Gelagat Usahawan

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Name of this company is Abey Joe Cafe. This cafe was located at Bachok, Kelantan. This cafe
was starting from 2014 until now. There are almost 8 years there involve in this business. Operating
hours for this cafe are from 5pm to 11pm. There was only closed on Tuesday while the others day the
cafe opened as usual. The type of business for this café is the type of partnership business. Originally,
this type of business was a kind of partnership with Mrs. Fadzilah’s family. But, after her father’s death
22 years ago, the hereditary business of her family came to a temporary halt. This is because she and
her sister were unable to continue their father’s business at the time. This is because she and her sister
already had their respective jobs. After a few years of working, Mrs. Fadzilah decided to retire and
wanted to venture into business. But, the field of business she carries on is in partnership with her
husband. Hence, the idea arose for her and her husband to open the café that called Abey Joe Cafe.

The industry category involved for Mrs. Fadzilah in this field of business is in the food industry.
This is because she and her husband opened the cafe. Opening cafe was under category of food
industry. The term for food industries covers a series of industrial activities directed at the production,
distribution, processing, conversion, preparation, preservation, transport, certification and packaging of
foodstuffs. The target customers are open to all customers regardless of age whether from children,
teenagers, adults and elderly. This café also a focal point for families to dine here. Mrs. Fadzilah run
her business with her husband by interact their customers by their menu in the cafe. At Abey Joe Cafe
it had a lot of menu whether for foods or drinks. Like example for drinks, Abey Joe Cafe have mango
float, dragon float, banana smoothie, fresh orange, mango mix fruit, dragon mix fruit, strawberry
smoothie and all type for fruit juices. Other than that, for food also their menu is nasi lemak USA, char
kuey teow, burger and so on. But they also have dessert at their cafe like cake and so on.

Next for employees section, at Abey Joe Café there are five employees working in the cafe. All
its employees are women. They all have their respective duties, two of them were assigned to the water
section. But, for the others one of them are waitress and others two of them are for preparing foods to

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