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Any Thing They Like by Mr.

Chaat Golgappe Waale

Paragraph 3:

Suddenly, the tranquility was broken by the sound of a car engine. A shiny red sports car roared past, its
exhaust fumes polluting the air and ruining the idyllic scene. The group frowned in disappointment, but
quickly returned to their conversation, unwilling to let a single thoughtless act ruin their evening.

Paragraph 4:

As the night went on and the stars began to twinkle above, the friends grew contemplative. They talked
about their hopes and dreams, their fears and regrets. They shared stories and offered words of
encouragement, supporting each other through life's ups and downs. In that moment, surrounded by
the beauty of nature and the love of their friends, they felt truly alive.

Paragraph 5:

As the picnic came to a close and the group packed up their belongings, they were filled with a sense of
contentment. They hugged each other goodbye, promising to do it all again soon. Walking away from
the park, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures in life - a sunset, good food, and
good company. And as they headed home, they knew that this night would be one to remember for a
long, long time.

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