncr,y ; Ncr,z model into an object-based BIM model (Fig. 12). The Dynamo-BIM
software linkage provides a solution for the one-script design and BIM
α – imperfection factor, for hollow cross-sections: α = 0.49.
model generation.
The maximum value of stress in the bar group σ BarGroup is used to
calculate its use index UseBarGroup. The maximum value of the groups’ use
indices determines the construction use index Use. 4.3. Generative design optimization

UseBarGroup = σ BarGroup /fy (14) Generative design is an approach to automate design processes [65].
The script also calculates the MaterialCost parameter. It uses parametrical and relational modeling, similarly to the computa­
tional design, but is enriched by the optimization algorithm. The
computational design allows rapid generation of multiple solutions by
scripts. It improves the process but requires a user to adjust the script

Use = max(UseArch , UseGirder , UseCrossBar , UseExternalCrossBar , UseAdditionalCrossBar , UseBrace , UseHanger ) (15)

parameters values manually; therefore, it is classified as a passive

MaterialCost = kmaterial,BarGroup ⋅VBarGroup (16) approach. With active generative design, the user sets ranges of param­
BarGroup eters and the optimization objective, and the parameters’ values are
optimally determined by the optimization algorithm.
where: We implemented a genetic algorithm-based generative design system
kmaterial,BarGroup – cost factor of the material applied for the bar group to automate the optimization of the arch bridge geometry. We linked the
VBarGroup – material volume of all the bars in the bar group genetic algorithm with the geometry modeling script using the Dynamo
The output use indices and MaterialCost parameters are the basis of Refinery tool.
model evaluation and further optimization. Fig. 13 shows the roles of a user and the genetic algorithm in the
The script’s utility is not limited tvo computational analysis; the optimization system. The user sets parameters’ ranges and determines

Fig. 13. Generative design optimization system operation flowchart.

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Table 2 the optimization objective. The genetic algorithm iteratively drives the
Input geometry parameters of reference construction. visual programming script, adjusting input parameters values depend­
Parameter Value ing on the optimization objective score.
The genetic algorithm optimization objective function evaluates the
Length, m 114.0
Width, m 19.0 subsequent iterations’ solutions. We assumed a typical construction
Use width, m 16.2 optimization goal: minimizing the material cost while assuring the load-
Center girders spacing, m 4.0 bearing capacity of the structure. The OptimizationObjective function is
External girders spacing, m 3.4 conditional. It equals MaterialCost if the static strength conditions are
Arch rise, m 17.0
Arch inclination, ◦ − 15
fulfilled; if not, the value is overstated with the Use parameter.
Hangers system type 0 (Vertical) {
MaterialCost, Use ≤ 1
Hangers number 14 OptimizationObjective = (17)
Braces number 6
MaterialCost + 106 ⋅Use, Use > 1
h_arch, mm 1320
The optimization system task is to provide a solution with the lowest
b_arch, mm 950
tf_arch, mm 40 OptimizationObjective score. With the applied function, the genetic al­
tw_arch, mm 30 gorithm discards the solutions that do not fulfill strength conditions,
h_girder, mm 1270 promoting those that bear the applied loads and consume less material.
b_girder, mm 470
tf_girder, mm 35
tw_girder, mm 16 5. Construction optimization process and results
h_crossbar, mm 1400
b_crossbar, mm 650 To evaluate the proposed system, we performed the reference con­
tf_crossbar, mm 30 struction optimization. The reference construction (Fig. 6) was selected
tw_crossbar, mm 16
h_crossbarExt, mm 1200
through the analysis described in Section 3.
b_crossbarExt, mm 1500
tf_crossbarExt, mm 20 5.1. Reference construction analysis
tw_crossbarExt, mm 30
d_brace, mm 450
t_brace, mm 20 The reference construction analysis has preceded the optimization.
d_hanger, mm 58 Table 2 lists values of input geometry parameters. The materials were
S355 (fy = 355 MPa, ρ = 79 kN/m3, k = 1) for all the elements except
hangers (fy = 1570 MPa, ρ = 79 kN/m3, k = 3). The applied cost factors k
Table 3 were used in the MaterialCost calculations.
Output parameters of reference construction Self-weight and three live load cases were applied to the structure
calculations. (Fig. 11). We decided to apply the basic planar live load qa value that
Output parameter Value caused almost full use of the reference construction. This approach
complicates the optimization task: the simple uniform reduction of all
MaterialCost 87.24
Arch use 0.863
the cross-sections’ dimensions would have lead to the unfulfillment of
Girder use 0.988 strength requirements. Through analysis, we determined qa = 4 kN/m2,
Crossbar use 0.740 which resulted in Use = 0,988 for the reference construction (Table 3).
External Crossbar use 0.741 The same set of loads has been applied in all subsequent analyses and
Brace use 0.160
optimization tasks.
Hanger use 0.225
Table 3 presents output values of the reference construction analysis
with the applied loads. The maximum group index, Girder use, was

Fig. 14. Optimization cases and their adjustable parameters.

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Table 4 5.2. Optimization assumptions

Ranges and steps of cross-sections’ parameters.
Parameter Minimum, mm Maximum, mm Step, mm We conducted four optimization tasks. They differed in parameters
selected to be adjusted by the genetic algorithm: cross-section di­
h_arch 800 2000 100
b_arch 500 1500 100 mensions, static scheme parameters, both cross-section dimensions and
tf_arch 20 50 10 static scheme parameters, both cross-section dimensions and static
tw_arch 10 50 10 scheme parameters with a material declaration. Fig. 14 presents the
h_girder 800 2000 100 selection of variables for the subsequent optimization tasks. Cross-
b_girder 200 1000 100
tf_girder 10 50 10
sections only optimization did not include hangers system type differ­
tw_girder 12 20 4 entiation, so one optimization cycle was performed. For the rest cases,
h_crossbar 800 2000 100 we conducted a separate cycle for each hangers system; thus, we
b_crossbar 300 1500 100 analyzed each hangers layout optimization performance.
tf_crossbar 10 50 10
Along with parameters non-adjustable for the specific case, two
tw_crossbar 12 20 4
h_crossbarExt 800 2000 100 groups were constant for each optimization task: with values depending
b_crossbarExt 800 2000 100 on the bridge use requirements and girder-positioning ones. Their values
tf_crossbarExt 10 50 10 matched the reference construction (Table 2).
tw_crossbarExt 10 50 10 Optimization requires setting the range and step values for adjust­
d_brace 200 1000 100
t_brace 12 32 4
able parameters. We assumed hangers layouts-independent values for
d_hanger 30 100 10 cross-sections’ dimensions (Table 4), Arch inclination (-15 to 15, step 1),
and Brace number (4 to 6, step 2).

almost equal to 1, meaning nearly full use of the structure. However, the
other values indicate a potential for optimization with a more uniform Table 5
Ranges and steps of Arch rise and Hangers number parameters.
stress distribution. The MaterialCost of the structure was 87.24; this
value had been used as a reference to evaluate the system efficiency on Hanger system Arch rise, m Hangers number
subsequent optimization cases. Vertical (0) 14.0 to 26.0; step 0.1 6 to 12; step 1
Radial (1) 14.0 to 26.0; step 0.1 6 to 12; step 1
Oblique (2) 14.0 to 26.0; step 0.1 14 to 20; step 2
Network (3) 14.0 to 26.0; step 0.1 12 to 18; step 2

Fig. 15. Results of the ranges setting analysis.

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 16. Cross-sections optimization results.

To specify ranges and steps for Arch rise and Hangers number, we In the three optimization cases (cross-section dimensions, static
analyzed one hundred examples for each layout. The examples differed scheme parameters, both cross-section dimensions and static scheme
only in these two examined parameters; the Arch inclination and Braces parameters), the materials’ properties were constant and were applied
number were set according to the reference construction (Table 2), and according to the reference construction: S355 (fy = 355 MPa, ρ = 79 kN/
the cross-section dimensions to the construction optimized with the m3) for all the elements except hangers (fy = 1570 MPa, ρ = 79 kN/m3).
cross-section-only case (Fig. 17, described in 5.3). In the fourth case, the algorithm selected each non-hangers bar group
The analysis confirmed the possibility of modeling a structure that material: S235 (fy = 235 MPa, ρ = 79 kN/m3), S275 (fy = 275 MPa, ρ =
consumes less material but still fulfills the assumed conditions 79 kN/m3), or S355. We applied the following material cost factors
(Fig. 15). Based on the Use and MaterialCost output parameters, the kmaterial values: 0.7 for S235, 0.8 for S275, 1 for S355, and 3 for the
examples formed three groups: non-fulfilling the static strength con­ hangers’ steel. The values are relative, but they may also match the
ditions (Use > 1); fulfilling the conditions, but non-optimized (Use ≤ 1, actual material market prices; thus, the calculated MaterialCost would
MaterialCost ≥ 87.24); fulfilling the conditions and optimized (Use ≤ estimate the actual cost.
1, MaterialCost < 87.24). The value of 87.24 refers to the MaterialCost The genetic algorithm requires adjustment of its governing param­
of the reference construction (Table 3). Based on the results, we eters: number of generations and population size in each generation. The
specified the ranges of Arch rise and Hangers number for each hangers’ number of generations differed depending on the complexity of each
system (Table 5). They were set to include the spectrum of optimized optimization task: 70 for cross-section dimensions, 30 for static scheme
instances. The determined Arch rise step = 0.1 m allowed the optimi­ parameters, 100 for both cross-section dimensions and static scheme
zation algorithm to adjust the value precisely. The Hangers number parameters, 150 for both cross-section dimensions and static scheme
steps resulted from the hangers layout: 1 for vertical and radial, 2 for parameters with material determination. The population size was 20 for
oblique and network. all the cases.

Fig. 17. Comparison of the reference and optimized constructions’ cross-sections.

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 18. Geometry optimization results.

5.3. Cross-sections optimization The optimization algorithm operated on 19 parameters. Table 4

presents their ranges and step values. The optimization was conducted
During the cross-sections optimization, the system adjusted the through 70 generations of population 20.
cross-sections’ dimensions of all the bar groups (Fig. 14), which is a Fig. 16 presents the outputs of the best examples (with the lowest
typical optimization task. The construction static scheme parameters MaterialCost) of subsequent generations.
and materials properties remained constant through analysis; their The initial part of the process was characterized by a rapid decrease
values matched the reference construction. of MaterialCost and high variability of use indices. The wide set of

Fig. 19. Geometry and cross-sections optimization results.

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

Fig. 20. Geometry, cross-sections, and material optimization results.

adjustable parameters allowed for many combinations; therefore, was near-final for the radial system and final for the network system.
almost every generation introduced better solutions. The further part The use of hangers and braces was inefficient, similarly to the cross-
was steadier, but it also included separate generations of significant section optimization. The small set of parameters also prevented effec­
improvement. tive optimization of the other bar groups, especially for the network
The algorithm optimized the structure by increasing and balancing system. The values of the final solutions’ parameters are listed in
the use of bar groups. In the final solution, the use indices of the three Table A.1 in the appendix.
main groups (arches, girders, crossbars) were close to 1, which indicated
almost full use. However, the introduced constraints prevented the 5.5. Geometry and cross-sections optimization
optimization of braces and hangers. Each generation provided at least
one example that fulfilled strength conditions – none of the use indices During the geometry and cross-sections optimization, the system
exceeded 1. adjusted the static scheme parameters and cross-sections’ dimensions.
Fig. 17 shows the comparison of the reference and optimized con­ The bar groups’ materials remained constant and were set accordingly to
structions’ cross-sections. It indicates that the operation of the system is the reference construction. This case merged two previous cases (5.3,
more sophisticated than the basic uniform reduction of cross-sections’ 5.4), which gave the algorithm a broad range of operation but also
areas; girders and crossbars were strengthened, which resulted in sig­ increased the complexity of the task.
nificant savings for arches. `Each hangers system was analyzed separately. The ranges and
steps were constant for cross-sections’ dimensions (Table 4), Arch
inclination (-15 to 15, step 1), and Brace number (4 to 6, step 2), while
5.4. Geometry optimization for Arch rise and Hangers number the values depended on hangers
layout (Table 5). The optimization was conducted through 100 gen­
During the geometry optimization, the system adjusted the static erations of population 20.
scheme parameters: Arch rise, Arch inclination, Hangers number, and Fig. 19 presents the outputs of the best examples (with the lowest
Braces number. The cross-sections’ dimensions and materials’ parame­ MaterialCost) of subsequent generations, separately for each hangers
ters remained constant through analysis; their values matched the system.
reference construction. Such a type of optimization task is uncommon, The algorithm utilized a wide range of adjustable parameters to
but it provided additional comparative data. provide more effective solutions than the previous, constrained ana­
Each hangers system was analyzed separately. The ranges and steps lyses. The increase in task complexity did not decrease the effectiveness
were constant for Arch inclination (-15 to 15, step 1) and Brace number (4 of the system. However, the higher number of iterations was reasonable:
to 6, step 2), while for Arch rise and Hangers number the values depended the high-variability part of the analyzes extended to around 50
on hangers layout (Table 5). The optimization was conducted through generations.
30 generations of population 20. The use of hangers and braces increased significantly compared to
Fig. 18 presents the outputs of the best examples (with the lowest the previous analyses. The uniform distribution for almost all bar groups
MaterialCost) of subsequent generations, separately for each hangers is observed especially for network layout; it resulted in the most effec­
system. tive optimization. The values of the final solutions’ parameters are listed
For the vertical and oblique systems, the MaterialCost decreased in Table A.2 in the appendix.
significantly in the initial part of the process, and the use indices varied.
The other two cases’ courses were steady: the first-generation solution

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

5.6. Geometry, cross-sections, and material optimization future-steps aims. Also, the performance of the other optimization al­
gorithms (particle swarm optimization, harmony search optimization,
The last optimization case merged geometry and cross-sections simulated annealing) might be investigated.
optimization with the materials’ adjustment. The algorithm deter­ Our script generates models of arch bridges, but its framework can be
mined each non-hangers bar group material: S235, S275, or S355. This adapted to other structures. The described analyses lasted from 2 to 12 h
analysis was the most complex but also gave the system the highest (single analysis of a hanger system case), operating on a standard per­
flexibility. sonal computer – this time can be considered as acceptable in the design
Each hangers system was analyzed separately. The ranges and steps practice. The used visual programming language, as an open-source
were constant for cross-sections’ dimensions (Table 4), Arch inclination project, can be freely utilized and tailored to specific engineering
(-15 to 15, step 1), and Brace number (4 to 6, step 2), while for Arch rise needs. These factors enhance the practical applicability of the solution.
and Hangers number the values depended on hangers layout (Table 5). With the increasing popularity of visual programming for civil engineers
The optimization was conducted through 150 generations of population and the development of optimization algorithms, alike automated so­
20. lutions may become a regular enrichment of the design processes. In this
Fig. 20 presents the outputs of the best examples (with the lowest framework, the system fulfills the iterative, time-consuming chores,
MaterialCost) of subsequent generations, separately for each hangers allowing the designer to focus on creative tasks.
The most complex case gave the algorithm the widest set of adjust­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
able parameters, hence also the highest flexibility in the construction
forming. The final MaterialCost parameters were lower for all the hanger Kamil Korus: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal
systems, comparing to the previous case without material adjusting. analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Visualization. Marek
However, it should be noted that both analyses have been conducted Salamak: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing -
with a different number of generations. If comparing both analyses original draft, Funding acquisition. Marcin Jasiński: Conceptualiza­
outputs after 100 iterations, the system effectivity is better for vertical, tion, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft.
radial, and network layouts but worse for the oblique. It is a basis for the
assumption that the higher flexibility generally improves the system
performance, but the increase of complexity should be followed by the Declaration of Competing Interest
increase of the number of generations. The values of the final solutions’
parameters are listed in Table A.3 in the appendix. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
6. Discussion the work reported in this paper.

In the study, we established a visual programming-genetic algorithm Acknowledgments

framework to automate the complex structures’ optimization. Visual
programming, enhanced by FEM functionalities, offers a one- The authors would like to acknowledge the financial and proof­
environment solution for geometry and analytical modeling. A genetic reading support of the Silesian University of Technology publishing
algorithm efficiently replaces a user in the iterative, time-consuming funding (BK-210/RB5/2021).
The reference construction optimization confirmed the system effi­ Appendix
cacy; the structure has been optimized in each of the four cases. The
growing task complexity did not diminish the system performance – on (See Table A1–A3).
the contrary, the flexibility provided with a broader set of adjustable
parameters increased the effectiveness. The most challenging case of the Table A1
geometry, cross-sections, and material adjustment provided the solu­ Geometry optimization final parameters and outputs.
tions of the best-balanced use indices, which resulted in the lowest Parameter Vertical (0) Radial (1) Oblique (2) Network (3)
Arch rise, m 14.3 16.5 16.0 16.6
The algorithm based its adjustments on the optimization objective
Arch inclination, ◦ − 11 − 15 − 13 − 14
function that rewarded lowering MaterialCost and refused non-fulfilling Hangers number 10 9 18 14
the static conditions. The function did not explicitly introduce the FEM Braces number 4 4 4 4
analysis rules; the algorithm had to learn them – or rather, learn how to Arch use 0.862 0.843 0.838 0.525
Girder use 0.785 0.735 0.997 0.515
manage them - with subsequent iterations. Given the system perfor­
Crossbar use 0.996 0.994 0.907 0.962
mance, it has the potential to address other complex indirect rules and External crossbar use 0.986 0.753 0.907 0.831
constraints: sustainability and deterioration issues, erection planning, Brace use 0.228 0.192 0.177 0.180
time-scheduling, design aspects. Including them and utilizing visual Hanger use 0.207 0.271 0.245 0.636
programming-BIM modeling cooperation could lead to an automated MaterialCost 81.31 80.62 82.71 81.28

end-to-end designing and modeling framework.

Though the solution includes buckling as an example of imple­ Table A2
menting design effect rules, it neglects several other factors: the com­ Geometry and cross-sections optimization final parameters and outputs.
posite character of the structure, dynamic response, second-order
Parameter Vertical (0) Radial (1) Oblique (2) Network (3)
effects. To address them, the script must be enriched with additional
methods. For norms-compatible analyses, also the load cases must be Arch rise, m 18.4 17.4 18.4 18.9
Arch inclination, ◦ − 7 − 2 − 5 − 3
enhanced. The algorithm-applied loads caused almost full use of the
Hangers number 9 7 16 12
reference structure, but it was designed for additional factors (temper­ Braces number 4 4 4 4
ature, wind, snow, special loads), unlike the system-optimized solutions. h_arch, mm 1300 1000 900 800
Therefore, their final MaterialCost values cannot be directly compared to b_arch, mm 1300 900 700 500
assess the actual savings but rather to evaluate the system performance. tf_arch, mm 30 30 30 20

These limitations, together with mentioned upgrades, are potential (continued on next page)

K. Korus et al. Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112465

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