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MCQ- Media Research (303)

S.No Question A B C D Ans

Which of the following is a problem assciated The problem of The problem of 'going The problem of
1 The problem of omission C
with survey research objectivity naïve' robustness
A set of explicit rule A timetable of days on
A lost of questions to ask A way of testing for
2 What is an observation Schedule? sfor assigning behavior which you plan to carry A
your interviewees measurement validity
to categories out your observation
TAM Rating
3 What is the full form for TRP? Television Rating Point Television Research Point Target Rating Point B
4 Preliminary data collection is a part of- Descriptive Research Exploratory Research Applied Research B
The most important advantage of sampling The only method of data Easy to handle the
5 Increase accuracy Saves time C
method of data collection is- collection data
Which form of data below can usually be
Online Marketing
6 obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than Survey Research Secondary Data Primary Data B
the others?
Which method could a marketing researcher
7 use to obtain information that people are Observational Research Focus Groups Personal Interviews Questionnaires A
unwilling or unable to provide?
8 Research refers to the search for-: Information Knowledge Analysis Applications B
Which is the most common method to conduct a
9 web survey? Email Survey SMS Survey Social Media Integration All of the above D
Providing new Pushing back ignorance
10 The objective of research should be: Both A&B None of these C
information and baseless nations
Which amongst the following is an advantage Faster medium to Reach
11 Data Reliability Population Selection Easy Cooperation A
of Web Survey? Target Audience
Conducting surveys is the most common
12 Qualitative Data Primary Data Secondary Data None of the above B
method of generating
Census method of research is which type of
13 Qualitative Quantitative Biased All of the above B
14 A research hypothesis can take either Declarative form Null form Question form All of the above D
15 Media Research is related to Primary-data collection Secondary-data collection Copy-testing technique Raw data and facts C
16 Market research is done to target: Customers Producers Advertisements None of these A
17 The most immediate step of market research is Advertising Setting target audience Effective media planning All of these C
Which of the following best suits for 'Action It is an quantitative It is a population
18 It is an applied research It is a survey research A
Research? research research
MCQ- Media Research (303)
S.No Question A B C D Ans
Internal Revenue International Readership Individualised
19 What is the full form for IRS? Indian Readership Survey B
Service Survey Research Study
Which of the following is not a tyoe if
20 Focal Sampling Scan Sampling Emotional Sampling Behavior Sampling C
sampling used in structured observation?
Suppose you are doing a survey in which
Mixed mode
sample quality ans precision are at utmost
combining telephone
21 importance, and you need to ask some critical Face-to-face Interview Telephone Interview Mail Questionnaire A
interviews with a
open-ended questions. Which survey mode
mailed questionnaire
would work best?
Planning a survey involves 2 concurrent
Selection of the survey Selection of the
22 activities: one, Construction of the survey Selection of the sample Coding of variables A
mode survey design
instrument and which is the second?
Which of the following is not something a
Heterogeneity of
23 researcher will have to consider when thinking Time and Cost No Responses Length of Questionnaire C
about their sample size?
24 Research is which type of activity Social Political Academic Disciplined C
Tool for delve deep in Phenomenon comprising
25 Research is a: Boom to society All of the above D
quest of truth of predefined processes
Searching sources of Searching for
Which of the following is the first step in Survey of related
26 information to locate Identification of problem solutions to the C
starting the research process? literature
problem. problem
Which country after India has the highest
27 a) France b) Brazil c) Germany d) Finland B
sample size in readership Survey
In National Readership Survey, what is the
28 a) 10 Years b) 11 Years c) 12 Years d) 13 Years C
minimum age to participate in a survey

29 Research can be used in the fields of Education Economics Administrator All of the above D

Research problem is selected from the stand Availbility of

30 Researcher's interest Financial support Social relevance C
point of? relevant literature
31 Define Research
32 Explain TRP
33 What is Primary Data Collection Tool?
34 Define Qualitative and Quantitative Data
MCQ- Media Research (303)
S.No Question A B C D Ans
What do you understand by Interpretation of

1. Write in detail the hallmarks of scientific research.

2. Discuss in detail the seven step process in the Hypothetic deductive method. OR How research is conducted?
Explain. OR Define research process. What are the steps of research process?
3. Define theoretical framework. Why is it important? What are various types of variables in a theoretical
framework? Explain each kind of variables stating two examples for each type.
4. What is Research Design? Also discuss the various issues while developing a research design. OR What is meant
by research design? Discuss the type of investigation, researches, interference and time horizon.
5. Define a scale. Discuss the four different types of scale with the help of examples.
6. Differentiate b/w rating and ranking scales. Explain various types of ranking scales and rating scales with
7. Define sampling. Discuss the types of probability and non-probability sampling design. OR Explain the concept of
Sampling. What are its various types and discuss in what circumstances each of the types can be used.
8. Define research proposal. Write in detail the content of a written proposal.
9. What is a research report? Discuss the types the integral parts of a research report.
10. What is meant by Goodness of measure? Explain the different types of Reliability.
11. What is the difference between Reliability and Validity? Explain the different types of validity.
12. Define Research. Discuss the relationship between Manager and Researcher. Also dedifferentiate between in
applied and basic research.
13. Define business research. How business research helps in different business areas? OR Explain the benefits of
research and research methods for managers?
14. Define business research. Explain the various types of business research with the help of examples.
15. Define internal and external consultant. Write in details the advantages and disadvantages of internal and
external researcher.
16. Define Broad Problem Area? Also explain how to develop a sound problem statement explain with the help of a
suitable example. Also discuss its importance in the whole research process.
17. What do you understand by the term “Questionnaire”? Explain different types of “Questionnaires”
encompassing benefits of each type.
18. Define a hypothesis. Explain the different types of hypotheses with the help of examples.
19. Define interview. Explain different types of interviews along with their pros and cons.
20. Define Questionnaire. Explain its various types along with their pros and cons.
21. Define primary and secondary sources of data explain their usefulness and disadvantages.
22. Define critical literature review. Discuss various sources of gathering literature. Explain why is it important in
research? Explain the steps in writing up a literature review.
23. Why operational definition is needed? Explain the process of operationalization with the help of an example.

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