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ENGLISH (Communicative)
Integrated Classroom Course for
Olympiads and Class-IX (2022-2023)

Topics Covered:
Session 2022-23)
English Complete Syllabus (As Prescribed by CBSE for the


The question paper is divided into four sections.

Section A:
Section B:
Section C:
20 marks
25 marks
10 marks
Section D Literature 25 marks
2. Attempt questions based on specificinstructions for each part.


01. Read the passage given below and answer any eight of the questions which follow: [1x8-8]|
I. Future historians may very well look back at the beginning of the 21st century as an era in which the
human mind developed into a split screen, with one eye on real space and the other eyeing the electronic
This morning on a crowded bus, I counted six people within my immediate view, texting, talking on the
cell phone, checking e-mail or listening to iPods. In other words, they were trying to keep the bus from
being their only space, their only reality. And whatwas I doing? I recorded whatl observed in my laptop,
of course.
II. If modern technology has been created to enhance our daily lives, something has dramatically shifted:
More and more, our daily lives are enslaved to the electronic world.
IV. This can sometimes be very troubling. On 30" March, 2008, a group ofteenagers in Florida enticed one
of their own peers to one of the girl's homes and videotaped her being beaten. With one girl behind the
camera to record the episode, and two boys guarding the door, the rest mercilessly beat the young
woman into a concussion. It was for a dual purpose: to "punish" the victim for allegedly "trash talking"
aboutthem on a social networking site, and to post the footage on YouTube. The most expressive line
duringthebeating was when the young woman behind the camera yelled out: "There's only 17 seconds
left. Make it good."
Class-1X Complete Syllabus Test-3A English (Communicative)
V. Seventeen seconds left, that is,in a 10-minute slot - the maximum time one can post a video segment
on YouTube. A future in which everyone can be famous for about 10 minutes has indeed arrived. We
have all become actors. We begin to believe that we are not fully ourselves, that we are not viable in the
new system, unless we make some sort of electronic imprint, some sort of projection of ourselves, in the
virtual world. Diaries, once tocked away and hidden, have nowgone electronic in the form of blogs
VI. CNN, a few days ago aired a typical story that spoke volumes of our modern impulses: "Wife Brings
Drama of Divorce to YouTube." Private lives are increasingly translated into a public space, oftentimes
turming intensely personal dramas into perplexing global phenomena.
VI. This modem mind-set has given
psychologists and anthropologists enough material to study what they
call the "disinhibitive effect" on the Intermet. Road rage is quickly giving into Net wrath. A generation raised
on video games can become invincible when their actions are meant to be broadcast. Like actors who
are trained to lose their reservations on stage,
many now take daring risks for the
virtual world- never
mind that they might have
repercussions in the real one. They do something enormously bizarre or violent
to gamer lots of hits, lots of
eyeballs. Our sense of existence is interrelated with that of the electronic|
ether a la Matrix: I broadcast, therefore I am.
Vill. These days you don't have to try too hard to be a celebrity. We are living in what Clive Thompson
Wired of
Magazine has called the "age of micro-celebrity." Thompson asserts that "people are developing
interesting social skills to adapt to micro fame."
IX. We're learning how to live in front of a crowd. "As a
result, mindfulness could very well be on the retreat.
How can we be fully "here and now", how do we
keep our ego in check, when we keep ogling the|
electronic mirror and watching
kind of immortality, we are
ourselves.perform?" our deep yearning to be noticed, and to reach some
increasingly making
fools of ourse
) The hallmark of this century is thatwe liye in

(1) electronics obsessed / enslaved

victimised society
world of social dominance
(4) perplexing virtual world
(ii) The tangible reason for beating the woman in the incident that occurred on 30th March was
(1) to punish the woman for trash talking
(2) to be famous for about 10 minutes
(3) to fight for justice without depending on the law and its authorities
(4) to teach the victim a lesson of obedience
(ii) In what sense have all of us become actors?
(iv) What basic modern impulse is peculiar to the present times?
(1) moving into public space (2) dramatizing personal lives
(3) road rage (4) broadcasting others' lives
(v) What causes us to make a fool of ourselves without even realising it?
(vi) Why is this the "age of micro-celebrity"?
(vii) What central idea does the passage highlight?
(1) The added burden of enslavement due to electronic media
(2) The overpowering influence of social media

(3) The disadvantages of living in a virtual world

(4) The perils of daily life enslaved by the electronic world

Complete Syllabus Test-3A English (Communicative) Class-IX
(vii) Complete the following:
Phrase Meaning9
Trash talking (para 4)
(ix) Fill in the blank to complete the sentence with a suitable word/phrase from paragraph 7.
The gossip forums, of course, are a great way to
2 . Read the given passage and answerthe following questions. I1x12=12
Are we unwittingly lowering the quality of life for those we mean to nurture? Are we degrading childhood
by demanding ever more of our children? Many parents worry about these questions, as students report|
that they're feeling stressed out.
II. I have been really stressed because of the homework that is being assigned," a middle-school student
from New Delhi recently wrote in an article sent to The Hindu. "In pre-algebra, we get at least three pages
of homework. In English, we get at least one page and a reading assignment, at least 30-50 pages in our
books. Then there is science, five-six pages are assigned all days except Friday. In French, we have to|
do two to three pages ofverbs in the French dictionaries. As you can see, I don't take any extra activities
because I don't have time!"
IlI. Stress on the rise
"Everyone has their own way of measuring stress, depression being one measure," says Denise Clark
Pope, author of "Doing School" How We Are Creating a Generation of Stressed-Out, Materialistic, and
Miseducated Students. "But the consensusis that there áremore stressed-out kids."
IV. What's causing the stress?
From kindergarten through high sahool the gauses of childhg d stress are numerous. One of the most
commonly cited is standardized-test stress, which starts in first-grade in many states. High-stakes tests
are particularly stressful, for students and teachers alike. Students in certain grades must pass these
tests to advance to the next grade. Whether you are for them or against them, high-stake tests create
considerable stress. And while experts are debatingwhether homework loads are in fact heavier now
than in the past, many agree thatitis being assignedat an earlier age than before.
V. College admissions' anxiety
The prize at the end of the rainbowormany students is admission to a prestigious college, but the prize
may seem less attainable now than in years past, especially depending upon how they and their parents
define "prestigious." According to Education Statistics, the number of high school graduates increased
24% from 1991 to 2004, and the number is expected to grow another 5% before 2017. That's an additional
700,000 high school graduates queuing up for college admission, while the actual number of colleges
has remained the same. The result: Highly selective colleges have become even more selective. As the
college admissions process becomes more demanding more admissions tests, more rigorous classes
more applications, more college tours the stress on students increases.
VI. Some stress is good
Not all stress is bad. A certain amount of stress drives healthy competition in the classroom and in |
extracurricular activities. Good stress induces a student to strive for her personal best on an exam, a term
paper or on the debate team.
"It's impossible to live in a stress-free world," says Pope. "A little bit of butterfiies before a test may improve
performance. Our definition of bad stress is thata studentfeels the situation is impossible or he feels he
is not able to meet the demands upon him." Parents need to be sensitive to their child's individual ability
to deal with stress. "There is a myth thatif you're getting great grades you're OK. However, great grades
are not an indicator of good mental health," says Pope.

Complete Syllabus
Test-3A English (Communicative)
VI. Teaching students to regulate stress
school. Parents can start by listening
A number of strategies are available to help navigate the stresses of should pay
or hopelessness, parents
to their children. If a child complains of stress, anxiety, depression
do not or cannot verbalise theirthese
stress. In cases,
atention. There are many children, however, who
Some children may not want to stop or slow down their
parents need to be on the lookout for other signs.
schedules for fear of disappointing their parents.
following questions in about 30-40
2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the
words each:
What is the fundamental reason for stress among school going kids and why?

) Which form of stress is good as per the author's opinion?

What advise does the author give to parents for addressing the stress related concerns of their kids?
(v) Why do students face anxiety regarding college admissions?

)What does the student's acount mentioned in the 2nd paragraph suggest regarding his mental and
emotional state?
2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fil in any two of the following blanks with appropriate
words/phrases. [1x2-2]
According to present oonsensus there are
(ii) High-stake tests lead to .

(ii) It is not possible to live

2.3 Attempt any two of the following. Find out the words thatmean the same as under: I1*2=2]
i) Unintentionally (Para 1)
(i) Deliberating (Para 4) J U

(i) Proceed (Para 4)


Q3. A peaceful protest march is going to be launched by students and teachers of your school against the growing|
crimes againstwomen in the capital city. The protest march will be covered by several news channels raising
debates on the issue. In about 50 words write a notice for the students of Std. IX-XIl informing them about the
protest march. Also give other necessary details. You are Head Girl of St. Mary's school, Bengaluru. 131
Q4. Vikram wishes to join a short-term course in photography after his final exams in March. Write a dialogue
between Vikram and the counsellor at INSPIRE institute discussing course duration, fee, and other relevant
Q5. You visited the National Art Galery in Delhi for the first time and was amazed to see the magnficent display of
modern art and other exthibits. Write a letter to your aunt in about 120 words describing your experience.
Q6. Based on the following points, write a descriptive paragraph in around 100-120 words. [10
Name: Dr Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, an Indian billionaire entrepreneur
Family Origins: Gujarati, Father - Rasendra Mazumdar, formerly head Brewmaster at United Breweries
On Father Mazumdar's suggestion, she studied fermentation science
Education: Schooling from Bishop's Cotton Girls' High School, Bachelor's degree in Zoology ftrom
Bengaluru University, Went to the Federation University (Australia) to study Malting and Brewing (1974).|
Aspired to pursue medicine but could not

Complete Syllabus Test-3A English (Communicative) Class-IX
After a brief period as a trainee manager at Biocon Biochemicals Limitod, of Cork, Iroland, to learn more
about the business, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw returned to India

Chairperson and Managing Director: Biocon Ltd, the first woman to hoad the board of governors of IIM
Recognitions: Honoured with numerous national and intemational awards

Special achievements: Listing in the Forbes Magazine as most poworful woman in the world at 77h and
71t position in 2016 and 2017 rospectively
You recently participated in a 'Best out ofWaste' event in your school. Participants from as many as 50 schools
in the city took part in the event. Write a descriptive paragraph about the event in 100-120 words describing
how many items were made and who was awarded the best prize, etc


Q7. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable option to complete the passage. 1x3-31
Changing lifestyle and food habits coupled with lack of physical activity () to a growing

trend of obesity among children. i) thereis nostandard survey or research conducted

on obesity among children, paediatriciahs maintain that there ts an iacreasing tendency among the urban
children, and those belonging to affuent and uppermiddle classes.Doctors practicing in posh urban areas
said that about 10 per cent children are sufferingfrom the problem of obesity. Thousands of kids across the

food they need if they are to have healthy futures

() (1) contribute
country are making fast foods a staple of their daily jives (ii) the expense of the nutritious

(2) contributed

(3) have contributed

(4) had contributed

(i) (1) f

(2) Although
(3) Yet

4) In spite of

(i) (1) to

(2) for

(3) in
(4) at

Q8. Rearange the following words/phrases into meaningful sentences. [1x3-3]

() friends /life I good / make /our/ happy/ extremely

(i) not/find/ now-a-days, I easyIgood/ is /it/friends / to / but
(ii) blessed/ those / are / who / friends /true / find /lives / their / in
5 .
Test-3A English (Communicative)
Complete Syllabus
line. Write the error and its
has not been edited. There is an error in each
The following paragraph
Q9. Any fourl [1x4m4]|
as shown in the example.
Error Correction

the world had come e.g. had have

In 3000 years of our history people from all over

and invaded us, captured our lands, conquered our minds. With Alexander (a)
the British,
onwards, the Greeks, the Turks, the Moguls, the Portuguese,

the French, the Dutch, all of them came and looted us, took over that was ours. (b)
Yet we had not done this to any other nation. (c)
We have not conquered anyone. We did not grabbed their land, their culture, (d)
their history and tried to enforce our way of life to them. (e)

Why? Because we respect that freedom of others.


Read the given extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most suitable option. [1x3=3]
"So I lay in the olddentists chai
Andgaze up'his nose in despai
And is dn t do whiae
Tnthesemolars ofmine
Two amalgum hellsay, for in there"
(i) The narrator was at the dentist's while
(1) she was wondering about herdental hygiene routine
(2) she was introspecting herself andher past mistakes
(3) she was reminiscing about her childhood transgressions regarding her teeth

(4) she was getting herself a routine treatment

(i) The phrase "drill it do whine" refers to

(1) the drilling machine used by the dentist

(2) the loud whining noise of the drilling instrument in dentiste's hands

(3) the loud cries of the narrator

(4) the whining sound of the dental chair

(ii) The word 'amalgum' has been misspelt in the poem because the narrator

(1) wants to remind the readers why she's been forced to visit the dentist -to get her cavities filled
with amalgam, an alloy of mercury and another metal

(2) wants to create humour in the poem

(3) was amused to see the amalgam used by the dentist

(4) wants to emphasize using a pun that there were two cavities beneath her teeth which the|
dentist was to fill with amalgam - an alloy of mercury and another metal

- 6
Complete Syllabus Test-3A English (Communicative)
Il. Read the given extract and answer the
following questions. 14-4]
"Say,"said Pescud, stirring his discarded book with the hand, "did you ever read one of these best sellers?
I mean the kind where the herd is an American swell-sometimes oven from
Chicago-who falls in love
with a royal princess Europe
from who is travelling under an alias and follows her to her father's
or principality?"

() Based on the extract, what do we learm about Pescud's attitude towards the best sellers?
i) Who does he refer to as an "American swell"?
(ii) What does he mean by the phrase "Princess under an alias"?
(iv) ldentify the antonym of the word kept' from the given extract.
"You are like a child. I can't trust you out of my sight. No sooner is my back turned than you get that litte
minx Marie to sell the silver salt-cellars."

i) Why did the Bishop get Marie to sell the silver salt-cellars?
(i) Why does Persome use the word minx to describe Marie?
(Gii) Why was Persome against selling of the salt-cellars?
(iv) Suggest one word to describe the trait of Bishop as hinted in the first line?
Q11.Answer any five out ofthe following six questions in 40-50 words each. [2x5-10
) Why did Fisher reveal the profession ofHarold's father? Whatdoes it reveal about his personality?
Gi) Lord Alfred Tennyson presents brookas a symbol for life in his poem The Brook. Give two examples
of parallelism between human lifelend the brook.
(i) In the poem Song of the Rain', the poetusesdifferentimagesto describe inanimate things in nature in
a unique manner (e.g. 'sigh of the sea', Taughterofthe field)What poetic device(s) does he employ
and what is its significance?
(iv) Aircrat recogniion was a matterofpridefor the narratorand his friends in the lesson "The Man Who
Knew Too Much". How did theProfessorhumiliatethem?
(v) "But I knew it was not possible. If only iwaseducated enough..."What circumstances made the
grandmother realise the importance of education?
(vi) Who has a better knack of doing business - Juliette or Gaston? Justify with examples from 'Villa for

012. Answer any one out of the following in about 100-120words
Criminals are a product of the society: Write a debate justifying your opinion with evidence from The
Bishop's Candlesticks', an adaptation of a section of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables
The Best Seller is a perfect example of how hypocrtes live their lives. Why do people like Pescud say
something and practise something else? How can we avoid being hypocrites?


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