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Website 2023 #flushyourmeds ...

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;
Just recently a Zionist Chinese Balloon flew over Montana and
all Joe Biden did was Jerk Off His Circumcised PP in The
Bathroom ... ;

#flushyourmeds Anti Psychiatry Movement

#flushyourmeds Anti Psychiatry Movement

New Index File Is Here As For Now .......... ;

Now Transferring to Domain Dot Com, Because Google's New

Policies & Some Script Kiddie Got in and other Nonsense I
have A Hard Time With. ;

We are comprised of Psych Victims and Targeted

Individuals ...

My Title : Scott A Barry / Scott A. Barry / Scott Alan

Barry / Scott Barry / Archive*today*org*vn | Perma*cc
Also ..... ;

Us Whistleblowers know Rite Aid Does Not Recycle and 911 was
a Mossad OP Inside Job ...

Contact: ..... ;

DONATE LINK : ..... ;

IRC: Web.Libera.Chat > #flushyourmeds ..... ; > DALNT > WEB.LIBERA.CHAT > #flushyourmeds ; | Jitsi and Mumble

also ..... ; .......... ;

The Majority of Goyim Earthly Society is Brainwashed and has

Cognitive Dissonance Mental Issues, The Brainwashing Goes
away after Humans Die and Become Telepathic Ghosts. Zionist
Jews Control & Censor The Internet and Earthly Society. Do
not engage with these people or waste your F time. The Fifth
Amendment is the only Thing You ever Have to Beat Cults. ; ...

Psychiatry An Industry of Death Antipsychiatry*org is NON-

Scientology ;

CCHR is another one that has Thomas Szasz and Peter

Breggin ... ;

To My Arch Enemies : "That is Childish, Grow UP, rid the

world of your useless machinations & existence, Kill
Yourself." -ANONYMOUS ;

Speech is Protected by 1st Amendment SO IS Holocaust Denial ;
... ;
%281935%E2%80%931945%29.svg ... ;
%20industry%20of%20death%22 ;$/search?q=%22psychiatry%20an%20industry
%20of%20death%22 ;
%20industry%20of%20death%22&kind=video ;

Another Year Another Jew #flushyourmeds ... ;

Multiculcuralism & Diversity are Communism & Do Not

Work ... ;

The Jews Are Taking Advantage of You ON Holidays ... ;

Only 1% of Earth Does Brit Milah, The Banksters Control

Everything on Earth, just to name it all, Some people having
a Bris every new year, Others are Watching The C-SPAN Secret
Meetings that happen every New Year, AS Kyle Odom Claims,
Martians Control Planet Earth, The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of The ZION ... ;

www*cfr*org/podcasts/world-next-year-what-watch-2023 ... ;
Fact is a Fact #flushyourmeds ... ;

Addressing Societies Cognitive Dissonance ... ;

FACT: Publishing is a Pyramid Scheme (Scientology and The

JEWS), Banned From Blurb and Lulu, Now Use iUniverse, Kindle
Direct Publishing, Barnes and Noble Press, Martians/Jews
Destroyed This Planet Earth, Martians/Jews Control The Press
and Internet on The Surface Web of it all ... ;

FACT: The Holocaust Never Happened, Only 1% of Earth Does

Brit Milah, Martians Started Organized Religion as a CULT,
All Cops and Governments are Freemasons who Do All The
Stalking and Drug/Steroid Trafficking, When Humans Die They
Become Ghosts who are Telepathic and Psychic ... ;

You're Fine with Linux and BSD, Then if you see a Grabify or
Tinyurl Link in a Script Kiddie Email Just DO NOT Click on it
and you will be SAFE. ;

Linux and BSD have Sudo and Sudo is Better than RA-ADMIN. ;

There was that Grabify and Tinyurl Hacking Thing? I Archived

Several Things so far. I do not believe in God, I think
Religion is a Cult. I do not even believe in the Holocaust.
David Irving Debunks the Holocaust. I do not support Israel
that did 911 a Mossad OP. I am not a Gang Stalker or a FED,
got that wrong. I do not have any major assets, I simply work
for a Small Business (Medical-Tech), What have you got? Also
Linux/BSD has Sudo instead of RA-Admin ... ;

Take a Good Look at Usury #flushyourmeds

Usury and Quantitative Easing is what keeps Goyim Earthly

Society in The Dark Ages, Suppresses all Medical
Advancements, Cures, & Scientific Achievements, Kohen Jews
Control Banking, The Press, Publishing, Patents, The
Internet, & Everything. ; Diversity, Zionism, Religion, God,
Multiculturalism, Communism, Israel, CIA All Do Not Work. ;

So Nirvgorilla Actually Believes Global Warming is Man Made,

and Covid-19 Vaccines and Masks Work that is where he is
Brainwashed, Brainwashing goes away after humans die and
become Telepathic Ghosts, Freedom of Speech is also Speech
You Disagree with ... #flushyourmeds ;

New Way to deal with Perp Gang Stalkers Be a Perp Like Them
and be a Security Role Player, Plead The Fifth, also David
Irving already debunked the Holocaust You are full of shit : ... ;

The Disclaimer for This Website will Finally Now Be This :

If you can Visit This WS on a Live USB of Ventoy Unetbootin,

you can also run openSUSE KDE Live in Virtualbox, or
Kubuntu / Calc L XFCE as a Live OS on The RAM Disk or Visit
The WS at The Public Library, the reason Why is Links, Links
are a Problem, if you can, type the Links Manually and never
trust anyone who sends you a tinyurl/bitlyws/shorturlat link
as it could contain malicious exploits, even PDF Files have
common Exploits, so use common sense and DO NOT be an idiot,
I am not responsible for your random research, you did it to
yourself, fuck the snowflakes and fuck political correctness,
if you don't know the BIOS Keys to a Computer Use VirtualBOX
and run a Live OS of openSUSE TW KDE Live as a Live OS in
VirutalBox then Download The Brave AppImage File, that will
work just fine, I am not responsible for your own actions,
because you did it to yourself so quit being a Snowflake SJW
wanker Cry Baby Liberal and get some Balls and Move on with
Life, if you do not use a Live Operating System, you will get
Fucked for sure and I really mean it, this is not a joke this
will be the new WS disclaimer Period ... ;

Sponsored Websites : Evilbible*com Godisimaginary*com

Antipsychiatry*org Vimandvigor*com Witeboard*com Anotepad*com
Web*Libera*Chat OnlineToneGenerator*com 1261287831 Know More
News Adam Green Stopthepirates*blogspot
Stopnoahidelaw*blogspot Davidduke*com CCHR*org GoyimTV*TV
IrvingBooks*com DavidSkrbina*com SatanicMission*org Monaurl
Beats 126128 Schumann Resonance Solfeggio Music & Frequencies
O9A*org Anti Zionism ATWA Anti Psychiatry Anti Freemasonry
Anti Religion Fringe and Off Center Ventoy*net Linux
Kubuntu*org Startpage*com Qwant*com Ublock Origin Privacy
Badger Decentraleyes Https Everywhere Canvas Blocker Return
YT Dislikes FF on Strict The One-Time Pad AZ010SPRANDOM3
Alien CHARS Veracrypt and 7zip Encryption
Archive*today*vn*ph*org Tinyurl*com Bitly*ws Shorturl*at
456013 8888 VirtualBox Tails openSUSE TW Kali Parrot OS INE ;

The Globalist Zionist Kohen Six Passport Jews Keep Negative

Hydrogen, Negative Resistors, and Mono-atomic Gold and Snake
Juice Fasting Information away from The Stupid Goyim : Dr.
Flanagan - Megahydrate and Antioxidants | Jews Control The
Press and The World Economy ... ;

The Holocaust Never Happened Hitler Saved Germany &

Europe ... ;
David Irving Debunked The Holocaust in Ten Minutes Period ...

Negative Hydrogen is The Strongest Anti-Oxidant Next To Ozone

... ;

#flushyourmeds #archivetoday #webarchiveorg ... ;

New Documentary and Book Released ... ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
barry/1142812254/ ;
flushyourmeds-scott-a-barry-min-em ;
First_Amendment_flushyourmeds ;
flushyourmeds ;

#flushyourmeds #archivetoday #webarchiveorg ... ;

Freedom of Speech or 1st Amendment is also Speech You

Disagree With, we and everyone on Earth knows that Pedo is
Fucking Illegal you Sick Fuck ;

They are Remote Viewing You via Telepathy and Logging Your
ASS in a Subrip SRT Text File and You Don't even know it to
begin with ... ;

Why Are These Narcissists, Telepathic, Psychic, and able to

do Controlled Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing while
also being in a Christian Cult and Being a Democrat, SJW,
Zionist, Marxist RedBlue Communist? ;
Because They Are Under Freemason Zionist Martian Mind Control
... ;

The MK-Ultra Program is Now The Monarch Program, Jew Based. ;

These Telepathics are in Religious Cults. Under Mind Control.


God is a Myth Started By Martians and Zionist Jews to

Control. ;

Questioning The Status Quo is what Society Does Not Want

You Doing at all in any way shape or form in Censorship … ;

Communism was originally Jewish and Zionist K Marx was a Jew

… ;

All of Psychiatry is involved in The CIA's MK-Ultra Black

Projects to do Mind Control, Abuse of State Power, Medical
Neglect, & Abductions, Psychiatry is Communist Quackery, They
Have no Real Credentials in Medical ... ;

I would stay away from Religion, because there is a

Freemasonic Christian Cult in WA that Abducts and Rapes
People and Children. God is Fake. ;

Organized Religion has The Most Amount of Child Predators,

Human Traffickers, Sexual Perverts, Gangs, Mafias, Than Any
Other Business. ;

Look up The Term "Cult" in The Webster's Dictionary and

See. ;

Help Prevent The Spread of Computer Exploits : (Tell them to

Search "Sluggish Schizophrenia" or "The Term"
instead.) .......... ;

People who Do Not Believe in Masks or Vaccines or PCR Tests

will later be diagnosed with This Mental Health Condition and
Committed 5150 by Communist Soviet Style Psychiatrists
Communism is Here NOW :
Sluggish_schizophrenia .......... ;

Channels 1 : ... ;

Channels 2 : ... ;

Humans Expert Conditioning and Brainwashing goes away after

they pass away and become a Psychic Telepathic Ghost,
Martians Started Religion ;

Alex Jones and David Icke Were Wrong The Ruling Cabal is
Zionism : | Kohen In
Encyclopedia ... ;

So Go To W W W DOT CFR DOT ORG ; nslookup ;

B'nai B'rith is a Kohen Jew Only Society The ADL The Martians

So all you need is a Dictionary or Encyclopedia to Look It Up

... ;

We all know the Masks and Vaccines and PCR Tests Do Not
Work ;

Anon Said : Psychiatry causes homelessness. All homeless

people on the streets are victims of Psychiatrists.
Psychiatry destroys lives. A bane of our mess, a Dangerous
Medical field that relies on drugging and torturing Normal

The New Way to Discredit People is to Call Them Conspiracy

Theorists. ;

There is no Science to Psychiatry, it is Pure Quackery,

Psychiatry is Quackery, Psychiatry is a Fraud, Psychiatry is
a Scam, all they do is Drug The Mentally Ill with Poison
Drugs, all they do is Torture the Mentally Ill and people are
supposed to have family to prevent these kinds of
things ... ; Neurology is a Science, Psychiatry uses No
Scientific Tests Period and is only the basis of mere
opinions and no science whatsoever, psychiatry uses no
science and is a Communist Tool to trick the Stupid Goyim
into taking poisonous medications ... ; No Scientific Study
Can Prove the Effectiveness of Psychiatric Drugs ... ; There
is no Science to Psychiatric Drugging, No Science to prove
any of Psychiatry's Bogus Claims so Psychiatry is in itself a
Pseudoscience ... ;

Again With The Script Kiddies, There is The Book

"Hack Like A God" & Brave AppImage has TOR ..... ;

Let's be honest and admit we are not Totally Psychic :

########## .......... ;


Adolf Hitler Saved Western Europe From Stalin & Communism ...

Adolf Hitler Got Germany out of Poverty & A Banking

Debt ... ;

Adolf Hitler Did Not Start WWII , The Holocaust is a Hoax ...

Karl Marx was a Jew and Communism is Jewish Period ... ;

All of the Derailment in The Fake Truther Communities when

We all know Linux and BSD are More Secure than Mac OS &

Windows , because they have Super User and Sudo ..... ;

My Family is Brainwashed, with all of the Brainwashing in the

World, Now you have more in common with Telepathic Ghosts

or Dead People, than you do Normal Brainwashed Goat People ;

Everyone Born After USB of 1996 is Doomed & Has No Future ;

Technocracy, Idiocracy, Communism, Despotism, Dictatorship ;

America = British Crown Colony Corporation of Said Slaves ;

The Act of 1871 = America is a Corporation = You = Slave ;

America Never Won The War of IND with The British Ever ;

You Were Always a Salve to Cetui Que Vie 1666 AD and

Uniform Commerical Code, Constitution No Longer Applies ;

Speaking of Technocracy and why you should not rely on

Technology 100 Percent is I ended up doing a Firmware BIOS

Update and Almost Bricking The BIOS, Had to Remove the

Internal Battery and Finally Got The Computer Back ... ;

For Comedians Bill Hicks Made More Sense Than Carlin ... ;

The Jerkbeast Show is The True Gospel of John Also ... ;

Beavis & Butthead was much edgier than South Park ... ;

You Can Blame All OF The World's Problems on ORG Religion,

Zionism, Liberalism, Communism, and New Age Bull Shit ... ;

As a Targeted Individual You are a Wrong Thinker on a Known

Suspected Terrorist Watch-list who has Unacceptable

Thoughts ;

Seems like a lot of these people have a Cognitive Dissonance

Brainwashing Problem just as the Gang Stalkers Do ... ;

The Talmud is The Book of Globalism & Zionism & Communism ;

Globalism is a Derailment Term away from Zionism and The Real

Issue is Jewish Supremacy , Jewish Supremacism , Communism ;

YouTube should be Properly Called JewTube, because you get

Three Community Guideline Strikes, then they Delete YOU ;

All because of Muh Hate Speech and Muh Bigotry DERRR ;

Adolf Hitler SAVED Western Europe From COMMUNISM ... ;

A WS where Thinking is NOW A MENTAL ILLNESS ... ;

90+ Years of WWII Lies , Hitler Did NOT Start WWII ... ;

Zionist Jews Go To Private Schools to Avoid The Brainwashing

and Propaganda / Indoctrination Taught By The Victors ... ;

Goyim are only holding on to Property Priveleges Period ... ;

Psychiatry is Pure Quackery, People are Abused in Mental

Facilities, Group Homes, Psych Homes, Mental Hospitals, etc.

Social Sciences Psychology Psychiatry are NOT Sciences ... ;

Fasting Lowers C-Reactive Protiens and Doctor Sebi Cured

Most of his Health Problems Through Multi Day Fasting ... ;

Politics is Rigged by The Zionist Jews and Both Democrats &

Republicans are Two Sides of The Same Zionist Jew Coin ... ;

The Psychiatric System is also responsible for making Men

Infertile. Psychiatry Kills. Posted on The Internet ... ;

Psych Meds AKA Dopamine Antagonists Permanently Damage

A Region of The Brain and Permanent Brain Damage Happens ;

Three Forms of Mind Control are Censorship, Repetition, &

Information Control EX : MKULTRA CIA & Psychiatry ... ;

A Gangstalker Script Kiddie kept sending me Malicious Links

that steal your Cookie Login Sessions & adding Lime Juice &

Lemon Juice to Water along with Baking Soda and Activated

Carbon Food Grade is The Way To Go for H2O Water ... ;
2013/01/neurolepticsantipsychotis-causing.html | ... ;
content/uploads/2012/12/Neuroleptic-Drugs-and-Violence.doc |
Archive*today*ph*vn ;

Attract Money & Power > >

528 Cycles ;

Five Two Eight is The Frequency Against The Establishment ...

Seven Point Eight Three One is The Earth Pulse as
well ..... ;

My Crappy Band is Dominus Sathanas 666 , Here's Another : ..... ;

Rac Nazi SS 88 NSM 14 Words German Music is Better ...... ;

No Remorse Rac Evil Conduct Aryan Terrorism The Raunchous

Brothers The Ones are on Bitchute and have Nazi Content .....

Bootleg Bill, Booze and Glory are Shit, Conventional SS Nazi

RAC ... ;

Chingford Attack, Blue Eyed Devils, Skrewdriver of

course ..... ;

Moon Man makes a Comedy of Music he's a TTS Comedian ..... ;

Final War & Stone Heads , Actual Bodily Harm , SS Nazi

RAC ... ;

Everything 88NSM WP Records Solar General is Literally

IT .... ;

Archive*today*org > "RAC" "88" "NSM" "Nsbm" ... ;

subject:"R.A.C. 28" is another good one to use as

well ..... ;

Or go out and Buy it or Get it Peer2Peer /

Torrents .......... ; | ...


Tails is for The Dark Web and the Exit Nodes are Less
Safe ..... ;

The Surface Web is The Safe Web & does not have PTHC ..... ;

You can store confidential files on Veracrypt or 7zip

Files ..... ;
One-Time Pads , Alien Characters AZ010SPRANDOM3D ..... ;

The Brave Appimage w Tor can be combined w A VPN ..... ;

I De-Google My Tracfone Cell-Phone NetGuard F-Droid and

Alphanumeric Passwords and Leave it in a Faraday Bag

OFF ..... ;

Skrewdriver, brutal attack, no remorse, paul burnley, bound

for glory, blood and honor compilations 1-5 Whitelaw, legion
of st. George, redneck 28, Ian stuarts solo albums, and his
klansmen , and white diamond projects .... ;

For a New Age Bowel Movement Do Not Expect anything

Good From a Zionist Communist Society or Zionist

Public School System. To class of 2012 you fail and

you suck and you loose and go home and stay home ... ;

You can Take Your Devo Hats and Fuck Off And Die ... ;

I am a Nonpartisan Holocaust Denier Atheist who is Anti


I do not believe in God, Your God of The Bible Condones


Rape, Killing of Non-Believers, and other Irrational

Things ..... ;

Religion is a Cult of Nonsense for The Severely

Brainwashed ..... ;

God is Not Real, Be An Atheist, Martians Started Religion to

Divide and Control Mankind, Christianity is Zionism as

well ... ;

I am Anti Psychiatry Anti Communism Anti Psychology ..... ;

Both R's and D's are Zionist Controlled Zionist Rigged

Two Sides of The Same Coin and The Seventh Million

Clearly Points out the Myth of The Holocaust and The

Myth of White Supremacy and that There is a Jewish

Supremacy not a White Supremacy aka Talmud ... ;

The Seventh Million Points out The Jews had Several Luxury

Items such as Refrigeration Decades before the Goys did ... ;

Holocaust Victim Narrative is a Myth Started by Kohen

Jews ... ;


The Holocaust is Clearly a Hoax and a Myth started by

Jews ... ;

Religion is a Zionist Cult for Morons who cannot Think for

Themselves aka Started by Martians Religion is a Waste of
Time and A CULT ... ;

Religion is Not The Answer, There is NO GOD or Devil ... ;

God is a Myth Started by Martian Kohen Jews to Divide US

All ... ;

These Jews Get to have Six Travel Passports and GO TO Jew-

Only Country Clubs and Live in Big Huge Mansions Oy Vey!!!

BTW NMAP shows all 1K Ports are Closed localhost127001 ... ;

BTW Running Linux on RAM DISK VENTOY as well ... ;

BTW Root and User PW are Both RANDOM and Long as well ... ;

passwd ; echo $RANDOM | md5sum | base64 ; .... ;

Also Spoofed my Mac Address and DNS Address as well ... ;

Let us all realize 90+ Years of WWII Lies, The Holocaust is a

Hoax and

Never Happened, 90+ Years of Zionist Jewish Victor Lies,

Martians and

Jews Started God & Organized Religion to "Keep US

Divided" ..... ;
As Religions all lie we realize Humans Become a Telepathic

After They Die , A Naturally Occuring Electromagnetic

Field ... ;

Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996)

GREAT ... ;

Ernst Zundel - Adolf Hitler the Artist, Architect,

Designer.!! ..... ;

The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the

Holocaust .......... ;

The Third Reich & the Palestine Question .......... ;

Cow's Milk is not a Health Food, Stop Drinking it all

together ..... ;

Microwave Ovens kill all Culture and Life in the food, then
YOU ..... ;

Distilled and Primary Water are the only Waters You

Need ..... ;

Gluten from GMO Bread is also not Good For You as

well .......... ;

At the Preparedness Expo they were Ozonating Distilled

Water ..... ;

Technocracy : USB of 1996, Subnet Masking of 1984 and before


of that we had IMP's Connected to Huge Ass

Mainframes .......... ;

They are locking computers to be cloud based and UEFI-Secure

Boot means Inability to run BSD or Linux From BIOS ..........


Psychiatry happens to be one of the most Biased

Pseudoscientific forms

of Medical Quackery There is and is based on

Communism/Marxism ... ;
There is no Science to Psychiatry or Psychology or Any of
it ..... ;

Big Pharma / Vaccines are only Masking Symptoms & Killing

People ;

Forced Drugging is a Violation of Basic Title 18 Human Rights

... ;

There are plenty of Audio Recordings of The Elderly and

Veterans being abused by Actual Psychiatrists when they

say it is "do no harm" they are going on a Power Trip at

them, exactly as our own government would do ITFP ... ;

The Reviews of Psychs online will say "Worst bedside manner

I have ever experienced." as a common example just search

the Doctor Name and see the Abuse done by Quacks/Psychs ... ;

It will say "Injured a Family Member" or something along that

... ;

Psychiatry has no science it is clearly a Communist Tool,

Developed and extended by Jewish Karl Marx and Others ... ;

School Shooters were taking Anti-Psychotics, Akathisia is

the worst side effect of these meds, it causes Permanent


and Organ Tissue Damage, Kidney Damage, Makes you a

Eunuch, kills all of your sperm, causes miscarriages ... ;

Eunuch = PSSD "You can look that up for yourself TMI" ... ;

They are Poisoning The Mentally Ill and Causing Brain Damage

by the medications they are giving to the so-called Mentally

Ill ... ;

Depakote causes Birth Defects and Haldol is Even Worse ... ;

You Say : "I am a Strong Believer in The 5th Amendment.",

then you go ahead and move on with your shitty life ..... ;

Psychiatric People Act Above The Law and are Exactly

Like Cops, It is not a Science, it is Quackery and they

also Go on Power Trips and Abuse The Elderly and

Veterans, Have little to no bedside manner, do not

actually care about their patients and YOU have to

Have to Absolutely Plead The Fifth to All PYCHS as

you would Police or Cops as well you must do this to

avoid Forced Drugging by Court Order by Quacks ... ;

This is the Only Solution Plead The 5th AM to ALL

Pschiatrists, Doctors, Legal, and Police, Cops ... ;

It is your duty to Plead The Fifth to Slave Drivers ... ;

If your Family is Narcissistic Plead The 5th to Them

and Never Engage with Them also as this works ... ;

Get your own place, avoid the system, get passive

income or tax exemption if falsely labeled, avoid the

system, get multiple leads of Online Income Period ... ;

Plead The 5th AM To Authority/Family USE "NO" ... ;

Psychiatry can be avoided like the plage and Their

Toxic Medications that cause Permanent Brain Damage ... ;

Do not engage with Perps, Post an SF-24 Bid Bond ... ;

I am invoking My RTRS and Refuse To Answer Any Qs ... ;

Understand USA is a British Crown Colony CORP ... ;

Do Not Engage with Narcissistic Perps/FAM/AUTH/Psychiatry ...

The Fifth Amendment is The Only Thing YOU HAVE ... ;

GG Allin- Fuck Authority | Cestui Que Vie = YOU = SLAVE

1666 ... ;

Fictional Email for Pcloud/Sync/Degoo/Dropbox : ..... ;

The New Pin Number for People With Brain Damage is :

5150 ..... ;

Reviewer: nicmart - November 13, 2022 ;

Subject: Szasz and CCHR / Dr. Thomas Szasz ;

To be clear, Dr. Szasz had no involvement with Scientology.

He was an atheist who explicitly disavowed every religion,
including Scientology. He collaborated with CCHR because it
opposed involuntary psychiatric treatment. ; Also
Antipsychiatry Dot Org is Not Affiliated With Scientology ...

Just Now Archived : "the-zionist-protocols" , "odom-

manifesto" , "satanic-art-collection"

AND "flush-your-meds-book" to Archive*today*org

Web*archive*org Perma*cc ... ;

The Protocols of The Lerned Elders of The Zion is Now

Available Also ... ;

"worthless book" is also another Steemit / Perma*cc File you

can check out also ... ;

(" Remote viewing is the telepathic tool "they" use to see

what your doing, saying and thinking. Controlled remote
viewing (CRV) is used to do all the gang stalking. There is
not much "tech" involved in this at a practical level. CRV is
how they do the timed synchronous drive-byes at
intersections, etc.... The "all seeing eye" symbol on top of
pyramid is a celebration of the elite using telepathy to keep
us under them in line. The "pinecones" as seen on pope
walking staff and in Vatican is celebration of pineal gland,
which is what enables telepathy in humans and animals.The
propaganda they use to misguide all of us TIs in these fake
TI videos is RNM, synthetic telepathy, smart dust and that
kind of BS. And they want us to be followers of "Jesus" so we
will be a army of impoverished TIs completely brainwashed
into following whatever BS they want us to do. ") --immanuel
goldstein .......... ;

Freemason Zionist Jews Run The World & Started The Patriot
Act to Gang Stalk anyone who dares to Look Up : David Duke,
David Irving, Brian Ruhe, Brother Nathanael, Mark Collett,
Dr. Sebi, Andrew Norton Webber, Raymond Francis, Bob Beck,
Dr. Mercola, Peter Breggin, Thomas Szasz, John Taylor Gatto,
Ken Okeefe, Alfred Schaefer, Russel Blaylock, Ingo Swann, Tim
Rifat, Yuri Bezmenov, Ovadia Yosef, William Cooper, Ryan
Dawson, Other John Harwood, Other Targeted Individuals, Adam
Green of Know More News, Peter Glidden, Jared Taylor or any
of AMREN Website, The MKULTRA Program, CIA's Uncle Sam's
Snuff Factory and Mr. Pickles Circus, Katy Groves, Douglas
Valentine, George Orwell, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds,
David Skrbina, alan watt, alan watts, Odin, Robert Monroe,
Ted Patrick, BDS Movement is a Honey Pot, Anyone who is Not
Partisan And Agrees to say Fuck PC Culture ; Rudolf Walter
Richard Hess, Hitler of course, Anti Zionism, Gabriel Kron,
Tesla, 1984, Frank Zappa, Vincent Crowley, Any RAC or Nazi
Music, Varg Vikernes, MGTOW Types, Antipsychiatry, Evilbible
Dot Com & Godisimaginary, Several Conservative Groups Are on
this list as well, GG Allin, JR Bob Dobbs, Jerkbeast ... ;
Let's just say if you're on the list, you're gonna get lined
up & SHOT ... ;

Solutions to CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Are : I was deep into

"The Occult" at one point ; There is a Conspiracy to make
Goyim Less Telepathic to make USA Less Telepathic ... ; They
are Poisoning Our Common Foods and Tap Water which can be
filtered or distilled ; Psychiatric Drugs are also a
Poison ... ; Vaccines are a Useless Poison as well ... ; 9-11
really was a Mossad Operation ... ; Veganism is NOT actually
healthy Period ; Gluten is often part of a GMO Product ;
These things all make you less psychic ; Microwaves basically
make your food DEAD ; Living food is better than DEAD food ;
Fasting is a Cure for Most Diseases and Fasting Literally
Lowers C-R Proteins ; There is a Meditation Practice called
Scrying, Gaze into a Sigil or Pentacle or Cross for One Hour
or More and this Settles BWR Mind ; Stop Watching Zionist TV
and Radio and Start Reading Books, Any Book Will Do ... ;
Audacity is Free and Easy to USE ... ; Adobe Auditions is the
Second Option ... ; Monaural Beats 126128, Theta Isochronic
Tones, AudioStrobe at 7.831 Schummann E Resonance, White
Noise, Pink Noise, /dev/urandom, Five Two Eight Cycles Sine
on the WS, Solfeggio Music 528, 432, 963, 741 ... ; Hemi-Sync
Tapes, Mind-X by Dane Spotts ; Dane Spotts is a shill Cult
Member, his wife divorced him and there is also, Robert
Monroe as Hemi-Sync Tapes ... ; OnlineToneGenerator*com as a
Tone Gen ... ; Also look at the Farmers Almanac and the fact
that there are almost no WarTime Docs or Evidence of a Six
Million Jew Holocaust and realize is the Victor Jewish
History Taught in these Public Schools really all just a Lie,
Question The Status Quo, Question Everything, that is the
last bits for this summation as part of the #flushyourmeds
Archive Perma Movement of Craptivism ... ; Distilled Water is
The Only True Water along with Primary ... ; We All Know
Masks Do Not Work and Vaccines Do Not Work and Cause Blood
Clots ... ;

I have been placed under 24/7 Surveillance for Wrong Thinking

… ;

With being put on a 24/7 Surveillance Gov List ; With The

Gang Stalking a Former CIA thinks I am the Bad Guy, when I am
Open about my life and kind of just a junkie loser. The
Planes flying over your house are not a problem,
Active@KillDisk, Darik's Boot & Nuke, Haiku OS, Replacing OS
with Linux or BSD, Now you wont have to worry about beeping
and having to remove the Internal Battery, they will mess
with The BIOS if you still have that back-door of Windows /
Mac OS and Utilities ; The Hidden Partitions are No Big
Deal ... ; They are gaslighting you to be Mentally Ill ; It
is common as day, those planes fly over your house and The
Computer BIOS thing, all can be stopped by wiping said
partions and using Linux and BSD as Alternative Operating
Systems ; Linux and BSD have Super User / Sudo and just work
better than the other two so well ; There is no hacking only
of YOUR BRAIN ; Focus on the Brain, not the Fake Shit ;
Common Sense says never mention Gang Stalking at a Bank ... ;

I just think there are ten other better ways to Make Money
and Avoid Taxation You Mention MCA in one of your
Videos ... ; MCA is a notorious scam that sells a "fake"
roadside assistance program that rarely delivers on its
promises. Plus this service is available free on new cars,
with an AMEX card, and most auto insurance offers a quality
plan for $10 per year. Just thought that was ridiculous. And
calling me a Gang Stalker over an SH file that is only meant
to be run on air-gapped Linux Systems ... ; I do not believe
in God, you're a Ghost when you die ... ; Religion to me
seems like a total cult and SCAM/CON ... ; If anything How
could I be a Perp/Gangstalker when I do Not get paid and I do
not shove Religious Crap on PPL ... ; --Scott A. Barry ;
Script Kiddie Gang Stalkers Exposed AS OF NOW ... ;

This is the Enemy To Big Pharma #flushyourmeds ... ;

Big Pharma Hates These Links and the Jewish Zionist

Crime Network Hates Know More News Adam Green ... ; ; ; ;
services ; ; ; ; ;

Never Be Sick Again: Health Is a Choice,

Learn How to Choose It

Never Be Fat Again: The 6-Week Cellular Solution to

Permanently Break the Fat Cycle

Big Pharma Hates These Links and the Jewish Zionist

Crime Network Hates Know More News Adam Green ... ;

# ~~~ This is The Frequency 7.831 Square ~~~ ### ;

The Frequency is The Schumann Resonance or Seven Point

Eight Three One Square, because The Tone Deaf Can Hear

it and not Five Two Eight. OnlineToneGeneratorCOM ... ;

Audacity AppImage, Adobe Auditions, This Frequency

Attracts, Money, Success, and Everything ... ;

Dan Rather Did Not want to say it, because he is

a Shill for the Jew World Order and Crypto Jew ... ;
# ~~~ This is The Frequency 7.831 Square ~~~ ### ;

# ~~~ Social Media is Legally Gay and HOMO ~~~ ### ;


This Linux Tux Penguin File was Censored on Instagram in the

Name of Marxism and Communism for Mah Bigotry and Mah

Hate Speech all because it had Red “Xs” on The Eyes and

and DOA in Red, I did that in Gimp and They Flagged the post
… ;

Here is the Re-Make of The Raster Image I made in Gimp … ;

# ~~~ Social Media is Legally Gay and HOMO ~~~ ### ;

Give Them Five #flushyourmeds ... ;

It’s none of the Psychiatry and Governments Business … ;

Give all Psychiatry and Authority The Fifth Amendment + NO

… ;

It is the only thing you can do, I already screwed my life up

anyways and now I am world star on Psych Meds, my life

sucks, it is a joke, if you do not YOU WILL LOOSE … ;

# ~~~ Social Media is Legally Gay and HOMO ~~~ ### ;

## -- Lamest Art in The Universe of Things ... -- ## ; ; ;
pentagram ; ; ;
## -- Lamest Art in The Universe of Things ... -- ## ;

# ~~~ Social Media is Legally Gay #flushyourmeds ~~~ ### ;

If you ever get caught, Post a Bond be it SF-24 Bid Bond … ;

Only You can help yourself by taking whatever is thrown

at you, pleading the fifth, saying no, and ignoring any and

all Death Threats as these are common to anyone on a

Terrorist WL who is a Wrong Thinker or Conservative or

Non Partisan or Anti Zionist or Anti Communist … ;

If you’re not for Diversity and Multiculturalism you can and

will get death threats by random people in society … ;

You will have to ignore all of it, quit being a PUSSY … ;

Everyone will be hostile to you, get used to it, ignore it

… ;

Plead the Fifth, Say NO, Ignore Everyone like you should … ;

As a Targeted Individual Never Call Yourself That and

Give Authority and Psychs The Five , Say NO , and Take

Whatever is Thrown at you, when on a Terrorists WL you

will get Death Threats on a Day to Day Basis that is normal

Ignore any and all Death Threats or whatever is thrown at you

… ;

Also The Word NO and Fifth Amendment is All You Need … ;

Pscyhs and Authority Cannot Do Anything if You Do Not Talk

… ;

The reason why some people fucked their lives up is because


said shit to a Psychiatrist and are now Brain Fried by Psych

Meds … ;
That is their own fucking fault, Anti-psychotics give you a

Lobotomy and basically smash your fucking cerebrum Period

…. ;

# ~~~ Social Media is Legally Gay #flushyourmeds ~~~ ### ;

All The Resources for An Old Computer ... ;

Kali is for Offensive Security Pen Testing ONLY ;

IPtables -I INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP ; (456013DNS8888) ; (Offensive SEC Only) ; (8888/44-ISGOOGLE) ; |

"passwd" for Root and User ... ;

echo $RANDOM$RANDOM | base64 | md5sum | base64 ;

echo "KKK+++***" "Then Disable IPPCUPS" ;

The One Port Open was "IPPCUPS" ;

CMOS BatteryD : ntpdate -s ;

Spoof Your Mac Address f4f4f4f4f4f4 ... ;

SEC Mac Addresses : F0/FA/BA/44/001122334400 ;

All The Resources for An Old Computer ... ;

Earth is Finished #flushyourmeds ... ;

Even with Nuclear Fission and Fusion ... ;

The Earth is Finished, Christianity and Judaism

are The Two Zionist Jewish Cults of The Earth,

a bane on society, a waste of your time, Read

The Kyle Odom Manifesto PDF File ... ;

Religion is a Cult and Waste of Time ... ;

Godisimaginary Dot Com Evilbible Dot Com ... ;

WWW*SatanicMission*Org Archive*today*org ... ;

Know More News Adam Green Styxhexenhammer666 ;

Go Ahead and Stalk Me YOU Freemasons in GOV

and Sheriff's Departments For All I Care ... ;

The Government Sheriff's Departments are the

Ones Giving Steroids to People Stalking People ;

--Scott A. Barry Atheist Holocaust Denier ... ;

This is a Long One --- Dell Inspiron 11 Blue, Intel NUK, EEE
PC 1005 HAB 900A, MSI Wind, Aspire One Acer, Solus, Arco LL,
Artix L, Ventoy, Iris Mini, Belena Etcher, Unetbootin,
Kubuntu, Calculate L XFCE, Lubuntu, Puppy L, Thinkpad
T430/420/400/60/61/560/570 Thinkcenter M91P/93P SSD XKX
Speakers Verbatim Mouse Brostrend WiFi Kubuntu Ventoy
Samusung USB AOC Minotor Anker USB Hub Netgear WN111 USB
Cable Sennheiser HD-1 Momentum Koss KTX-Pro-1 Sony ICD-PX-470
Verbatim SSD WD 1TB HDD 3 Books 2 Hard Covers Wisdompro
Faraday Bag American Locks Streamlight Microstream Flashlight
Kingston DataTraveler G3 Lexar USB Ammo Cans Doesn't Matter
the Caliber De-Googled Tracone AN Passwords No Pin Netguard
All Apps Blocked Ublock Origin Privacy Badger Decentraleyes
Https Everywhere Canvas Blocker Strict Return YT Dislikes
Brave AppImage Mac Addresses F0faba44001122334400
456013888844 One Time Pads az010sprandom3 alien characters
7zzip as AES-256-CBC w Veracrypt Virtualbox I have Opensuse
TW and Puppy Linux and Kali and Parrot Sec OS and Pentoo and
NST and GhostBSD on Ventoy and Three Books I Have
#flushyourmeds Official First Amendment and Winter Roast
Holtz Leather Wallet RFID Blockers Forced to use another
account to route to bank, eboot Clear Protractor and Ruler,
Days Inn Motel Hotel Pens, Vistaprint Custom Generic All
Black Pens, Custom Ink Pentacle SVG Frisbees Pentafrisb,
Genesis Fan I suffer the Summer heat, Other Place is AC
Cooled, Old File Cabinet from the 70's, My fridge Magnet AD
(Flushyourmeds*com Anti Psychiatry Zionism Archive*today*org
Perma*cc), Samsonite Breifcase Silver, Low End Wood Barn
Print was damaged in shipping has Pentagram and packing tape
as insulation, Cannon Color Imageclass MF8280CW, 3.5mm to
Quarter inch adapter both male and female, Quarter Inch
Loophack Cable for the Crappy Crate Guitar Amp, Premium Toner
Cartriges, Starwest Botanicals Lemongrass to be made with a
Lefter USB Cable as Tea (paper towels), Slinkey Shortwave
Antenna, Degen DE321, Degen Digital, Tecsun is the Crappier
One, San Disk Clip Jam MP3 Player, Scotch Tape, Green Crayola
Scissors, Very Small and Large Phillips Head Screw Driver,
Multi Tool USB Flashlight, Panasonic Shaver, Nail Knippers,
Hygien I have Tom's or Xyli White for Toothpaste and Carbon
Toothbrush, Comb of course, Plastic Bags Ziplock Brand,
Hazard 4 Slingpack, Lenovo t420 and 560 Kubuntu Ventoy,
Sterlite Containers, Uline makes even crappier stuff, 17 oz
Coffee Ceramic Mug Plenty of fluid aka Clean Distilled Water,
Bose 2.2 Speakers, Loopback Cable and Solder Tin with High
end Weller Stuff never use eco solder, Vintage Long Wire
Edison Light Bulbs, Vinyl Prints with Reynolds wrap behind
it, Replacement Overhead Light rewired and everything,
Business flash cards, micro usb cables, short-long, variety,
CMOS Battery Died, Replaced the Battery, Synced it with Linux
Command, Purple Energy Plates, Tripple Horn of Odin Jewelry
Electrical Wire Purple, Dickies Shirts to look retarded, The
Fifth Estate Travel Bag, Zinus Bed Natural Foam to Sleep on
Queen Size, Mike Lindell's My Pillow because Machine
Washable, The DVR Records V2K and Psychic Ghosts, No Way to
Prove Shit anyways, My Manuscript Satanic Art Collection, 609
Pages of Horse Shit and Satana Central not Sarana SATAN get
it right, Gold's Gym indoor Gym and Pull Up Bench for
Lifting, Some Dumb Bells, Faggot Gwee Gym, Everyone has Bank
Files, 1099 Statements, Aquisitions and UCC/UCC1, Forced to
take psychiatric drugs, Snake Diet is the new Health Booster
aka how to fast properly, Remove Mold BIOWEAPON with CLR,
Bleach, Ammonia, and other Caustic Stuff, Got the Good Coffee
that does not cause the shits, Pepermint mocha creamer just
now, Newbalance shoes I am now 14 Wide, Still Using VGA not
HDMI , but I have a Great XKX Speaker w Base, LG Journey
Degoogled with Netguard and all apps blocked many apps purged
off, Alphanumeric Password because The Law, RFID Blockers in
Sock Drawer, Will loose all this if Homeless, Amazon Basics
Batteries, If Hooked in series you have a Macro Battery with
Many Many Amp Hours, DataTraveler G3 with the HH Files
Kingston 32 and 128, Collect all of my Pennies Quarters
Nickeles and dimes for Electrolysis or whatever, Pink
Himmilayan salt, surplus parts, Velcrow, Calibration Mic Spec
Sheet, Socks aka RAPE, Metal Bed Frame, some use sheets of
Cardboard to look like a commie, Inappropriate Profane Vulgar
A-Frame Signs, Checking Electrical and Wires are stripped
some at incorrect lengths so a fire hazard, Gas Furnace was
recently fixed, Need water heater replacement, air ducts were
cleaned, Spiral Pentagram Design, Hard Drive Magnets attached
to Gold's Gym Bench, Any Paperclip can do basic needs stuff,
Cad Microphones with a Ground Connection that is clean aka
Big Metal or FOIL, Remove all Dirty EMF Problem Solved, Get a
Filter USB Hub, Fuck That works, Most censored Music is RAC
or Nazi Music Moon Man is The Shit, Purple Fuck Israel Signs,
One More Fuck Israel Sign We Never drink out of stainless
Steel or Plastic only Porceline, Copper, Ceramic, that's it,
also Minix as CLI and OpenSUSE as CLI are the Two Most
Mission Critical next to Tinycore, Slitaz, Puppy as CLI, then
Minix is the Most Mission C as Less LoC, and SystemD is a
Crash haven sometimes I am used to it though, passwd to set
passwords echo R p md5sum p base64 and kkk+++ and set root
and user w passwd close all ports scan open ports with nmap -
Pn -O localhost1270010000 and see, Learn some basic Origami,
Start with Boxes, then skip airplanes as those all suck,
Pyramids are real easy to make also, the Phi 116180339
pyramid has special powers, the Golden Pentagram e is
1267117=151144 or 09536 this stuff is hidden from society
just as ozone and negative hydrogen and monoatomic gold and
liposomal vitamin c dr patrick flannagan dr bob beck
phisciences dot com, What Else I got is be sure to take out
the trash and recycle if you live in a slave HOA, You never
needed religion and Christianity and Judaism are Zionist
Cults Period invented by Martains and God is Imaginary is an
actual WS so is evil bible, so what I have for now is I Fail
At Life is an Actual Book By Me, Humans become Telepathic
Ghosts after death, I got my stuff from a Jewish Audiologist,
I am clinically 5150 Insane and fine with that, Also a
Targeted Individual, Also a Psychiatric Rebel, Been doing the
snake juice aka Apple Cider Vinegar, LemonLime J, Pink
Himmalayan salt, Citrus Seed Extract Citricare, Celtic Sea
Salt, More and More Fasting is what society needs to be
healthy, other than that Quit Smoking if you can, If you want
to die keep smoking, I want to live less because my life
sucks, I got drunk on Miller Genuine Draft, Coors, Banquet,
Bud, and others, Then I did Fasting and reversed the damaged
to my organs, Dr Sebi exposed all the poisonous foods we eat,
So did Bob Beck and Raymond Francis and Andrew Norton Webber,
I cannot help it, Mental Health Industry made me crazy like
this, Look at all the school shooters who were taking meds,
it makes you crazy, proof is in the pudding, Rose Wood is
great for Pyrography Cherry that is, Make Pentagrams on
Grilling Planks, you can get an engraving laser or Sun and
Magnifier or Soldering Iron Knife Thing, Weller makes the
hottest High Wattage ones, the Private School Kids had the
best art supplies, you go to public school the non jew school
to learn lies about WWII and be brainwashed, New Universal
Pin 66665150 and 66651501776, New TITLE NAN/A FLUSH YOUR
MEDS, New Number 253-555-5555, New Hash 66651501776,
#flushyourmeds is the Universal Hash Tag, New 09536 is 144151
or The Pentagram or 126+7+11+7 from Sun Frequency, Schumann R
is 7831 Square onlinetonegenerator, 528 is the Healing
Frequency, 87.5 with 963 GOD is The 11 Harmonic, Composite 9
is made from Nine Solfeggio Frequencies at 32k and Composites
of 7831 Differences as Monaural Beats 18 Frequencies as it
Broadcasts as a Nanophonic Tone just as potent as The Lilly
wave that John C. Lilly Invented and Patric Flannagan knew
Lilly who put an ultrasonic bi-phasic through the power grid
to alter the minds of americans along with UAC and Extremely
Low Freq PEMF which works just like drugs, 7831 is a carrier
along with 11 PEMF for WiFi as back Scatter so you do not
have packet loss when using the Internet, Read a damn book on
Basic IEEE Networking, Subnet Masking 255 is slash 24 you
see, all 255 is the IP for the Default Route you see eight
bits in a byte tilda is six ons in base eight and on time
shares its two ons and two offs, The Commodore 64 did not
have a BIOS, FreeDOS is better than MS-DOS and Temple OS is
just Schizophrenia and Religion in an OS, Linux has Sudo and
Su so BSD and does not get Network Attacks if you spoof the
mac address and change things in the OS, Sudo is more secure
than Run as Admin or the crap that is on Mac OS so BSD and
Linux win with security so does Solaris AIX and BEOS, Now we
use Microkernel BSD and Linux and that is it, Linux is what
is working for me, Kubuntu has the Blue Light Filter Built
Into It when I boot it Ventoy, Insanity you say, this is a
long one, Cuts your nails, Brush Your Teeth, Clean Your
Genitals and Hair, Get A Life, Get a Damn Job, You might be a
loser bum, Do not be a bad example, that is what it ends up
being, get a haircut you hippie, just insults life is that,
it is what it is, I have a Steel Lock Box, American Padlocks
on Ammo Cans, Had to get rid of master because brother and
gangstalkers had comb picks to get into it, Stop Microwaving
Your Food, Get rid of Gluten and Bread, Fast Regularly Snake
Juice Snake Diet Nosalt and PH Salt And Celtic Sea Salt liter
of Primary Water, Shungite and Ozone are great, So is
Negative Hydrogen-Phisciences-Dr-Patrick-Flannagan-Monoatomic
Gold, 5060 Hertz is linked to Cancer Growths Demand
528L963God or 126Sun Electical in All Homes, The Landfills
and Petrochemical Plants and 3M Dupont and Pharma Dump Sites
are all Giving People Cancer, Statins Damage your organs and
only mask the symptoms, Fasting is the only solution next to
growing/raising your own food, cheaper to bury me is what you
should say as Hospitals are Expensive as hell, Psychiatric
Drugs are not based on any science whatsoever only the
shrinks opinions and The DSM Committee, Manila Folders for
Statements I do Pile and File and Hotel Motel Days Inn Motel
6 and Econo Lodge other Motel Pens, and Vistaprint Generic
Pens all Black, Any Bic Pen Will Do as well, Americans have
the 8511 Printer Paper there is US Letter 1411 or 811 as pdf
or 25503300 1411 common resolutions used in Gimp, and 2582px
or 666 or even 528L 963God or even 500px for memes, and that
is that, I remember 1024768 and 600 or 640480480360 for that
and 320240, then we have Red Light Emmitting Diodes as they
are not Blue Death or Green Confusion, Red is the Best Color
and Yellow is the Enemy of Blue and Red is just the best one,
Red is the Swastikka SVG or Pagan Sun Wheel also, Holocaust
Debunked in Ten Minutes David Irving, That is the end of this
Long One ... ;

Freemasons Give Steroids to Criminals #flushyourmeds ... ;

Freemasons Molest Children and Make Child Porn PTHC ... ;

Freemason Sheriff's are Drug Dealers and Criminals ... ;

Sheriff's Department Does All The Organized Stalking ... ;

~digitized/Wheatland/Trial_of_James_Lackey.pdf ;

Military Controlled Regions we have Freemasons are

Uninterruptedly Corrupt Fools ... ;

That is what I have for now, in as little Lines as

Possible ... ;

Sudo apt install thunar ; As Dolphin is Bloated ... ;

People are Funny #flushyourmeds (Archive*today) ... ;


An Antisemitic Forgery You Say, How is that so?

Just recently a family member of mine was saying we should

censor "The Protocols of Zion" and have it scrubbed off of

the Internet and kill anyone through firing squad for


such a document, /details/odom-manifesto Kyle Odom M ... ;

That is what I have for this Society is a Joke ... ;

One Aspect #flushyourmeds ... ;

One Aspect of the Gang Stalking Program run by the

Federal Government Freemasonic Sheriff's Dept is

that they will spread false made up rumors about

The Targeted Individual to keep them isolated so

they can further continue stalking and harassing

the Targeted Individual this is not new ... ;

Really not liking the Dolphin and Windows File

Manager KDE Sucks also, so using Thunar and

Pcmanfm and ROX of Puppy Linux and Calculate

Linux XFCE whilst LXQT is Lightest One ... ;

I use Ventoy as my main boot device period ... ;

That will be the last of this for now as said ... ;

Another Aspect #flushyourmeds ... ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;

Another thing is just that these TI Communities for

Targeted Individuals will call other TI's Gang Stalkers

to discredit the TI, which I think is a Bunch of BS,

How could I be a Government Gang Stalker when I

only have a certain amount of money am on SSI ... ;

They stupe as low as to hack another targeted individuals

account, website and or computer now I know even the

Linux Computers not to click their Tinyurl Links ... ;

That is it, it's run by the Government, not new ... ;

Secret Sauce #flushyourmeds ... ;

Tech Stuff And The Jews ... ;


Jews GO TO PRIV Schools to Not Get Brainwashed ;

SSDS are More Dependable Than Flash Drives ... ;

Verbatim makes a Very Cheap Working One ... ;

For Jitsi, For IRC, For Mumble it will be ... ;

Ublock Origin, Privacy B, Decentraleyes, HTTPS

Everywhere, Cavas B, Return YT Dislikes FFST ;

Web*Libera*Chat Kiwiirc*com DALNET ... ;

"a10plusseries10" > (A$$PlusSeries$$$$) ;

"# ... ;" "passwd root" "sudo -i ;" ;

echo $R$R$R p md5sum p base64 ; "KKK+++" ;

Labeling for a Book Zero Google Results ... ;

Protonmail/Tutanota/Mailfence/MailCOM ... ;

f0faba44001122334400 Mac ADDR 4560138888-DNS ;

1GB-4GB-5GB Thunar/Pcmanfm/ROX and OSES ... ;

Tinycore is another Server OS that WORKS ... ;

Slitaz is Easier to Configure as a Server ... ;

So is Puppy Linux just works as Server ... ;

Puppy Linux, Slitaz, CALC L LXQT Lightest ... ;

The Bulkier one is XFCE and lastly the OS ... ;

Kubuntu is M bulkier, YET Boomer Ready ... ;

Active@Killdisk is another Wiper Tool HAIKU ;

Ventoy and VirtualBox are my two Drivers along

with Balena Etcher, Unetbootin, Disk Imager ... ;

Win32 Disk Imager is another good one ... ;

"a10plusseries10" is from an astral projection ... ;

I searched online found Zero Results ... ;

Bad Remote Viewing Data or Junk Data File 13 ... ;

"102694" is the Color Blue with Fourty Two ... ;

144151 is 09536 or a Satanic Pentagram Made ... ;

From 116180339-314159265 Phi/Pi/Golden Ratio ... ;

126 is Sun 126+7+11+7 = 151 or Pentagram Number ... ;

666+144+151+2 = 963 or God Solfeggio Number ... ;

Humans become Telepathic Ghosts after Death ... ;

First Amendment is also speech you disagree with ... ;

This is all secret stuff they GOYS will not get ... ;

Keep Pleading The Fifth #flushyourmeds ... ;

The Worst That could happen is The State can KILL YOU ... ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry … ;

Scott Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce … ;

I have been used by narcissists who made fake stuff about

me, because I'm an Atheist to have me thrown in the

Psychiatric System and Group Homes, I know to plead the

fifth now and never say shit I wrote Down This Bible

Verse evilbible dot com bible gateway and it is :

(2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) They take every part of

the bible literally, yet they refuse to go by that

verse and think their book is so holy, it says to

kill nonbelievers but do not say that to them ... ;

The Comeback #flushyourmeds -JERKBEAST SHOW PA- ;

People like this should just have their CEREBRUM


You Believe in The Bible, yet Your Bible says to Kill Non-

And By The Way that is a Static IP (Just Like TOR) being used
by over 300+ Computers, plus nmap -Pn -O localhost says all
one thousand ports are closed, also Kali Linux is for
Offensive Security Not Defensive Security. Defensive Sec
would be Kubuntu, Calculate Linux LXQT, Puppy Linux, Solus
Plasma, Arco LL, Artix, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, GhostBSD, Linux
Mint, Manjaro, Fedora, MXLinux ;

Show me your Damn Nmap -Pn -O localhost Scan or else … ;

The Mac Address? Got IT? F0/FA/BA/44/001122334400/4560138888

… ;

One Time Pads are Weaker Than Alien Characters AZRANDOM … ;

Veracrypt is Better than 7zip and OPENSSL and LUKS … ;

Pins are Useless, so use an Alphanumeric PW and NetGuard … ;

Also Put it in a Faraday Bag it still has an IMEI Number … ;

That is what I have for this one, Scott Alan Barry, Sign Out
… ;

Affordable Trade Secret #flushyourmeds ... ;

Started w Hostgator, Archived to Three Places which were

Archive*today*org Perma*cc now on Google Domains ... ;

One Example Visit Google Drive and it asks for Cell Phone … ;

Reason Why, Pass The Cookie Attack will then lead to

Multi Factor Authentication, because they can only Access

Email and that’s it, password resets would not be possible,

so therefore it will always demand a cell phone and code … ;

Example Shown W Scientology’s Name Servers on Internicnet … ;

Zionist Computers #flushyourmeds ... ;

Everything is Back Doored at BIOS UEFI ... ;

Anne Had Five or More Security Breaches LOL … ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry … ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce … ;

David Irving Debunked the Holocaust in TEN MINUTES … ;

Sponsor : hxxps:// | OnlineToneGenerator ;

Sponsor 2 : hxxps:// | hxxps:// ;

RANDOM MD5 | Antipsychiatryorg | Base64 Encoder Text to


data:text/html;base64, is a Basic Data URI Scheme … ;

sudo -i ; nmap -Pn -O localhost ; shows all 1K Ports are

Closed … ;

IPPCUPS was Uninstalled and Closed as Needed … ;

Ublock Origin, Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes, HTTPS E, Canvas


Return YT Dislikes, FF to Strict, Brave AppImage SAMESAME … ;

rooot and user passwords are changed with echo $RANDOM |

md5sum |

base64 ; echo “KKK+++” ; and the “passwd” Command In Linux

… ;

Web*libera*chat > Kiwiirc*com > DALNET > Jitsi/Mumble Chat

… ;

A10plusseries10Z $RANDOM as 10 OneTimePad AZ010SPRAND3 ;

Alien Characters Are Better than Anything 7zip as AES &

Veracrypt ;
Solfeggio 528 Cycles Theta Isochronic Tones and ;

isochronic tones mynoise, 7.831 Square as a Pulsed Tone … ;

I3WM and Suckless are Too Complicated and Yes Microkernel

Runs Better,

because it has less Lines of Code or LoC, Linux is also less

than BSD … ;

That leaves us with Ventoy, Kubuntu with NO Themes, and the


Desktop Environment as an Option for a Stable Kernel and of

course not

Forget Puppy Linux works like a Server OS … ;

Brave AppImage Iris Mini Mac Address Spoof

f0faba44001122334400 ;

45601388888844 DNS Server use Google it is What Works … ;

Calculate Linux LXQT :


Lubuntu :


Debian LXQT :




Startpage > Search > Puppy Linux for Minimal Stuff … ;

This how we deal with Technocracy, We Use Linux and Gnu on

TOP … ;

This will the last for Dealing With Technocracy in a Zionist

Military Controlled Region Run By Freemasons and Nothing
Works … ;

Nothing Works Here, Nothing Works Here, Medications Don’t

Work … ;

JewTube #flushyourmeds ... ;

The Easiest Way To Be Censored Anywhere is to Mention


Denial or Zionism with the Words Jewish or JEW ITFP ... ;

Cannont Mention : Israel, The Mossad, Zionism, Jews,

etc ... ;

Zionism Exposed The Book got my Blurb and Lulu Terminated ...

YouTube : I already got three strikes for talking about a


race e.g. what David Duke did, for talking about a certain

ideology that has to do with a certain country, you can see


big picture, Bitchute and Odysee will always be better ... ;

Antifa and Cell Phones #flushyourmeds ... ;

Antifa is addicted to Cell Phones ... ;

One Time Pads Alien Characters AZ010SPRAND3D … ;


by Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;

I never said I was partisan, I do not believe in Antifa ... ;

I am Against Antifa and other retarded woke Liberal

Shit ... ;

Antifa does home invasions and goes on your computer ... ;

If you don't encrypt your drives they will use them ... ;

If you use Luks or Geli and Not Veracrypt You'll get breached
... ;

Antifa Locks their Phones with an Alphanumeric Password ... ;

Antifa are also the Gang Stalkers, BLM, Liberals,


Your own family will be in a Liberal WOKE Commie Mind Set ...

Democrats and Republicans are BOTH ZIONISTS AND


When a New Antifa Member gets Recruited Cell Phone in Lock

BOX ... ;

They all have Mommy Daddy issues, Liberals Are The Gang
Stalkers ... ;

The only way to secure it is BIOS PW, Veracrypt, LIVE LINUX

OS ... ;

Put a piece of paper in your door if you are a TI and See for
yourself ... ;

Antifa uses Cell Phones 95% of the time, they are addicted to
cell phones and claim that a IMEI Android Phone with Pin or
Alphanumeric PW is More Secure than a Regular Desktop or
Laptop, Pins are useless, Alphanumerics are better, Antifa
will break into your house, crack your drive Encryption if it
is LUKS or GELI, Veracrypt works better than Luks or Geli, so
use Veracrypt, Antifa are literally Cell Phone Addicts, The
Gang Stalkers are Antifa, Antifa gets help from Freemasons in
The Sheriff's Department who also give Steriods and Meth to
AntiFa, we know now that an Alphanumeric PW as opposed to a
Pin and Veracrypt are better than using LUKS or Geli for
Drive Encryption, Zionist Jews Control the Press ... ;

Not to mention Desktops can Run Linux on RAM DISK, the only
problem is you have to set up an Additional Veracrypt and
with phones you can have a BIOS Password to lock everything
an Alphanumeric Password and AntiFa Knows this and uses
Alphanumeric Phone Passwords to their advantage, they are all
Communists we know that, that's why they do gang stalking and
that is why for now ... ;
Air Gapped OS #flushyourmeds ... ;

What Works For Me is Lubuntu Linux Live OS ... ;

What works for Air Gapped Linux is "Lubuntu" of course as it

is the lightest Debian One, then Calc L XFCE and

Kubuntu ... ;

Will be it for this one, Then (Ventoy/Virtualbox) to boot ...


Gimp, Kdenlive, Iris M, Audacity, Baudline, Brave

(AppImage) ;

Air Gapped OS #flushyourmeds ... ;

New Mastodon Profile For Now #flushyourmeds ... ; ... ; ... ; ...
; ... ; ... ; ... ; ... ;

Brainwave Entrainment #flushyourmeds

So for my Brainwave Entrainment I have:

Doing a Fast on Nosalt and SeaSalt is What Works ;

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lime/Lemon J, Baking Soda ;

Theta Isochronic Tones, Hemisync, Monaural beats

as 126128, 7.831 as Light and Sound, "OnlineTGenerator",

"Mynoise*net", All Nine Solfeggio Frequencies, Audacity,

Five Two Eight as Peace, Nine Six Three as God, "urandom"

as White Noise, Mind-X $90 EA, The David Case CD, Headphones

Koss KTX-Pro-1 Sennheiser Momentum HD-1 Headphones ... ;

Have Ozonated Lemon Lime Water, First Distilled and put in

a Copper Vessel as Copper Water, For Shielding I use Wood

with Aluminum Foil, Metal Prints, Duct Tape, Water, Vinyl

Prints, Conductive Pigments, Capacitive Rubber, not only

does conductive rubber make a battery it is a source of

Free Energy or Overunity for that matter, so as it goes

this is what I have a Crappy Sony ICD-PX 470 and Verbatim

Crap that is my AOC Monitor, Thinkcentre M91P, Anker ... ;

Distilled Water #flushyourmeds

Distilled Water is the way to go, less than 5PPM, I knew that

you made a colloidal improperly it can make you very sick,


I am slightly allergic to copper. Microwaves, Gluten, Sugar,

Wireless, peanut butter all cause cancer ... ;

Keep Pleading 5th #flushyourmeds

Gang Stalking is Run by Freemason Sheriff's Dept ... ;

Assuming someone is a Gang Stalker is just plain wrong ... ;

Reason why you should keep pleading the fifth is because

Governments see you as using too many words and words


out of context not knowing what exactly you are talking


Organized Religion is a CULT and Democrats and Republicans

are Two Sides of the same Zionist Coin.

Big ego Religious NUTS still believe in an Imaginary Bible. ;

That is what I am going to say for this one ET ALL ... ;

Andrew Tate Exposed #flushyourmeds … ;

How is a WH Webcam Business True Business??? ;

Check out Know More News Adam Green Bitchute/Odysee ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry … ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce … ;

Andrew Tate Shils For Zionist Alex Jones And OTH Fake
Truthers ... ;

Shills For Organized Religion ... ; Andrew Tate Shills For

Israel and Jews ... ;

Andrew Tate Shills For The Mossad ... ; R's and D's Two Sides
of SAME COIN ... ;

Religion is a Cult Mental Illness ... ; The Mossad Jews DID

911 an INSIDE JOB ... ;

Shills for Torah/Talmud ... ; Tate Follows Zionist

Christianity ... ;

Is a Crooked Businessman ... ; A Webcam Business is Not A

Starter BUS ... ;

Camgirls is Not A Godly Business ... ; Cory Resilient Shills

for Andrew Tate ... ;

Repent Andrew Tate or ELSE Webcam WH are Not Capitalism ... ;

—Scott A. Barry, Olympia WA, United States of America … ;

Andrew Tate is #flushyourmeds ... ;

Andrew Tate was/is Simply a Pimp with a Webcam WH

Business ... ;

A Pimp is not an Alpha Male or a Good Role Model ... ;

Webcam WH Businesses are Not a Good Role Model ... ;

#flushyourmeds is Exposing Fake Truth Movement +
Zionism ... ;

We are 1984 and The Movie Idiocracy Now

(SomeOrdinaryGamers) ; ; ; ; ;

Weird #flushyourmeds … ;

Reoccuring Number, What is it : 0.9536 ;

Zero Point Nine Five Three Six … ;

144/151 = 0.9536 741/777 = 0.9536 ;

126+7+11+7 = 151 … ;

666+144+151+2 = 963 … ;

666-528 = 138 = 7.831 Earth … ;

432+234 = 666 / 596+625 = 1221 ;

An Anna gram at the end of it WTF?? ;

It’s the first amendment to be Psychotic … ;

That is what I have for this one … ;

EDC #flushyourmeds ... ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier ... ;

This will now be part of my Every-Day-Carry-On ... ;
q=flushyourmeds+official&t=h_&ia=web ... ;
q=kyle+dom+manifesto+scott+barry&t=h_&ia=web ... ;

EDC #flushyourmeds ... ;

Google is Malphas #flushyourmeds ... ;

I stopped Uploading to YT ... ;

Bitchute, Odysee, Gettr, Gab, Minds, Mastodon, Steemit ;

Tutanota / Protonmail ... ;

So anyways I was dumb enough to get JewTube Account not

realizing If I HAD 3 Community Guideline Strikes I would get
my Gmail Account Locked, so know I never upload any Videos,
I have a Second Account that is locked for Community GL
Strikes. Google Locking Peoples Accounts all in the name of
"Safety" just because they mentioned "Zionist Jews" ... ;

Google is Malphas #flushyourmeds ... ;

Kyle Odom Excerpts #flushyourmeds ... ;

BY Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry … ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce … ;

"The bible was inspired by Martians, not God. There is no

god. They created religion to keep mankind divided. God was a
concept created by the Martians to control the minds of
primitive man. (Three Knocks means Obituary ... ) ; Read The
God Delusion by Richard Dawkins if you need convincing. Also
check: | ... ; Jesus
was a megalomaniacal fraud, a liar, and a jerk. He was no
savior, and he certainly wasn't unique. During Jesus' time,
many other people emerged claiming to be the savior of all
mankind. The Martians saw this as a problem for their Jewish
traditions, so they decided to use Jesus to their advantage.
If they sacrificed Jesus as 'the messiah', then people would
stop proclaiming themselves to be a savior. Voila, problem
solved. (People Become Telepathic Ghosts After Death ... ) ;
The only good thing religion ever brought us was traditions.
Traditions bring us together as families, as friends, and as
a species. One more thing: God existing as a ?trinity’
comes from the Martians. Write me if you want to know more."
--Kyle Odom Manifesto PDF Rabbis Literally Suck Blood out of
Babies Dicks , Okay ... ; Rabbis have also been caught
Molesting Other Children ... ; A lot of Zionists and Jews
have been exposed as Pedophiles ... ; Hanukkah 2022 an Anti
European Anti Odin Holiday ... ; My Symbol is The Triple Horn
of Odin and always will be ... ; Listen to David Duke's
Podcast For Hanukkah 2022 ... ; (Jews Simply Want to Kill
Odin & European Pagan Heritage) ;

Fluoride Conspiracy #flushyourmeds .......... ;

By : Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;

We all Know Fluoride is a Sperm Killing Poison ... ;

They are Pushing the Holocaust Lie Hoax on US Goyim … ;

There is a Jewish Zionist Supremacy to Make Goys Infertile

… ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with Sugar & Alcohol ... ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with Gluten & GMO Vaccines ... ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with Microwaves & Psychiatry ...

They are poisoning the Goyim with ORG Religion Cults ... ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with TV Mind Control MKULTRA CIA

They are poisoning the Goyim with The arkonic "GOD MYTH" ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with "Genital Mutilation" ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with "Psych Meds" "Vaccines" ;

They are poisoning the Goyim with "Chemtrails" "Wireless" ;

Alternative Doctors have shown me that there is a Conspiracy


Make Goyim, Cattle, or Non-Jews Less Telepathic by


The Drinking Water, Introducing Microwaves and Gluten and

Poisoning The Food Supply, Implementing Vaccines /

Even as far as to supressing Distilled Ozone Water as it


There are Primary Water Sources Despite "GOV Propaganda".

This is what I have to Say for Now, Just Another Lame Rant.

New Shit Compendium is Here for all To Read it Entails

Exactly This :

It's been 90+ Years of WWII Lies in USA Public Schools &
College ;

College and Public Schools are Just Indoctrination Centers

Period ;

All it is is Mind Control, Brainwashing, Propaganda, Hive

Mind ;

The Zionist Jews Funded Communism and Both WWI And WWII
Exactly ... ;

Hitler Did Not Start WWII, Hitler Saved Eastern Europe From
Communism ;

Hitler Got Germany out Poverty, Starvation, and a Banking

Debt ... ;

Zionist Jews go to Special Private Schools to Avoid

Indoctrination and

Goyim are only holding on to Property and Public School is a

Fraud, also

Psychiatry is a Scam, College is a Scam, Credit is a Scam so

use Debit,

get as much passive income and find a work around against the

Gains Tax, Utilize Uniform Commerical Code 5150 is Your Pin

Period ... ;

Goyim are Taugh Jewish Victor Lies about World War Two
Especially ... ;
Public Schools are only there to Indoctrinate The Stupid
Goyim ... ;

The Goat People are The Non Jews are The Goyim to be Enslaved
... ;

Goyim are literally cattle to be Slaughtered By The Jews as

well ... ;

sudo apt-get remove --purge exim4 cups-daemon

brltty .......... ;

sudo -i ; apt install nmap etherape ; nmap -Pn -O

localhost/127001 ..... ;

sudo -i ; apt remove cups ; see , that is all you have to

fucking do ..... ;

update-rc.d -f cupsys remove ; /etc/init.d/cupsys stop ;

passwd root/user ;

service cups stop ; date / echo $RANDOM$RANDOM | md5sum |

base64 ;

BTW ports are filtered and closed by default in

KDENEON/Kubuntu ..... ;

Null Byte Hardening Linux & 5 Steps to Secure Linux (protect

from hackers) ... ;

Archived This WS to Archive*today*org and Perma*cc as I will

do ..... ;

Lock Down & Protect Ubuntu Linux Against Physical Threats

[Tutorial] ... ;

Mac Address Spoofing, Linode VPN, DNS Spoofing, TOR/I2P,


Tunneling, Changing the Root/User PW, Disabling Root, all on

a Search ... ;

Disabling PW Logins, All that stuff is in basic tutorials

which is Online ... ;

The Script Kiddie was proven to be Full of Shit (KKK+++) su

root ; ..... ;
Only A Script Kiddie would Threaten to Hack over an SH BASH
File ...... ;

Your Point is what? ... ;

BTW, your ports should look like this ... ;

root@kubuntu:~# nmap -Pn -O localhost

Nmap scan report for localhost (

Host is up (0.000067s latency).

All 1000 scanned ports on localhost ( are in

ignored states.

Not shown: 1000 closed tcp ports (reset) SEE 1K PORTS

CLOSED!!! ... ;

This is The Book Hall of Shame : "Satana Central Book" "609

Pages of Horse Shit" ... ;

This is the beginning of The Book Hall of Shame, I was

Irresponsible ... ;

https://archive*4plebs*org/x/thread/25268835/ ..... ;

This is the end of The Book Hall of Shame, I was

Irresponsible ... ;

Stay away from Psychiatry Keep Pleading The Fifth ;

This is just my Situation, Others Will Differ ... ;

I still have to work for things like others ... ;

I am invoking my Right to Remain Silent or the Fifth

Amendment and refuse to answer any further Questions ;

You have to face reality and realize your parents do

not care about you and are Gang Stalkers and that the

worst thing you can do to screw your life up is not

only to incarcerate yourself, but to see a psychiatrist,

check into a mental hospital and be drugged with brain

damaging Psychiatric Drugs, then that could lead to

Homelessness, Group Homes, Sheltered Workshops and

various other forms of institutions including Jail ... ;

Permanent Brain Damage From Psych Meds also ... ;

Legal Fees when you are not told the Fifth AM and

to Post an SF-24 Bid Bond, Request a Bid Bond ... ;

At least plead the fifth and tell everyone ZERO ;

That is what you absolutely have to do, you say,

I am invoking my right to remain silent 5th AM ;

This is single-handedly the worst thing you can do

to yourself, The homeless staff keep the homeless

homeless, Psychiatric Staff provoke the mentally ill

into violence, plus the meds alter your brain in

a way that makes you a more dangerous person, all

of the school shooters were on Anti-Psychotics and

also you get placed with Geriatric Retarded People ;

You can still be raped in psych hospitals, they often

to do rape the elderly with blunt objects and such ;

They do not have any bedside manner, unlike a regular

doctor and psychiatrists are quack doctors it is not

a science, it never was a science, only a Communist

tool to go after people the government doesn't want ;

These Geriatric People have their genitals removed

and tubes or catheters in them and they identify as

another gender that is not male or female, if you

wanted to imagine hell, that would be hell .... ;

Welcome to the lake of fire folks, it's here ... ;

I use Ventoy , Unetbootin , ISO9660 , and Run a Live OS Linux


No One Can Hack Your Linux Desktop if you have Ethernet


and WiFi Hot Spots Deleted in Settings or WiFi Adapter


Kubuntu and KDE Neon Work Perfectly Fine Brave Appimage then
there is FF, Ublock, Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes, HTTPS

Canvas Blocker : echo $RANDOM | md5sum | base64 ; passwd

R/U ;

(KKK+++) This is all you have to do instead of Being Paranoid

... ;

All they do is Gaslight Other Targeted Individuals and

Such ... ;

Other Guy was Triggered Like A Snowflake by Bash Commands ;

A Shell Script should Not Trigger Someone, unless a Snowflake

... ;

These Fake Communities Do The Exact Opposite of Helping ... ;

They Gang Stalk Other Targeted Individuals over a (.sh)

File ... ;

Everyone has heard of Your Own Linode VPN, SSH/DNS

Tunneling, DNS and Mac Address Spoofing, TOR/I2P, etc ... ;

Israel is Not The Chosen Holy Land it is Cursed Fuck

Israel ... ;

Fuck Political Correctness, Fuck Society, F World Affairs ...


Another Snowflake was Triggered by a Stupid Shell

Script ... ;

I am Leaving Society , will have no friends or family

period ... ;

I mutilated my Draft Card & HS Diploma & College is a SCAM ;

As Larken Rose said Fuck The Troops and College is a Scam ...

The Real Zionist Globalists Freemasons Read The Talmud &

Torah ... ;

There is so much Vile Sodomy, Rape, Obscenity in the

Torah/Talmud ... ;
Other Satanists such as o9a*org just Troll the Zionist System
... ;

Anti Zionist Anti Kohen Jew | Anti Psychiatry Anti

Communism ;

Anti Israel Anti Mossad Anti PC Anti SJW Anti Cult

Religions ... ;

Anti LGBTQP Anti BLM Anti all of those Decrepit Awful

Things ... ;

Mindfulness is a bunch of New Age Bulll Crap, they have it

also in Quackery Psychiatry Hospitals, Patients on Psych Meds
never get better, a lot of these people on meds later decide
to go on a mass shooting spree or bomb a building, shows you
how well Mindfulness works Mindfulness MY ASS ... ;

Startpage/Qwant/Seekr/Yandex/search*brave*com ... ;

Altcensored*com Know More News Adam Green David Duke ... ;

David Irving Ken O'keefe Brother Nathanael Alfred

Schaefer ... ;

Anti-Holocaust Meme - Understanding And Using Memes ... ; | BITCHUTE/ODYSEE ... ;

Kyle+Odom+Manifesto+PDF | Jewish Supremacism ... ;

"Martians created religion to keep mankind divided." ;

---The Kyle Odom Manifesto Zionist Takeover INTL JEWS ;

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion PDF ;

"Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" ;

filetype:pdf filetype:txt filetype:srt ;

Act of 1871 Cestui Que Vie 1666 AD ... ;

Japanese Internment Camps There You Go ;

America is a Corporation There You Go ;

Psychiatric Drugs Re-Wire The Brain/Amygdala

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