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Plan Of Investigation

For the purpose of this investigation the researcher decided to embark on the

theme crime and violence. The decision to explore this was from the researcher’s

interest in the impact of crime and violence in Jamaica. Crime and violence have

caused residents to abandon their homes in some Western Jamaican communities.

The anticipated outcome of this assessment will be to improve the researcher’s

analytical and critical thinking skills. Sources of data will be articles on child abuse

in crime plagued areas as well as statistics on this phenomenon. The researcher

will develop counseling skills to help young adults and children who are going

through abuse.

I intend to view newspaper articles and poems and to gain information on

Child Abuse in Jamaica. Collect data through questioning and interviews and

compare my sources, this will help me develop my summary skills when doing

reports. The artifacts used will help me educate others about child abuse and gain

information on child abuse myself.

By the end of this portfolio, I hope to conclude the positive and negative

way in which persons being abuse go about recovery.

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