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This is an infectious gastrointestinal infectious tract caused by shigellae specie characterized by

blood stained stool, mucus in stool.
Causative organisms
– shigella dysentery
– Shigella boydii
– Shigella flexneri
– Shigella sone
The most common one is shigella dysentery and shigella flexneri
Mode of action
– via food contamination
– Faecal oral
– Flies
– Food
– Fluids
– Fingers
Signs and symptoms
– Blood stained diarrhea due to erosion of the intestines
– Fever due the presence of bacteria in the blood
– Headache due to the presence of toxins in the brain stem
– Poor skin tater due to excessive loss of fluids
– Abdominal pain due to the erosion of the mucosal
– Abdominal due to the rapture of blood vessels
– Anorexia
Medical management
History taking will review eating contaminated food
On inspection dry skin and sunken eyes and skin color
Full blood count will show elevated white and decreased red blood cells
Stool for culture and sensitivity
Abdominal utlra sound to check for raptured blood vessels in the intestines
Drug/Dose 1. Nalidixic acid 500mg. 2.
Metronidazole 200mg. 3. RL
alternating with NS 2-3ltrs in 24
Mode of action 1.Inhibit protein synthesis 2.
Inhibits protein synthesis of the
bacterial wall.
3. To hydrate the patient
Side effects 1. Headache. -
Dizziness. -
Abdominal pains. -
Convulsions. -
Verdigo 2.
Headache. -
constipations. -
stomach pain. -
difficulties in breathing. - heart
palpitations 3. Fluid
overload. - Edema
Nursing implications 1. Nurse patient in a railed bed to
prevent falling.
2. Always monitor the side effect.
- Administer with a lot of fluids.
3. Monitor fluid input and output
using the fluid balance chart
– peritonitis
– Perforation
– Dehydration
– Intestinal obstruction
– Anaemia

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